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Small Talk: The Library

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The other explanation: hair loss from years of previous fucking with her hair.  I actually didn't notice it was a wig, though I thought the color was way wonky. It looks okay in daylight, but indoors, it looks like a fake sickly strawberry blonde. 


Major anti-stress vibes to harvester and Endeavor, and douchecanoe vibes to dusky.

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It's the way it's attached to her head that's so awful; it sits too high and in closeups the seam where the hairpiece is supposed to blend in with her forehead is really obvious. I think if there was no way to get the forehead blending to look right, they should've used a wig with bangs. And I don't want to complain only about Anderson; did Duchovny take a valium before filming, maybe? Heh.

Anyhoo, my carping about XF is the same carping I have about every reboot, remake, redo, re- re- re- blah blah blah. Pop culture has disappeared up its own ass. It's also why I couldn't get excited about the MST re-whatever, because ugh. You people are talented, why are you not being creative? Do a NEW thing. I've seen these old things before, there's a reason they are beloved, and there is little likelihood of you doing something amazing and fresh with them. Do something different.

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I hope you're feeling better buffyjunkie.

I'm still trying to resolve the caregiver issues. Hopefully in a couple of weeks all will be transitioned and my jaw will unclench and the knot in my stomach will unravel.

I'm looking forward to the X-Files but also worry that I'll be dissapointed. I recorded it but the first ep was delayed because of football, so I need to go find that before I can watch last night's.

I'm kind of meh about the new MST too, AnnieF. I loved the original. Since then, Joel and some of the people were doing Cinematic Titanic and Mike and some are doing Rifftrax. I've seen a couple of each. They're the same concept. I'm not interested in seeing new people do MST even if Joel is behind it. I know myself though. I'll end up checking it out.

While the work situation is not resolved yet, it got much better today. Thank you all for always listening and supporting me. I would be in rough shape without this group. Truly.

I've been so wrapped up in drama that I don't even know the X-Files came on this week. My former nerdy self is ashamed. My present self at least has On Demand.

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I actually didn't notice it was a wig

Me neither. I don't understand why the only other choice would have been to dye her hair. What about her natural hair colour?

Anyway, mostly I agree with you Annie. I can't say that it was good. Still, seeing those credits again made my heart go pitter patter. I didn't expect them to keep the original ones.

I love seeing the original credits. I think that Gillian Anderson has forgotten how to play Scully: she just sounds so worn out and drowsy, and I think she is trying to sound calming and soothing to Mulder's crazy.



GA did this really annoying whispery voice on Hannibal and I thought it was her interpretation of that particular character, but she's doing it on TXF now too.  Way less pronounced, but still there.  Not sure what that's about. 

So I got the reply from my ex regarding having him contribute to the costs of his daughter going to college. He thanked me for all I do, said he had no money because of egregious child support payments (which he stopped paying a year and a half ago) reminded me that he had gone bankrupt in 2005 (that was 11 years ago, right?) again because of those egregious child support payments, having nothing to do with the costs associated with the mail order bride who returned herself to the Ukraine. I can't help remember that this was a man who looked me straight in the face and with conviction told me that he was a race horse that I had strapped to a plow. Oh well I guess I will work all the OT available and hope not to burn myself out too badly.


Vibes to all.

Sorry to have been comment quiet; but I have been reading and vibing.  


Work vibes, and healing vibes to Hostile's dad.


Welcome Lexxy.  It's always nice to see a twop-refugee.


dusky, your douche-ass-end-bottomfeeder is simply beyond words.  I just....can't.  I wish he'd get a 150 paper cuts and then falls into a vat of lemon juice.


Sorry about the Patriots, and hope that the snow is mostly tamed.  Barphe, you guys really got socked.  Here in NYC we're recovering nicely.  I think we were all pretty impressed that our weather people were wrong;  they said 7-10 inches.  We got 27.  Hee!


Not much news here.  Dad2 seems to be holding his own- and thank you guys for your vibes.  

More about the X files later.  I am glad I am not the only one who thought Gillian's face/head looked odd.  As for Duchovny; I think the guy has been smoking weed nonstop for the last ten years.  But wheeeeee!  The x files!  They are back!!!

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Everyone has said it better than I could, so I'll just say I'm sorry that you have to deal with such nonsense, dusky.

Glad to hear the news about dad2, KPC.

That's not old, Chyna. That's reserved for when you get bifocals. Not that I would know anything about that... And, no, calling them progressive lenses doesn't help. Again, so I've heard.

Edited by Endeavour
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I have become my mother: there are magnifying eyeglasses all over my house. I can't read labels anymore, so I have glasses in my car that I put around my neck before walking into the grocery store. Yep, glasses on a lanyard around my neck. I'm that person now. Huh. ;)

Vibing hard for everyone. I hope the weekend is lovely for us all. :)

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I just got my first pair of (adorable, bi-colored!) reading  glasses - the optometrist said that my having had LASIK years ago pushed out my need for reading glasses by about 5 years - and they are on a lanyard around my neck right this minute. I've been considering progressive lenses, but my far vision is way better than my near. My main problem is that at work, I need the readers for my eye-level screen and for paperwork, so progressive lenses won't work. But if I fill the prescription for far glasses for driving, I can't get them in the amber blue-blocking lenses I need because of light sensitivity. It's a pickle. 


Either way, I finally have that over-the-top-of-the-glasses-on-a-lanyard librarian look I've wanted for years. 

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YAY harvester!.


I am so glad that the stressful situation has been resolved.  I hope this means you can enjoy the weekend.


I fear my eyesight may be going.  If it is, I am hoping I can qualify for surgery, because I hate glasses almost as much as I hate turtlenecks and hats.  In the meantime, I'm going to steal some carrots from all those scary bunnies.

I have worn contacts since my early teens, with glasses for late-night reading. There are options KPC, and surgery might be convenient. I have never been willing to cough up the extra cash since insurance doesn't cover eyesight but does cover boner pills. I have to pay extra because Kaiser Permanente considers contact lenses cosmetic. I pay $100 extra and for the life of me, I cannot fathom what this "contact lens exam" requires that is different from any other eye exam. I read the chart, I get the puff if air, and I go about my day.

How was everyone's weekend? We had almost 70 degrees here followed by snow and ice, a sampler platter of weather that is hard on the sinuses.

Vibes for everyone just because!

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Let me tell you a heartwarming story. Once upon a time two women reported their boss for sexual harrassment. They accused him of inapproriate behaviour, which included grabbing their ass on a regular basis.

He was just absolved because the judges qualified him as "immature" (he's 65). Moreover, he was just "goofing around" and didn't get any actual sexual pleasure from his acts. Apparently all that matters is what the man gets from his actions. How those actions make the women feel is completely irrelevant. Only the man's feelings count. Were they disgusted? Revolted? Uncomfortable? Embarassed? Who cares.

The end.

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He was just absolved because the judges qualified him as "immature" (he's 65). Moreover, he was just "goofing around" and didn't get any actual sexual pleasure from his acts.


You've got to be kidding me.


So if he's immature at 65, then a woman at say, 30 would be considered a toddler, so surely she couldn't be held responsible if she suddenly had a knee jerk that made bodily contact with his neither regions?  Or that her hand twitched and scalding coffee landed on him?  She's a growing girl after all.


Seriously, this is beyond all appalling.  I don't know how he kept his job.  Can the women sue him in civil court?


Many many many hugs.  Fucking chauvinist.

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I'm not involved in the story, Boliver, nor is anyone I know. However, feel free to be sorry for humanity in general, because if in 2016 we still get these kinds of rulings we have a loooooooong way to go.

Can the women sue him in civil court?

They did go to court. That's where the sentence came from.

The boss is not even close to being the worst person in the story. I mean, he's an asshole alright, but the group of judges who ruled in his favour? They are so much worse. It's not like they didn't believe the women, as it's often the case. They believed them completely. They just think it's ok.

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Whew, Just spent all day at a middle school robotics tournament, which was totally exhausting and I wasn't even robotics-ing! But damn, there are some big brains on these kids. The robots are pretty impressive regardless, and then you remind yourself that the kids who made them are 11, 12, and 13 years old.


There was a big socioeconomic mix among the schools participating, and interestingly, the three wealthiest private schools got completely shut out of the finals. The top *two* teams both came from a neighboring blue-collar suburb, and the kids were all Latino except one. Their robotics program is fairly new too. In light of what's going on in this country these days, I enjoyed seeing a couple of teams of middle-class brown kids take down some rich white kids in an academic competition. Some GOPs candidates' heads would explode if they heard those kids' parents cheering for them in Spanish. :) 

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