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In an effort to remain unspoiled, I cannot go to imdb to confirm, but this actress also played the lady that was in Speed and got blown up trying to get off the bus, right?

Even if she's not, my mind has decided she is, and overlays that on every single scene she is in.

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 this actress also played the lady that was in Speed and got blown up trying to get off the bus, right?

also plays child molester on Criminal Minds .

Beth Grant, who played Gracie Leigh the storekeeper, appeared in a well-known episode of Criminal Minds---"Mosley Lane".



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Is this on streaming Netflix then? Yay. Cannot check I don't want to disturb my husband. He is sleeping on the remote. I'm afId he might get the wrong idea if I feel around for the remote ;)

Yes! Yay for Netflix, enabler of binge watchers everywhere.

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Okay, now I am really interested in where Jake has been. How annoying of TV for his dad to say, "oh it doesn't matter where you've been." Thanks for nothing, dad! At this point, I feel like, in conjunction with his timing of coming home, that he knows something too. Maybe I'm wrong though. I would also like to hear more from Hawkins's wife.

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Finally got to the Pilot!


Stray thoughts:

-How is there a world-wide disaster? Fake TV President wasn't black or even a female.

-I wish you were in Denver, nasty teenage girl in the 5 and 10.

-Sorry your fiancee had to die, obvious-former-flame, but how will there be a love triangle if you're not single?

-Listen to Lennie James, you hicks!

-Were there any other black people in that town?

-Damn, I'm too close to Denver. I'm gone :(


Good start, though. Wish I could keep going right away, but real life awaits.

I forget who it is, the actor, there's a joke about how he dies in everything. Is that the case with Sprague Grayden? Numerous guest starring roles she's the patient that dies. Opie's wife, etc...

Is Sean Bean who you are thinking of?

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I like how they did not telegraph everything like some shows.


Let's say...when there is a vehicle lost, and some folks find a vehicle that looks like it is what they're searching for, we do not know the possibilities till that moment.


When people express sympathy to a character, they made an assumption and when that character lets them know something they didn't, we didn't see that one coming.

I have seen a lot of shows where they basically drop anvils so much that when the reveal comes, there is no payoff at all.

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God I forgot how much I used to love this show!


I had an instant dislike for the ass kissing Eric Green, boarding on hate.  I just thought he was swarmy riding on the coat tails of his Father type character and his very presence made me love Jake even more, even though Jake was presented in a way that you were to believe he had some shady ass stuff going on.


The net fandoms weren't what they are now, but I know I am in the minority that Bonnie annoyed the ever-loving piss out of me from the moment she was on screen.


I instantly loved Hawkins, and I could never not like Emily for more personal reasons - back in the day everyone constantly told me "Hey, you look just like that chick from Jericho!" so I couldn't hate on her...lol


This is probably one of my favorite pilots for a show because it left you with so many questions and dying to know more.  Where had Jake been?  Why did he want that money?  Was this Hawkins guy really a cop, because he sure seemed to have way more knowledge then a cop would have.  Is Eric as big of a douche as he telegraphs?  Is Stanley the most unlucky person in the world to not have his audit interrupted even though a nuke was dropped?  Who dropped the bombs, and how many?


I am jealous of all of you that can binge watch this show, because I remember watching it in real time and dying, just dying waiting for the next episode.

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I like how they did not telegraph everything like some shows.


Let's say...when there is a vehicle lost, and some folks find a vehicle that looks like it is what they're searching for, we do not know the possibilities till that moment.



I did very much appreciate that we didn't know there were two possible buses out there at that point.


The Eric looks like he could be a Manning brother.

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This is such a fantastic pilot. Some of my favorite things:


  • That they didn't drag things out with phony suspense (phony since the premise is known in advance) - the nuke happens pretty early on.  Which made it more startling for me than if they had left it to the last few minutes.
  • Little girl to the boy on the roof: "You have to pick a better hiding place!"  Humor, then mushroom cloud!
  • The phone message that lets them know that it wasn't just Denver.
  • The way everyone kind of side-eyes Hawkins and his extensive nuclear-bomb knowledge, but then they do what he says.


Oddly enough the scene that freaked me out the most wasn't the nuclear cloud or the reactions to it, it was Emily on that dark road when they pulled back to show all the birds.  If that was me in real life I'd be screaming until I passed out.  I honestly think I'd be less scared by an actual mushroom cloud.


I did not recognize the bartender as the daughter on Coach - I found that out on IMDB, and even then my mind couldn't quite take it in. 

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I did very much appreciate that we didn't know there were two possible buses out there at that point.


The Eric looks like he could be a Manning brother.

Yeah, at first I was thinking why would you have the wire in the windows of a school bus, that's just for...oh!

(and he does, he has a square head!)



This is such a fantastic pilot. Some of my favorite things:


  • That they didn't drag things out with phony suspense (phony since the premise is known in advance) - the nuke happens pretty early on.  Which made it more startling for me than if they had left it to the last few minutes.
  • Little girl to the boy on the roof: "You have to pick a better hiding place!"  Humor, then mushroom cloud!
  • The phone message that lets them know that it wasn't just Denver.
  • The way everyone kind of side-eyes Hawkins and his extensive nuclear-bomb knowledge, but then they do what he says.


Oddly enough the scene that freaked me out the most wasn't the nuclear cloud or the reactions to it, it was Emily on that dark road when they pulled back to show all the birds.  If that was me in real life I'd be screaming until I passed out.  I honestly think I'd be less scared by an actual mushroom cloud.


I did not recognize the bartender as the daughter on Coach - I found that out on IMDB, and even then my mind couldn't quite take it in. 

When Gail Green says I'm so sorry I didn't know your mom was in Denver [paraphrase} and he says she wasn't, she was in Atlanta that was a much more original way to drop in the information that it was happening elsewhere, it wasn't an accident, it wasn't our military doing some exercise gone wrong---and give the characters new directions. Such economy in the writing, yet more realistic and not clunky exposition.

Yes, the birds thing is screamy for me too!

Edited by kikismom
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God I forgot how much I used to love this show!


I had an instant dislike for the ass kissing Eric Green, boarding on hate.  I just thought he was swarmy riding on the coat tails of his Father type character and his very presence made me love Jake even more.....

Is Eric as big of a douche as he telegraphs?

The moment Jake's father talks about how you've done all these things wrong blah blah, and Eric---sitting right next to daddykins---says Yessss Jake, yes you have

that's when I hated him from the start. Like the little pill who always tags around someone important and echoes them.

And he's a fine one to be a little snitch about other people.

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The moment Jake's father talks about how you've done all these things wrong blah blah, and Eric---sitting right next to daddykins---says Yessss Jake, yes you have

that's when I hated him from the start. Like the little pill who always tags around someone important and echoes them.

And he's a fine one to be a little snitch about other people.

Oh yeah with his little afair with the local bar keep.  Usually those women that cheat with married men get my hate too, but this one just seemed to damn stupid to not believe his lies so I just ended up feeling sorry for her.

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I've got to give my love to Skeet in the pilot too.  My Dock Martin, Baby Doll dress wearing young adult self will always love him, so when this show came out he was the reason that I watched it.

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So I'm still confused about this whole nuclear rain.  Did it end up not being nuclear?  I remember when I first watched the show I thought Hawkins was doing it so he could hide whatever he needed to hide and get people out of the way, but Jake was freaked too.


Then Farm Boy was out in it for 20 minutes but nothing.  I would think all crops, animals, everything would be pretty much done for.  The water supply too, even if they covered the wells.  So I'm guessing it was not radioactive?

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So I'm still confused about this whole nuclear rain.  Did it end up not being nuclear?  I remember when I first watched the show I thought Hawkins was doing it so he could hide whatever he needed to hide and get people out of the way, but Jake was freaked too.


Then Farm Boy was out in it for 20 minutes but nothing.  I would think all crops, animals, everything would be pretty much done for.  The water supply too, even if they covered the wells.  So I'm guessing it was not radioactive?


They were saying people have to be decontaminated, Stanley had to drink iodine, and wells had to be covered, and any ground for crops or pasture would have do be dug up at least 18 inches to plant anything else.


When David Hahn, "The Radioactive Boy Scout" was building a nuclear breeder reactor in the shed in his back yard, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had men in the space suits take away like 50 barrels of contaminated stuff to the very very deep disposal site out west. But what they didn't find out till later was that his mother had tried to cover things up by throwing out items from the "lab" in the regular garbage pick up. They didn't tell anyone for years.


If you are up to episode Fallout, the um, subject is not over yet.

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I know this is wrong, but I feel sorry for her hairline too. WTH?

I you are wrong I don't wanna be right.  Yes, it is very unfortunate.  Their relationship is total WTF.  She obviously isn't a rocket scientist if she is with this....this....God he's just to much of a weenie to even be called a douche bag.

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I forgot about creepy grocery store kid.

And what year did this come out? Cuz I'm remembering that opening song and doesn't feel

Like eons ago.



What happened to the station wagon jake hit? He wakes up and then he's walking. HAWKINS!


Jake did check the station wagon; he takes the carotid pulse of the old lady and she's dead, then he checks and the old man driving is dead. It was a quick scene so you may have missed it.



Dale is a bit off, isn't he :-D

Maybe working for Gracie does that to you!

Nice!  I always hated that he was second to a certain Mr. Depp.  I always thought he was way hotter then Johnny, but then again I don't like those little guys that look like pretty girls...lol

I'm a commie 'cos I never saw anything hot about Johnny Depp. Same thing; no pretty emo boys please.

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Finally had time to watch this episode, and I loved it just as much as I did back in 2006. My initial reactions:


  • Jake Green - oh goody, a bad boy!
  • Robert Hawkins - love at first sight
  • Stanley Richmond - could he be any cuter?
  • Bonnie Richmond - seems sweet
  • Mimi Clark - seems smart
  • Eric Green - smug without reason
  • Johnston Green - eh, another "I know better than you" politician
  • Gail Green - suffocating mother
  • Emily Sullivan - smarter than she looks
  • Heather Lisinski - annoyingly perky
  • Gray Anderson - just annoying


And I loved the songs featured in this episode...


  • All These Things I've Done by The Killers
  • Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls
  • Run by Snow Patrol
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       Just got to arching it whilst I do he dishes. I think there is potential. Yay for Bonnie, and brushing up on my American Sign Language skills. I was bothered by that poor trach girl. Would a bundle of juice box straws really provide as an adequate breathing tube? Why couldn't somebody have a pen? If the kids were on the way home why did they still have juice boxes anyway? Did they bring the garbage home from lunch? Were those straws used? I hope she does not get sepsis!

      Slightly predictable though I did not see the prison bus plot coming, or the dead birds. I was sure she would pull over and an escaped Psyco murdering rapist would grab her. I was wondering if she would escape or if her body would be found. I don't think I would of pulled over though. I am quite certain I would not leave my car. I would of turned around and ploughed through those dead birds.


Thank you Kiki's mom.

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This also fits us:



Much better!  I love it!



       Just got to arching it whilst I do he dishes. I think there is potential. Yay for Bonnie, and brushing up on my American Sign Language skills. I was bothered by that poor trach girl. Would a bundle of juice box straws really provide as an adequate breathing tube? Why couldn't somebody have a pen? If the kids were on the way home why did they still have juice boxes anyway? Did they bring the garbage home from lunch? Were those straws used? I hope she does not get sepsis!

      Slightly predictable though I did not see the prison bus plot coming, or the dead birds. I was sure she would pull over and an escaped Psyco murdering rapist would grab her. I was wondering if she would escape or if her body would be found. I don't think I would of pulled over though. I am quite certain I would not leave my car. I would of turned around and ploughed through those dead birds.


Thank you Kiki's mom.

I think the poor kid in the bus already got plenty of bacteria from Jake's knife; who knows where that has been?!


I would not have got out of the car either; I can never decide if Emily is smart or stupid. But I'm glad they were able to survive the prisoners. Bonnie can be clever; it seems she is too glued to her brother and needs to be growing up a little.

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Late to the party, but I've got to say I loved the pilot on re-watch even more than I did the first time around.  (Probably because I know how good the rest of the series is.)


Love, right off the bat:  Jake, Hawkins, Gail, Heather

Like well enough in pilot:  Stanley, Bonnie, Johnston

Dislikes in pilot:  Mimi, Eric, Emily


My problem with Eric is, as Raven1707 put it, he's smug without reason.  Also, he's a creep.

My problem with Emily is that, in a show in which a lot of things feel original, she telegraphs the presence of a trite romance subplot.  Also, I feel like she's presented right from the start as the too-perfect, she-will-be-loved, Lana Lang from Smallville kind of character, and I usually can't like a character that's drawn as flawless in the eyes of the people she interacts with.  

My problem with Mimi is... well, she just kinda irritates me in the pilot.  


A couple of misc thoughts:


- I love the way, when Jake arrives in town, he gets hugs from people even though he looks like he's not much of a hugger.  And then he gives each person a different story about where he's been. 


- The amount of world-building that is accomplished in this pilot is great.  The nukes, the hints about Hawkins, the Green family drama, the number of secondary characters (and relationships) that are hinted at - this show fit a lot into one episode.



When Gail Green says I'm so sorry I didn't know your mom was in Denver [paraphrase} and he says she wasn't, she was in Atlanta that was a much more original way to drop in the information that it was happening elsewhere, it wasn't an accident, it wasn't our military doing some exercise gone wrong---and give the characters new directions. Such economy in the writing, yet more realistic and not clunky exposition.



Yes, it's much more impactful that way, and it doesn't dumb it down for the audience.  One of the things I like about this show in general, and it's evident throughout the pilot, is that it assumes the audience is smart enough to put things together.



All These Things I've Done by The Killers



Almost a decade later, and this is still my number one pick for a road-trip song, just because of that opening.  I also love the Green Day song ("Better Days") playing when Jake arrives home.

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