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Akame Ga Kill! - General Discussion

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The Boss's new Imperial Arms was apparently made by Ronco. He slices, he dices, he cooks, he cleans, he fights, he builds headquarters; truly the Swiss Army Knife of Imperial Arms. I'm a little curious as to why he has buffalo horns. The other new recruit wields the awesome power of shape-changing cosmetics! She baffles 'em with BS.



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I had something profound to say about Minister Evil Santa, but now I can't remember what it was. Getting old sucks. Nice to see that he's taken an active interest in the king's upbringing. And by "nice" I mean "evil."

His name I think was revealed earlier on but was easy to miss. But if I am wrong spoiler Prime Minister


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"It's probably a good time to stop playing with my little toys" takes on new meaning when the guy saying it has his hands in his pockets while the camera does a closeup on his crotch.


So the new guy is Evil Santa's son. Somehow the fact that he's not particularly well adjusted isn't a big surprise.

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I'm just curious. . . . how many times do you figure Tatsumi got sprung from Esdeath's affections? He must've had some serious fear boners. And getting to know her must be like peeling an onion . . . layer after layer of craziness and homicidal tendencies.

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So Lubbock is going to tell Najenda how he really feels after the battle, yeah he's dead. Also Chelsea seems to be developing feelings for Tasumi, so unless she becomes the final girl I think her days are numbered too.

Edit: Forgot to mention, this was the last episode until January.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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Shoot . . . I thought the DBZ and One Piece marathons were a week further away. And just when we're getting into the big fight.


An Imperial Arms that can resurrect the dead to fight for who slays them? Man, no wonder Akame's sister is a bitch. That's a bigger advantage to have than a one-shot weapon.

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The boss's Imperial Arms has a powerup that drains her life force. How very Chrono Crusade of her.

I'm a little unclear on how it is that Chelsea's poisoned needles can work against the corpses.

So Lubbock is going to tell Najenda how he really feels after the battle, yeah he's dead.

Agreed. The question now is whether he'll be able to gasp out his feelings before he dies, of if they'll be tragically unexpressed.

Also Chelsea seems to be developing feelings for Tasumi, so unless she becomes the final girl I think her days are numbered too.

I'm fairly sure the final girl is going to be Akame, since her name is in the show's title.

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If I ever become an anime character, I'm never, ever going to think about the past. 90% of all anime deaths are immediately preceded by flashbacks.


I noticed that the field of flowers that Chelsea died in was the same as in the flashback where she killed...whatever his name was. I'm sure that there's some appropriate hanakotoba significance to the particular type of flower, but I'm too lazy to try to figure it out.

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If I ever become an anime character, I'm never, ever going to think about the past. 90% of all anime deaths are immediately preceded by flashbacks.

It's like talking about what you're going to do when you get back home in war movies.



RIP Chelsea. And Boles, I guess. Damn, Chelsea did not go out well.

Yeah that was pretty brutal. Is this the first reference to Kurome's cookies being medicine? Seems like something that should have come up earlier.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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This show really romances a bloody death in ways we haven't "enjoyed" since Deadman Wonderland. Eesh on two counts!

I'm disappointed in a couple plot paths we didn't take:

1. Chelsea has never seen Boles' face, so can't mimic it. I was expecting Kurome to rip off the facemask to prove her suspicion of the impostor. Otherwise, why have all the Jaegers know his face?

2. My theory: Kurome has been poisoned and needs the snacks to stay alive (also explaining why she can't run back to her sister), so Chelsea's needle won't work on her. Although I don't know if the needles are poison, or just sever the spine...?

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1. Chelsea has never seen Boles' face, so can't mimic it. I was expecting Kurome to rip off the facemask to prove her suspicion of the impostor. Otherwise, why have all the Jaegers know his face?

I think its so they trust him more and know he isn't ugly. Remember he looks like a huge muscular gimp hence his serving tea and food to the Jaegars to bond with them since he knows he looks freaky in that getup. Someone who wears a mask all the time breeds mistrust unless they show their face to a few people.


In regards to two you do get what the cookies are about. 

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In this episode we meet four new bad guys, the Rakshasa. And then three of them promptly die, so we're back to the non-existent character development. Never mind, because love is in the air! One of the Rakshasa uses some pick-up lines on Akame, Lubbock and one of the others take turns flirting with each other before he kills her, and Tatsumi goes on a scouting mission/date with Mine where they meet a bigwig priest who basically tells them to get a room.

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So Mine gets a flashback and has developed feelings for Tastumi but won't tell him until later,  yeah she is so very dead. At least she got to take out Seryu first. Also, this episode is apparently where the Anime diverges from the Manga.

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The last Rakshasa wasn't all that impressive. Oh sure, she dodged like nobody's business, but a fat lot of good it did her when Tatsumi decided to collapse the building they were fighting in. BTW that bit reminded me unpleasantly of a somewhat similar event at the end of Gun x Sword.

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RIP Lubbock. Nice that he took the Minster's son with him, but the landing was way too brutal. Poor guy  . . . didn't get to tell Najenda what he thought of her. She probably would have pulled his pants down and laughed at his small pecker, but still . . .


ETA: I think there are no spoilers to this spoof.

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I'm surprised Crosstail was an arms that could be used up. That seems contrary to the whole Legendary aspect of them.

At least Lubbock went out doing what he does - making the enemy think they are winning until they lose.

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Don't forget that Najenda is probably also dying from using up her life force powering Susanoo's trump card for the third time.


The Great General sure went down quickly considering all the buildup he had as being the ultimate terrifying badass.


Interesting that Honest appeared to know that there was going to be trouble. "It's lunchtime!" Or maybe he was just being extra careful, just in case.


I'm a bit curious as to what happened to the thousands of spectators in the stands of the Colosseum. Blown up? Blasted? Electrocuted? Fled in terror?

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Interesting that Honest appeared to know that there was going to be trouble. "It's lunchtime!" Or maybe he was just being extra careful, just in case.

It was probably a little of both. With the revolution heating up, he guessed that Night Raid would try something.



I'm a bit curious as to what happened to the thousands of spectators in the stands of the Colosseum. Blown up? Blasted? Electrocuted? Fled in terror?

There was a scene showing the crowd fleeing the stadium. While no doubt some were trampled or caught in the fighting, most probably made it. It always impresses me how fast giant stadiums can empty out.



Don't forget that Najenda is probably also dying from using up her life force powering Susanoo's trump card for the third time.

Kurome too. Maybe Chelsea will get her revenge from beyond the grave. Probably though Akame will end up mercy killing her or she will do a "suicide by cop" and attack her knowing she can't win. At the rate they're going, there's not going to be many characters left when it's all over. 

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They did a nice job making me care about Mine by the end.

I can't tell how tall Esdeth is - sometimes she's a head taller than Taysumi (or he's chest high on other words), sometimes they're about the same.

Esdeth having powers of ice and time is pretty scary. I'm guessing only Tatsumi could kill

her at this point, and only if she let him.

Edited by lathspel
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Akame and her sister face off. Akame wins. Meanwhile, some of the members of the Jagers are having doubts about supporting the Empire against the rebellion.


Everyone involved in the making of this show must be a guy. How else to explain the looooong closeup of Esdeth's chest while she bounced along on her horse?

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Everyone involved in the making of this show must be a guy. How else to explain the looooong closeup of Esdeth's chest while she bounced along on her horse?

Isn't that generally true about most action based Manga/Anime? I don't know the specific terms for the genres.


I liked the parallels between Night Raid  and the Jaegers with each side remembering all of those who have died. It looks like Wave and probably Run are finished fighting. So long Kurome. Now that Tatsumi is developing feeling for Akame, I wonder if he will survive the series. Also the Imperial Arms the bisected Revolutionary Army guy used against Esdeath was Daidara's from episode 7. Nice little call back.

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(Watching a week late. )

I'd watch a show about Akame, Kurome, and their squad-mates in the pre-revolutionary period. Sadly I thought that Kurome was remembering them, but of course they were zombies.

The mecha-dangerbeast was pretty random. It was just there to wipe out Kurome's zombies, as far as I could tell.

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I'd watch a show about Akame, Kurome, and their squad-mates in the pre-revolutionary period.

I don't know if you know this, but there is a Manga called "Akame Ga Kill Zero" about that.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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So . . . any speculation as to who's going to survive next week's finale? I'm guessing Akame and Tatsumi, but I wouldn't put money on that. We also have Esdeth, Najenda, Leona, the Prime Minister, the Emperor . . . but they might as well be wearing red shirts. Especially Leona.

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Tatsumi looked kind of dead at the end of the episode, so I don't think he'll be surviving next episode without some kind of BS "get out of death free" plot card. That was really unexpected. I've seen numerous shows kill off the primary protagonist midway through the series (and promoting someone else to primary) or in the last episode, but never in the next to last episode. So this show finally did something that wasn't utterly predictable!

Edited by Sandman87
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Tatsumi looked kind of dead at the end of the episode

I agree, I think he's dead. It would fit the shows pattern of killing off characters after they develop feelings for another member of night raid. Sheele, Chelsea, and Mine for Tatsumi, Lubbock for Najenda, and Tatsumi for Akame. I think Leone is the only member of Night Raid who may still die. She is, in my opinion, the least developed of all the remaining characters, and is the least needed. Najenda will lead the new nation and Akame will become her General. The Prime Minister and the Emperor will die, although the latter may decide to take his own life after realizing what he has done. I think Esdeath will decide to "Live to fight another day" and survive to be a thorn in the new governments side. Kind of repeating the cycle.

As an aside, how schizo is the technology of the AGK world? You have people still fighting with swords and spears, but have the technology to build giant, laser beam shooting mechs. They've even have revolvers and rifles. It's weird.  

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As an aside, how schizo is the technology of the AGK world? You have people still fighting with swords and spears, but have the technology to build giant, laser beam shooting mechs. They've even have revolvers and rifles. It's weird.  

I figured it was wealth based, like in Firefly or the Thief games: The higher the tech, the more expensive it is and the fewer people have it.

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That's that. The revolution succeeds, the Emperor loses his head, the Minister dies like a punk at Leone's hands (but not before he effectively kills her), and Akame gets a depressing epilogue where she's still killing people. Akame ga Kill! was a decent anime, but it lacks a lot of heart that other action-packed anime on Toonami has displayed. I didn't get amped about this show like I did with Kill la Kill.


Tatsumi is still dead? That sucks.

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So they send Tatsumi's village a chest of gold, but don't tell them that he and his friends are dead? Kind of a shitty thing to do. They could have at least given them some urns or something and say they died heroes of the revolution. Leone's fight with the Prime Minster felt too much like an afterthought, they could have easily had him be executed along with the Emperor. I guess with the way it ended Leone would have had to go into hiding or go off with Akame. Also, the three girls watching the parade, the ones with blue, purple, and blonde hair, were named Fal, Luna, and Air, and apparently were featured in an extremely dark chapter of the manga. Overall, I thought this was just an okay show. It had its moments, but the writing and characterizations were often weak, and I could never get over the mood whip flash between the dramatic and comedic moments. On to Dimension W.

Edit: FYI, there is a short after credits scene.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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I didn't have any problem with the sudden comedic bits. Those are commonplace enough in anime, and much better than the entire episodes of idiotic comedy that some shows (*cough* Bleach *cough*) engage in. My big problem was the characters. The good guys were one dimensional, standard-issue characters; the bad guys were even worse, with the possible exception of Esdeth. Unlike every other anime show I've ever watched, including the bad ones, I can't name a favorite character from this show because (to quote Gertrude Stein) "There's no there there." Likewise, I can't name a favorite moment from the show. Pacing was also an issue, with some things being much too rushed and others taking way too long.


At least they managed to avoid the "one of us is a traitor" cliche.

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I am also surprised that Tatsumi ended up really dead. I think that may be one of the few ways this show did not follow the trope.

Akame ga Kill was OK but could've been good or great. Just no real heart, and no real appreciation for the fact that it was over the top all the time.

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The last episodes were done before the manga was finished so there are a lot of differences in the manga. The gimp Jaegar's family was tortured to death instead of being alive like in the anime. Also there was more nastiness. 



So they send Tatsumi's village a chest of gold, but don't tell them that he and his friends are dead? Kind of a shitty thing to do. They could have at least given them some urns or something and say they died heroes of the revolution.

Tatsumi was sending gold for some time but didn't tell them what he was up to nor the deaths of the other two. It was also remote village so if the others wanted to tell them what had happened to him it would take some time. 

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