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Small Talk: The Library

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Bag balm, by the way, is a lanolin-rich ointment originally used to treat chapped or cracked cow udders, but is now pitched -- by the Dairy Association! -- to treat dry skin, scratches, diaper rash, and so on.

It tickles me pink that you know this Hostile16.  But I agree with TrudiTru, it would seem some more investigation is warranted KPC.  The coconut oil with no scent is refined. 

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Bag balm, by the way, is a lanolin-rich ointment originally used to treat chapped or cracked cow udders, but is now pitched -- by the Dairy Association! -- to treat dry skin, scratches, diaper rash, and so on.



They sell it at a lot of gardening stores and outdoorsy stores for people whose hands tend to be cold and/or wet.


I wonder if a cream made for babies might help--for diaper rash or something. Because that stuff would help not just with the dryness, but also the irritation, and it wouldn't have a lot of extra chemicals and perfumes and whatnot.

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They sell it at a lot of gardening stores and outdoorsy stores for people whose hands tend to be cold and/or wet.


I wonder if a cream made for babies might help--for diaper rash or something. Because that stuff would help not just with the dryness, but also the irritation, and it wouldn't have a lot of extra chemicals and perfumes and whatnot.

They also sell it in feed mills and tack shops, where it's generally cheaper than when marketed to humans at CVS.  No lie because I couldn't make up the name if I tried, but this is one of my favorite such products, and they also make a diaper rash cream.  Good luck in your hydration search KPC.


We got a few more inches last night but I really can't complain about snow, knowing what my friend in Boston is dealing with - I assume you are also in the NE dusky?  I hope winter stops dumping on you soon. 


Pitchers and catchers report tomorrow!  Always makes me feel like spring is just a liiiiiiittle bit closer.

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To keep you all updated on the Lady Cassandra Skin Saga, I have an appointment with the dermatologist on Thursday.  Problem is, the spots that have reappeared have not gotten as bad (yet) so I am worried he won't take me seriously.  After that, I have to try to find an allergist who takes my insurance.  


Monkey But makes me think of the olde twop days with the "choose monkey" comments.  I can't drown myself in vitamin e and benodryl cream forever.  but maybe I can.


Tickled pink is one of my favorite phrases.   


Another favorite phrase I read on Facebook:  Is it just me or have we been locked into a snow globe and some jerk keeps shaking it.  I sort of feel like the east coast (and now the south) is having one hell of a winter.  Hope it's warmer in California and Rome and Dubai.


Enough about me and my Lady Cassandra Skin Saga- what is everyone else up to?  Are you surviving the winter?  Parents?  Friends?  Children?  Tv shows? 

I hope that *spritz* you get some *spritz* relief soon.

Tell the dermatologist how insane the itching is making you - s/he'll take you seriously. Trust me :)

Oh, and after the dermatologist, book a massage - relaxing rub plus essential oils? Double win!

Kory and I get to meet our new caseworker on Thursday morning. And Kory built the crib/bed on Sunday. We are inching ever closer, and I caught myself allowing a small smile of excitement today, so, yay!

Edited by Erratic
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I will add a grin of glee!

KPC, healing vibes to you. I had to deal with unrelenting itching once (a hornet stung me and hit a nerve) and it took over my life for a week. Nothing stopped the fucking itching (except steroids eventually) and I can't imagine how tired of it you must be. Vibes my friend.

LandB, if Satan exists, he runs an insurance company. Fuck them, and vibes to you since you have to wade through the nonsense.

As for me, I am working and trying to write a book, so my time has been pretty occupied. I do read here every day even if I have been a neglectful commentator.

Hope it's warmer in California and Rome and Dubai.

It's been an unusually mild winter here. We never had snow storms or anything like that, but we used to have an actual winter season. Now it's a couple of cold days here and there. I don't like it. I want the old fashioned seasons back. I want to wear my hats and gloves.


I'm sure the dermatologist will take you seriously, KPC. If not, we'll cast a nasty curse on him.


I'd love to read your book, harvester.


I caught myself allowing a small smile of excitement today, so, yay!

Good. You should enjoy the anticipation.

  • Love 1
Then cko will have hide me (I'll bribe her with crumbs cupcakes) and I'll become known as "the mysterious magnolia cupcake maniac."


I would do it, no bribe needed, though I did have a fancy cupcake the other day that, being more in the Magnolia-type category (fine crumb) made me think of you, kpc, and also long for a Crumbs!  The frosting was lovely, and that, paradoxically, made me think of valny!


The thing with bag balm is it is really thick and has a slightly funky smell. I guess that's why they put so many fragrances in more "commercial" lotions.


A book, harvester! How wonderful! Will you keep us in the loop of how it is going? That made me think of those of us here who might be writing...and whether there's a way to stay linked to that. I'm still gamely doing those LJ landcomms and have produced a quick spate of little Castle prompt drabbles--nothing earth-shattering, but it is fun. Anyone doing anything creative you'd like to share?


Erratic, so exciting. Love hearing about all these wonderful preparations.

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Good luck with the dermatologist KPC.

Yay to inching closer Erratic! You've certainly accomplished a lot and come a long way already. Very ecxiting.

Pitchers and catchers report tomorrow!  Always makes me feel like spring is just a liiiiiiittle bit closer.

And this just makes me queasy. Not the spring part but the baseball is right around the corner part. I don't care much for sports but my mom is a Yankees fan. I am not looking forward to the return of baseball.

If you don't mind saying, what is your book about Harvester?

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Vibes and sympathy to KPC. I hope your dermatologist can help you. I've had dry skin problems my whole life. Saw a dermatologist in my twenties and it made all the difference. I've been on a daily skin care regimen for decades now, plus minimizing time in the water and avoiding wool. It's kept the problem mostly under control.


Hope it's warmer in California and Rome and Dubai.


The west coast has been having an early spring. In fact, we kind of skipped winter around here. That's not actually a good thing; the precipitation came down as rain rather than snow most of the past few months. Without a good snowpack in the mountains, we could be looking at a drought this summer. Plus, we didn't get a good freeze to kill the insects, so there could be a whole lot of bugs in the near future.


I too am interested in hearing more about Harvester's book.

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Without a good snowpack in the mountains, we could be looking at a drought this summer. Plus, we didn't get a good freeze to kill the insects, so there could be a whole lot of bugs in the near future.

The outlook is not good. Expect to hear a lot from me about fires and smoke this summer, because it's going to be bad. :(

I too am interested in hearing more about Harvester's book.

And me too. :)

I started taking an antidepressant a couple of days ago. Been feeling pretty crappy (physically, mentally) so I'm trying this. I'll let you know if I'm feeling any better in 4-6 weeks, heh.

Thinking of your itchies with sympathy, KPC. That's no fun at all.

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All this talk of cupcakes is killing me.  As the weather drops into single digits or negative, I am craving the carbs.



I caught myself allowing a small smile of excitement today, so, yay!

Small smile, are you kidding me?  Grin it out woman!  Woo, woo!


AnnieF I hope whatever you are trying works for you and without the break-in period of what I found to be crushing headaches.



I too am interested in hearing more about Harvester's book.

Me three!  At least give us a hint, F or NF?



Monkey But makes me think of the olde twop days with the "choose monkey" comments.

Sigh, "choose monkey" frequently finds its way in my life when I am encouraging someone to make a choice one way or another.

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I love you guys. I don't say that enough. I am sending you much healing vibes. And I'm going to be vegetarian this weekend as my sacrifice for your good health, better weather and a colleague's mother who is really ill. In fact, you know what? I'll be vegetarian this week. 


I also realised that I'm really bad about talking about the good things happening because I'm deathly afraid of jinxing things. But it is 9 at night. I'm sitting at the outside hotel pool. There is free wifi and a balmy breeze blowing. I'm listening to Infected Mushroom, that my brother introduced me to this winter. And my belly is pleasantly full from salad and chicken quiche that I bought at 50% off a few days ago (and hadn't eaten because a friend I've made at the hotel kept feeding me). And I also had some leftover blueberry muffin from yesterday, a treat from another colleague at the hotel. And I'm sitting here reading your funny, expressive, well written posts. Thank you, God. 


And another colleague's trying to get us a deal for the Desert Safari, one that I could actually afford. And I got work from home activated today, so I can work and take calls from the hotel too, so I don't have to worry about missing my shuttle back. 


Anyway, it's important to celebrate the good things, so I thought I would. 

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AnnieF, I hope you are feeling okay.  Good vibes that the medicine helps.


Yay for celebrating the good things romantic idiot!  I am GLAD that you are in a warm place- someone needs to be!  And if darkpool is getting an early spring that is nice to hear too.


In the never ending saga of "Lady Cassandra's Skin Saga" I saw the doctor today.  He's giving me a STRONG Steroid Ointment for two weeks and then go off it and wait a week and then come back to see him.  If the itching starts up again once I am off the ointment, then he's going to do some bloodwork and get a "patch test."  Which I think is an allergy test?  I credit you all with the good vibes that got the doctor to take me seriously.

I worked two days this week (yay!) and did my best not to itch like a fiend.  And while I did itch a ton, I didn't scratch.  At every break, I broke out the vitamin E.  But THEN when I saw another actor actively scratching his balls, I wanted to smack him upside the head anf scream at him:  "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITCHY-NESS Jon Snow."


For everyone on the east coast, stay warm.  For everyone elsewhere have a happy time in the warmth and sun.  Good vibes and love to you all.

  • Love 5
Kory and I get to meet our new caseworker on Thursday morning


 How'd it go Erratic?


I don't care much for sports but my mom is a Yankees fan.


Smart woman! I like her,Endeavour. :)


I worked two days this week (yay!) and did my best not to itch like a fiend. 


Yay on both counts!  Did you work inside or outside KPC? Hope that strong ointment works.


It's biiiiter cold out there! So this weekend I am going to get some caulking cord for my drafty bedroom windows that Erratic suggested. It's a putty material that can be reused,so it looks pretty simple to apply and it's gotten great reviews from what I've read. Thanks Erratic

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Erratic it is SO COOL that you are "nesting" and getting everything ready.  I feel like I should mail you washcloths and/or gift cards to toys r us.


The ointment, Darkpool is called clobrtdol-propionate.  It's apparently used for lots of different skin issues.  Maybe you know all about it and shake your head thinking "and her doctor thinks this is strong?  ha!"


valny I am glad you're sealing your windows.  Living out on the island you need all the draft protection you can get!!  

Nope, I had to look it up. I use triamcinolone cream, which is also a topical corticosteroid. But I gather it's fairly weak next to clobetasol propionate, so I'm able to use it long-term. My doc tried to get me off it once by replacing it with a non-steroid ointment, but the trial was a disaster. So she let me keep the tried-and-true stuff.

Edited by Darkpool

I hope the antidepressants take the blues away, Annie. I just went off them right before Christmas, after ten years (!). They have been extremely helpful, I just didn't want to be dependent on them for the rest of my existence. For now, I don't miss them or feel like I need them.


it was lovely romantic idiot.

Indeed. I'm glad you're having such a great time.


I worked two days this week (yay!) and did my best not to itch like a fiend.

Is no one making a movie about a terrible itching disease? You wouldn't even have to audition. Kidding aside, yay for work and for the doctor taking the issue seriously. He knew better than to mess with our vibes.

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Anyway, it's important to celebrate the good things, so I thought I would.



This is awesome, romantic idiot. Please everyone do keep celebrating the good things. Major vibes to KPC being itch and scratch-free, and that AnnieF finds relief from the new meds--and trudi finds relief going off meds!


Life is fairly peaceful here--we are getting into a routine with the caregivers, me being back at work part time, and Dad's (currently minor) ups and downs. Fortunately our weather is good (I know that overall it's a bad sign for the West, drought and all, but it makes day to day life a lot easier), so my thoughts are with you all in the cold and snow! Your fortitude amazes me!


Watching a lot more TV (to kinda spend time with Dad) and eating lots of late night snacks (I guess because I can, even though previously I had a strict "no food after 7 pm" rule.) Ah well.

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Romantic idiot are you okay?  Some high rise building in Dubai, called the torch, has apparently taken it's name literally and is on fire.  I hope you are very very far away from it.


cko, as always it is great to hear from you.  I'm glad you and your Dad are settling into a routine.  I don't suppose you've been able to hook him on Buffy?  Or some other show you've always wanted to rewatch?

Annie how's your friday gone?


I Is no one making a movie about a terrible itching disease? You wouldn't even have to audition.


I know!  (tm Monica from Friends).  Seriously, I would be a shoe in and should probably write the damn thing.




I woke up this morning, only lsomewhat/i] itchy.  Of course, only somewhat Itchy has a new definition for me.  And today has been only a little itchy too.  Could this ointment (gasp!) actually be working?  Will Lady Cassandra's Skin Saga come to an ending, or will it return more evil and "moisturize me moisturize me?"  Taking opinions for the titles of a poential sequel?  Possible tag lines:  "Just when you thought it was safe not to moisturize...."The Itch is Back!"

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Here in Denver, that is 45% of our kids



Huh--that's interesting! I didn't realize Denver had that many kids learning English as a second language. (When I'm in CO, I'm in Boulder which is 99.9999999% white, as far as I can tell.) What's the primary language for most of them?


Chynette just returned from her 3-day, 2-night field trip to Wisconsin. The school does this every year for 5th graders, and they always do it in the winter. Despite the subzero temps, they still went hiking, cross-country skiing (on the frozen lake!), did a high ropes course, and learned to build a campfire, and for the times they went inside to warm up, used the climbing wall. She came home thrilled about everything they had done, then fell asleep before dinner. :)

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It's biiiiter cold out there! So this weekend I am going to get some caulking cord for my drafty bedroom windows that Erratic suggested. It's a putty material that can be reused,so it looks pretty simple to apply and it's gotten great reviews from what I've read. Thanks Erratic!

Did you end up trying this, Valny? Was it easy to apply and how's it working? I also have very drafty windows. A couple of weeks ago I bought the film that covers the entire window but had so much trouble putting it on, ended up returning it. I used it years ago and had no problems, so I'm not sure what went wrong. I can't find the rope caulk locally but will order some if it works well.

Glad things are settling into a routine, cko, but watch out for that late night snacking! That's a habit I'm currently trying to break and have been trying to for a while now. I know I can do it, I just need to put my mind to it.

Good to hear you are safe and having a great time, romantic idiot. What a wonderful experience.

Yay for being less itchy, KPC!

Good vibes to all and a happy, warm weekend!

Glad things are settling into a routine, cko, but watch out for that late night snacking! That's a habit I'm currently trying to break and have been trying to for a while now. I know I can do it, I just need to put my mind to it.


One of the great things about getting older is that those habits that had only long-term (and therefore unseen and hotly denied) consequences start to develop short term consequences. Such as, eating chips at night make you feel lousy the next day. Hah! Easier to give up!


Not that I've quite reached that point, but I will.


I work with students whose first language is not English. Here in Denver, that is 45% of our kids, so it is a big issue here and in many areas throughout the country.

Harvester, I hope to volunteer with either the local Hispanic center or the local literacy group when I retire so I would be very interested in reading your book.  Although I love to read, I know next to nothing about teaching so I feel I need to do some homework.



One of the great things about getting older is that those habits that had only long-term (and therefore unseen and hotly denied) consequences start to develop short term consequences.

Right there with you cko.  One glass of wine is fabulous.  Two glasses of wine and something just feels "off" the next day.  Granted, my glasses are fairly large.


Life is relatively drama free here of late.  Daughter went to Sadie Hawkins dance and looked nice.  Did as much of my Mom's taxes as I could but will have to finish up in March.  Oh, and in small pleasures there was a young lady at the grocery store with taste samples of her company's various Kombucha drinks.  The only brand I had tried previously tasted awful but this kind was good.  Supposedly Kombucha is good for digestive health and only 9g of sugar.  And I found a raincoat for London.  My old raincoat didn't have a hood and didn't have a lining.  The first traditional raincoat I bought had no shape and basically made me look like I was wearing a Hefty black garbage bag so my daughter made me return it.  Then I found one at NordstromRack, a store I had never shopped at.  And bonus points for finding a cool umbrella with a rubberized handle (I always found those Totes handles uncomfortable.)   Oh and best of all, SmartWool socks HALF PRICE.  Score!  I wish I could teleport you all to London with me so we could go to a show and then hang out at a really cool pub and maybe do some geeky Neil Gaiman or Doctor Who stuff. 

Did you end up trying this, Valny? Was it easy to apply and how's it working?


  Yes, I bought it yesterday Endeavour. It's was very easy to apply but I can't really tell how it's working yet because now the temps have risen a little and it hasn't been windy/breezy. Go figure!  But I'm sure we'll be having cold days soon,(not that I want it).  It was pretty inexpensive too($5.98 at Home Depot) and you get a lot of it.


Oscar night is finally here. I'm an awards whore so I love this stuff and I always do award pools. Two people in my Oscar pool actually picked Meryl Streep for Supporting Actress.  My email back to them was.  "Meryl Streep, Really? Reeeally? Never gonna happen."

How does anyone pick her for that role?!!!!!

  I don't really watch the red carpet anymore because I don't know, The interviewer small talk seems fake a lot of times, and I don't care about what designer the women  are wearing,(I hate hearing that question over and over) and the interviewer seem to always kiss up to the celebs. Or they'll say how great they look when you know they are not liking the dress.I know, I know, they're going to always be complimentary but....well....get off my lawn!   But I'll might be doing some FB commenting during the show so anyone can join in if you like!


That would be a lovely meet-up, eh? :)


My thought exactly.

I can't really tell how it's working yet because now the temps have risen a little and it hasn't been windy/breezy. Go figure!  But I'm sure we'll be having cold days soon,(not that I want it).


I think you'll find out tonight. The forecast is for a bit below zero. I'll have to order some. Home Depot by me doesn't have it in stock.


The fact that you chewed gum with your mouth open during the entire show made me glad you lost, Michael Keaton.

I think he finally took it out right before the best actor category.

I watched last night. That was loooong. I thought NPH started off good but seemed to be losing the audience later on.

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I watched last night. That was loooong. I thought NPH started off good but seemed to be losing the audience later on.

He was fine for the most part(nothing amazing)  and I laughed at a good portion of the jokes, but that briefcase bit with poor Octavia Spencer was not working from the get go. Could have cut that bit out and then they wouldn't have had to bunch up the darn Best Film introductions!! What the hell?


Ga Ga was awesome though! She might have made some new fans.




The fact that you chewed gum with your mouth open during the entire show made me glad you lost, Michael Keaton.

Heh. He sure has been doing a lot of chewing at these award shows.  Maybe he has that dry mouth condition! :)

Edited by Valny
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Wellbutrin (the antidepressant I just started) is giving me cotton-mouth. This is the main side effect mentioned, so it's not unexpected, but blergh. I've started carrying around Tic-Tacs. It's like being a newb stoner, heh. (Cotton-mouth is one of marijuana's main side effects, but the more you smoke, the less that happens. Because I am a big ol' medical pothead, I don't get cotton-mouth anymore. Having cotton-mouth is like being 16 again. Ha!)

Big vibes to all, apply as needed. ;)

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