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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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I don't know how to crochet. Or knit. I once had a fascinating conversation with a complete stranger in Gatwick aeroport about the needlepoint she was doing. We had hours to wait on our flight, and that old lady was somewhat hesitant at first, but we ended up having a great old time chatting.

Knotting can be complex but it can be simple as well. Knots come in a range of complexities, and I stick to the ones I can handle and avoid those I can't get. I have the #1, top, leading book on the subject called Ashley's Book of Knots (frequently just called ABOK) which is wonderful, but is pretty expensive, even second hand. 

As for Turk's Heads and Globe knots, I  have three books by a guy named Don Burrhus. They are spiral bound and are packed with recipes. He also sells jigs and mandrels (but I make my own as well).

There are many books on the subject but I settle for a few good ones rather than a large selection of questionable ones. There are plenty of websites and YouTube channels that cover the subject as well.

Speaking of knots, I'm now doubling the knot I'm currently working on. 


Brown?!?? Why brown? Because I have a roll of brown cord and it never gets any love! I started with 60" of green and got two passes out if of it and 11" left over. So, one pass of brown will require (60-11)/2 inches of brown, plus enough for the attachment loop.

I make the loop by tying a Rose knot. Any knot would do, but the Rose us pretty. Ashley probably contains 500 decorative knots I could use, but I can tie the Rose from memory, so...  Then I chase the globe with one end of the new cord, then the other.  When I'm finished it will be time for final tightening and trimming the ends.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 2

Wait! Now, the eaten post resurfaces?!?? SMH.

Here, I'm pulling the slack out of each facet, before moving on to the next. The loop of extra cord gets larger and larger until you get to the end and pull it out of the globe completely.


And the finished knot, next to the one I finished yesterday. 


Disposing of the extra "end" bits is simple. Pull on them fairly hard so they stretch a little, then snip them off close to the globe. The cut end snaps back, tucking itself under the remaining cord and vanishes.

It still has gaps, so the next step would be to tie one with 47 facets, or use less facets, but quadruple the knot instead of tripling it, which would give larger facets to compensate for the lower number of them. Unfortunately, it's an exercise in trial and error, until you arrive at the perfect combination of recipe and pass count.

But not now. It's just gone three, and I think something to eat is in order. Puppy who habitually pilfers the last few mouthfuls of my meals is annoyed that that hasn't happened yet.

  • Love 2

A pretty non-productive day. Apart from finishing a keyring, all I did was cook some pasta with tuna, cucumbers and corn, which I ate for lunch and again for dinner.

Otherwise I watched a movie or two, and worked on a program which - given a globe knot recipe - works out how much cord is needed to tie that knot onto the mandrel. It cleverly works out which mandrel you will be using based on the recipe, too. So you don't have to tell it. (There are two mandrels. One has three rows of pins around it's circumfrence, the other has four. Which you use is determined by which recipe you are using.)

Once the knot is transferred to a core and dressed & tightened, you will probably reclaim some of that length by drawing slack out of the knot as you tighten it. In some cases where the core is large (a tennis ball, say), you may need more than the minimum required to tie on the mandrel. But for larger cores I think you'd be better off making a larger mandrel, rather than tying the knot extra slack on the small mandrel and hoping the knot doesn't fall apart before you can get it snugged up on the large core. The program used three sizes measured off of the mandrel to compute everything, so only three simple changes are necessary for the program to work with a different size of mandrel.

Mo just came to check on me in bed. He had a look and then departed. I will read while the music plays (Johnny Too Bad by The Slickers on the The Harder They Come soundtrack) and then go lock up. Mo has returned to curl up at the foot of the bed where I can rub his back with my foot. But he may depart again at any time, especially when I get up to lock the house.

Speaking of my foot, it's a week gone and it still hurts. (Mo has departed...) The pain seems to be in the ball of the foot, when I put any weight on it. The toes don't hurt but then I'm taking care not to bash them against anything.

And as of 3:02 this afternoon, the status of the chuck bits has changed to "In Transit to Destination Country" but believe me, it can still go to "Flight Delayed" at this point. (Mo is back.) I think ITDC means they have sent it to the air carrier, not that it's actually on an aeroplane. (He's gone again...) It could remain ITDC until early next week. 

Book! And baby is back!

The nasty little brute!

I'm lying here with book in hand when a heavy downfall starts to roar against the roof. Wind is light so it isn't blowing in the window.

About 10 seconds later, a fuzzy, black bullet is fired into the room! It leaps onto the bed, rubs it's dripping wet self against my back and begins drying off by rolling on the pillows and top sheet!


Tried a different recipe. Three passes of a much thicker, black cord but only 18 facets. Instead of a little keyring I've gone with a spring clip that will attach directly to your existing bunch of keys. And instead of a Rose knot at the base of the lop, I've used a doubled Turk's Head knot in a finer cord with a contrasting colour. 20220819_161809494.thumb.jpg.aae039684afd93d2489a913cb96fc960.jpg

The purple cord (a scrap of which can be seen under the loop) is the same cord used in the previous two globes, so you can see the difference in thickness.

On 8/17/2022 at 1:16 AM, Netfoot said:

But I couldn't find the 6th bolt. I searched off and on for hours. I still don't know where it went.

Well, I guess I'm the fool for not knowing where that missing bolt was. Or more correctly: who had the missing bolt. Just took my baby for his evening stroll around the garden. When I went looking for him I noticed that he was playing with something shiny, and shortly, I was able to recover it. 


Unfortunately, I've already paid for a replacement...

Speaking of replacements, this afternoon at 3:55 the status of the chuck parts went from "In Transit to Destination Country" to "Received at Destination Country." Transit time was 24 hours and 53 minutes. Given that a Sopwith Camel could have covered the distance in 14½ hours.....

So I expect we will see it go to "Customs Clearance in Progress" starting from around Wednesday next week, and finally "Ready for Pickup" early the week after. If I'm lucky. Last thing I brought in that required Customs clearance took 12 days from CCP to RFP. 

It's a huge pain, but any item with a declared value of U$30 or more automatically requires Customs processing. Under that and it's their discretion and most of the time it's waved through.

  • Love 1

Tired and in bed, but I have to get up and lock the house. I think I might take a shower as well, not because I'm dirty, but because it will rouse me from my sleepiness for a little while.

Listening to some tunes (Just Shoot Me, Baby by Crash Test Dummies) and I've just started The Other Wind, the sixth and final book of the Earthsea "trilogy". This is a recent acquisition; I've never read this book before, so I'm looking forward to it.

Mo has joined me and is lying on top of me, so this may be.... Uh-oh! He just shot off like a rocket. Anyway, I will take the opportunity to go and lock up, possibly showering first. 

I've been considering things I might try with the lathe now the availability of a functioning chuck draws near. I am considering making bangles. Wooden bangles should be interesting. But I fear they will break along the grain of the wood. I will probably try it and see, but suspect and believe a segmented turning might be the best for strength and beauty of such a project. Of course, I don't actually wear bangles, so they would just be one more thing made but not needed so left to collect dust for a couple years and eventually thrown away...

Got some interesting/important news which I will tell in the morning. Until then, shower and (eventually) sleep.

  • Love 2

Birthday Boy and I are in and the doors are locked. He's lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. No matter what I tell him, only his eyes move.

I expect he will come for a cuddle at some stage. I've taken the time to seek him out and give him plenty of cuddles all day long. He also got extras at lunch and dinner. Nothing fancy, alas, but no shortage of rations. I wish I could have taken him up to the club but I will maybe take him tomorrow. Our mower went for a service, and was to come back this past week, but so far I've not heard it was brought back. It might have been... the grass will definitely need cutting; it was pretty shaggy last weekend.

Didn't do much today. Continued experimenting with globe knots, tied a quadrupled 50-facet knot done with extra fine cord in yellow. Didn't look too bad. Also did one in orange similar to the one done yesterday in black.

Obviously no movement if of the chuck parts. As said previously, they prolly won't start to process it until the middle of next week, and I doubt it will be actually released until at least a week or more after that.

Got a huge pile of "junk" that needs to be separated into "good junk" and "bad junk". Amongst the "good junk" should be a brand new blade for the table saw and a brand new dado blade as well. Plus godnozewot else.

Baby came and snuggled against my back for a short while then went down to the bottom of the bed and entangled himself with my legs. He's now moved to lie against my tummy with his legs in the air so the tummy can get rubs. I have to stop typing every few words to give him a tickle.

Listening to music (Black Dog by Led Zeppelin), snuggling with the puppy and will now read a bit. Then lights out.

One year already! I have been blessed three times with fantastic puppies. Dotty wad an angel. Buddy was a rascal. And Mo is a devil! All three beautiful and amazing.

With his tousled fur, square nosie and serious underbite you might not think Mo is beautiful. But that's because you can't see him up close and in the flesh. In person, he is such a pretty boy. He is also stubborn, mischievous, self-centered, disobedient, noisy, destructive, a clepto and - what was @Spunkygals word? Incorrigible. Yes, all of that and more. But also warm, loving, cuddly, cute (yes, cute), and a great little boy to know.

Words are not really enough. Or maybe I just don't have the talent of stringing the right words together. That's why I keep posting his photo and describing his antics. So you might get an inkling of what it's like to live with the Monster!

Here he is, sleeping with his head on the huge duct-tape patch that I had to apply to cover the giant hole he dug in the mattress as a little boy.


I'd turn the mattress over, except there is another giant duct-tape patch on the other side as well, put there by Budweiser when he was a little boy...

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 4

Some Days are just shitty. And mostly it isn't any one thing. It is one thing after another, after another, after another, all day long.

And then, when you get home, you go for a pee and to change, and when you're done:


You have to spend five minutes running around the yard in the dark, with one shoe on, hoping not to stump your broken toe again, like you already did once for the day:


And no matter how much you beg, the little Monster won't play ball.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

Bad day today.

Stumped the broken toe. Only very slightly, but I still saw stars.

Then I was going to the club and was supposed to stop and collect my modified chuck-jaw screws, but the guy who did the job sent a message not to come today, rather come tomorrow. (And I always try to achieve as much as possible when ever I take the van out so as to save a few buckds, what with the rising cost of gasoline.)

On the way out the door I noticed that two idiots I have for neighbors have decided to park their vehicles side by side on opposite sides of the street. They both have parking on their own property, but why do that? When you can get together and totally block someone in and make them wait 10 minutes before moving a vehicle do they can get out? Then once they are out go and park back in the exact same spot so they won't be able to get in when they get back?

The yellow Low-Fuel light was lit on the dashboard so I went to the station and put in $25 in gas. With Mo behaving like a complete hooligan because he wanted to play with the girl pumping the gas and she wasn't taking him on in the least.

As I was about to start the engine and continue my journey, Mo saw the girl walking away and in a fit of frustrated passion kicked my cell phone out of my hand, out the window and onto the ground. I had to switch off, get out and lie on the ground to retrieve the phone from way under the van.

The price of gas was marginally down, but that Low-Fuel light was back on again by time I got back home.

One detour on the way up to the club. They have been working on that stretch of road for a minimum of six weeks and are nowhere near finished. It's hard to find any differences one weekend after the next.

Got to the club and noticed that the cell phone is now sporting a crack on one edge of the screen. It still works, but for how much longer?

At the club heard the tale of the pack of five dogs that were seen there yesterday. So rather than give Mo the freedom to run around and enjoy himself a bit with only a casual eye on his coming and goings, I had to watch him like a hawk the entire time. He may have had a good day at the club, but I certainly didn't find it very restful!

Two detours on the way back (don't ask me why) the first of which turned me through a village and out through some houses so that I had no idea where I was supposed to go. With no signs to follow and no cars in front to lead and no idea where I was, I had to guess my way through 30 or 40 junctions and only by  the power of prayer did I make it through without having to reverse or turn around and retrace my steps.

And of course, no sooner was I thoroughly lost, the "Check Engine" light came on the dashboard. Again. So lost in a strange area in a car with a questionable engine, in the dark. Wonderful.

Got back home to discover that one of my yahoo neighbors was gone but the other was parked in the road in a way that made it very difficult to reverse into my garage like I prefer to do. Because it's easier to maneuver out again while dodging yahoo neighbors who won't park in their own yard. So I'm parked the wrong way around in my own garage, now.

Fed Mo, and went for my own dinner which was leftovers from lunch, which was leftovers from yesterday's dinner added to some rice, and realized/remembered my microwave is deader than a stone but I keep preparing meals that rely upon it to reheat. So had cold rice with black beans and corned beef with diced tomatoes for dinner. Same thing for lunch but at least it was hot!

Made some "Lemon Iced Tea" to go with dinner. The bag of crystals was quite hard, so in an attempt to break it up into smaller lumps and powder, I banged it against the kitchen wall. The bag split and there was loose "Lemon Iced Tea" crystals all over the kitchen floor. Only a small amount was saved.

Then I had an urgent pee and decided I'd change from street to house shorts at the same time. Slipped shoes and shorts shorts off, then slipped different shorts and shoes back on. All of three seconds. But one of those shoes went missing in those three seconds. I didn't even see or hear when he came and/or went! Couldn't pursue the thief and retrieve quickly because I still had to pee! So I had to give lengthy chase around the garden in the dark while hobbling on one foot. Those shoes are the only ones I have, and they ain't new nor in the best of shape. I certainly don't think getting chewed to buggery on a regular basis does them any good at all. And when they are unwearable I'll have to switch to my big old clump-clump boots.

The movie I was planning to watch had a large (20 minute) chunk cut out of the middle and another 5 minutes where the video played fine but completely without audio.

So I decide this day had had enough of me and head off to bed. Call Mo, shut the door, pick up my phone and notice there is a second crack on one corner that I hadn't noticed before.

So by no means a good day. In fact, there is only one good thing about it:



Most days, Mo helps me to get through without losing it completely. But every day, I get closer to the edge.

Hey Joe by Deep Purple. The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin. The arms of Morpheus. "To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub!"

  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, andidante said:

Hope you have a better day today Netfoot!

Well, first thing this morning I discovered that both band saw tires have perished and have to be replaced before the saw can be used. Price from maker for replacement tires is U$19.95 plus U$10.99 shipping, which gets it as far as Florida. Plus shipping to the island on top. And possibly customs fees & handling fees as well.

11 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

I got chills when you mentioned the pack of dogs at the club.

Please believe me he had approx. 10 people watching him like hawks the entire time, and when ever he strayed more than 50 feet from us, we called him back and - miraculously - he came when called!

  • Love 3

So, the band saw is out of service until I can find the money to buy, ship and pay taxes on a pair of tires. Which won't happen any time soon. And I was really counting on that saw, as well. Might be able to use a couple bicycle inner tubes as cheap alternatives but they don't give those away either! Must check what they cost. It's a 17" saw but I'll check the size of the wheels. Want something a little smaller than the wheels so they can stretch into place.

Just not feeling it today. Didn't eat much for lunch and not much more for dinner. Mo seemed more interested in my lunch than I was, so I gave him a significant part of it. Gotta go to the pharmacy tomorrow. Out of two meds, and when I asked Dr. K. whether I could stop taking them, she insisted I don't stop.

Dropped a little rubber ball and it vanished. Spent half an hour lying on the floor with a torch looking for it but can't find it anywhere. Very concerned that Mo will find it. It looks like it could be a choking hazard.

No movement on the chuck parts - as expected.

Rain off and on today. Took Mo out for our round-the-garden stroll and the rain suddenly hosed down on us. Mo seemed to like it. He's outside by the gate now. It isn't raining, but everything out there is wet, so he must be as well. I hope he chooses to come in because I could use a big cuddle right now. I'm not looking forward to being used bodily as a towel, Buti still hope he comes in.

Last time I had Check Engine I added oil to top up the car (which was low) and the light went away. Today, I couldn't add any oil because I didn't have any left and because the level wasn't low. So, I did nothing. But the Check Engine light went away anyhow. It isn't comforting to know something is up with that engine but not know what. The car has an Oil Low light anyway, and it never came on, so it's obviously something else.

Maybe I can find someone with one of those diagnostic computers to check it out.

Mo just arrived and he isn't too damp. I will go shut the door in a minute, if he will let me. Sweet. He is lying down against my tummy. He just gave a huge sigh, like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. Or maybe he was sighing with pleasure? There was an amusing song popular when I was a youngun called I Want To Be A Puppy by a Caribbean band called The Tradewinds. Hey, I just googled and it is on YouTube. I must really listen to it again. If I recall, the Tradewinds were well known for "naughty" lyrics, usually with plenty of clever double entendre, but I seem to remember this one was uncharacteristically tame!

Anyway, now to try and shut the door without the pupper running back outside. Then a little light music, a couple pages, and sleep.

  • Love 1

Got some sort of gripe so I'm lying in bed for a while in the hope it will pass. Mo was around here somewhere, but he's resisting my siren call for him to come and snuggle. Actually, it's quite warm today so snuggling with a fuzz-ball of a puppy may be contraindicated. But it would be nice if he were nearby. He was lying in the gloomiest part of the passage a while ago, probably looking for the cool of the tiles. But with the fan on and a light breeze through the window, it is pretty col cool here in the bed 

Bit the bullet and ordered two need new tires for the band saw. U$30 I wish I didn't have to spend. But I'm not running a blade on my expen$ive 17" alloy wheels without a tire to prevent them from getting chewed up! Tried to find a 16" bicycle inner tube to try and make my own, but the smallest anyone had was 26" and at $16 each, a pair would have cost me 80% of the bespoke urethane tires. Anyway, the tires have been ordered, so let's see when they get here. Still no movement on the chuck bits.

Went to the bank and also to the pharmacy. Stopped to buy four machine screws I needed and also got a #10 screw to check it against the one in the table saw throat plate. No go. I'm convinced it's a #10 but it is a very fine thread. The standard #10 screw has 24 threads to the inch (#10-24) but this looks like it might be a #10-32 screw which aren't quite so common!

Got home and discovered that the four screws I'd bought? 3@ 5/16" and one at 3/8".  ☹️😡 So I had to get dressed again and unlock the gate and load Mo into the car and go get them to replace it. Which they did without question, but it's still an annoyance to have to drive back over there to get the matter corrected.

By the way, I went to five places total today and each had a sanitation station at the door and in each case it was empty and dispensed nothing.

Puppy still hadn't hasn't come to keep me company, but the tummy ache has receded.  Still, puppy woke me at 3:05 this morning barking and scratching to be let out, and again at 6:05 barking to be let back In. I think I could manage a brief nap. And I've got a glass of ice next to me here, so as it melts I drink it, dip by dip sip by sip.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

In bed and preparing to crash. Fan is blowing, music is playing (Do It To Me by Lionel Richie and The Commodores), book is waiting. I'll have to go and lock the door, but I'll give the puppy a chance to come in first.

Band saw tires have shipped and are expected to be delivered (in Florida) on Friday. Just like the chuck bits were. Do I guess it's reasonable to expect them to reach the island the following Friday. Just like the chuck bits did. (Speaking of the chuck, local processing still not begun as yet.) Misread the price of the tires. What I thought was $19.95 should also have included tax. So, like, $22.11 total. Plus shipping.

Went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Had found a couple very ancient chicken breasts in the back of the freezer and decided to have one of them with a baked potato. There was slight frost-burn on the periphery of the chicken but nothing that I worried about.

So into the kitchen I went, and suddenly realized/remembered the microwave was dead. Instead of a baked potato I had to have a boiled potato with my chicken.

I put it in some water with a little salt and left it for a very long time. Went in and poked it with a bamboo skewer. The skewer went in only about ½“ before hitting rawness. Left it to boil for another eternity at which time it was still hard in the middle and about ⅙th of the water had boiled away. Well, I was getting sorts hungry by then and decided that if it wasn't cooked through in the next 10 minutes I was going to chop it into smaller pieces to help it cook faster. Note this was a fairly large potato for a small potato, but nowhere near the size of a big Idaho baker!

About five minutes later I start to smell potato. I rushed into the kitchen to discover that the pit was dry. It took two eternities to boil out ⅙th of the water and only 5 minutes to boil out the other ⅚th of it? At least it was cooked but for a while I was a little concerned for the state of my favourite rice-cooking, enameled saucepan!

Put the chicken in some home made dry rub I keep in the fridge and then into a little hot oil. I watched over it, turning it every couple of minutes until it was nicely done. Meanwhile I split open my baked boiled potato and added a little red butter.

When the chicken was ready I plated it next to the sound and added two drops of Worcester to the hot pan. Next, I added a little hot water from the kettle. There was a roaring hiss, and a solid, yellow flame the diameter of the pan rose up and towered over my head and looked at me with a stern eye, before collapsing back into the pan. I was terrified totally unperturbed. Turkey gravy crystals went in next, and a little more boiling water from the kettle, very cautiously. The gravy turned out thick and nice looking and I poured it over the chicken and potatoes. The meal was quite tasty. So much so that all Mo got out of it was the gravy left on the bottom of the plate when I was done.

Later, I made myself a mug of tea.all went well until I tried to lift out the tea bag. That's when I joggled and spilt ¼ cup of the tea on the table and ultimately the floor.

(Mo has just joined me in bed but he isn't interested in snuggling, apparently. Because he has curled up at the foot of the bed without so much as a by-your-leave. Oh, wait! A few foot caresses and he has come up and is now snuggling against my tummy.)

The tummy ache I experienced this afternoon was thankfully gone by time I was roused from my slumber by the K9 arm of the Nap Police.

Search for the table saw blade continues. I sure hope that the belts on these saws are all OK. Would hate to get everything else ready to go and discover that the belts have gone. Must check them tomorrow, if I remember.

Anyway, I will read a bit of my book and then lock the house and blow out the lamps. Might take a shower as well, but frankly I'm feeling too comfortable for it to be likely I douse myself with cold water just now.


Dead to the world!

With nothing else better to do, I decided to make a couple of items. I needed two pairs of handled handles to which I could attach short lengths of wire. I used a drive-center and a live-center on the lathe and a piece of a thick dowel as my stock.

I really don't like spindle turning, but I didn't need these things to be pretty. So I roughed out two pairs of handled handles in two different sizes without measuring or really trying too hard to make them pretty or even uniform.

To the smaller handles I attached some 20 ga. (36 thousandths of an inch) steel wire and used 18 ga. (48 thou.) steel wire on the other set.


Here they are! Two garrotes! The heavier gauge is for use on adults, while the lighter gauge is for children. I don't often have a need for these items, but occasionally... And the way people are letting their progeny behave these days, the number of insufferable people I have to deal with can only increase as time passes. So it makes sense to have the equipment ready and also to start on the problem people now, while they are still kids.

It's approaching 2:30 so I'd better think about lunch...

Edited by Netfoot
  • Wink 1
  • LOL 1

Back in bed with a tummy ache. I had this for a while, some time back. It was put down to stress. Hope it goes away quickly, like yesterday. Mo came and peeped over the edge of the bed at me and went away again.

He was lying in the passage when I got up this morning. He had demanded (loudly) that he be let out at 3:30 this morning, then demanded (just as loudly) to be let back in at 6:00. From outside the bedroom window.

Later this morning I went looking and discovered him hiding under the bed. When I stick stuck my nose under there, he came scrambling out and we had a very sweet snuggle. And I just heard a noise a moment ago so it seems he didn't go away very far. Let me peep... no, he isn't under there now. Only dust bunnies and "treasure". He doesn't have treasure like my boy Buddy had, but he's only young. Give him time. And he takes most of his stolen goods treasure outside, anyway.

No change in status of chuck parts. I wonder what excuse they would give if I called up and complained? They've been known to blame tardy delivery on the backlog from previous Christmas for well onto into June, then in July complain that there is an increase in workload due to the coming Christmas rush. But it's all (regrettably) going just as I expected. 

Bandsaw tires still with UPS in transit to Florida, and estimated to arrive there some time on Friday.

With both the chuck and bandsaw tires, I'm hoping the government don't screw me over too hard for duties, excises, tariffs, documentation fees, handling fees, processing fees, brokerage fees, software usage charges, and storage.

It's all a big scam. It's like when I went to the Imperial War Museum at RAF Cosford. There is no charge for entry, because the people must be allowed to enjoy their history and heritage free of charge! Parking? Seven quid.

I once brought something through the port. There was a $25 supplemental fee because it came in multiple boxes. So the next time I brought something through, I was all "Ha! No supplemental fee because it's all in one box!" But they said "Sorry, there has been a change. The $25 supplemental fee is now charged on anything over 25 kilos." The next item that I brought in, I was "Ha! No supplemental fee because it's under 25 kilos!" "Sorry, buddy, but the $25 supplemental fee now applies to every shipment."

It's hardly supplemental if it applies to every shipment! It isn't supplemental; it's just an across-the-board price hike!

Well, look who just came in from outside!


And immediately went to the window to check out what's happening outside where he just was... He's gone again. 

Think I'll make myself a mug of tea later. I've still got some teabags, and there is still some milk and some sugar left.

Garrotes. Heh! Surely doubt anybody fell for that.

Edited by Netfoot
  • LOL 1
  • Love 1

I never did get to have even a brief nap this afternoon. Which is probably why I'm in be bed a little early tonight, listening to Freedom by Fleetwood Mac and planning to only finish one chapter of my book. No, couldn't get to sleep because a puppy kept running in from outside, jumping on the bed, clambering all over me, peering out the window and running back outside again. Dunno what, but something outside the window had him completely occupied.


He's here by my feet now, but may run out again when I go to lock up. Uh, suddenly he is no longer next to me, but on top of me.


Annnnnnd.... now he's gone. No, wait! He's back, but with wet feet (?) clambering over me to get to the window again. His butt is right in my face... he's gone again. I just can't keep track of him.

If you remember a few days ago I lost a little rubber ball? I've been concerned because it presented a real choking hazard to any puppy who steals pliers and wouldn't be able to resist putting said rubber ball in his mouth! Well I'm glad to report that the ball has been found and removed to a safe place, from where a puppy is unlikely to retrieve it. It was right there hiding in plain sight and I dunno how I didn't spot it before.

Still haven't found the table saw blades but I have to admit I haven't searched very hard. Also missing are two? Three? 131½“ band saw blades? I know I bought three Timber Wolf blades but I can't remember if the saw came with a blade. Can't imagine them selling the saw without one, but... Any way, only one bandsaw blade is to hand so at least two still to be located.

Now, I know the table saw came with a blade, not sure exactly what make, but a 40-tooth blade of some sort. And I know I also bought a set of two more blades for it (one 60-tooth and one 32-tooth) plus a professional stacked-dado blade by Freud. But none of these are yet to be found. The only blades I have that will fit the table saw is a ¼“/⅜“ box-joint blade (also by Freud) and an old, cheap blade off a different saw that is as dull as cheese. I really must dig into that heap of "junk" and see what I can find!

Mo keeps coming and going and the clock keeps ticking. Will end here, read a little, then try to persuade him to come to bed. But I won't argue with him.

P.S.: I never got my cup of tea....

Edited by Netfoot

Well, I started on the pile of "junk" I believed the table saw blades to be in. I've got about 20% through it and have found a mass of "good junk" and not so much "bad junk". Had to stop because I desperately needed lunch - a huge glass of iced water. It's hot work and I guess the wool cap I found and put on my head didn't help.

Included in the stuff found are all three Timber Wolf blades for the bandsaw.


They are ¾", ⅜", and ⅛“ sizes. The one that looks smaller is actually the same length as the others (131½“) but because it is thinner it can be coiled up smaller. 

I also found an 8¼“ blade that I didn't even remember I had. It will fit on the 10" table saw (dame same ⅝“ arbor) but obviously won't cut as deep by ⅞“. Later, I was very pleased to locate a proper 10" blade for the table saw. 


The Irwin Marathon blade (right) isn't the correct blade for either my table saw or my circular saw. I'm surprised I bought it, but it still gives a useable 2¼“ depth of cut on the table saw, so maybe it was especially cheap? At 24 teeth it won't give a very clean cut; probably best for rip-cutting boards along their length.

On the left is the 10" blade which gives a full 3⅛" depth of cut on the table saw. It isn't any particular brand I can recognize; I suspect this is the blade that came with the saw.

Still missing is the 2-blade set from DeWalt (not spectacular blades but not rubbish) and the Freud 8" stacked-dado set. But as I mentioned above, I've still got about 80% of the junk pile to get through.

Later I will post a partial list of what I've recovered from the junk-pile. That should be amusing reading!

Edited by Netfoot
  • Applause 1

Ok, I'm done for the day because mu back has given out. A night's rest and some Panadol will be required before I can get back on the job.

So far, and off the top of my head, I've found Three chunks of purpleheart. a pair of socks, six new pairs of Boxer shorts, 24 tee shirts, and eight hats. All the parts necessary to build a small computer including motherboard, RAM, solid-state drive, and etc.
a tall pile of books and an equally tall pile of magazines. Four aeroplanes (two gliders and two powered). An aeroplane engine, new in box. Three hot-glue guns. A Dremel tool. A large piece of mosquito netting. An automotive MP3 player with FM radio (destined for the club). A dozen or more rolls of "MonoKote" for covering models. A large (19") wide screen computer monitor.The variable-voltage wire heater for my hot-wire foam cutter. A large, military grade tool bag, used but empty, and three small, military grade tool bags new and unused. Two 36" lengths of ACME screw. An egg-slicer and a pair of tongs that belong in the kitchen. A bag containing 12 rolls/colours of 0.5mm Chinese Knotting Cord. A pack of five 40x197mm plastic, round-bottomed test-tubes with caps. A small LED TV used for monitoring video cameras on model aircraft. Plus bags of stuff I don't recall off-hand.

The one thing I have not found is the DeWalt blade set and the Freud stacked-dado blade.

Oh yes! I also found $7.75 local money in change in a plastic bag, US$7.00 and £40 from the Bank of Scotland. And a couple of £1 an £2 coins and a couple of 50p pieces as well. I doubt the bank will want to see the foreign coins. It is going to be fun enough trying to persuade them that Scottish pounds are indeed pounds sterling.


And I'm less that 40% through the pile. Most of the stuff is very conveniently piled so as to prevent access to the kitchen or the bedroom without practicing your long-jump.

Speaking of the kitchen, for lunch I had a piece of chicken fried and served with turkey gravy. Also some mashed potato, yes the same powdered crap that is never much good. It was worse today, even though I added red pepper flakes, garlic powder and dried basil to try and spruce it up a bit. Worse to the point that when I gave Mo the remainder including plenty of gravy, he gave up on it after a few bites. The same Mo that will fight you for the peelings from your carrots, or a slice of cucumber. With that sort of recommendation, I keep telling myself to throw it out, but then I wonder if I'll regret doing that when the cupboard is bare and the tummy is rumbling.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 2

I'm in bed now. The door is still open, but Mo may not put in an appearance. He hadn't been happy with the conversion of the junk pile to two junk piles (a good pile and a crap pile). Probably because he thinks his position as Senior Disarranger is under threat. Anyway, he's been mostly avoiding the comess. He still managed to sneak in, steal a plastic bowl, take it outside and destroy it completely.

I had stupidly piled the good junk where it blocked entrance to the kitchen and the bedroom. So, I skipped dinner. And I've decided to give the mashed potato powder one more chance. I will make dumplings tomorrow, and as well as regular and corn flower, I will add some potato powder as well. It might be horrible, but if it isn't too bad, it will let me make more of the dumplings without using more flour. Before dinner I had to clear most of that stuff away so ad to make movement a little easier. There is still some stuff I have not put away because I don't know where to put it.

I've done about a third of the pile so far. I'm surprised I have still not found the two missing blade sets.

Anyway, after a hot shower I crawled into this bed and turned on the music. (Brand New Jones by Thicke.) When I hit the bed, most of the pains in my back went away. Unfortunately, just as many new pains started up in my back. Here's hoping they're gone by tomorrow.

Bandsaw tires are in Jacksonville. So they might get delivered tomorrow as promised. Chucky Bits still with customs, of course. 

It's two weeks now and my foot still hurts. How long do you suppose a broken foot takes to heal up? I'd ask Dr. Kristi but she would rip a strip off for me not coming to her to start with!

I'm hungry now. But there isn't anything in the house I could just eat. There would have to be actual cooking involved. I have to go to the pharmacy tomorrow, so I was planning to buy a few things at the grocery. Sugar for my tea. And some milk too. I'll see what the picture looks like in the veggies department. There were breadfruit, last time I went. But I stuck to potatoes and pasta. I also need some onions. We'll see.

Anyway, let me go and see if the baby wants to come in tonight. I'm about ⅔ the way through the last book of Earthsea and I'm anxious to find out what happens next, but simultaneously sad to think that in maybe 100 pages, the saga will be over forever.

Well, let me go and get the little Monster, if he wants to come in

  • Love 1

Woke up this morning to find that

1) UPS claims the bandsaw tires will be delivered by 7:00 this evening.

2) The forwarders say they have already received it and would I like to pay them US$15.60 to ship the US$19.95 worth of tires to me?

Let's hope that's the end of it. If not, the Customs & Excise people will also come for their pound of flesh, charging me even more. To avoid this I've accidentally left the shipping amount out of the total declared value. (It's never been made clear to me whether shipping is to be added or excluded.)

The item cost US$19.95 plus tax of US$2.17 as well as US$10.99 shipping. If I declare it as a value of US$33.11 it will go directly to customs, because it exceeds the magic US$30.00 number. In that case, they will charge me Handling at US$11.75 then Duty at 10% which is US$3.31 and then VAT of 17.5% on top of the duty. So US$33.11 + US$3.31 = US$36.42 + US$6.37 bringing it to US$42.80. Then they add the fee form using their software (US$5) and a handling fee as well (US$11.75) which comes to US$59.55!  If you include the shipping from Miami to here, (US$15.60) that becomes US$75.15 grand total!

Which I then have to convert to local money, coming out to just a hair over $150! For US$19.95 in bandsaw tires.

So. US$19.95 initial cost. US$2.17 state taxes. US$26.59 shipping. And US$26.43 customs. And we are thanking our lucky stars that the rate on tools is only 10%!

And if you think that's bad, the chuck parts are worse, because the initial cost is 55 bucks and they're heavier, so all the charges will be higher.

 Look at these banknotes. 


Granted, they are a bit dog-eared and moth-eaten. But can you see any real reason why the bank would refuse to accept these?

Because they did. They wouldn't take them because they were "torn".

Not only that, but they refused the Scottish pounds. "We only take British pounds!" I tried to point out that Scotland was a part of Britain and that pounds sterling were pounds sterling. No joy.

So I spent one hour and three minutes in a queue to get rid of the stuff, and I can't.

Bandsaw tires are now "Assigned to Next Flight" and the chuck key, etc, still at customs.

Picked up my meds. Had to queue for ages, despite phoning in the renewal hours before hand. While there, I did a little shopping. Box of teabags, some milk and a bag of sugar. Four plantains, some onions, some cucumbers and a very small breadfruit. $42 for that lot.

I was hungry since I had no dinner and was planning to have corned beef stew and dumplings for lunch. Came back home with my back hurting, so I couldn't face standing in the kitchen to cook anything, so I had a glass of water and wr we will see what happens at dinner time. 

Edited by Netfoot
  • Mind Blown 2
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

As for the Scottish pounds, I've always heard that you can easily spend English pounds in Scotland, but you'll have a hard time spending Scottish pounds in England.  And the further south from Scotland you go, the harder time you'll have!

True, especially in a small store. but you should be able to walk into any major store and have them taken, and of course, any bank.

And the annoying thing is, my mate John just got back from Scotland day before yesterday! If I had laid hands on these before he went, I could have given them to him to spend up there! What he's now telling me is they are about to change the banknotes all over Britain, at which time the ones I have will be completely worthless even in Britain, including Scotland!

I need to mention that in the photograph I posted yesterday there is a big gold looking coin. Well, it isn't gold and it isn't a coin. It's a souvenir medal from Dunvegan castle. The family seat, don'tcha know! I dunno how it got into that photo...

  • Like 1

In bed and getting ready to go to sleep. Music playing, a few pages remaining to finish my book, and Mo...


Well, he is outside, under the car. I went out and patted him on the nosie. He I'd is wide awake, and he looked at me with bright eyes but so far, he doesn't seem interested in coming inside. He's seemingly been avoiding the house all day, perhaps because the place is still a mess. I've not been back at the junk pile, nor finished cleaning up the "good'" junk even. By time I got home after two, and vegged out for a while instead of cooking lunch, I wasn't in the mood. I will try and get back to it tomorrow.

I'm surprised I haven't found the missing table saw blades yet. And one or two other things I felt might show up. But the search will continue. I'm sure I bought those blades and Amazon Order History agreed with me. 

Status on both packages remains unchanged. Mean time, I have been researching the process for changing tires on the Grizzly 17" family of bandsaws. Apparently it isn't so easy! The belts are smaller than the wheels and have to be stretched to fit, a task that can be very frustrating, because as you pull one part of the tire into place, another part slips off the rim of the wheel, just to annoy you. Grizzly recommends boiling the tires for 15 minutes to soften them. Several YT videos suggest (and demonstrate) clever ways to use a variety of tools to make the job easier, but I must be careful not to damage the tires because I can't go through this process twice!

One thing that seems to be a universal truth: the wheels have to come off the machine. So, I suppose I should go ahead and get them off while I'm waiting.

For dinner, I tried making dumplings with the instant potato flakes in the mix. I put two measures of all-purpose flour, one measure of corn flour (Guinea or Indian? Indian, of course), and one measure of potato flakes/powder. After adding salt, garlic and red pepper flakes, I mixed well and then added water until I had a dough. This dough seemed to be more difficult than usual to handle. When I was rolling out the dumplings they had a tendency to fall apart. But this might simply mean I needed to add a bit more water, and nothing to do with the potato. 

I set them to boil (leaving half the dough in the bowl and put it in the fridge) and made a simple stew of corned beef & beans with onion and cucumber in it. Some basil and some cayenne for fun and let it simmer until the dumplings were virtually done. Then I scooped the dumplings in with the stew and let them cook together for another couple of minutes until I was too hungry to wait any longer.

Half that lot was my dinner which means I'll have the remainder for lunch tomorrow. The dumplings were fine. Nothing unpleasant about taste or texture, and quite as enjoyable as any dumplings made before. No particular potatoey taste, but that wasn't the point! And I have a plan for the remainder of the dough!

I put a package of yellow split peas in a pot of water to soak. Tomorrow afternoon I will set them aboiling in order to make a simple soup. The remaining dough can make dumplings for that soup. I dunno what else will go in there. Maybe some breadfruit? Some sweet potatoes? A few carrots? I will decide tomorrow. As for meat, I know corned beef goes well in split pea soup. If I decide to add meat of any kind at all.

Or, I have a tin of mackerel in tomato sauce. I don't think a little tomato sauce would spoil the soup and I can always rinse it away under the tap first. But honestly, while a good "fish braff" can be a tasty regional dish, I am not sure tinned fish is the way to go. And fish broth isn't my favourite dish anyway, but probably because usually when you look into a bowl of fish broth, you can't help notice that it's looking back! Which usually creeps me out. Not likely to be an issue if I use tinned fish, but honestly I'm not likely to go the fish route, because I don't think fish and split peas complement each other. 

I am going to pop out and rub Mo's nosie again and see if he has any inclination to come inside. BRB... As I walked into the living room, he did the same from the other side. He watched me lock the door without objection and was in bed before I was.

I have a suspicion I know why he's been avoiding the house all day. The light and fan for my desk, the light and fan in the bedroom, and the passage light in between are operated by a remote. There is one at my desk and a duplicate on the bedside table. If I leave the living room light on I can switch it off without having to get out of bed. That sort of thing. When I came in a while ago, the bedroom remote was on the floor. I suspect Mo was standing on the table to look out the window, knocked it onto the floor, and has been keeping our of my way ever since.

He's a funny little lad, you know. Every day, twice a day, I take his bowl out of the feeding station measure his chow into it and out it back into the station. Sometimes I mix up a "gravy" with a couple spoonsfull of canned puppy food and water and stir the chow into that. Just to give some extra taste. Mo will stand right there and watch the process. He gets to lick the spoon after I mix up the gravy. But the moment I remove the bowl from the feeding station, he runs away. He won't come near me while I'm holding that bowl in my hand. The moment the bowl goes back into the feeding station, he is right there, vacuuming up his dinner. Why does he run away from me when I have his bowl in my hands? I have no idea! I wonder if he'd run away from me if I had a soup bowl of stew and dumplings?

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

I've seen very little of Mo today. He was gloriously cuddly and snuggly all last night but at 5AM he demanded I let him out. When I got moving later, he was snoozing in the passage, probably because it is cooler and darker. I rubbed his nosie but otherwise didn't disturb him. He surfaced for lunch including a lick of my own plate. (I had the remainder of the corned beef stew and dumplings from yesterday and I added some of the brine from a jar of olives so it wouldn't dry out too much as it warmed up on the stove. No microwave!)

After doing basically nothing all day, I decided to begin the struggle of removing the wheels from the bandsaw. Expecting seized bolts, press-fit shafts, reverse threads and - worse of all - a rotten drive-belt, I got out my tool bag. The same one I broke my foot on. Got all my imperial spanners and sockets and hex drivers out, but to my surprise, the fasteners were all metric! The Allen keys provided FOC with the table saw were all I needed.

The motor fixing bolts had a little surface rust on them but they came loose without any heroic action being needed. The wheels were even easier to unbolt and the bearings slipped right off the shafts without complaint. And the dreaded drive-belt was in like-new condition!


Pictured above, the two wheels and drive belt, sitting on my table saw. The lower wheel is actually the top wheel of the saw. The wheel shown on top has the drive pulley attached (it looks like a smaller version of the wheel to which it's bolted). It actually has two v-grooves for the belt and the drive pulley on the motor has two as well. To allow a choice of blade speed, presumably. No idea which one I should use when I eventually put it all back together. I hope I don't have to spend 37 minutes on the phone with Grizzly support to find out!

(The two things like rabbit-ears at the very bottom of the picture are the ends of one of the broken belts tires.)

With the job so easily and quickly completed and with the belt found to be in excellent condition, I decided to tell Mo the good news? Where could he be? Not under the car, not in any of the usual places, so I lay on the bed, hung my head over and looked underneath. There he was, but he didn't want to come out to play. So I started this post, and when I looked under, camera in hand to take his portrait, he wasn't there.

I'll just pop out and see if I see him...

Here he is! And a more guilty face you will hardly ever see!


But what ever mischief he's been up to (and I suspect it is to do with raiding the garbage can in the kitchen) he has no need to hide from me. Just check out that wriggly tail!


I gave him a good snuggle and came back inside.

Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 2

I didn't do much today, but I consider it a success. Getting the bandsaw wheels off as easily as I did, and the huge plus of confirming that the belt is good.

The split pea soup was less successful. I've made soup from dried peas and beans before. Usually lentil, black bean, or a combination of the two. I soak the peas for 24 hours, boil until soft, blend into a pulp, add extras and keep boiling until everything is cooked. I followed this exact same sequence and the result was... not great. Instead of the blended peas being soft and creamy, they ended up grainy. I seasoned, added the dumplings and sweet potato, and cooked until the sweet potato was soft to a bamboo skewer. 

The soup was thick and porridgey. The bottom layer burnt onto the bottom of the pot. I ate a bowl and it was edible, but not really very good. I usually enjoy most of what I cook, but this time I ate it because it was there, not because I found it to taste good. The dumplings were OK, the sweet potato was OK, but the soup itself was gluey and not very tasty. True, I didn't add any meat, but hey! Split pea soup is usually cooked without added ingredients!

Later, I went back into the kitchen, to try it again. The soup left in the pot had formed a solid mass. I could have held the pot upside down and none would have fallen out. So, I added a whole batch of water and brought it back to the simmer. The texture of the soup improved considerably but the flavour still wasn't that great. I had another bowl and it was far better but still not that tasty. 

So, there is another serving in the pot waiting for tomorrow lunch, but I'm not looking forward to it.

You win some, you lose some!

Puppy is here with me now, all entwined with my legs. He appears to be fast asleep but I know that no matter how slowly and carefully I get out of this bed, there is no way he won't immediately jump out of bed and rush out to the front door!

Listening to music (Drift Away by Dobie Gray) and contemplating a book. Now, it was probably months ago, but somebody made a very critical comment on books authored by Anne McCaffrey's children. I have to say that the book I am contemplating here now is Dragon Harper by Anne and Todd McCaffrey. It's a hardback, and I don't remember ever reading this book before. It was one of several books (mostly text books) that surfaced while scavenging junk looking for saw blades. I can't remember who it was that delivered the scathing opinion, but who ever it was, I have to start by apologizing to you; this is the only thing to hand I can find to read, so I will give it a shot. I seem to recall that the heaviest condemnation was reserved for Anne's daughter, so there is that. But I hold slim hope for this book being anything other than the usual exploitative, commercial cash-in pablum I've seen before, elsewhere.

Oooof! Mo just got up, moved to a better position and did one of his famous sideways topple-over, ton-of-bricks maneuvers he likes... landing directly on my delicates.

Ok, I will try reading this book now, and will lock the house and douse the lights as soon as I can't take any more.


Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, andidante said:

Netfoot do you know the time difference from where you live to California? I was just curious.

I'm not Netfoot, but he lives in Barbados which is on Atlantic Standard time, 4 hours behind Greenwich Meantime and an hour ahead of EST in the US.  Except, Barbados doesn't do daylight savings time, so they are currently synchronous with Eastern Standard Time in the US.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Notabug said:

I'm not Netfoot, but he lives in Barbados which is on Atlantic Standard time, 4 hours behind Greenwich Meantime and an hour ahead of EST in the US.  Except, Barbados doesn't do daylight savings time, so they are currently synchronous with Eastern Standard Time in the US.

All correct! :-)

It's now 8:35 PM here. Google says it's also 8:35 PM in New York, but it's only 5:35 PM in LA, SF, etc.

  • Love 1

In bed quite early. So early, I forgot to take Mo for a round-the-garden walk, and only just remembered. Mo has been under the bed for a while. The door is still open, so maybe I'll take him for a stroll later, when it's time to shut that door.

Tired. Listening to the song I want played at my funeral, even though I doubt there will be anyone there to play it, far less hear it! (Way Over Yonder by Carole King)

Do you remember the US$7.00 that was so badly torn the bank refused to accept it? Well, the gas station didn't have any issue, and gave me $14 in gas by way of exchange. As a result I came home from the club this afternoon with the "Low Gas" light on the dashboard not burning, for the first time in a long while! And the "Check Engine" light did not put in an appearance either, despite me having to take a detour there and back. Still. 

Collected my chuck jaw screws today as well. You may remember the SS screws I had needed the rim of the head turning down to match the original, black steel screws?


How's that for a good un? Just to make sure the fit is good I replaced all eight original screws and the replacement SS screws fit perfectly. I now have two sets of eight, and 3-4 extras. 

One of the issues being that when working on the lathe you are usually standing ankle-derp ankle-deep in wood shavings. If you have to change jaws and drop a screw, it can take hours to find it! So it is nice to have extras so you can carry on working and search for the missing screw at end of job.

I had the remainder of the split pea soup for dinner. It wasn't much better than yesterday. It did improve slightly when I added a knob of red butter but not dramatically. Not even having eaten nothing else for the day could make it good! Anyway, the soup is gone. Of course I will pay for it. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be taking my "fasted blood sugar" which I do every few days. I suspect after the soup complete with peas, sweet potato and dumplings, I will exceed the recommended max of 5.9 mmol/L I try to stay under. Which is a pain, because it's 2 months since I went over the top, and only twice in the last 120 days. (I generate a graph online so Dr. Kristi can check it any time she likes.) Fingers crossed it isn't too bad!

So, tomorrow, I might actually put that blade in the table saw and see how it cuts. It has a 3 horsepower motor so it should cut an oak tree without noticing. So ling long as I haven't ballsed it up somehow. And wouldn't it be nice if customs actually released my chuck parts?

And I still have some junk to search through in search of those pesky blades I have not located yet. 

Plus, seeing as all I've had to eat for the last two days is bad soup, I think I will make myself a decent meal of breadfruit, plantain, maybe even rice! I miss the days when we had family get-togethers with lunch on the table consisting of 25 or 30 different dishes. (Then it all went to shit. Thanks, sis!)

Oh crap! I bought plantain, and my microwave is dead! So now I will have to fry it. It tastes better fried but the microwave is easier and I'm lazy.

Good afternoon at the club, but we discovered when we got home that Kevin smashed his truck on the way to the field! The truck is looking worse for wear, but Kevin says they all feel fine if a bit shaken, but they have all been checked out by a doctor so they are going to live. The truck, on the other hand... No idea as to what happened but I'm sure we'll all here the details in the near future 

Austin flew his Spitfire to start with, and Rudy was chucking the Spacewalker around with gay abandon! (Rudy is 89 years old and is the first to jump in to lift what had to be lifted, carry what needs carrying, dig, chop, hammer or do what ever needs doing. He is as tough as old boot, and if I l'd had half the go-forward at 40 that he has near 90, I'd be uncommon pleased with myself. And still chasing young girls, too!)

After a while, the Spittie developed a leak in the compressed air system and one wheel would not come down for landing. This is why I always preferred SpringAir to Robart. The air-up/air-down system can all too easily leave you with no gear! Whereas the air-up/spring-down design means if you lose air pressure in your on-board tank, the gear asks no questions and immediately comes down. 

Anyway the Spittie was retired for the day and the Gorrion came out. I love parasol monoplanes and I've always loved this model.


Better go take Mo for his stroll in the garden and lock the house. Might take a shower too. Then there is my Dragon Riders book by Todd to look forward to.

I've just noticed a sticker on the front cover: "Regular price $34, now only $5.99" Hmmm. And in English/French as well. So presumably Canadian in origin.

Edited by Netfoot

Just got a look at some dash-cam footage of Kevin's accident from yesterday. He is driving the gold-coloured truck. Here is the 30-second video.

I will remove this in a few days, so if you want to watch it, do so now.

Again, according to Kev, all parties were examined by a doctor and pronounced shaken but not stirred.

I'd be interested in your opinion as to who was in the wrong here.

  • Mind Blown 3

OK so I admit, this table saw is quite a beast and somewhat intimidating. But it's time.


Blade installed. Very substantial arbor washer and nut, but 27mm ring spanner provided with the saw was (obviously) the ideal tool for the job.


Riving knife snapped into place. No tools necessary. Just pulled back the spring-loaded retention pin and slid the knife into place. It was tight (as you would want it to be) but the knife slipped into place easily.

The riving knife is not supposed to cut anything. When you cut wood, the internal stressed in the wood can cause it to distort. This may cause the two sides of the cut to squeeze together. If this happens, the wood pinched pinches the blade which responds by throwing the entire piece of wood back at the operator. At 102.6 MPH for this model saw. With the force of 3 horsepower.

The riving knife prevents the wood from pinching the saw blade protecting the operator from the risk of facial rearrangement.

Edited by Netfoot
4 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Just got a look at some dash-cam footage of Kevin's accident from yesterday. He is driving the gold-coloured truck. Here is the 30-second video.

I will remove this in a few days, so if you want to watch it, do so now.

Again, according to Kev, all parties were examined by a doctor and pronounced shaken but not stirred.

I'd be interested in your opinion as to who was in the wrong here.

I used to watch Judge Judy and I think she’d say that the blue car did a slow roll thru the stop sign. If the driver had come to a complete stop, they have seen the truck coming from the right. The truck had the right of way at the intersection, unless he had a stop sign that I didn’t see. Miracle that they’re ok! 

  • Like 1


Throat plate reinserted, blade (and riving knife) raised and a piece of scrap wood selected for initial cut.


Rip fence installed. It weighs a ton!


Cut in progress. Please don't call the safety police on me! I usually use a push stick of some sort, and now I have a working saw, I can make one! Meanwhile my hands went nowhere near the blade and I was in no danger.


And there you have it! The saw was smooth and (given the power of the motor) quite quiet.


A closeup of the cut surfaces shows them to be pretty darned good! You would still have to finish this surface with some sandpaper, depending on what you were making, but that finish is excellent!

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

I used to watch Judge Judy and I think she’d say that the blue car did a slow roll thru the stop sign. If the driver had come to a complete stop, they have seen the truck coming from the right. The truck had the right of way at the intersection, unless he had a stop sign that I didn’t see. Miracle that they’re ok! 

I agree completely. I know that junction. Kevin had the right of way. The blue car can be seen driving over a large STOP sign painted on the surface of the road, and passing a regular STOP sign on a pole to his left. The car then performed what our cops refer to as a "rolling stop" and I can tell you I've had a bollicking from the coppers for doing exactly that.

But let me say that if it were me, I would never approach that junction at that speed. Right of Way or no, I paid heed to my mum who taught me to drive, starting with some advice she had been given when she was learning to drive: "Expect to meet a fool on every corner!" As the large sign painted on the road surface indicates this is a known danger area. (What in Trinidad they would call an "Accident Black-Spot". They even have special signs they put up on the approaches to spots like this.)

While he was not at fault, I think it was silly of Kev to approach this junction with so much speed. As you say, it is extra lucky nobody was hurt.

But wait! Apparently two models were damaged in the crash! His trainer and an Extra 300! Well, one less Extra 300 in this world can only be a good thing, but I am still sorry to hear this news. Whether these models are repairable remains to be seen. Apparently the trainer was the worse of the two.

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17 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Then there is my Dragon Riders book by Todd to look forward to.

 "Look forward to" is not a phrase I'd use with any Pern book NOT written by Anne herself.  Todd's are a pale imitation, and the one by the daughter (whose name I've successfully blocked from my brain -- along with the name of the book she wrote) is a complete abomination.

7 hours ago, Browncoat said:

 "Look forward to" is not a phrase I'd use with any Pern book NOT written by Anne herself.

I have not got far, but I am a little surprised at some of the ideas that have been introduced.

For instance, there is a minor story about a watch-wher going "between" from somewhere standing on solid ground, to the inside of a cave/mine sealed off by a rock fall. While I am no expert in the lore, I can say I have absolutely no recollection of even a suggestion that watch-whers could travel "between". While Lessa and others have enjoyed weak psionic links with them, travel "between" has never been suggested to my recollection.  And the fact that dragons and fire-lizards are always described as going aloft to find "clear air" suggests that travelling "between" while standing on the ground is a brand new. Again, I don't claim to be an expert on Pernese canon, I've read the books many times.

Then, only a handful of pages into the book, I am seeing an unusual and attitude towards nudity. I've always admired the way Pernese people are blithely unconcerned about nudity. All that splashing around at Cove Hold and not a pair of trunks or a bikini in sight! I think this is a healthy attitude to hold as part of a planet-wide culture. And it eliminated any prurient considerations from the story-telling. But now, suddenly, people are all concerned to wrap themselves in a towel so nobody can catch a glimpse of their privates? This is completely out of character for the Pernese universe. I hope it isn't a sign that I can expect scenes more fitting for a cheap bodice-ripper, as this story unfolds.

Edited by Netfoot
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