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Death Watch: Who Will Live to Annoy Another Day?

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Any thoughts on which character main or recurring might succumb to the afterlife this season?



1. My money's on Jaha. On two occasions he scarified himself for his people in season 1 (although, Kane stopped him one of those times - but he was going to do it). I don't see him making it out of season 3 alive especially since he was the one that brought the missile to ALIE.


2. Kane - he's still racked with guilt about his actions on the Ark and still wants to make amends for them. His possible budding romance with Abby can place a hold on his death, but he has sacrificial lamb all over his face too.


3. Jasper might become vengeful towards Monty, Bellamy and Clarke that leads him down a path of self destruction




Although, I love both characters but if the show makes it to season 4 and beyond - I can see Octavia or Lincoln dying at some point down the line - but not this season.

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After watching the trailer, it looks like Lincoln. But that might be too obvious.

The same goes for Lexa. The trailer made it look like her character would be dying, not to mention the explanation of how they choose a new Commander is going to be explained this season, but I think the writers know everyone would be expecting her death so they wouldn't go that route.

I do, however, worry for Murphy. I feel like a hero's death is in store for him. Something that would allow him to redeem himself after all he's done.

As much as I wish you were right about Jasper, I have a feeling he'll be making it out this season alive.

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Hmmm. I'd vote Kane, Jaha and Lexa. If not Kane, then Abby. Monty is also probable, I think.


I have a feeling Murphy will last a bit longer, but this may be my wishful thinking. I really loved him in s1 and never dreamed he'd become a regular. 

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Do you think they'd kill off two of the adults though? For some reason that I cannot explain, I really don't feel like they'd kill Abby. I don't know why, maybe it's because she's Clarke's mother, but I guess that really doesn't mean much. No, not Monty! That would definitely be painful, but honestly I love everyone on this show so much (ok not Jasper) it would hurt no matter who they chose to kill off.


I hope you're right about Murphy. He made that Jaha/City of Light storyline for me. I would've been bored to death watching just Jaha and his "disciples" wandering the desert. I'm excited to watch his character develop some more this season! And hopefully next season lol.

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Do you think they'd kill off two of the adults though? For some reason that I cannot explain, I really don't feel like they'd kill Abby. I don't know why, maybe it's because she's Clarke's mother, but I guess that really doesn't mean much.


I think yeah, they would. Jaha isn't really one of the adults anymore. He's an antagonist (or at least a potential one). He's not in a mentor role.


And, well, it's still a CW show, even despite the brutal deconstruction/evasion of all the typical CW-ish elements in s2 (the killing off of the main LI, making the MC bisexual, very little focus on romance). Even if we think it doesn't matter, well, a parental figure dying basically has to happen at some point in a show featuring young adults as mains. (I mean, how else would Bellamy, a former criminal and a known fuck-up, become a real leader?) And then, they hook up in the promo! I mean, the combination of these factors basically guarantees Kane or Abby to bite it. Even if I like both and would be really interested in seeing more of them. It just makes tons of narrative sense. Plus, Abby dying would create lots of drama for Clarke and Raven.


No, not Monty! That would definitely be painful, but honestly I love everyone on this show so much (ok not Jasper) it would hurt no matter who they chose to kill off.


Well, it's either Monty or Jasper. I think this bromance is done for. I feel like Jasper is a more developed character, so Monty is the death I'm betting on. But any of them could bite it.

Edited by FurryFury
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I gotta go Lexa. I was thinking her time was limited since season two when we got the, "spirit chooses the new leader," thing. The fact they could probably only get the actress for a limited run because of her role in Fear the Walking Dead and Clarke seemingly going full Grounder, I guess she takes over the Grounder leadership after Lexa's death. 

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I gotta go Lexa. I was thinking her time was limited since season two when we got the, "spirit chooses the new leader," thing. The fact they could probably only get the actress for a limited run because of her role in Fear the Walking Dead and Clarke seemingly going full Grounder, I guess she takes over the Grounder leadership after Lexa's death. 

I go back and forth so often on whether or not Lexa dies. I'm not even sure whether I want it to happen or not. I don't think they'd have Clarke as the new Commander. It seems kind of wrong considering she barely knows anything about Grounders in the first place.

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In season 2 it was stated that the dead Commander spirit choses its successor. Now S3 the person must have black blood. So, that strikes Clarke out of it. Besides its not her place to lead the Grounders. I'd rather see her going back to Sky ppl and take charge there.


Lincoln is dying this season for sure....I think in the mid season finale. That's when the scene where Octavia disowns Bellamy happens. However, spectacular his death is I will not appreciate it since they've had him like a limp noodle all damn season.


Lexa could die this season - but I definitely don't want it. Even though the writers have her playing this weak visionary leader - that's not what I want to see.


Really and truly want Jasper to die. Can't stand him.

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So, at the end of the season we're down: Lexa, Lincoln, Sinclair, Titus, Nia, Pike, Hannah, Ontari, and 300 Grounders. Did I miss anyone? I was reeeeaaaally hoping Jasper would be done this season. Never been a fan. Apparently, he was supposed to off himself in the finale (makes sense, given the odd ending shot with him in Arkadia), but another ending was used instead. Hopefully, next season won't be a rehash of his arc this season--you know, like Bellamy's arc was a rehash of season one?!

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