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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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Thanks for the info. I find him quite attractive with those glasses. 

23 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

I think I found the Reid Season 1 Hair!


I hadn't really understood what you meant by "snap-on Lego style piece style".Now I get it !!! 

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4 hours ago, Old Dog said:

I love all his hair except the uber short cut. But Season 5 is my favourite - straggly yes, on occasion, but I guess I'm still just an old hippy at heart. This is my favourite pic - at Haley's funeral. The emotion just pours out of him! And he has the purple scarf!


Same here. This is my favorite hairstyle on him. 

1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

I believe he had a nasty reaction to a cleaning solution of the contact lenses, ended up with an infection and went with the glasses for a while. I wish he'd continue to wear them at least once in a while. I wore contacts for years, and always wore my glasses at least part of the time too.

Same here. I wish to see him on occasion with glasses on to.

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Ok, I admit I don't know the distinction between different types of coats. I just thought of a trenchcoat as a long coat. I could have sworn Reid wore a long dark/black coat at some point.

I believe Hotch did as well. Maybe it was Hotch who had the coat I'm trying to remember. I was trying to find good pictures of the long coats that are don't look all bulky.

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On 10/5/2016 at 2:46 PM, Old Dog said:

I love all his hair except the uber short cut. But Season 5 is my favourite - straggly yes, on occasion, but I guess I'm still just an old hippy at heart. This is my favourite pic - at Haley's funeral. The emotion just pours out of him! And he has the purple scarf!


is that my screencap  OleDoggie ? (I do so love the expression on his face, in his eyes....even if I'm not fond of the hair)

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I don't think it's yours Reidfan - I got it from Google images. How I love how MGG can show so much emotion without saying a word. I am so sad today because I feel I really don't want to watch last night's episode, even for Reid, and it feels like I've lost a very important part of my life. What a crappy year this has been on all levels. If MGG is missing this October again there really is no reason to watch the show at all.

Edited by Old Dog
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29 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadian people here...


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your fellow Canadians!

And would you please be a lamb and Reidify this to express thanks (giving) for books. I'll use it at my blog.

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12 hours ago, Droogie said:

I love that suit on him.  So clear that his suits are tailored just for him.

Yes, there is a very good chance some of his suits are bespoke (he can certainly afford one). Or he buys a suit and then has it tailored to fit him perfectly. I may not be a silver spooner rich guy like Matthew. I'm more of a wooden spooner trying to make it back to being a stainless steel spooner, clawing my way back into a middle class life I once enjoyed, and even I have a go-to tailor and cobbler when needed.

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2 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Yes, there is a very good chance some of his suits are bespoke (he can certainly afford one). Or he buys a suit and then has it tailored to fit him perfectly. I may not be a silver spooner rich guy like Matthew. I'm more of a wooden spooner trying to make it back to being a stainless steel spooner, clawing my way back into a middle class life I once enjoyed, and even I have a go-to tailor and cobbler when needed.

Yes, he has said he uses his dad's tailor in LV.

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On 10/6/2016 at 5:34 PM, ReidFan said:

I'm not sure what you want me to do with it, Booky? clarify?

Something along the line of "Thanks for Reading" or thereabouts, meaning I'm grateful for people reading my blog.

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34 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

another old one, done on an Internet found background before I discovered I could take my own fall colours photos


Is this one of Matthew's modeling gigs? Such a shame he is so darn ugly.


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37 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

Something along the line of "Thanks for Reading" or thereabouts, meaning I'm grateful for people reading my blog.

okay, but with or without Matthew & the pumpkins in it. That's what I'm unclear on, :)

17 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

Is this one of Matthew's modeling gigs? Such a shame he is so darn ugly.


I believe so, I lifted it from a google search "Matthew Gray Gubler walking model" so yeah...

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7 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

okay, but with or without Matthew & the pumpkins in it. That's what I'm unclear on, :)

I believe so, I lifted it from a google search "Matthew Gray Gubler walking model" so yeah...

Oh, definitely with Matthew on it, perhaps with a turkey on his head like a little chapeau or something, just to be silly.

And I figured that pic was from one of Matthew's runway gigs, so glad the outfit he's wearing is actually attractive and wearable.

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23 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Something along the line of "Thanks for Reading" or thereabouts, meaning I'm grateful for people reading my blog.

I just felt that I had to say "Thanks for creating it"!! 

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A few comments for the last  pictures (I'm not quoting because the post would get too long)

  • As usual, I love them!!
  • He looks so young in the modelling one !
  • That park near your home, Reidfan, I wish I lived near it too. 
  • And finally, the Halloween one, even if we don't see Matthew's face, we see his hands, that's enough for me!! 

Thanks for posting them !! 

Edited by senin
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Egad, Matthew must be having some kind of influence on me. I went to bed early last night, but before I retired, I made sure I put some moisturizing creme on my feet and then put on some soft fleece socks. I actually put on mismatched socks by mistake. Oops! Too tired to give a flying whoop, I went to sleep and woke up to see my bangs looking like I had combed them with an egg beater!

Coincidence or something else?

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9 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

first snowfall yesterday, but I was actually out on the road. Here's the one I did LAST year for first snow


I'd love to see Matthew, raised in Las Vegas, and now living and working in LA, survive a real-life Midwestern winter.

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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

first snowfall yesterday, but I was actually out on the road. Here's the one I did LAST year for first snow


I remember someone captioning that pic of Reid with "Hey look! Someone wrote 'gullible' on the ceiling!"

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