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S07.E09: Last Action Hero


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And much like Esplanie, I can't get terribly excited about Beckett & Lanie's relationship anymore. It's one of those things that hasn't been developed well enough for me to believe they're anywhere close to BFFs.


It seems to me they are finally attempting to do the things that should have been done 2 or 3 seasons ago. It would be nice if they could pull it off but for me this far down the road it comes across as artificial & forced. Beckett & Castle are the only characters they have bothered to flesh out during the course of the show & now it may be a matter of having to sleep in the bed they made.

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Hehe to the frying pan - I had to go back and rewatch that to pick that up.


It seems to me they are finally attempting to do the things that should have been done 2 or 3 seasons ago. It would be nice if they could pull it off but for me this far down the road it comes across as artificial & forced. Beckett & Castle are the only characters they have bothered to flesh out during the course of the show & now it may be a matter of having to sleep in the bed they made.

And since they won't show B&C in bed ... *sniggers*

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Really? Because I've always heard of that as being on the same wavelength. Like, you know where the person is going with the sentence, and how would  you know where they were going, if  you didn't think the same thing they were thinking? It's always been used in entertainment as a way to show the two people think alike.

Think of it as two people traveling to the same location but via different routes. Where as what I interpreted Castle meaning this time was that even their likes and dislikes are becoming similar.

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Beckett's fake horror at thinking alike to Castle was cute.  


Maybe it's the show writing Castle as good at reading Beckett a lot of the time (usually it's manufactured angst when he's bad at it), it feels off when he didn't read her hurt after his comment about her apartment.  I guess the writer wanted Beckett's apartment storyline to be something she resolved on her own (and give Tamala a little more to do), but for me it would have been much more complete if Castle had been involved because he is the one closest to Beckett.  I felt the same way during Kill Shot when Castle was weirdly left on the sidelines.  Beckett opening up to Castle and Castle being there for her is always good.  Like others have said, I hope we're not in for non-communication as a source of married angst down the road.


One thing I remembered that I'll miss about the apartment is the drawer Beckett gave to Castle.  That was a nice moment in the relationship.


Another thing I note is that this apartment of Beckett's was a lot more sophisticated than her previous one, which fit more with her then cop persona.  Kind of coincided with the way they upgraded Beckett's look and wardrobe and arguably character in S3.  For me, they never invested quite enough time in showing Beckett at home in this apartment for me to really warm up to her personal connection with it. 


ETA: A nice bit of post ep fanfic.  A scene like this would have gone a long way to making the storyline better. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10866578/1/The-Apartment

Edited by madmaverick
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ETA: A nice bit of post ep fanfic.  A scene like this would have gone a long way to making the storyline better. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10866578/1/The-Apartment

Yeah that was nice and felt like a conversation they should have ended up having when she got home.  They obviously had some good times there but that place must have held some very painful memories for Castle over arguments that almost finished them. 


His arms should get their own award, a fan on Nathan arm appreciation duty. 

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His arms should get their own award, a fan on Nathan arm appreciation duty.


Arms appreciated, thanks verdana.  I liked his move in the episode captured in the 3rd .gif where he goes right then left as he makes his escape.  Different to his gliding moves in an earlier episode but just as funny.  Nathan's not the buffest guy but I could see him in an action comedy, playing the comedy, after this.


Now to see those arms on Beckett duty... :P  Still wish Beckett had seen him in that outfit!  Just imagining her reaction if he'd casually removed his jacket at home as they sat down to watch Hard kill lol.   

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To be a natural part of the character. It can't be that one day they have a living situation that looks like they're one person, then the next day they have a living situation that looks entirely different, without any explanation other than that the set designers wanted to make it pretty.


But they didn't change things with no explanation. She had an apartment that got blown up, then a few months later she had a new apartment. She had to get a new place and new stuff so she changed the style a bit while doing so.  I don't have an issue with that.  If my whole apartment blew up I would want to make the new one different too.  It's not really that big a change from her previous one.


It should be out of her price range, but that's pretty much standard practice for NYC real estate on TV.  

Edited by KaveDweller
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