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Warm & Fuzzy Movie Moments

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I love Free Guy. It makes me smile and it's on my personal list of great feel good movies.  

Every time I see this moment at the end, I get all those warm, fuzzy,  feelings:

"I love you, Millie. Now, maybe that's just my programming talking,  but guess what? Somebody wrote that program. I'm just a love letter to you. Somewhere out there is the author."


Edited by Shannon L.
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Moulin Rouge: The scene of Satine hanging out in the garret watching Christian act out the play while Toulouse is making a pretty nice dinner. And Satine and Toulouse are laughing at Christian impersonating Ziegler and the Argentinian’s hammy acting. It’s such a cute fluffy scene of the three of them; Toulouse doesn’t even care when they start getting all lovey-dovey.

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The ending to The Rescuers Down Under with Bernard proposing to Bianca is wonderful on so many levels, not only because they are one of the top Disney OTPs, but also because poor Bernard had been trying to propose to her only to keep getting interrupted** and had been spending most of the movie had the butt monkey until he finally got his big hero moment. What I also love is how Jake, who the movie leads us to believe he’s going to be a big rival for Bernard, doesn’t even blink: he just smiles with pride and gives him a much-deserved “Well done, mate!”

**My head canon is that Bianca already knew Bernard was going to propose and had every intention of saying yes, she just wanted him to let him have his moment.

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Even though I vastly prefer the sequel, I really love the part early in the first Rescuers where the RAS members are singing their official anthem, and Bernard (who's still the janitor at this point), is discreetly singing along, hat in hand. He clearly loves the RAS and everything they stand for. 

God, but I do love good screenwriting!

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Even though I vastly prefer the sequel, I really love the part early in the first Rescuers where the RAS members are singing their official anthem, and Bernard (who's still the janitor at this point), is discreetly singing along, hat in hand. He clearly loves the RAS and everything they stand for. 

God, but I do love good screenwriting!

Honestly, Bernard's whole character arc in both movies is a warm and fuzzy moment. He starts as just the timid janitor that loves the RAS and everything they stand for but doesn't think he's cut out to be a hero. But Miss Bianca sees something in him that nobody (not even himself does) and picks him to be her partner, and through their adventure, he realizes that he can, in fact, be a hero. This goes on in the sequel, where his would-be-rival Jake ends up teaching him to be tough and gain more confidence in himself. And when Miss Bianca and Jake are taken with Cody by McCleach, he finally decides he's done being a butt-monkey and takes matters into his own hands. He winds up taming a razorback boar with nothing more than a death glare, takes down McCleach and Joanna, and is (as Miss Bianca puts it) the hero of the day.

Bernard truly is one of the most underrated Disney heroes.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I was rewatching the first Rescuers since it had been too long*. I have to be honest, I was not only touched when Miss Bianca fell asleep on Bernard's shoulder (I'm such a sucker for this trope), but I got a lump in my throat when Bernard puts his arm around her and softly says, "Good night, Bianca". Bob Newhart's delivery of that line is so damned sweet. 

*My verdict? The parts satisfy more than the whole (sorry, I find the pacing a little tedious). The sequel is above reproach, IMO.

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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While rewatching The Mask, I realized that Stanley and Charlie’s friendship in itself is kind of a warm fuzzy. It would be easy to give Stanley a fake friend that screwed him over at every turn, but Charlie while kind of a schmuck was a true friend to Stanley overall—he didn’t actually ditch Stanley at the club, he didn’t even know the guard kicked him out until the next morning.

Another warm fuzzy from the movie is that they went the Jessica Rabbit route with Tina: instead of making her the blonde bombshell femme fatale, she turned out to a nice person that genuinely did like Stanley for himself because he didn’t treat her like arm candy.

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