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Unsullied Index and Character Guide

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This thread is not meant for discussion, only as a reference.

It contains a complete list of characters mentioned on the show, to be used as a reference for those who wish to stay completely unspoiled. Please note that it only contains information actually mentioned within episodes. All information coming from other sources, such as previews, trailers, interviews, books and the HBO guide (see the bottom of this post), is considered spoilery.

If you notice something wrong or missing, please PM either Silverstormm, Athena or Mya Stone, do not post it here. We would appreciate it if you include which episode and scene the information comes from. 


Some notes:

  • Under each category, the Houses are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Character's names are bolded to make them easily distinguishable.
  • These brackets: [ ] indicates a deceased character.
  • These blanks: _____ indicates an unknown name.
  • Names written in italics indicate character's that are in service of, or in connection to, the relevant House, but not actually of said House.
  • Characters who don't belong to a specific House or group are listed with the ones they interact with the most (Jaqen H'gar with Arya, Brienne with Jaime and so on)
  • Characters who've married into another House, or are connected to two Houses for some other reason, are listed under both Houses. (Tywin under King Joffrey and House Lannister, Catelyn under both House Stark and House Tully, Jon under both House Stark and the Night's Watch and so on).


You could also check out the HBO viewer's guide. It allows you to see revealed information up to a particular epsiode, and it also has some other nice presentation features. Be wary, though. It's been known to include unaired book information, such as house words.

Edited by SilverStormm

Kings and Queens, and their Courts

Queen Cersei Lannister
Sigil: The Lion of Lannister
Seat: Kings Landing
Lands: The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros
Currently the Queen on the Iron Throne.

Queen Cersei Lannister (formerly Baratheon). Robert’s widow and mother of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. Newly crowned Queen of Westeros
[King Tommen Baratheon]. Joffrey’s younger brother. Believed son of Robert and Cersei, actually the son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Married to Margaery Baratheon. Committed suicide after witnessing the Sept of Baelor explosion.
[King Robert Baratheon]. Captured the throne in rebellion against the Mad King. Killed by a boar in a hunting accident.
[King Joffrey Baratheon]. Believed son of Robert and Cersei, actually the son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Married to Margaery Tyrell. Died at his own wedding.
     - [Queen Margaery Baratheon nee Tyrell]. Tommen's wife & queen. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - Ser Pounce. Tommen's cat. Fate unknown.

The Queensguard.
     - Ser Gregor Clegane. now styled as Ser Robert Strong aka "the Mountain", served as the crown's champion in Tyrion Lannister's trial-by-combat for regicide and was healed from his poisoned wounds and reborn through the powers of Qyburn, taking a vow of silence and dedicating himself to serving the royal family and destroying their enemies.
     - [ser Meryn Trant]. A knight of the Kingsguard. Killed by Arya Stark in Braavos.
     - Ser Boros. A knight of the Kingsguard
     - Ser Preston. A knight of the Kingsguard.
     - [Mandon Moore]. A former knight of the Kingsguard. Slain by Tyrion’s squire Podrick after attempting to kill Tyrion during the battle of Blackwater.
      - Ilyn Payne. The King’s Justice, the Royal executioner. Mute since his tongue was ripped out with hot pincers.

      -  [Princess Myrcella Baratheon.] Joffrey’s younger sister. Believed daughter of Robert and Cersei, actually the daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Betrothed to the youngest son, Trystane, of House Martell in Dorne. Poisoned and killed by Ellaria Sand.
      - Gendry. Robert Baratheon's bastard son. Whereabouts unknown.

The Small Council:     
     - Lord Qyburn. Hand of the Queen, former Master of Whisperers. A necromancer and former maester who has proven himself the Queen's most loyal adviser, arranged her coronation and helped arrange the explosion of the Sept of Baelor.
     - [Kevan Lannister]. Current Hand of the King. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - [Grand Maester Pycelle]
Grandmaester in service to the Iron Throne. Toady of the Lannister. Killed by Qyburn's little birds.
     - [Lord Mace Tyrell]. Master of Ships and Master of Coin. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.

     - [Ros]. A whore from the north. In Littlefinger’s employment and Varys’ service. Killed by Joffrey.
     - Olyvar. The manager of Littlefinger's brothel. Loras Tyrell's lover.
     - Wisdom Hallyne, a pyromancer. Practiced in the making of wildfire.
     - [Dontos Hollard]. A former knight, now the King’s fool. A drunk in Petyr Baelish' service. Killed on Petyr Baelish' orders.
     - The High Septon. The head of the faith of the seven. Currently languishing in the dungeons of the Red Keep.

     - [The Sparrows]. A devout group who worships the seven and aims to restore the values of the faith. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - [The High Sparrow]. The leader of the sparrows. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.


King Stannis Baratheon (deceased) House Extinguished.
Sigil: The Crowned Stag of Baratheon within the Fiery Heart of the Lord of Light
Seat: Dragonstone
Words: Ours is the Fury
Laid claim to Kings Landing and all of the Seven Kingdom, as the rightful King of Westeros.

[King Stannis Baratheon.] Robert’s younger brother. Killed by Brienne of Tarth after being defeated in battle by the Boltons.
     - [Queen Selyse Baratheon] nee Florent. Stannis’ wife, a firm believer in the Lord of Light. Hanged herself after allowing her daughter to be sacrificed to the Lord of Light.
     - [Lord Axell Florent]. Selyse's brother. Burned alive for being an infidel.
     - [Princess Shireen Baratheon.] Stannis’ and Selyse’s daughter and Stannis’ heir. Scarred by greyscale. A friend to Lord Davos Seaworth. Sacrificed by her parents, on the advice of Lady Melisandre, to the Lord of Light.
     - Lady Melisandre aka the Red Woman. A priestess of the Lord of Light. Stannis’ former advisor and sometime lover. Exiled from the North on the orders of Jon Snow for the murder of Princess Shireen.
     - [Mathos Seaworth]. Davos’ son and Stannis’ scribe. Consumed by wildfire at the Battle of the Blackwater.
     - Salladhor Saan. A Lysesne pirate sworn to no man. Formerly in Stannis' service. Davos' friend.

[King Renly Baratheon]. Stannis’ younger brother, self-proclaimed King. Slain by dark magic at Stannis’ command.


King Euron Greyjoy
Sigil: The Kraken
Seat: Pyke
Lands: The Iron Islands
Words: We Do Not Sow

[Balon Greyjoy.] King of the Iron Islands. Slain by his brother Euron. 
     - Theon Greyjoy (formerly also known as Reek). Balon’s only living son, a eunuch. Allied with Daenerys Targaryen against Euron.
     - Yara Greyjoy. Theon’s sister, favoured over him by their father. Allied with Daenerys Targaryen against Euron.
     - [Dagmer]. Former first mate of the Sea Bitch. A traitor and mutineer against Prince Theon. Killed by Ramsay Bolton.
     - [The crew of the Sea Bitch: Aggar, Gelmarr, Wex, Urzen, Stygg, Black Lorren]. Traitors and mutineers against Prince Theon. Killed by Ramsay Bolton.


Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Seat: Dragonstone and Traditionally Kings Landing (lost in Robert's rebellion)
Sigil: The Three-Headed Dragon.
Lands: Lays claim to Kings Landing and the Seven Kingdoms, as the rightful Queen of Westeros.
Words: Fire and Blood.

[King Aerys II Targaryen] aka the Mad King. Daenerys' father, slain by Jamie Lannister during the Sack of Kings Landing.
[Prince Rhaegar Targaryen] aka the Last Dragon. Aerys' son and heir. Slain by Robert Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion.
          - [Elia Targaryen nee Martell.] Rhaegar's wife. Raped and murdered by the Mountain during the Sack of King's Landing, presumably at the command of Tywin Lannister.
          - [Prince Aegon Targaryen]. Rhaegar and Elia's son. Murdered by the Mountain during the Sack of Kings Landing, presumably at the command of Tywin Lannister.
          - [Princess Rhaenys Targaryen]. Rhaegar and Elia's daughter. Murdered by the Mountain during the Sack of Kings Landing, presumably at the command of Tywin Lannister.
          - [King Viserys Targaryen]. Aerys' son and Daenerys' brother. Killed by Khal Drogo.
          - Queen Daenerys Targaryen aka Daenerys Stormborn, The Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. Daughter of Aerys. A Khaleesi of the Dothraki. Queen of Meereen. 
          - [Khal Drogo]. Daenerys' late husband. Killed by Daenerys.
          - [Rhaego]. Daenerys' unborn son by Drogo. Slain in the womb by Mirri Maz Duur.
          - Drogon. A black dragon.
          - Viserion. A dragon. 
          - Rhaegal. A dragon.
          - Ser Jorah Mormont. An exiled knight of Westeros, sworn to Daenerys. Formerly a spy for Varys. Exiled from Meereen by Daenerys. Now restored to her service after saving her from being killed by the Sons of The Harpy. Searching for a greyscale cure at Daenerys command.
          - Lord Varys. aka the spider. A spymaster formerly in service to the Iron Throne. Helped Tyrion escape King's Landing and currently in the service of Queen Daenerys.
Tyrion Lannister. aka the Imp or Half-man. A dwarf and a kinslayer. Currently in self imposed exile, due to being a wanted man in Westeros for the crimes of patricide and regicide. Now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen.
          - [Ser Barristan Selmy]. A near legendary knight of Westeros, sworn to Daenerys. A former Kingsguard to Aerys II, Robert and Joffrey. Killed by the Sons of the Harpy.
          - Missandei. A friend, translator and former slave, freed by Daenerys in Astapor.
          - Grey Worm. Commander of the Unsullied, a former slave army freed by Daenerys in Astapor. 
          - [White Rat]. An unsullied. Murdered by the Sons of the Harpy at a brothel in Meereen.
          - Daario Naharis. Captain of the Second Sons, a sellsword company sworn to Daenerys. Her former lover, left in Meereen.
          - [Mossador]. A former slave in Dany's service. Executed for killing a son of the Harpy without permission.
          - [Khal Moro.] Head of a great khalasar. Captured and delivered Daenerys to The Dosh Khaleen in Vaes Dothrak. Immolated by Daenerys along with the other dothraki Khals in the temple of the Dosh Khaleen. 
          - _________ wives of Khal Moro
          - [Rakharo]. Daenerys' former bloodrider. Slain by a rival Khal.
          - Aggo, Kovarro, Mollaqo. Riders sworn to Daenerys.
          - [Irri]. One of Daenerys' handmaidens. Slain by thieves sent by Pyat Pree in Qarth.
          - [Mirri Maz Duur]. A godswife of the Lamb Men and a bloodmagi. Slain by Daenerys.
          - The Dosh Khaleen. A group of widowed Khaleesi's who preside over the Dothraki city of Vaes Dothrak.

          - Illyrio Mopatis. A magister of the free city of Pentos. Former benefactor of Viserys and Daenerys.
[Aemon Targaryen.] Aerys Targaryen's uncle. A maester of the Night's Watch. Died of old age.
[Aegon Targaryen] aka Aegon the Conquerer. Conquered Westeros with his 2 sisters and their three dragons, and started the Targaryen dynasty.
     - [Balerion] aka Balerion the Black Dread. Aegon's dragon.
[Rhaenyra Targaryen]. From the Targaryen dynasty. Eaten by her brother's dragon at his command.
[Aerion Targaryen] aka Brightflame. From the Targaryen dynasty. Died by drinking wildfire, thinking it would turn him into a dragon.


King in the North Jon Snow 
Seat: Winterfell
Sigil: The Direwolf
Lands: The Lands of the North
Words: Winter Is Coming

King Jon Snow. aka "the White Wolf", formerly the Bastard of Winterfell. Secret son of Lyanna Stark, raised by Ned as his own bastard for Jon's protection. Left Winterfell to be a member of the Night's Watch, elected as their 998th Lord Commander after the Battle of Castle Black, became only the 2nd man known to kill a white walker, then assassinated by his sworn brothers in a mutiny and resurrected by Lady Melisandre. Defeated Ramsay Bolton and reclaimed Winterfell with Sansa, then proclaimed King in the North by the Stark bannermen.
Sansa Stark (formerly Lannister and Bolton). Former prisoner of the Lannisters after an aborted betrothal to the bastard Joffrey. Escaped King's Landing after Joffrey's death through the actions of Petyr Baelish, who brought her to her aunt at the Eyrie before temporarily allying with House Bolton. Escaped her 2nd husband with the help of Theon Greyjoy and reunited with Jon Snow at Castle Black 1stm. Tyrion of House Lannister, an unconsummated forced union. 2ndm. Ramsay Bolton, aka the Bastard of the Dreadfort, defeated in the Second Battle of Winterfell and locked in the kennel at Sansa's behest, to be eaten by his own hounds
Ser Davos Seaworth. Former Hand of the King to Stannis I Baratheon, sent back to Castle Black shortly before Stannis I's death, discovered Jon Snow's corpse and arranged his ressurection by Melisandre, a commander in the Second Battle of Winterfell who afterwards swore his sword to Jon as King in the North.
Brienne of Tarth. Previously sworn to Catelyn and sent to find Sansa and Arya. Now a sworn sword to Sansa.
Podrick. Tyrion's former squire. Currently serving as a squire to Brienne of Tarth. 

Ghost. Jon Snow's direwolf, an albino

Edited by SilverStormm
  • Love 2

Other Houses Great and Small

House Arryn
Sigil: The Falcon and the Crescent Moon
Seat: The Eyrie
Lands: The Vale

[Lord Jon Arryn]. Previous Lord of the Eyrie and the Vale and Hand of The King to King Robert Baratheon. Poisoned by his wife, Lysa, on Petyr Baelish's order.
[Lady Lysa (formerly Arryn) Baelish nee Tully.] Jon Arryn's widow and Catelyn's sister. Lady Regent of the Vale. Remarried to, and murdered by, Petyr Baelish.
    - Lord Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger. Owner of a brothel in Kings Landing and former Master of Coin. Lord of Harrenhal and widower to the late Lady Lysa Baelish. Regent of The Eyrie. Convinced Lord Robin to send the knight of the Vale to assist Jon Snow and Sansa in the Battle of the Bastards.
    - Lord Robin Arryn. Son of Jon and Lysa. Current Lord of the Eyrie and the Vale.
    - [Ser Vardis Egen]. A knight of the Vale. Slain by Bronn for Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat.
    - [Ser Hugh]. Former squire to Jon Arryn. Knighted before he died in a tourney joust against Gregor Clegane.
    - Mord. Gaoler of the Eyrie.

Bannerman to House Arryn:

House Corbray. A powerful house in the Vale.
House Waynwood. A powerful house in the Vale.

House Royce
Lord Royce. A powerful lord in the Vale.


[House Bolton - Extinguished]
Sigil: The Flayed Man
Seat: The Dreadfort.

[Lord Roose Bolton.] Previous Lord of the Dreadfort and Warden of the North. Betrayed his former King, Robb Stark. Has taken his seat in Winterfell. Killed by Ramsay.
[Lord Ramsay Bolton] (formerly Snow) aka The Bastard of the Dreadfort and the Bastard of Bolton. Former Lord of the Dreadfort, Winterfell and Warden of the North. Roose's bastard son, made legitimate by the decree of King Tommen I Baratheon. Married to Sansa Stark. Killed by his own starving hounds after losing the Battle of the Bastards.
         - [Myranda.] Daughter of the Bolton's kennel master, lover of Ramsey. Killed by Theon whilst protecting Sansa.
         - [Violet.] A girl in Ramsay's service. Killed by Ramsay's hounds on his orders.
         - [Locke]. One of Lord Bolton's commanders. Captured and crippled Jaime Lannister. Killed by Hodor, while being warged by Bran, at Craster's Keep
[Lady Walda Bolton nee Frey.] Roose's wife. Killed by Ramsay along with her newborn son.
[Lord Cerwyn]. A lesser lord sworn to Winterfell. Flayed living by Ramsay for refusing to pay his taxes.
        - [________]. Lord Cerwyn's wife. Flayed along with her husband.
        - [________]. Lord Cerwyn's brother. Flayed along with Lord Cerwyn and his wife.
        - _________. Lord and Lady Cerwyn's son. Forced to watch as Ramsay flayed his family. Now Lord Cerwyn. Paid his taxes to Ramsay.

Former Bannerman to House Bolton:

House Karstark
[Lord ____ Karstark.] Former Lord of Karhold. Killed during the Battle of the Bastards by Torment Giantsbane.
[Rickard Karstark]. Former Lord of Karhold. Executed by King Robb Stark for murder and treason.
      - [Torrhen Karstark]. Rickard's son. Slain by Jaime Lannister.
      - [Harrion Karstark]. Rickard's son. Slain in battle.
House Umber
[Lord ____ Umber.] Current Lord of Last Hearth. Killed during BoB.


House Frey
Sigil: The Twin Towers
Seat: The Twins and Riverrun, thought the latter is a claim.
Lands: The Crossing and the Riverlands

[Lord Walder Frey]. Lord of the Crossing and Lord of Riverrun. Betrayed and slew his King, Robb Stark, and his army, breaking the ancient rules of guest right. Assassinated by Arya Stark.
    - Roslin Tully nee Frey. One of Walder's daughters. Married to Edmure Tully.
    - [Black Walder.] One of Lord Walder's sons. Killed and baked into a pie by Arya Stark.
    - [Lothar Frey.] One of Lord Walder's sons. Killed and baked into a pie by Arya Stark.
    - [Walda Bolton nee Frey.] Walder's daughter. Murdered by Ramsay Bolton along with her newborn son.


House Lannister
Sigil: The Lion of Lannister
Seat: Casterly Rock

[Lord Tywin Lannister]. Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West and former Hand of the King to 3 kings; Aerys Targaryen and Joffery then Tommen Baratheon. Murdered by his son, Tyrion Lannister.
_____ Lannister. Tywin's late wife. Died giving birth to Tyrion.
    - Queen Cersei Lannister. Tywin's daughter and Jaime's twin sister and lover. Mother to Joffery, Myrcella and Tommen.
    - Ser Jaime Lannister aka The Kingslayer. Tywin's oldest son and Cersei's twin brother and lover. Former Lord commander of the kingsguard. Murdered King Aerys Targaryen aka the Mad King, during Robert's rebellion. Now Commander of the Lannister army.
    - Lord Selwyn of Tarth. Brienne's father. Lord of Tarth, the Sapphire Isle.
     - Tyrion Lannister aka the Imp or Half-man. Tywin's youngest son. A dwarf and a kinslayer. Currently in self imposed exile, due to being a wanted man in Westeros for the crimes of patricide and regicide. Now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen.
     - [Shae]. A former whore and lately Sansa's handmaiden and Tyrion's concubine or lover. Now betrayer of both. Murdered by Tyrion.
     - Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. A new-made knight and a sellsword formerly in Tyrion's service. Fought and won for Tyrion in his trial by combat. Betrothed to Lollys Stokeworth.

     -  Lollys Stokeworth. Bronn's betrothed. A dimwit.
     - Falyse Stokeworth. Lollys' older sister.
     - Lady Stokeworth. Lollys' and Falyse's mother.

     - Tysha Lannister nee ? Tyrion's first wife. A whore. Whereabouts unknown.
[Kevan Lannister]. Tywin's brother. Left King's Landing for Casterly Rock after a disagreement with Cersei. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
[Lancel Lannister]. Cousin to Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion. Cersei's lover and Tyrion's spy. Now a sparrow. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
[Alton Lannister]. Cousin to Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion. Killed by Jaime.
[Orson Lannister]. Cousin to Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion. A simple boy.
[Martyn Lannister]. Tywin's nephew. Murdered by Karstark men.
[Willem Lannister]. Tywin's nephew. Murdered by Karstark men.
[Tytos Lannister]. Tywin and Kevan's father.

Bannerman to House Lannister:

House Clegane
Ser Gregor Clegane
 aka The Mountain. A violent knight sworn to House Lannister. The Hound's elder brother. Poisoned and mortally wounded by Oberyn Martell. Saved from death by Qyburn and now personal bodyguard to Queen Cersei.
    - [Polliver]. One of Gregor's men. Slain by Arya Stark.
    - [The Tickler]. One of Gregor's men. A torturer slain by Jaqen H'gar at the command of Arya Stark.
Sandor Clegane aka the Hound. The Mountain's younger brother. Formerly a guard to Joffrey Baratheon and sworn to House Lannister. A deserter. Travelling with the Brotherhood without banners.
[Amory Lorch]. A knight sworn to House Lannister. Slain by Jaqen H'gar at the command of Arya Stark.


House Martell 
Sigil: A Red Sun Pierced by a Spear
Lands: Dorne
Words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

[Prince Doran Martell] Ruler of Dorne. Killed by Ellaria Sand.
 - [Areo Hotah] Doran's personal guard. Killed by Tyene Sand.
[Prince Oberyn Martell] aka the Red Viper. Doran's younger brother. A renowned warrior. Killed by the Mountain in trial by combat, whilst acting as champion for Tyrion Lannister.
     - Ellaria Sand. Oberyn's paramour. A bastard born woman.
     - The Sand Snakes. Oberyn's eight bastard daughters.
     - Obara Sand. A Sand Snake.
     - Nymeria (Nym) Sand. A Sand Snake.
     - Tyene Sand. A Sand Snake. Ellaria's daughter. 
[Trystane Martell]. A prince of Dorne, son and heir of Doran. Betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon. Killed by Obara Sand.
[Elia Targaryen nee Martell]. Doran and Oberyn's sister. Wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Killed during the sack of King's Landing.


House Stark
Sigil: The Direwolf
Seat: Winterfell
Lands: The North
Words: Winter Is Coming

[Lord Eddard Stark aka Ned.] Lord of Winterfell and Warden of The North. Hand of The King to Robert Baratheon. Executed for treason by King Joffrey Baratheon.
[Lady Catelyn Stark nee Tully aka Cat.] Ned's widow. Murdered at the Twins during the Red Wedding by Walder Frey.
    - [King Robb Stark] aka the Young Wolf. Formerly the King in the North. Eddard and Catleyn's oldest son. Murdered by Roose Bolton and Walder Frey at the Twins during the Red Wedding.
        - [Queen Talisa Stark] nee Maegyr. Practiced in medicine. Murdered at the Twins during the Red Wedding, along with her unborn child by Robb, to be named Eddard if a boy.
        - [Greywind] Robb's direwolf, seasoned in battle. Killed at the Twins during the Red Wedding.
        - Sansa Stark formerly Lannister/Bolton. Eddard and Catleyn's oldest daughter. Married to Ramsay Bolton. Escaped Winterfell with Theon, rescued by Brienne of Tarth.
        - Lady Brienne of Tarth. A highborn warrior woman formerly sworn to Lady Catelyn Stark. Charged with taking Jaime to King's Landing in exchange for Arya and Sansa. Sent to find Sansa Stark by Jaime. Lord Selwyn's only daughter. Now a sworn sword to Sansa Stark.
        - Podrick. Tyrion's former squire. Currently serving as a squire to Brienne of Tarth.        
        - [Lady]. Sansa's direwolf.
        - Jeyne Poole. Sansa's friend

        - Arya Stark. Eddard and Catelyn's youngest daughter. Former trainee in the House of Black and White in Braavos, trained to become a faceless man. Styling herself "no one". 
        - Nymeria. Arya's direwolf. Abandoned by Arya to prevent her death. Fate unknown.
        - [Syrio Forel]. Arya's former Dancing Master. Presumed slain by Ser Meryn Trant.
        - [Mycah]. A butcher's boy and Arya's friend. Ridden down and killed by the Hound.
        - Hot Pie. Formerly Arya's companion and friend. Now a baker at an inn in the Riverlands.
        - Jaqen H'ghar. A Faceless Man of Braavos. Now wearing a new face and a new name.
Bran Stark. aka the three eyed raven. Eddard and Catelyn's son. Rightful heir to Winterfell. A warg and a cripple gifted with the Sight. Still beyond the Wall accompanied by Meera Reed.
        - [Summer.] Bran's direwolf. Has a profound bond with Bran. Killed by wights.
        - [Hodor.] A simple man entrusted with Bran's movement. Killed by wights.
        - [Jojen Reed]. Gifted with the sight. 
Bran's guide. Died north of the Wall, killed by wights.
        - Meera Reed. Jojen's sister and Bran's guard.
       Howland Reed. Jojen and Meera's father. Eddard's friend.
        - __________. One of the Children of The Forest. Killed by wights.
        - [The Three-eyed Raven.] Bran's mentor. An old man. Killed by wights.

        - [Rickon Stark]. Eddard and Catelyn's youngest son. Killed by Ramsay Bolton.
        - [Shaggydog.] Rickon's direwolf. Killed by the Umbers.
        - [Osha.] A wildling woman. Rickon's protector. Slain by Ramsay Bolton.
        - Jon Snow. Secret son of Lyanna Stark raised as Lord Eddard's bastard son. Former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Murdered as a traitor by the officers of the Night's Watch. Resurrected by Melisandre. Now proclaimed King in the North.
[Rickard Stark]. Eddard's father. Slain by the Mad King Aerys Targaryen.
[Brandon Stark]. Eddard's brother. Slain by the Mad King Aerys Targaryen.
Benjen Stark. Eddard's brother. First Ranger of the Night's Watch. Went missing beyond The Wall; was killed by white walkers then resurrected by the children of the forest, in servitude to the three eyed raven.
[Lyanna Stark]. Eddard's sister. Formerly betrothed to King Robert Baratheon. Died in childbirth.
[Maester Luwin]. Maester at Winterfell. Fataly injured by Dagmer, and given mercy by Osha.
[Rodrik Cassel]. Master of Arms at Winterfell. Executed by Theon Greyjoy.
[Jory]. Former captain of Eddard's guard. Slain by Jamie Lannister.
[Septa Mordane]. Arya and Sansa's former governess. Executed for treason against Joffrey Baratheon.
[Old Nan]. An old serving woman at Winterfell. Often told stories to the Stark children. Presumed dead after the Sack of Winterfell.
[Mikken.] Blacksmith at Winterfell. Presumed dead after the Sack of Winterfell.

Bannerman to House Stark:

House Mormont

- Lady Lyanna Mormont. Jeor's Mormont's niece, the current Lady of Bear Island. A girl of ten and a Stark loyalist, the first to pledge her men to the Second Battle of Winterfell, and the first to declare Jon Snow her king.

House Glover

 - Galbart Glover. A nobleman sworn to House Stark.

House Manderly

 - Lord Manderly. A nobleman sworn to House Stark.

House Cerwyn

 - Lord Cerwyn. A nobleman sworn to House Stark.

House Karstark

- Lady Alys Karstark. New Lady of Karhold, sworn to House Stark.

House Umber

 - Lord Ned Umber. New Lord of Last Hearth, sworn to House Stark.



House Tully
Sigil: The Fish
Seat: Riverrun (traditionally)
Lands: The Riverlands (traditonally)
Words: Family, Duty, Honor

[Lord Hoster Tully]. Previous Lord of Riverrun.
    - Edmure Tully. Hoster's son and former Lord of Riverrun. A captive since the Red Wedding.
    - _____ Tully. Edmure and Roslin's baby son.
    - Roslin Tully nee Frey. Edmure's new wife.
    - [Catelyn Stark nee Tully]. Hoster's daughter. Murdered by Walder Frey at The Red Wedding.
    - [Lysa Arryn nee Tully]. Hoster's daughter. Murdered by her husband Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger.
    - [Brynden Tully aka the Blackfish]. Hoster's brother. Was a fugitive in the Riverlands, after escaping death at the Twins during the Red Wedding. Rallied an army and has retaken Riverrun. Killed by the Lannisters during the siege of Riverrun.

Bannerman to House Tully:

House Whent
    - Lady _____ Whent. Former Lady of Harrenhal. Sworn to House Tully.
House Bracken
    - Jonos Bracken. A nobleman sworn to House Tully.


House Tyrell
Sigil: The Golden Rose
Seat: Highgarden
Lands: The Reach
Words: Growing Strong

[Mace Tyrell]. Lord of Highgarden. Formerly sworn to Renly Baratheon. Now allied with Tommen Baratheon. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - [Loras Tyrell aka The Knight of Flowers]. Mace's son and heir to Highgarden. Betrothed to Cersei Baratheon. Currently imprisoned by the faith militant. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - [Queen Margaery Baratheon nee Tyrell]. Mace's daughter. Widow to both King Renly Baratheon and King Joffrey Baratheon. Now married to King Tommen Baratheon. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
     - Lady Olenna Tyrell aka The Queen of Thorns. Mace's mother. 
     - [Luthor Tyrell]. Mace's father. Rode off a cliff whilst hawking.

Bannerman to House Tyrell:

House Tarly
Randyll Tarly. Lord of Horn Hill. Sworn to House Tyrell.
     - Samwell Tarly. Randyll's son and former heir. A man of the Night's Watch. Returned home on his journey to The Citadel and stole his father's Valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane. Currently at The Citadel in Oldtown to study to become the new maester for the Night's Watch. 
     - Lady Melessa Tarly. Sam's mother.
     - Dickon Tarly. Sam's younger brother.
     - Talla Tarly. Sam's younger sister.

Edited by SilverStormm

Other Groups


The Night's Watch

[Lord Commander Mormont]. Previous Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Slain by Rast in the mutiny at Craster's keep.
Benjen Stark. First Ranger of the Night's Watch. Went missing beyond The Wall; was killed by white walkers then resurrected by the children of the forest, in servitude to the three eyed raven.
[Maester Aemon Targaryen.] A maester of the Night's Watch. Died of old age.
[Ser Alliser Thorne.] Wounded in the battle at the Wall. Named first ranger by Jon Snow. Architect of the murder of Jon Snow. Hanged for treason.
Samwell Tarly. A steward. Jon's friend. Currently at The Citadel in Oldtown to become the new maester for the Night's Watch.
[Pyp]. A steward. Jon's friend. Killed by Ygritte during the battle at the Wall.
[Grenn]. A ranger, usually with Edd. Jon's friend. Killed by Mag the Mighty, a giant, during the battle at the Wall.
Dolorous Edd. A ranger, usually with Grenn. Jon's friend. Acting Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
[Karl] aka the fookin' legend of Gin Alley. A traitor who played a part in the mutiny at Craster's keep and later took the role as leader of the mutineers. Killed by Jon Snow.
[Rast]. A ranger and a traitor. Slew Lord Commander in the mutiny at Craster's keep. Killed by Ghost.
[Qhorin Halfhand]. A seasoned ranger of great renown. Slain by Jon Snow at his own command.
[Harker]. A ranger chosen by Qhorin to scout the wildling camp. Slain in the attempt.
[stonesnake]. A ranger chosen by Qhorin to scout the wildling camp. Slain in the attempt.
[bauber]. A ranger chosen by Qhorin to scout the wildling camp. Slain in the attempt.
[Yoren]. A recruiter for the Night's Watch. Slain my Armory Lorch.
   - [Lommy]. A recruit to the Night's Watch. Slain by Armory Lorch's men, thought to be Gendry. A friend of Arya Stark.
   - [Rorge]. A prisoner and recruit to the Night's Watch. Escaped during Armory Lorch's attack. Slain by Arya Stark
[Janos Slynt]. Former Lord of Harrenhal and Captain of the Kings Landing City Watch. Now a brother of the Night's Watch. Abandoned his post during the battle at the Wall. Executed by Jon Snow for refusing to obey his orders.
[Olly.] A peasant boy whose parents were murdered by Wildlings. Skilled with a bow. Killed Ygritte during the battle at the Wall. Steward to Jon Snow. Accomplice in the murder of Jon Snow. Hanged for treason.
[Yarwick.] First builder. Accomplice in the murder of Jon Snow. Hanged for treason.
Brian. A ginger. Charged with digging latrines.
[Bowen Marsh.] Hanged for treason.


Castle Black. The main castle at the Wall.

Eastwatch by the Sea.

The Shadowtower.

Greyguard. In need of restoration.

The Nightfort. The castle which Bran and Sam visited.


The Wildlings or The Free Folk

Held captive by the Night's Watch after the battle at the Wall.

[Mance Rayder]. King-beyond-the-Wall. A former brother of the Night's Watch. Burned alive by Stannis Baratheon for refusing to bend the knee.
Tormund Giantsbane. A wildling chief, loyal and close to Mance Rayder. Taken prisoner by the Night's Watch during the battle at the Wall. Now allied with House Stark.
[The Lord of Bones.] A wildling chief who answers to Mance Rayder.
[Ygritte]. A wildling girl. Loyal to Mance Rayder. Once Jon Snow's lover. Killed during the battle at the Wall.
[Orell]. A wildling loyal to Mance Rayder. A warg. Slain by Jon Snow.
[Craster]. A wildling who marries his daughters. Slain by the brothers of the Night's Watch.
   - Gilly. One of Craster's daughter-wives. Currently accompanying Sam at The Citadel in Oldtown.
   - Sam. Gilly's son by Craster.
[_______]. Leader of the Thenns, a cannibalistic wildling clan answering to Mance Rayder. Killed during the battle at the Wall.
[Mag the Mighty]. King of the giants. Slain during the battle at the Wall.


The WhiteWalkers

The Night King. Leader of the WhiteWalkers. Recognisable by the 'ice crown' which adorns his head.


The Brotherhood without Banners

Beric Dondarrion. Leader of the Brotherhood. Has died and been resurrected by Thoros six times.
Thoros of Myr. A priest of the Lord of Light who’s resurrected Beric six times.
Anguy. An archer of the Brotherhood.


The Hilltribes of the Vale

Shagga, son of Dolf. Chieftain of the tribe of the Stone Crows.
Timett, son of Timett. Ruler of the tribe of the Burned Men.
Chella, daughter of Cheyk. Leader of the tribe of the Black Ears.


In the City of Qarth

[Xaro Xhoan Daxos.] Former King of Qarth. Imprisoned in his own vault by Daenerys Targaryen. Presumed dead.
    - [Doreah.] Former handmaiden to Daenerys, betrayed her to become Xaro's consort. Shared Xaro's fate, presumed dead.
[The Thirteen]. Former rulers of Qarth. Slain by Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Pyat Pree.
[Pyat Pree]. One of the Thirteen. A warlock. Slain by dragonfire at the command of Daenerys Targaryen.
[The Spice King]. One of the Thirteen. The second richest man in Qarth aftar Xaro. Slain by Pyat Pree.


In Astapor

[Kraznys]. A slave master. Slain by dragonfire at the command of Daenerys Targaryen.
[Grazdan]. A slave master. Slain by Unsullied at the command of Daenerys Targaryen.
Cleon. Self-styled King of Astapor. A butcher. Presumed dead since the Good Masters retook power.
The Good Masters. Slavers and current rulers of Astapor. 


In Yunkai

Grazdan mo Eraz. A slave master. Most likely slain in the Sack of Yunkai.
[Mero of Braavos], called ‘The Titan’s Bastard’. Former co-captain of the Second Sons. Slain by Daario Naharis.
[Prendahl na Ghezn]. Former co-captain of the Second Sons. Slain by Daario Naharis.
The Wise Masters. Slavers and current rulers of Yunkai.


In Meereen

[Hizdahr zo Loraq.] A nobelman whose father was crucified by Daenerys Targaryen. Betrothed to Daenerys. Killed by the Sons of The Harpy.
Fennesz. A learned older man. A former slave who wishes to return to his master's service.
Mighdal. Fennesz's master.
[Zala]. A young girl. Killed by Drogon.
[The Sons of the Harpy]. A rebel group in opposition to Daenerys' rule. Presumably wiped out by the Dothraki.
    - [_________]. A Son of the Harpy. Murdered by Mossador against Daenerys' orders.
Kinvara. A Red Priestess; High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light.


In Braavos

The Titan of Braavos. A giant statue under which all ships pass on their way into the city.
The Iron Bank. A powerful bank to which the Iron Throne is in considerable debt.
The House of Black and White. The home of the faceless men, who worship the Many-Faced God.
     - No one. A faceless man, with the face of Jaqen H'gar.
     -[ ________]. A fellow female trainee at the House of Black and White who trained Arya. Later killed during combat with Arya.
[Lady Crane]. An actress in a Braavosi mummer's troupe.
Bianca. A young actress in a Braavosi mummer's troupe.


The Faith Militant

[The High Sparrow]. A holy man of The Seven. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
[Brother Lancel]. Formerly known as Ser Lancel Lannister, son of Kevan Lannister. Died in the Sept of Baelor explosion.
Septa Unella. Cersei's guard and confessor after her arrest, also led the shaming of Cersei during her walk of atonement. Now a prisoner of Queen Cersei.


The Citadel

Arch Maester _______. A senior maester at the Citadel.



The Seven. Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone and Stranger. Also called The New Gods. These deities are most commonly worshiped in Southern Westeros.
The Old Gods. The deities worshiped in Northern Westeros. Their symbol is a weirwood tree with faces carved on them.
R'hllor aka The Lord of Light. According to this religion there are two gods: the Lord of Light and The God of Darkness.
The Drowned God. A god of death and the sea, worshipped by the Iron Islanders.
The Great Stallion. A god of the Dothraki.
The Many Faced God. Worshiped at the House of Black and White, by the faceless men.


Historical Characters
This post consists of characters who were long dead before the series started. Characters who were dead but still have some relevance to the plot, like Rhaegar, are not listed here but under their respective houses. The list is not chronological, since there isn't enough information to allow it through the whole list. I haven't put brackets around any character names here since, you know, they're all dead.


The Targaryen Dynasty

Aegon Targaryen aka Aegon the Conquerer. Conquered Westeros and started the Targaryen dynasty.
     - Balerion aka Balerion the Black Dread. Aegon's dragon.
Visenya Targaryen. Aegon's sister. Wielded the valyrian steel sword Dark Sister. Helped Aegon conquer Westeros.
     - Vhagar. Visneya's dragon.
Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon's sister. Helped him conquer Westerns.
     - Meraxes. Rhaenys' dragon.
Baelor Targaryen aka Baelor the Blessed for his deep faith. A King who Built the Sept in King's Landing. Starved himself to death for his faith.
Maegor Targaryen aka Maegor the Cruel. Built the Red Keep in King's Landing.
Maekar I Targaryen. A Targaryen King. Aemon Targaryen's father.
Aegon Targaryen. A Targaryen King. Aemon Targaryen's younger brother and the Aerys the Mad King Targaryen's father.
Aerial Targaryen aka Aerion Brightflame. From the Targaryen dynasty. Died by drinking wildfire, thinking it would turn him into a dragon.
Rhaenyra Targaryen. Eaten alive by her brother's dragon at his command, while her son watched.

Other Characters of Power

Orys I*. A just King who only ruled for a year, before he was murdered in his sleep by his brother.
Harren the Black. Built Harrenhall, the greatest fortress ever built. It was destroyed by dragonfire during Aegon's conquest.

Legendary Knights

Ser Arthur Dayne aka the Sword of the Morning after his sword, Dawn. A legendary knight of the Kingsguard.
The Smiling Knight. Defeated by ser Arthur Dayne in single combat.
Ser Duncan the Tall. A legendary knight of the Kingsguard.

*Orys I was never confirmed or denied to be a Targaryen King, which is why he's not listed under the Targaryen dynasty. However he could be one, as well as not.

Edited by SilverStormm

I've set up an index to the Unsullied discussion, both here at PTV and the old thread at TWOP. I don't know how much longer the TWOP forum will be online, but I thought this might be a fun trip down memory lane while it's still available. 

For the PTV index, the first link (before the "//") goes to the speculation thread (the first post after the episode airs), and the second one to the appropriate episode thread. 

PTV Unsullied Index (Seasons 4+)
Episode 4-01: Two Swords // Episode Thread
Episode 4-02: The Lion and the Rose // Episode Thread
Episode 4-03: Breaker of Chains // Episode Thread

Episode 4-04: Oathkeeper // Episode Thread

Episode 4-05: First of His Name // Episode Thread

Episode 4-06: The Laws of Gods and Men // Episode Thread

Episode 4-07: Mockingbird // Episode Thread

Episode 4-08: The Mountain And The Viper // Episode Thread

TWOP Episode Discussion Index (Seasons 1-3) NO LONGER AVAILABLE SADLY.



Episode 1-02: The Kingsroad
Episode 1-03: Lord Snow
Episode 1-04: Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things
Episode 1-05: The Wolf and the Lion
Episode 1-06: A Golden Grown
Episode 1-07: You Win or You Die
Episode 1-08: The Pointy End
Episode 1-09: Baelor
Episode 1-10: Fire and Blood

Episode 2-01: The North Remembers
Episode 2-02: The Night Lands
Episode 2-03: What is Dead May Never Die
Episode 2-04: Garden of Bones
Episode 2-05: The Ghost of Harrenhal
Episode 2-06: The Old Gods and the New
Episode 2-07: A Man Without Honor
Episode 2-08: The Prince of Winterfell
Episode 2-09: Blackwater
Episode 2-10: Valar Morghulis

Episode 3-01: Valar Dohaeris
Episode 3-02: Dark Wings, Dark Words
Episode 3-03: Walk of Punishment
Episode 3-04: And Now My Watch Is Ended
Episode 3-05: Kissed By Fire
Episode 3-06: The Climb
Episode 3-07: The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Episode 3-08: Second Sons
Episode 3-09: The Rains of Castamere
Episode 3-10: Mysa



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