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Joe's Marathon Diary: Druid 'Til You're Satisfied

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I'm not ruling out a season-finale locker-room game of gay chicken that goes too far/just far enough. I wish! *sigh* Edited by ahisma
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Yay, someone else who doesn't like Coach. I had brief moments where I found him tolerable, but in general, he's just this loud, braying off-note, like he's leftover from the movie version and doesn't fit with the tone of the show at all.


And I think Motel California is still my favorite ever episode of the show. Just effective on all fronts, for me.

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Agreed, Motel California is the best. And this write-up has one thing about a certain character that made me bite my tongue not to spoil things further.

Best line for this block of eps was the Danny "I like to cuddle".

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A warm welcome to: Lydia's purpose on the show, which I think I've figured out is coming upon dead bodies and screaming


HA! It's hilarious, because you think you're joking.


I've forgotten how much I enjoyed this season. I think I feel a rewatch coming on...

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The Alphas are led by a guy who has a name, but I'm telling you right now that I'm calling him Blind Jaime Lannister...



I spent most of this season thinking the guy was called Duke Alien.

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