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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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6 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

BTW, have you ever made a lidded box?

Yes. Technically, the Easter egg was a lidded box. A little unusual in that the tip top was the larger piece. I also made a mahogany  bowl with a lid. It has a rounded bottom which sat on a separate mahogany ring to avoid rocking.

I don't make them very often, because they are quite hard to do. At least, I find it hard. The box and the lid are two parts, and both must be turned. So essentially, it is twice as hard as making something without a lid. But the two can't be turned independently because they have to fit together when all is complete. Not only the fit has to.ve considered, but the grain-match needs also to be considered. Usually the top g bottom are cut from the same chunk of wood so colour g grain can be maintained across the two pieces. 

They are really fun when they work out, but a lot of work and with my level of skill, something usually goes wrong, leaving me with a bowl with a broken (or poorly fitting) lid, or vice versa.

But I must try another one. I guess I need the practice...

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42 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Could they perhaps be used as holders for taper candles?

Not sure what you mean by a tapered candle. Is that an ordinary candle, like what you light to have a romantic dinner? 

Those little bowls are actually quite little -- the largest about 2" across. I don't know that a large candle would work. I mean, it would fit, but the bowl itself would be so small in comparison the candle might fall over.

Matched pairs might be difficult. Nothing I make ends up looking like what I set out to create. So with one already done, if I made another aiming to look like the first, it is very unlikely the two would be even remotely similar. Maybe if I used a very consistent wood like local mahogany, but highly unlikely with the tamarind.

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The supervisor needs a good spanking!

I was making a bowl, and decided to try and add a lid. I needed to cut a slab off the top of the blank from which the bowl's lid could be made. This way we get some semblance of grain match. 

But I had already drilled a ½" hole in the top of the blank, to fit the woodworm screw! Ok, no bother. The lid will have a hole in the top, which we will plug with a finial. The least fancy finial possible, because finials ate are skew-chisel territory and me and skews don't agree. So I drilled out the ½" hole to a nice, clean, accurate ¾" with a Forstner bit. And that allows me to use a jam-chuck to turn the outside and inside of the lid to finalize them.

So I made a jam-chuck to suit a ¾" hole. It is simply a piece of wood that can be gripped in the chuck and which the lid can be jammed tightly on to the end, which is carefully turned to a tight fit in the ¾" hole. Not the most secure of work-holding methods, but sufficient for doing some final cleanup on the lid 

Here is the lid, with the ¾" hole clearly visible. Because it goes right through, I can use the jam chuck for either side, finishing the outside and the inside of the lid.


And right next to the lid, you will see the little jam-chuck I spent 20 minutes turning this afternoon as the light faded. I had to try several times to get the end to the perfect size. One minute it's too big and won't go in the hole. You use the chisel to reduce it by a hair... And it's now too small and the lid doesn't fit tightly. So you part off the too-small end and try again. And again. And again until it is perfect. 

Then you leave it on the lathe for use in the morning and....


... later, you find it on the lawn, chewed to buggery! 

There are literally hundreds of little scraps of wood all over the garage. He could (and often does) "steal" these and play with them.  Why would he get up on his hind legs, put his front paws on the bed of the lathe and steal something from there?

I've decided I will eat him. Groceries are expensive, his food costs more than mine, and I have this big oven doing nothing. So I am going to roast him and eat him with potatoes! No, that won't work. He is so lean there would be little meat to be had. Ok, I will fatten him up first! I'm not very good at it; I spent over 12 years fattening up Dotty for the pot, with little success. 

Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer. Don't consider myself a fan of this band, particularly. But I like this particular track, which I believe is their biggest hit. The band is supposed to have religious leanings but I never noticed any. The vocalist -- whose name escapes me, let me look it up: Leigh Nash -- has a nice enough voice, and the lyric, while simple, is direct and uncomplicated.

The jam-chuck destroyer just ran in, bit my finger, stuck his butt in my face, and is looking out the window.  Wait... Now he's gone again. 

Watched a movie this evening. The title is "CODA" which (I'm now learning) stands for Child Of Deaf Adults. The movie is about a young woman who is the only member of her family who is not deaf, and who is their main interface with the hearing world. It turns out she has an excellent singing voice, and music school is a real possibility, but only if the family can manage without her. Simple, family friendly... I enjoyed it. But of necessity there is considerable use of sub-titles which I know put many people off a movie. The dual meaning of the title as it applies to the films subject was a little clever. I'd have assumed the title referred solely to the musical aspect of the film, had I not read a synopsis of the show which explained the acronym.

Well, three little (but cute) bowls and a  lidded bowl partially finished, so I suppose I can't complain. Also got some work done on the chair, but I want the prototype finished tomorrow and a bill of materials drawn up so the actual wood can be bought and the actual chair begun. Also got to finish Haley's popsicle. It needs some sanding and a base to help it stand up.

I'm filthy and will go try the shower in a while, but I don't know if I will get hot water or not. The issue with low pressure in the hot system resulting in no flow is becoming entirely too regular for my liking.

He's back! Just lying on the foot of the bed, but wickedness is just emanating from him like heat from a bonfire! Ooof! Tummy Trampoline! Better stop now, because typing is proving difficult with him bouncing around on me entrails and chewing my hands.....

Edited by Netfoot
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CODA is a really good movie, IMO.  I liked it a lot and, of course, it won the Oscar for Best Picture a couple years ago and the actor who played the father won an Oscar, too.

Dogs do seem to take the most interest in stuff that is most important to us.  Do they ever chew up the beat up old sneakers I wear to do yard work?  Oh, nooo, it's only the newest, most expensive shoes for them.  Sounds like Mo is a connoisseur of fine wood and is particularly interested in pieces that are important to you.  My furry kids would approve.

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1 hour ago, Notabug said:

CODA is a really good movie, IMO.  I liked it a lot and, of course, it won the Oscar for Best Picture a couple years ago and the actor who played the father won an Oscar, too.

I wasn't aware of this, but it's nice to know The Academy agrees with me! I certainl;y did enjoy it.


Dogs do seem to take the most interest in stuff that is most important to us.

This is undeniably true. It is their sixth sense; their superpower. My boys also shared the ability to determine when I could least afford a disturbance. Like when I'm on an overseas call with someone I'm trying to impress and have all the documents laid out in front of me for reference, that is exactly when they run in covered in mud, jump directly into your lap, barking at the top of their lungs and refuse to shut up/go away. 

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Oh, BTW, I just got the last patter/template for the Adirondack chair completed and the pieces all fit together reasonably well. 


Now I have to go around and measure each piece to determine how much wood and how many screws of what lengths I will need 


I figure #6 screws will be just fine for little kiddies. It's not like my fat arse will ever be sitting in these things. And the joints will be glued as well. 

I've tried my best to duplicate the original chair even though there are a number of things I would have done differently. That's perhaps why I am really not enjoying this build. But she wanted an exact copy of the original, presumably so they will look like a set and not two mismatched chairs. So I am trying to do what she wants.

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It's lashing down all afternoon and I don't feel like doing anything with a fine mist of rain blowing in on me so I have taken to my bed and invited Molasses to join me. He ignored my offer.

Ran my parts list through an online layout calculator and it tells me I will only need two 1x6", 8' long. That seems to be very unrealistic. You would have to make a series of very accurate cuts to achieve this result. And that assumes you get absolutely perfect lumber with no warps or twists or knots to be cut around. 

Kooyman selling a 1x6-16 for $55.99 untreated or 39¢ less for pressure treated lumber. #6x1½" and #6-1½" flat-head screws at $20.46 also needed. So not counting glue & sandpaper,  electricity & my time, the chair should cost $76.45 unpainted. Guess who's not painting it?

Don't Marry Her, F*ck Me by The Beautiful South. An amusing little ditty with NSFW lyrics. 

Mo has joined me in the bedroom but chooses to curl up on the floor. I can reach over and scratch behind his ears but I don't want to disturb his repose so once, and leave him be after that. 

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Ok, so what about that lidded bowl? The actual bowl was no different to a regular bowl. Shaped, sanded and finished with beeswax, then hollowed, sanded and finished with beeswax. The only tricky part was hollowing out under the rim and into that bulge, but it wasn't too bad.

Good. Now, what ever happens next, I have a bowl.


So, on to the lid. We will need another jam-chuck. Because the Barracuda chuck now has different jaws fitted, I will use this block of pine and fashion a ¾" spigot on it. 


After an age of fiddling and faddling and doing light scraping cuts, the lid fits on the spigot. It can now be jammed onto the spigot and the inner surface of the lid shaped to have a lip that matches the lip of the bowl, and is nice to look at.


The only issue here is that with the jam-chuck made from soft, cross-grain pine, there is a chance the spigot might snap off.....

Ahhh crap!


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ok, so we make another jam-chuck. Number three. And we jam the lid on, and shape a lip that matches that of the bowl. 


Now all we have to do is hollow out the inside of the lid, and we have a lidded bowl!

Note that by simply turning the lid around and sticking it on the spigot from the other direction, both inner and outer surfaced can be worked on. So eventually:


As it happens, the hole makes the lid very east to take off and put back on. One fingertip in the hole and your thumb on the rim.

So whatever happens next, I have a bowl plus lid with weird means of opening it.

It's 11:30 and I'm thinking I will have pasta for lunch. Because blood sugar this morning was 4.3 mmol/L which is just perfect as far as I am concerned. 

But first I will go look for Mo... Oh, a bark from outside let's me know where he is. Unfortunately a downpour of rain has just started so I will have a wet dog in my lap momentarily...Oooof!!

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A little piece of tamarind, caught between the backplates of my small Cole jaws.  I've already turned the end to be a tight fit in that ¾" hole in the lid.


Note the little black gripper at the bottom. These are usually what holds the work piece when using the Cole jaws, but not today. I should remove them because they do whizz around and will give an unsuspecting knuckle a nasty blow if they get a chance.

By making a fourth jam-chuck, I was able to hold the piece by jamming the end into a ¾" hole in the jam-chuck. This allowed me to shape the other end of that tamarind scrap.

Too ugly to deserve the name finial but the word knob does fit.


Remember what I said about the little grippers? Yah, look at that thumbnail! And I'm rejoicing that the entire nail wasn't ripped from it's bed. That happened back in October and the nail is only now returning to something like normalcy. 

So here is the finished piece. A great pity that tamarind turned out to be plain. But still, the contrast in colour is eye-catching, and it will function as a great handle for the lid.


And here is the inside of the piece:


Now time to boil some linguini.....

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1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

The finial handle is a perfect shape—not too fancy. 

Because I can't do fancy. Finials are essentially spindles and usually made with the skew chisel. I rarely do spindles and I'm terrified of the skew. 

But yes, it is a useful type of thing, as opposed to some of the gorgeously detailed and spectacular but totally useless and impossible to transport finials I've seen. Do a Google image search to end up shaking your head.


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2 hours ago, andidante said:

I love it! It's beautiful.

Yes, it didn't turn out too bad. The knob is too large and unfortunately shows no sign of the spalting that makes tamarind so pretty. But there is some nice grain match between the top and bottom of the bowl. And while you can't see it, the fit between the two pieces is very nice.

Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf. I think it was Top Gear (before the Three Stooges left) who placed this as the #1 song in their top-ten list off driving songs.

In bed early. It rained for something like 10 hours. Mo kept going out to get wet then coming back in to enjoy a towelling off. Four times he pulled that stunt but when he tried one more time I let him stay wet and uncomfortable for a while so he stopped that game. Anyhow, the rain stopped a short while ago so we did our Garden Patrol then instead of risking the rain come back before we went out.

Mo is in and 8ut of bed. He is very fuzzy from repeated drenchings & subsequent dryings. 

I glued up a block of wood to make a bowl blank. It is a bit unusual because it has a rectangular hole in the middle. A hole that perfectly fits the stick of Haley's popsicle. I suggested a flat board with a hole in it, but she wanted a bowl. For which (she said) she would be willing to pay an additional $10. I think she was already getting the popsicle for a steal, and now she wants a bowl I could sell for $50 and  is prepared to pay ten bucks for it? But OK, I will see if I can turn a bowl with a hole. And I hope there will be no more new requests. 

And for some reason, my post is now showing in red "ink" and I don't know why and I don't know how to stop it.

had a nice plate of linguini for lunch but felt too sleepy to go cook in the kitchen come dinnertime. Considered a bowl of 1 minute oatmeal but couldn't muster the energy. So no dinner.

Never got to the bank, or to the hardware & building supplies place. Guess I will see if I feel up to it tomorrow. Also think I will try to find a small piece of tamarind that I can turn into another finial/knob for that bowl. Something a little prettier.

Anyway, I will try to get some shut-eye now 

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So, this is a 4-day weekend. Tomorrow is "National Heroes Day" and Monday is "May Day". Good thing I caught it, because I was able to nip out and lay in some supplies, fuel the car and visit the bank.

Was making a stand for Haley's popsicle and it flew off the lathe and bashed my left forearm. Lucky the impact only broke the skin and not the bone. Now the base of the stand is broken and I will have to find a way to fix that.

No sign of lumber for the chair, so I am taking it easy for now. Hoping to get that stand finished today. Not sure what I will do tomorrow. Maybe make another lidded bowl. Or just a better finial/knob for the one I already made.

Watching a movie, hoping Internet Banking starts working again so I can keep an eye on my finances. They are so shakey right now, I have to keep a close watch on them. 

Will prolly take a nap later. 

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OK so the popsicle is all finished, bar final sanding. I am not going to put a finish on it because Hayley doesn't know what she wants to do with it. 


The popsicle didn't come out too bad but the base is 'orrible! I only had some very old, very dry and very splintery wood available so that is what I used. It shows -- the surface finish of the base is terrible.

But, this is more than I bargained for, as the requirements kept expanding over the last two weeks. Thanks in no small part to Beano, who keeps suggesting new features that he is sure I won't mind incorporating for her.

Originally, I offered a flat base with a choice of ways the popsicle could be attached to it so as to stand upright. Last time I saw her she indicated that she would rather have  base like one of my pencil holders. I dunno how the popsicle could be attached to something like that, so she got what you see.

And I hope dearly that this won't be one of those things that keeps being returned to you for slight additions and minor tweaks. 

Anyway, the item can be used the other way up...


Which may or may not be of use to Haley. 

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Tired. (Quelle surprise!) Mo was very agitated and when we did our Garden Patrol he kept running around and looking like he was trying to find something or someone. He is lying on the top step and will have to decide if he's in or out when I go to lock up.

Listening to She's Gone  by Hall & Oates, another band I don't consider myself a fan of. But undeniably, they had some popular hits that can't be ignored. Tracks like this are enjoyed for the places you were, the people you were with and the things you were doing.

And now, Samba Pa Ti from Abraxas. Oh yeah. Nik & I crashed a Badmington Club party in Seaford (I think), on the south coast. We had no invitation but as we arrived with the president of the club, nobody could bring themself to complain. Wandered into the kitchen where the booze was, to discover to my surprise, Fiona (who had dumped me only a couple days before), chatting up some guy.  No rum: poured myself a giant glass of plonk, gave Fi a cheery wave, and departed. Wandered upstairs to find a small circle kneeling on the carpet in the upstairs sittingroom, roasting a tiny piece of hash the size of a shilling (looked like Moroccan) to make a weedy spliff. I joined them but was met with some hostility, so I whipped out a quarter of Lebanese Red and rolled a huge one as they watched, goggle-eyed. Got it going with a couple good tokes and left it with them as I went back downstairs, where I ran into Pete. Same Pete I stayed a couple days with in 2017 when I was in Britain. Good man, Peter! Pete was chasing after a really cute bird in a pair of shiney trousers. He always did like a pair of shineys. And who can blame him? Samba Pa Ti came on and Lynn insisted I slow-dance with her. I refused, of course, but that didn't stop her from having her way. Someone must have found us entertaining to watch because as the track came to an end, they restarted the record so it played again and we kept on dancing. (Record = early form of compact disk utilizing a tiny spiral groove in a vinyl surface.) At this point Fiona left in a huff -- no idea why. It was getting late so after a while we headed back to Lynn's place for a post-party booze-up. Very late that night, Adrian and I hopped on our bikes and cruised across to the other side of town to where we had digs in the student house we shared with Fiona (different one) and Clare. I thought the ride was fantastic; smooth and effortless, no traffic at that hour, good moon in the sky, and I enjoyed the ride very much. Adrian (apparently) was shitting bricks the whole time, maxing out the paranoia and expecting the Old Bill to finger our collars and do us for everything from drunk driving to possession. Poor old Adrian. Dropped dead of a heart attack at 49. Stayed a couple nights with Nik in 2017 as well. Lynn married and now lives in Brown Town, of all places. No idea what became of Fiona. The pair of shiny trousers was discarded after a brief fling. She really was pretty, if I remember correctly. 

Well, I dunno why that brain-dump just occurred. I guess Santana will do that to you, when you least expect it.

Some small tasks to do tomorrow. Since the next four days are a "weekend" I will not be able to use the planer. Maybe make a couple more thimble size bowls?

I've had six little, square boards cut out for days, looking to make a small die (2"x2"x2") to see how it works. Maybe Work on that?

Any road, I will go and invite Mo to be on the inside of the door as I shut it. Want to get some sleep. 

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Lying in bed on a Friday afternoon. I think I will play some music. What will the machine pick? Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs.

Had a generous bowl of vegetable soup for lunch. Potato, pumpkin, carrot and pak choy, plus some dumplings. No meat other than what ever was concealed in an Oxo chicken stock cube. Tasted good. There is a little bit left for me to have for dinner. Not really enough, but it will have to do. Unless I throw in some plantain and white cabbage to "freshen" the pot.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours by Stevie Wonder. I should be outside working on something but I don't feel it. I feel I should read my book and nap. 

Got an email from the market, warning me about the filming tomorrow. Apparently the market has been chosen as "the site of a five minute market scene, which will be included in a film being made featuring Barbados." All very well, but why wait until so late to mention it? Also, they are asking vendors to remain as late as 11:00 because "they would like to be able to have their actors patronizing several of our vendors possibly after 10am." This strikes me as silly planning. Most vendors try to sell all their stock by 9:30 to 10:00 so what will "their actors" be pretend-buying? Certainly none of Fosters donuts or Marva's Betty's coconut bread. Or Toni's Decadent Desserts. But they are the experts, so....


Having some trouble with the lathe control box. The on/off switch is wonky. I will probably need to replace it. It's a simple SPST toggle switch, rated at 16 amps at 120 volts (10 amps at 240 volts). But it's an industrial grade switch and I hope I can find (and afford) a proper replacement without having to go with a less durable unit. While investigating what type of switch it was, I discovered a missing screw in the control box mount so I replaced that. 


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I don't like to make anything when the light is failing. But this evening I grabbed up my woodworm screw, stuck it between my larger jaws and started turning. Let's get this done as fast as we can!


Got the outside turned, sanded to 240 and waxed. Now, I had to remove it from the screw, replace the jaws with my smallest set, and behind hollowing. 

I do all my jaw-changing at my desk. The tools are there, all the jaw-sets are there...

Except I could only find three of the four jaws from my small, round jaws. I searched for 40 minutes, by which time it was full dark outside. So I've given up on this piece, until that missing jaw shows up. 


As you can see, there has been no hollowing, either with a large Forstner bit, or a chisel. Only the ½" he hole for the screw is to be seen.

And it looks like it might have been a pretty one!

Better get some grub, and of course, Mo gets fed before I do..... Then a good bath and off to bed. I transferred all my EDC to my long trousers mid-afternoon instead of later tonight because Mo usually wants to play with everything that comes out of my pockets. So I started to make the switch over while he was outside at the gate barking at an invisible adversary. The belt buckle went Clink! very quietly, and one second later he was standing in my lap, trying to steal my wallet.

Edited by Netfoot
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1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

I don't like to make anything when the light is failing. But this evening I grabbed up my woodworm screw, stuck it between my larger jaws and started turning. Let's get this done as fast as we can!


Got the outside turned, sanded to 240 and waxed. Now, I had to remove it from the screw, replace the jaws with my smallest set, and behind hollowing. 

I do all.my jaw-changing at my desk. The tools are there, all the jaw-sets are there...

Except I could only find three of the four jaws from my small, round jaws. I searched for 40 minutes, by which time it was full dark outside. So I've given up on this piece, until that missing jaw shows up. 


As you can see, there has been no hollowing, either with a large Forstner bit, or a chisel. Only the ½" he for the screw is to be seen.

And it looks like it might have been a pretty one!

Better get some grub, and of course, Mo gets fed before I do..... Then a good bath and off to bed. I transferred all my EDC to my long trousers mid-afternoon instead of later tonight because Mo usually wants to play with everything that comes out of my pockets. So I started to make the switch over while he was outside at the gate barking at an invisible adversary. The belt buckle went Clink! very quietly, and one second later he was standing in my lap, trying to steal my wallet.

Ok, I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine while watching baseball, but… in the second pic, does anyone else see a cat? Please tell me you do! 🤣

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22 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

...in the second pic, does anyone else see a cat? 🤣

12 minutes ago, Notabug said:

A cat wearing a jaunty little hat cocked at an angle?


A cat with a cross expression on its face? Wearing a mortarboard? Tassel on the right, still waiting for his degree to be conferred?

Nope. Don't see that at all! 

Ok, went for a shower and the water pressure petered out in the first few seconds. I uttered some Geordie expletives and resigned myself to a 'fore-day shower in possibly cold water. As I reached to turn the tap off, the rose farted twice and a blast of water came out of it, gradually heating from hot to unbearable to skin-graft. So I had a good bath, scrubbed off some ingrained sawdust, applied shampoo, and came out soaking wet. Was sitting on the edge of the bed drying my face ina little towel when I felt little feet on my knees. As soon as moved the towel, it was slobber! So my face had to be washed again. But my advice is that if your pupper wants to express his affection, never reject it. Having to wash your face twice is so much better than never getting any fuzzy kisses from your pup.

Expanded my soup with a plantain, a few more pak choy leaves and some red pepper flakes. Also got a bit of the dumpling dough out of the fridge but rather than make dumplings I rolled out three very small, flat frybreads and ate the soup with them broken up, making "fishes".  I enjoyed it. 

Internet Banking is still playing the arse but it doesn't matter. Even if I could have made a payment today, it will go into the system with Tuesdays date. Or to put it another way: after the month-end deadline. So I am looking at an $80 late-payment fee, because their policy prevents payments over the counter and because their online system crapped the bed.

So let's hope I can make $80 in sales tomorrow, plus a bit more to cover the entry fee, some gas, and maybe a new switch for the lathe.

Listening to Beginnings from the  Chicago Transit Authority album by the band of the same name. For various reasons the band changed its name to Chicago for all subsequent albums. You may have heard of it! 

Mo is here leaning against my leg, but the moment I go to close the door he will rush out and force me to lock him out. Then, when I open up at 4:30 he will come rushing in, and be all disappointed when I don't spend the next couple of hours cuddling in bed.

Well, let me go put him to the test.

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Back home again. News of the filming kept people away in droves (I assume) because there were very few shoppers. The filming itself was a pain in the arse, not because they wanted to come where I was, but because wherever I wanted to go, there they were. Coffee shop? Busy with filming. Parking lot? All spaces reserved for the cast and crew. Thank goodness they kept away from me. I really didn't need a camera in my face, while I pretended to sell something to an actor who pretended they wanted to buy it! I couldn't even leave when I was told it was OK to do so, because my van was not allowed in the forecourt for loading, and there was no way I was lugging my stuff 250 meters to the vendor's car park.

Toni was there, but once again, Alison put me elsewhere because she had a hole that needed filling. Toni bought me breakfast (sausage/egg roll), Jimmy bought me a cup of coffee, and when we were finally able to leave Toni told me she had four pastries unsold and forced me to bring home a Rocky Road. 

I went up there with $45 (plus $10 for Alison) and I come home with $265 (plus $10 for Alison next week). So a day's take of $220? Not bad. That will start to pay the vet bill for Mo, who has gone and hurt himself. I sold the lidded bowl with the finial, and the small bowl with the live edge I made a couple weeks ago. Also a few other bits and pieces, and my last phone/tablet stand. (I shall make more. They are relatively easy to make, and while they don't exactly sell like hot-cakes, they do sell now and again and it may only be $25, but it is an easy $25.)

I woke up at 4:30 with the alarm, and because it was still dark, I switched on the light. Mo, who was sleeping at the foot of the bed, woke as well, and jumped down, limping badly and standing on three legs. I don't know what he could have done to himself in the dead of night, but that is what happened. I examined the foot but found nothing, and no flinching as I poked and squeezed, so had to leave him at home.alone. Now I'm back, the limp appears to have vanished but he was very excited to see me so maybe that has masked the symptoms. He helped me undress and stole a sock, but now he is snoozing on the top step.

Anyway, I will watch him to see if the foot is indeed still troubling him, and if so, as soon as the long weekend is over, I will have to take him to the vet. As soon as I get my head even slightly above water, he demands a vet visit!)

Nobody seems to know when or where this video will ever see the light of day -- although someone said it was going to Cannes. But if I ever do find a link to it I will post it for you guys to see. After I have vetted it to make sure it isn't to crappy.

Now I have to go search the garden for a missing sock, then brew a cup of tea to drink with my Rocky Road pastries.

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They just tried to deliver the lumber but it was 2x6" lumber! I had said 1x6" lumber when I gave her the list of wood & screws but in a later message accidentally mentioned 2x lumber by mistake. The delivery guys said that they were willing to take it back and let the correct stuff be ordered but they can't deliver before Tuesday because of the bank holiday.....

I just know I am going to get licks for this...

Mo seems to be walking normally again. Maybe he just slept on the leg funny? I wake up with arms and legs feeling funny almost every morning, but I don't know with him. He may be fine, or he may not be limping because he is adrenaline-fueled with excitement at me coming back home. Right now he is snoozing on the top of the stairs, so I will just have to observe him over the next couple of days. 

I ate the chocolate topped Rocky Road pastries with a cuppa and they were delicious. Mo would agree, I'm sure. No, he didn't get any chocolate -- I cut the bottom layer off and gave him bits of that, saving the chocolate for myself altruistically eating the chocolaty top so as to keep him safe.

Sock recovered. He had hidden it quite well, but I spotted it in the end. 

Fourth chuck jaw missing yesterday evening located and ready for use. I've been telling myself to make a case for the miscellaneous accessories that go with the lathe but I never seem to have the time...

Mo has arrived. He is making it plain he wants his lunch.....

Edited by Netfoot
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Just back from Garden Patrol and Mo seems to be walking quite normally. I deliberately didn't encourage him to run because if he did have some minor irritation this morning I don't want to make it return. So it is looking good, but I will be keeping my eye on him.

I did get a very passive-aggressive spanking over the wood order and there was a distinct sense that there would be more to come. Frankly, I don't know why she insisted on ordering the wood herself via email, when I could have gone in and picked it up myself, and she pay me back later. That way I would be able to pick the best boards myself instead of making do with what ever wood the lumber yard foists upon me. But when she decided how she wants to proceed, it makes no sense to make a suggestion. But if it had gone the way I suggested, I'd have had hand-picked lumber since last Tuesday instead of waiting on potluck lumber next Tuesday.

Today for reasons unknown, Toni bought me a sausage/egg sandwich for breakfast. She was getting one and offered to buy me one as well. I told her that wasn't necessary, but she insisted. So later on, when she came along and brought it for me, I was chatting with Mark & his wife, and Haley. As Toni was departing, they asked me how come she brought the sandwich for me. I replied, "I have her well trained!" Well, that's when the brown stuff hit the spinny thing! Not only did Mark's wife* and Haley jump directly down my throat but Toni who was walking away heard my remark, and I got an earful from her, too! (Mo is hear here now, giving me a bath.) Anyway I think my remark was taken as the humour I intended it to be, so hopefully no bridges burnt.

Speaking of Haley, she was very pleased with her popsicle, and everyone was complementary except Beano who turned up like a bad penny, just in time to tell me everything that was wrong with it and what I should have done differently. Beano is not a bad guy, by the way. He just knows more than everyone about everything. If he went for surgery he would not want the anesthetic, because then he could not direct the surgeon's every move.

Anyway, I'm in bed listening to Iron Man by Black Sabbath and I know it's early but I did get up early. I lay in bed this afternoon but didn't get to nap at all. So I will read until I feel my eyes closing, then call it a night. And I am yawning already...

* I'm sorry but I can't remember Mark's wife's name.

Edited by Netfoot
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I cook with bottled gas, and when the tank runs out I have to go get a replacement from the gas station. I have a very bad habit of leaving the gas burning when I finish cooking a meal and want to go eat itr. it's not as bad as it sounds, because I only do it when there is something on the stove with the valve juuuust cracked open so the tiniest of flames will maintain heat. With he valve almost closed and the flame only a hair high, a quick glance at the stove and you can miss it.  especially if there is a flame spreader over the burner. 

just went to cook potatoes and when I was about to turn on the valve, I noticed it was cracked slightly open. That would have been since last night. There would not have been any dangerous buildup of gas because the flame would have been consuming any gas as soon as it was released. By time I noticed this afternoon there was no flame -- because there was no gas.  I do this every so often, but this is the first time it has been all night long. 

So Mo and I went out and bought a cylinder of gas. And I remember someone once asking

On 1/27/2023 at 9:31 AM, andidante said:

How long do the tanks for your stove last?

The last cylinder was bought on 2nd February and today is 30th April, or just about three months. If I didn't occasionally leave a tiny flame burning by accident, it might have lasted a few days more, but probably not too many. So three months is about right, given my normal usage. If I started baking lots of bread or frequently roasting chickens, it would obviously change.

Any way, new cylinder bought and Mo behaved like an absolute demon the entire time in the van.

6 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

The last cylinder was bought on 2nd February and today is 30th April, or just about three months. If I didn't occasionally leave a tiny flame burning by accident, it might have lasted a few days more, but probably not too many. So three months is about right, given my normal usage. If I started baking lots of bread or frequently roasting chickens, it would obviously change.

Any way, new cylinder bought and Mo behaved like an absolute demon the entire time in the van.

I had forgotten that I asked you that! Of course I have slept since then and my memory sucks a lot of the time. 🤣 Thank you for getting back to that question. 

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Just watched a 2022 movie called Fall.


The premise is simple. Two totally & completely idiotic girls competent, capable young women venture out in the Styx where they climb a disused TV transmitter mast to the top; a height of over 2,000 feet. All for internet clout. There, thanks to mechanical failure caused by age and neglect the thoughtlessness of The Patriarchy, they become trapped.

The story is about how they comport themselves and the efforts they make to get themselves down off the tower.

Although filmed on a mock-up of the top of the tower, they were still 100 feet up, and a fall from that height would be just as deadly. In fact, the only advantage of falling from the lower height would be that you had less time to contemplate the jammy mess you were about to become.

Apparently, the actors eschewed the use of stunt-doubles.

  • Mind Blown 1

Baba O'Riley by The Who (from the Who's Next album).

In bed now, after a lengthy Garden Patrol during which Mo peed on so many things I couldn't believe he had a drop left. Despite a short nap late in the afternoon (from which I awoke to find a game of Tummy Trampoline already underway), I am still feeling tired.

I'm sucking a peppermint and Mo is standing guard over me and periodically sniffing my face and kissing me on the face. He knows I've got something and as usual, he wants his share!

Cooked up the potatoes from lunch with some pak choy, cucumber, bully beef and spices. Served with red butter. Tasted pretty good. Mo has now curled up against my lower legs, resigned to not getting any peppermint. He is so cuddly. If only he wouldn't insist in spending most of the night outside, prowling around instead of snuggling with me. 

No sign of any limping or anything. I do notice him standing on three legs from time to time. Like he will be walking and will stop in mid stride with one foot off the ground. After a few seconds he continues walking. But the foot that is raised is not any particular one. He seems to stop with left, right, front or rear foot raised fairly equally. But he's been doing that for ever, so not a sign of any issues. Also, he does not like me to examine his feet and will  pull away and block me from examining him properly. I could use main force and immobilize him but he finds a move like that very distressing. So, I can find nothing visibly wrong with any of his feet, but I have not had a chance to examine them thoroughly. 

Finished the Cat-With-A-Hat bowl (sorry, no photo) and also turned a small, wet mango bowl as well. I really want to turn some bigger stuff, now. Since getting the woodworm screw I've turned a smattering of small stuff from scraps, but I want to get some larger pieces of mahogany and make a few larger pieces as well. Maybe even make a few pieces with lids on? Make a couple ludicrous finials? I have some small pieces of unusual woods, that might make an interesting contrasting motif for a mahogany piece. 

Still toying with the idea of a tensegrity piece of some sort. Can't think of any small, practical item I could make. I mean, I could make an entire table, but that would be difficult to transport and tricky to demonstrate. I'm thinking maybe some sort of floating cupholder for my coffee? I could make a thermos of tea and take it along, together with my speckled blue enamel mug...

Little baby has gone out, and can be heard barking loudly. I will try to complete a chapter of my book before inviting him to join me on the inside and locking up. Then sleep.

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Not one chip, but two! And the one on the right hand side is deep and will require a lot of grinding out. 

By the way, if you think my chisels always look crufty and 'orrible, it's because they come with a thin layer of hard wax on them. This is to prevent them rusting while on the shelf or in transit to the eventual buyer. You are supposed to clean all the wax off with acetone or something, when you receive the chisel. That way it looks all shiny and pretty. Until it starts rusting due to the fact that you've just removed the rust inhibiting wax...

I rather leave the wax in place. Dust and bugs and all sorts of ick sticks to the wax and makes the chisel look like hell, but so long as the bevel is clean and the  edge is keen...

  • Mind Blown 2
  • Sad 1

It's been hot. And just a few weeks ago I was dressed from head to toe in ninjammies and shivering in the wee hours. But tonight, despite there being a cool breeze while we patrolled the garden, and even though it's in the window, I am still hot.

Mozie is nibbling my toes. 

Listening to Let Down from Radiohead's OK Computer. That is one of those perfect albums -- from start to finish and not a bum note to be heard.

Mo has left the building 

Had a simple dinner of oatmeal porridge with some raisins in it. Lunch was macaroni with tuna and green veggies. I added some slices of "American Cheese" (don't ask where I got them) and to my complete surprise, they melted down and combined with the other seasonings to be not at all horrid! So. "American Cheese" on pasta. Who would have thought it? But then, I still have not tried the Marmite based pasta sauce that I'm told is so great. 

Well, tomorrow I guess I will receive the lumber and have to start work on that chair. Am I looking forward to it? No. I'm not. There is no opportunity for me to do anything creative or interesting. Instead, I have to replicate the existing chair, flaws and all.

Anyhoo, I'm going to read a while and go for a good night's sleep. Two nights in a row, Mo chose to sleep outside and I did get a good night in so far as he wasn't waking me up every 45 minutes. On the other hand, I spent the night missing his fuzzy little self and wondering if he was OK outside by himself. And as soon as it starts to.get light, say between 4:30 and 5:00, I open the door to find him sitting there with his nose to the crack, so he can squeeze through into the house as soon as the door opens. Then he is extra cuddly & snuggly until time for me to get up. 

So I will read, try to persuade him to come in, lock up, then sleep.

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Just went for a shower. Mo came too.  He does this from time to time. He walks right into the shower with me but I shield him from the spray coming from the rose by standing so as to block the spray. His feet get wet because he is standing in water, and he does get a little sprinkle or two because my spray blocking is not perfect 

Just returned from the shower. Mo came back too. He jumped into bed and proceeded to dry his feet in my cover sheet and then roll back and forth on my pillows to eliminate any sprinkles from his back.

What did Dr. Kristi call him only day before? Oh yeah. A handsome ruffian!

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Ok, after regrinding the bowl gouge for the - what is it now? Fourth time? And spending 40 minutes on the job, the chisel is back to the point where I can use it. And just because I've had so many requests, I've cleaned it with #2 Reducer as well. 

Nice, freshly ground bevel on the underside of the edge:


No visible edge on either wing. (If you can see the edge, it isn't really an edge, so keep sharpening!)


Lost over an eighth of an inch of chisel grinding out those chips.

Well, I guess if you buy. $30 chisel (the cheapest you can find) it don't perform like if you bought a $120 chisel. Or a $265 chisel.

When yuh don' have horse yuh ride cow.

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Of course, I blame @Spunkygal for this:


Not finished yet (some final sanding on the top, trimming of the foot and creation of a finial) but not too ugly and sort of interesting. I am trying what to use for the finial. Mahogany? To tie the top back to the base? Tamarind, for a touch of the exotic? What other pieces doni do I have around here? I will have to dig out my box and see if I can decipher the labels.

Edited by Netfoot
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