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Small Talk: Holding Tank

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Hey, this show is still airing all over in syndication! Including the Saturday marathons on Ion. So since it still lives on after the fact, I figure we can discuss Goren and Eames and Captain Deakins, ADA Carver, Mike Logan, and all the rest of 'em here!

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Oh thank goodness for this site!

Hey there Wendy!

I just saw one of the more powerful, disturbing episodes this week--"Homo Homini Lupus."  The one where Jack Colby's character owed a loan shark booku money and he hired someone who hired a Serbian ex soldier, to kidnap his wife and two daughters. Played by Ritchie Coster--who raped the older daughter.

Dude, if you hadn't embezzled from your company, none of that would have happened. Can't believe the wife didn't leave him over this. The daughter, Maggie, finally breaking down in Bobby's arms. Just...wow.  Smart Maggie, trying to get whatever information she could while gagged, blindfolded and handcuffed. AND after having been raped.

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Oh thank goodness for this site!

Hey there Wendy!

I just saw one of the more powerful, disturbing episodes this week--"Homo Homini Lupus."  The one where Jack Colby's character owed a loan shark booku money and he hired someone who hired a Serbian ex soldier, to kidnap his wife and two daughters. Played by Ritchie Coster--who raped the older daughter.

Dude, if you hadn't embezzled from your company, none of that would have happened. Can't believe the wife didn't leave him over this. The daughter, Maggie, finally breaking down in Bobby's arms. Just...wow.  Smart Maggie, trying to get whatever information she could while gagged, blindfolded and handcuffed. AND after having been raped.

Yes. And the fact that the wife did NOT leave his ass INFURIATED ME. I mean, her CHILD was RAPED because of this douche. The daughter should have gone apeshit on both. She would have gotten off. Breaking down with Bobby was so terribly heartbreaking.

And thank God there's this place now. Always good to "see" you, GHScorpiosRule!  :-)

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What? No thread for Mike Logan?! Which brings to mind, he's the only character to appear on two shows--the mothership and this one, so if we want to gush, er, I mean, talk about him, we should go there, yes?

The more I watch the first five seasons, the more I'm peeved that Carter and Deakins left. Especially when I watch Carver takes a more hands on approach or we see more of him than just one scene or two. BAH!

Back to "Homo Homini Lupus"--when the dad, tried to tell Eames and Bobby not to talk to Maggie, I wish his wife had told him to shut up and that he lost all rights to say any fucking thing that had anything to do with Maggie.

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I was going to put one up for Mike Logan...but then I thought I'd leave THAT to his biggest fan. So have at it, ScorpiosRule. (Yeah, I dropped the GH part, hee,)

I still thought Deakins was the best captain of the 4, by a mile. But Hannah brought back G/E, so I can't hate him.

I never really warmed to Danny Ross. As for Zoe Callas, she was barely there, so really, why bother.

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I TOTALLY suck at coming with catch phrases...whyn't you do it for me huh? Please???!!!! Just make sure Alpha Male and Hot Temper are in it! Tee Hee!

There has always been a debate as to how it was possible for Bobby to come back. And I never understood why because at the end of "Loyalty" it was as clear as day that Bobby would now be working for the Feds. Unless 1 PP just got their panties in a twist that instead of firing him, the Feds absconded with him, and when they were done, they had no choice but to take him back? That was never explained. I swear, both Mike and Bobby seemed to just push the buttons of the brass at 1 PP, those assholes.

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Unless 1 PP just got their panties in a twist that instead of firing him, the Feds absconded with him, and when they were done, they had no choice but to take him back? That was never explained. I swear, both Mike and Bobby seemed to just push the buttons of the brass at 1 PP, those assholes.

Hee. I'd like to think that NYPD/1PP got their panties in a wad because the Feds liked what Bobby brought to the table, and it was a matter of them not knowing what they had until it was gone.

Maybe once the Fed thing wrapped up, the new people in charge, a la Hannah, didn't want to make that mistake again, so they roped Goren (and Eames) back in. I'd like to think for all of Hannah's bluster about favors that G/E had the upper hand and NYPD had to beg them to come back!

Sigh. And, okay, I'll make a Mike Logan thread. Because I'm nice like that!

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Aw, thanks Wendy!

I also started a mothership thread but don't see it quite yet. There was another Law & Order thread that had nothing to do with this franchise, so I included "original recipe" in the title.

Now, I must say that I don't agree that Mike was a shit-stirrer! But I won't complain because you were nice enough to create it. We can replicate it in the mothership, once it "opens" I guess.

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I think Logan WAS a shit stirrer, but not by negative connotation. He hated artifice and general bullshit and was all about bucking status quo if he felt it was the right thing to do, even if it pissed people off.

That's how I took it. But if I think of something better, I'll edit!

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I think Logan WAS a shit stirrer, but not by negative connotation. He hated artifice and general bullshit and was all about bucking status quo if he felt it was the right thing to do, even if it pissed people off.

That's how I took it. But if I think of something better, I'll edit!

Ahh, I see. Yes, he totally was calling bullshit on what he saw as...bullshit and wasn't a sheep. Or is it lamb? And it got his hand slapped and into trouble sometimes.

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Hey, that's right! "In The Wee Small Hours" is likely going to be part of tomorrow's marathon. I want to make sure to at least see those. That was a good case, good episodes, and it was a bit of dealing with personal stuff when the judge went after them all, but it was fine with me as it all tied back to that case.

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Watching the marathon since it is a crappy rainy day here, and hey, welcome to Major Case, Mike Logan! Too bad that is marred by Olivia D'Abo in the credits. Where is Declan Gage when you need him?

Edited by WendyR72
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Okay, just got the clarification that this thread--small talk--is like the equivalent of the "meet market" from TWoP! You know, like personal stuff.


Example: I used to work near Chamber Street, where a lot of the filming took place for CI!

Might I suggest we create a General Discussion Thread, since we seem to be talking about different episodes at the same time? I know I'm all over the place, because I'm posting as I'm binge-watching the marathons.

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Welcome to forums!

So, the Small Talk topic is for:

  • Introductions
  • Off-topic chatter
  • Having virtual tea with forum buddies
This is NOT a topic for actual show discussion. When you want to talk about the show:
  • Figure out the nature of the topic you want to talk about
  • Look for an existing topic that matches or fits
  • If there is NOT an existing topic that fits, CREATE ONE!
Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to):
  • Character topics
  • Episode topics
  • Season topics
  • Spoiler topics
  • Speculation topics
  • In the Media topics
  • Favourite X topics
  • ...you get the idea
Happy trails beyond Small Talk!
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Is anyone interested in starting a Judging Amy forum?


Any such request would go under New Show Forum requests and, as of now, new forums have been suspended because of technical issues. However, if such a forum is something you want, my understanding is you can still request it; it just won't be added until the issues are dealt with.


ETA: Looks like the suspension is over, so feel free to request!

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Hi, all! Another L&O CI fan, who chuckles every time someone hails "Elementary" as revolutionary for having a female Watson and a female Moriarty. When Eames and Nicole Wallace, respectively, existed over 10 years prior to that show.


Bit of an outlier in that I only enjoy rewatching Goren & Eames episodes. Maybe the occasional Logan/Barek. But everything else just isn't L&O CI, to me.


Now that I've found ion reruns, looking forward to the discussion!

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