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America's Got This Season 10 Anticipation Thread

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I am looking forward to this.  It has never been a real favorite of mine but as other shows end I perk up at something new.   


Love this clip and wow. 



What I REALLY wanted to see was Howard mock-wipe his ass with his hand (sticking it in his pants and hamming it up for the audience I mean) and then shake Howie's hand and have Howie not react.

I'm looking forward to this as well.  I wonder what the ratio of acts will be.  My guess is it'll be 1/3 singers, 1/3 other acts where music is a component (mostly dancing), and 1/3 everything else (comics, magicians, etc.), but I wonder if there will be more magicians because some did well last year.


I'm also braced for the stock sayings:

"You're not just talented for a [child, senior citizen, veteran, child veteran with Benjamin Button's syndrome, etc.], you're talented period."

"The person who originally sang that song would be honored at the way you covered it."

"That's the most original thing I've seen!" ["I don't have YouTube and didn't remember this show from two years ago, when they did it better."]

"If America doesn't vote for you, it's their fault."  

"If they could see what I'm seeing, you'd go forward."  [Either it's 1971 and we just got a color 19" TV, or the camera/editing/etc. missed the good bit.]


I also hope they're going to do better with the editing and camera work (and to be clear, "better"="point the camera at the act."  If the act isn't good or interesting, don't show that very often--but if you have 40 or more demi-semi-finalists, you've got enough 'good" acts to show a lot of them during the audition rounds.)

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...I'm starting to think bad camera work has unfortunately become AGT's trademark.


That's a possibility, A Boston Gal, and I should remember that if that's the worst thing about a show, it's still pretty good.


(I also think we're stuck with the producers trying to convince us that people who have been on network TV before are fresh "new" talent instead of people who have worked hard at their craft, and would really like a million dollars doing what they're talented at, but it's summer, I should just relax and enjoy the illusion.)

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