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S06.E19: The Greater Good

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Investigating the death of a Wall Street trader leads Castle and Beckett to discover that the victim was an undercover informant for the U.S. Attorney’s office. To make matters worse, the U.S. attorney involved is Captain Gates' estranged sister.


This episode was definitely, in my opinion, much more character driven. I couldn't tell you what happened w. the case if you paid me. 

I was happy to see more of Gates/Penny and kudos to the casting department for getting Salli Whitfield-Richardson to play Gates' sister. I totally bought them as sisters. 

Love the wedding planning but I have to say: I'm about 98% sure we won't see any of the outcome of these plans. Think Castle/Beckett will end up eloping or the wedding will be interrupted. Something. 

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I'm enjoying the wedding talk too, but I was kind of surprised they said they wanted to invite Gates to the wedding.  Beckett and Gates have bonded a lot in the past year, but Gates is still pretty anti-Castle.  Plus, who wants their boss at their wedding?

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I don't think we will be seeing any wedding in the traditional sense either, most of it has already happened in various forms throughout the season and that's been deliberate.  Marlowe doesn't intend to repeat himself. 

I'd be quite happy for them to get married just the two of them as long as it's made a genuinely special and romantic moment unlike the proposal which was anything but. 

As for the wedding planning, the novelty has worn off and it's got a predictable feel about it, I'm not gaining much insight into the characters as I would like to so it's best they just get on with it.  May be their married life will prove more interesting.  

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I'm enjoying the wedding talk too, but I was kind of surprised they said they wanted to invite Gates to the wedding.  Beckett and Gates have bonded a lot in the past year, but Gates is still pretty anti-Castle.  Plus, who wants their boss at their wedding?

A friend of mine did invite their boss to her wedding but only because he had been the one who employed her straight from school and she had worked for him for about 20 years. I was pretty surprised to hear that Caskett wanted to invite the sister too!  They don't even know the woman, so that seemed a bit odd. 

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I'm enjoying the wedding talk too, but I was kind of surprised they said they wanted to invite Gates to the wedding.  Beckett and Gates have bonded a lot in the past year, but Gates is still pretty anti-Castle.  Plus, who wants their boss at their wedding?

I figured they'd invite Gates simply b/c Penny is part of the show/cast and it would look odd if she wasn't there. 

There were points this season & last when Gates seemed to warm to Castle and then moments where it seems like Marlowe & co. forgot about that character development in place of plot. 


As for the wedding planning, the novelty has worn off and it's got a predictable feel about it, I'm not gaining much insight into the characters as I would like to so it's best they just get on with it.  May be their married life will prove more interesting.  

I will admit that the wedding talk every episode has become predictable. It's like, "so what will they check off the to do list this week?" Ummmm how about maid of honor and best man? Who would Castle pick: Esposito or Ryan?  Who does Beckett choose: Lanie or Madison? At this point I'd buy Madison being Beckett's maid of honor over Lanie. Choosing Lanie would feel forced at this point, in my opinion 

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Shouldn't there be at least a mention of a pre-nup?

Hah! I never even thought of that. Ooh, I'm in for a twist on the wedding. I do not want to see Kate in that dress again. On topic, I agree that the case was meh but I liked the stuff between Gates and her sister! I was worried that it would be too corny, but they really seemed like sisters to me, and this was the first time I've seen a side of Gates that made her seem like a real character. (Though I adored Penny Johnson on The Larry Sanders Show, she's been disappointing here.)

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I agree that the wedding planning stuff is becoming too predictable. I feel like Wedding Planning has become a secondary character that shows up every episode. I feel like a grump for complaining about it because I actually love weddings (real ones, fictional ones, even just pictures of them in wedding magazines) but their wedding planning conversations are the kind that every couple thinks is so unique and urgent to them when it's actually the most typical crap that everyone deals with.


This week: how many people to invite to the wedding. If you are trying to pare down the guest list, why in the hell would you invite someone you just met? I'm sure Gates's sister is a perfectly nice woman, but why does that mean she should get invited to Castle and Beckett's wedding? Are they going to invite the guy who makes their coffee? The cashier at the grocery store? And then Beckett said something about inviting the rest of Gates's family - what the hell? Maybe I was a selfish bride, but I didn't invite all of my coworkers' families to my wedding. Gates and her family can spend time together at a time and place other than Beckett and Castle's wedding.


Beckett was temporarily on the right track when she said they should think about whether they're having the wedding for themselves or to avoid insulting hundreds of people. If you have a very small wedding with just family and very close friends, most people understand not being invited. And if they don't, screw them for thinking that your wedding is about them.

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I agree that the wedding planning stuff is becoming too predictable. I feel like Wedding Planning has become a secondary character that shows up every episode. I feel like a grump for complaining about it because I actually love weddings (real ones, fictional ones, even just pictures of them in wedding magazines) but their wedding planning conversations are the kind that every couple thinks is so unique and urgent to them when it's actually the most typical crap that everyone deals with.

That's the reason I eventually got fed up with it, almost every week that was the secondary story and it was just a load of generic wedding crap that any couple could have been discussing. Boring. Nothing about it seemed unique to them as a couple and to make it worse most of the time nothing ever came of their so called "planning" it all seemed really aimless and superficial.


It felt like the writers did that to hold back on exploring anything else more interesting between Caskett figuring if they spoon fed the fans this sugary sweetness all season it would suffice. The only time they dealt with anything else was during the DC arc and even that wasn't fully explored as much as I would have liked and resolved far too easily for Beckett. 


I also felt the whole guest list scene when they're telling each other their numbers felt off, I don't believe for a second that Beckett has over a 100 people she knows well enough to invite to her wedding and Castle's done this already twice yet he's not managed to get his guest list down any?  This was one example of where I didn't feel these kind of scenes made sense to them as a couple given what we supposedly know about them and it just made yet again look clueless about what they really want. 

Edited by verdana
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I just rewatched this ep last night and forgot the cutesy moment at the end with the notepads, and "you." i remember at the time i watched it originally, I thought for a second they might elope. And then was sadly disappointed. I did laugh again at Martha going to get her list - I love the diva in her! I also enjoyed the backstory on Gates.


More importantly, will LT be invited!?!?

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What I remember most during that scene on the sofa was thinking who the hell writes on the right hand side of the page? It was really strange.


I do if I'm categorizing things - things like shopping lists and stuff - it's easier to work left to right that top to bottom, especially if I don't know how long any given category is going to be.

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