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Season 2 Discussion

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Watched the first episode last night on Sky and it looks like they are all stepping up the drama this season.


Taglines are sharper! Dawn's was worth a rewind because it was so bad... Lauren's is funny. So Leanne was a "lapdancer" not a "table dancer"?


Looks like they are adding more "friends of" the Housewives, which is definitely a good idea.


Still like Magali and Tanya.

I thought it was sweet how Tanya's voice was nervous and shaky when she was speaking to Ampika about the rumours - I wonder if a producer is the "unreliable source".


Looks like Magali's temper will be making a few appearances.

Interested to see how everyone reacts to Leanne recording the Magali and Dawn train fight. I've had experience with a "friend" recording a silly drunken argument between me and another friend and I know I felt completely violated when I found out.

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Okay, so it has officially aired?  Cool.  My thoughts:


Dawn and Leanne: still cannot stomach these two.  Dawn truly thinks her shit smells like roses, and Leanne is still a nasty little shit-stirrer and sycophant.


Lauren cracks me up; she truly doesn't care how rude she was to Dawn because she can't stand the bitch either!


Magali behaved quite well at the party; enjoyed the contrast between Dawn/Leanne talking shit about Magali (and Lauren) the whole time she was there and after she left versus Magali trying to have a good time and talking to other people.


Ampika is still a hot mess, but she seems to still have a good heart.  Will be interesting to see how she makes up with Tanya.


Tanya cracks me up, too.  Loved how she owned her dress getting caught and laughing it off.  Strutters!

I loved Magsli not bad-mouthing Dawn at Tanya's party. Not the time and they'll have plenty of opportunities to go at each other this season.

I feel as though Ampika supposedly talking shit about Tanya cheating on her husband is just so they have something to do this season.

Please, Dawn, no one believes you are really trying for another kid. "Oh, my husband and I just happen to fight EVERY time I'm ovulating." Have a seat.

I still enjoy Lauren and her IDGAF attitude. And Leanne IS Dawn's lapdog. And a shit-stirrer.

Dawn's tagline aside, overall they were an improvement from last season. Mama is ready. Love it.


I felt like I was back in grade school for a brief moment when Snap's "(I've Got )The Power" was on the music charts. Both Magali and Tanya referenced it in different scenes.


Dean was so oblivious to Magali wanting to go inside to avoid the awkwardness at Tanya's party. Men...LOL. Kudos to Ashley for not trying to be involved in the BS.


Lauren can be an asshole at times but I still get a twisted kick out of her. I hope Sweetie makes an appearance this season.

My impressions haven't changed from last season the only good thing about Dawn is her home. What exactly is her storyline besides constantly bad mouthing Magali? I'm really tired of the "Magali was like a savage animal" meme from Dawn and Leanne. It's as if Magali's sole purpose on the show is to be their whipping boy.

So Leanne admits she was a lapdancer aka stripper and Tanya did the Brit version of Playboy/Hustler interesting. 

I agree with whoever said Ampika and Tanya need a storyline so it will be this rumor until something real happens.

I will say this for the Cheshire ladies they have the most fantastic homes of all the Housewives shows.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson

Great episode!  Glad S2 is moving much faster than S1 did.


Favorite parts: Chantelle confirming that Magali's telling of the story was pretty much the same as what the video showed.  Good that Magali owns her shit, even when ugly.  Also liked Lauren patiently trying to explain to Leanne just what is so messed up about videoing someone like that.  Ampika was also pleasantly straightforward and direct with Tanya during their meet-up, which was nice to see.


Didn't like: Anything with Dawn--what an asshole.  Does this woman do anything other than talk shit and gossip?  Loser.  Leanne is also pretty smallminded and petty.  Does she have a storyline of her own, or is she going to repeat S2 as nothing other than Dawn's Friend?  Tanya also disappointed me, and I normally like her.  No kidding Ampika is going to be hurt and upset at you!  Coward.


Next week looks even better with Dawn making an ass of herself in front of Magali--she looked just ridiculous screaming at her and getting all neck-rolling at her while claiming Magali is jealous.  Sorry, don't think that's why she doesn't like you, Dawn--maybe you're just an asshole?

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The snippet of the RHOVancouver theme music this episode made me nostalgic for a moment. And then I thought of Jody.


And Amanda.


And just like Amanda I strongly doubt there is anything Leanne can do that will make me like her. 


Yes!!  I forgot to mention the brief clip of RHOV theme music in my post!  I've also noticed that Melbourne and Cheshire occasionally use the Jody scene theme for some of their group scenes.  I'm with you on Amanda, but I loved Jody; she's one of my all-time favorites!

Agree with all above points.


I too was surprised at the RHOV intro music popping up! But RHOMelbourne and RHOCheshire do use a lot of the music from RHOV. God I miss RHOV...


I laughed out loud at Paul shouting "jog on bitch!" to Lauren, and also Ampika looking very downtrodden in her "granny" top.



Ampika was so sweet about her friendship with Tanya. She's coming across less "angry" so far this season.


Not liking the way Tanya behaved in the episode in general.



Lauren's reaction to the video got my approval. I can't stand the way people think it's acceptable to film others without their permission, even when there is no malice behind it.



I laughed out loud at Paul shouting "jog on bitch!" to Lauren,
So did I!


I wish there were blogs like there are for the U.S. versions (Melbourne has one HW blog on the Arena site every episode). Tanya has joined Dawn and Leanne and tweeted that it was Magali who initiated the "attack" and claims to play victim. I'm not one to think Magali is blame-free (she's taken accountability for her part) but the whole videotaping thing gets a "hell no" from me.


ITVBe better get it together this time around and give us a reunion. Since I heard this is another ten-episode season they need to be putting in work to make it happen right now.

Leann used the excuse to Lauren that she filmed the video and is now showing it to people because Magali has been lying about what happened. Even if you look at Chantelle, Leann's friend, she said that the story Magali told her is exactly what was shown on the video. Leann's own friend told her that to her face on camera, so why are Dawn and Leann acting so stupid and making this an issue when Magali has owned her part in it and IIRC she mentioned apologizing to Dawn who didn't accept it (or deserve an apology IMO). It's ridiculous. Regardless, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show! Magali, Ampika and Lauren are so much fun to watch and all interesting characters. I love the glamour of this series and despite being unsavory, the other three girls add good conflict to the overall picture. I just wish they were a little more likable, especially Tanya who seems to have absolutely no backbone.

Does anyone know what started the argument on the train?  I think what Dawn and Leanne can't take is Magali remains unbothered by them. Magali doesn't say nasty, mean things to anyone but deserving adults unlike Dawn. The former lap dancer calling anyone classless always gets a chuckle from me.  


Does anyone else feel this show is oddly edited? There seems to be something unmentioned or left out because the constant attacks on Magali make no sense. What has she done other than lose patience with Dawn's pretense and Leanne's being a lackey?


It's pretty pathetic that Dawn, Leanne and Tanya have to cook up bullshit in order to have conflict with the other women.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson

Tanya pretends to not take sides, then slags off Magali around Dawn and Leanne and in THs. There had better be a reunion at the end of the season because Tanya is practically elbowing Leanne out of the way for the opportunity to crawl up Dawn's ass.

And I don't believe for a minute that Magali said Leanne and Dawn are lesbian lovers. GMAFB. Those two are really feeling themselves. IDK why, they don't impress me at all.

I get the feeling Ampika was/is quite needy with her ex, but is trying to play it off now that he's found someone else.

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Dawn and Leanne being lesbians was all over the internet after the first season hence Magali's laughter at being named patient zero for the rumor. Dawn looked so stupid rolling her neck and talking about herself in the third person. Tanya, Leanne and Dawn are shitty people. 


Its hilarious that Leanne and Tanya are trying this "you started a rumor about me" tactic that isn't working at all. They keep saying they want Magali to own what she's done but she has so it's they who cannot move on.

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Why do they keep saying Magali has to own her behaviour and apologise? She has! They haven't!


Really not liking Tanya. She, Leanne and Dawn are really going out their way to make themselves a team. Whether Tanya will admit it or not. And how is Tanya "self-made"? She was a glamour model, hardly a career woman.


Does Dawn really believe everyone envies her and wants to be her? Or is it just because she is being told this by others?

Really classy taking her heels off and walking away (and she slipped!).

She seems to think she kept her cool but it looked like she really exploded. 


I wonder if the train journey fight happened on the way back from their appearance on This Morning?


The "fashionable fanny" and merkin chat made me chuckle.

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Hope it's okay to put this here http://tvdeets.com/2015/09/24/exclusive-real-housewives-of-cheshire-insider-speaks-out/


The above write-up touches on this but I was thinking the same thing about it heading into Vancouver Housewives territory and I didn't like the way that turned out. The deliciousness of it all is that Dawn was in court this week for her own aggressive behavior towards someone. Cheers!

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Leanne hosts a very Cheshire christening for her daughters Lilia and Lola, Magali spends some family time with Dean as they visit their footballing son Kenji in Swansea and Lauren and Ampika judge a local dog show. Tanya attempts to heal the rift in the group by inviting the girls on a night out, and Ashley has a romantic surprise for Dawn to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary.

Hope it's okay to put this here http://tvdeets.com/2015/09/24/exclusive-real-housewives-of-cheshire-insider-speaks-out/


The above write-up touches on this but I was thinking the same thing about it heading into Vancouver Housewives territory and I didn't like the way that turned out. The deliciousness of it all is that Dawn was in court this week for her own aggressive behavior towards someone. Cheers!


There's no comparison IMO between Vancouver and Cheshire on this one--first off, Magali is quite assertive, unlike passive-aggressive Mary Zilba and her constant lies and manipulation to position herself as the ultimate victim.  Secondly, while Dawn may be an asshole, she isn't as clever, vicious or resourceful as Jody Claman--she just probably thinks she is.  Until I see Dawn attempting to use the legal system to shut Magali down, I don't think Cheshire is in danger of becoming the next Vancouver.  Networks hate lawsuits, and Jody's litigation IMO is what ultimately doomed that franchise; look at Melbourne--the same dynamic occurred in S1 between Gina Liano and Andrea Moss, with Gina being the popular underdog who merely cc'd a Cease and Desist email to her castmates.


Cheshire's biggest issue will be ratings and its (at least current) lack of a USA airing.  If ITVBe is truly committed to the show, they need it to air in North America.  With no S1 reunion and the same cast, and given how slow S1 was in comparison to S2's start, I think they should end this season with a Reunion covering both S1 and S2, and package the two together as a single, extended season for international export.  I think S2 would do at least as well as S1 Melbourne in the US thus far in terms of drama and action, but if Bravo put Cheshire S1 on a Sunday noon timeslot, I really don't think it would catch on because it was just too damn slow to build up compelling storylines.

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  • Tanya bringing back the HOOVER "Phhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
  • Magali interrogating the dog show judges
  • Dawn's husband planning a beautiful evening, and then bringing up Magali
  • "I'm in another country!"
  • Lauren leading Leanne to sing the least enthusiastic "Happy Birthday" ever and subverting Tanya's "girls' night" gangup plan
  • Chantelle not giving a shit about Leanne's Dawn's beef with Magali
  • Tanya and Dawn giggling at the Vicar's sermon about touching children
  • Ampika's TH look



  • The Three Stooges gossiping
  • Tanya trying to pin "table dancer" on Magali now that she's tight with Dawn and Leanne
  • Dawn's self-congratulatory opining about her backyard being "the most beautiful spot in all of Cheshire!"
  • Dawn's bragging about her home salon
  • Tanya's whole "well now I've talked shit about her behind her back, so I guess now I must do it to her face, too!"


Overall, another fun episode.  More Chantelle, please!  At this point, I'd say it's pretty clear that Dawn's quest to be the Queen Bee of the Cheshire HoWives is done, stick a fork in it.  While early indicators seem to be putting Magali into that throne, I actually think Lauren is going to win the stealth end game to be annointed Queen Bee of Cheshire.  She's got Magali and Ampika, and Tanya seems to at least listen to/respect her; Tanya's already switched sides once--she'll do it again once the power has more clearly shifted.

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Lots of laughs in this episode!!


Am I the only one who thinks that whenever Tanya talks about Magali being "jealous" of Dawn, it sounds really forced? It almost sounds like she's quoting someone when she says it, and they've chopped it in. More so in last week's TH when she said something like ".... jealousy, that's all I can think..."



Kitty reminds me of Bubble from Ab Fab...



It's Magali's fault that the mood is soured because they are talking about her?



Magali seemed to genuinely care when she said hi to Leanne and when she hugged her.


I think Ampika and Lauren are actually kind for letting Tanya, Dawn and Leanne know that what they're doing won't come across well on the show.


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Filler episode, save for the Dawn-Magali "showdown."  I love how the producers apparently made Magali return to the table; despite all the quick cuts to the background actors, it didn't seem like anybody was really staring at those two or that the two ladies were even causing a minor scene in that restaurant (is that what it even was?  It looked like a cafe situated in someone's manor!).  Glad that there was (hopefully?) some kind of resolution at the end of the sit-down, but good grief is Dawn still stuck on herself!  She really doesn't get it that Magali doesn't give a shit what Dawn buys, whom she name-drops, or what "glamorous life" she lives--but it's clear as day to me that that's all Dawn cares about!


Hopefully we can move onward to a more interesting storyline than Dawn and her gang being haters and Magali, Lauren and Ampika disapproving.  Maybe Lauren can open her mouth and set off a new firestorm?  Here's hoping...

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Why would Leanne be so rude about the wedding invite?

Dawn's daughter couldn't get her line out quick enough (about it being awkward with Ampika being with Nick and Royston).

Speaking of Nick and Royston, they seem so sordid to me... They're odd. I liked the way Tanya handled them being uninvited and asking them to leave.

Lauren seems to be particularly harsh on Ampika this season! Wonder if there's any tension or if it's just her way of being playful.

I like that they've filmed different THs for each episode. It makes me believe they've filmed them evenly throughout the season to keep their feelings fresh.

Lauren is such a trip!  Between Ampika's date and her tattoo, I just love how she puts it all out there and just doesn't give a shit.  Speaking of Ampika...you go girl!  Those two had some great chemistry and make a very photogenic pair.


Glad that Leanne and Dawn were kept to a minimum of screen time.


Calendar photos came out really well!  Agreed with the ladies: Magali rocked it!  Everyone looked good.  I agree with Tanya and Leanne, though--Magali not inviting Dawn is petty.  Too bad it looks like Magali doesn't reconsider, but then again I have to respect her principles.  Boo on Tanya, though, for agreeing with Magali that the party wasn't the time or place to talk to Dawn and turning around and playing runtelldat to Leanne and Dawn.  Not cool.


Next week looks good, can't wait.  IMO this season is much more interesting than last, but the lack of comments here concerns me...

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I understand this is Real Housewives, but in real life if you'd only just made up with someone you wouldn't really expect them to invite you to their vow renewal. Also, it's the bride's day, why would other guests ever question whom she invited!? Tanya is unbelievable. She acts like she simply cannot lie or have something weighing heavy on her heart but she's really just a total shitstirrer. I'm sure Dawn was truly devastated... 


The fashion show was cringe.


Ampika is hilarious. I couldn't stop giggling at the tattoo reveal. And then "I airbrushed your cellulite".

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As beautiful and gracious as Magali was in this episode, Lauren stole the show again and again!  From seeing right through Dawn's gift from the get-go, putting the veil on Ampika, bringing up Stefan, to shutting down Ampika outside the party, Lauren was ON FIRE!  Love her!


Loved how irate Leanne and Tanya got when Ampika unknowingly called them out on "follow my leader" since she didn't know the only reason they DID come was because they received their marching orders from Dawn.




Dawn's delusions of being nothing but nice and polite to Magali?  BWAH!  Keep thinking she's jealous; the only thing you can't stand about Magali is that she's truly indifferent to you.


Previews for next week look insane.  Can't wait to see if Dawn actually cries for real--she wears enough black eye makeup her face will look a true fright if her eyes produce tears!  Lauren on the floor next to a rather large man covered in cake?  Ampika threatening to throw down?  Leanne and Tanya looked speechless after something, and I cannot WAIT to see what that is!

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