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Small Talk: The Library

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Glad you're making progress Endeavor


Well, mom has officially moved into the assisted living facility. Some problems w/ the place, which I guess is to be expected. Still, she's in. And, it only took us 7 or 8 hours. Next week begins the long slog of cleaning out her apartment. My brother has already slotted another 6 hours of just going through all the papers. So help me, if I found a magic lamp, my three wishes would be for it to be 2015. 

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Doctor Who rant:

I soooo thought this was going to be about tonight's ep.


Well, mom has officially moved into the assisted living facility. Some problems w/ the place, which I guess is to be expected. Still, she's in. And, it only took us 7 or 8 hours. Next week begins the long slog of cleaning out her apartment. My brother has already slotted another 6 hours of just going through all the papers. So help me, if I found a magic lamp, my three wishes would be for it to be 2015.


I'm glad everything went well with the move, LnB.  I hope she settles in quickly. Hang in there. I do understand what a relief it will be when everything is done. I'm right next to you in that boat.

While watching BBC America tonight, I saw a commercial saying Orphan Black is coming soon. Can that be? It seems rather quick. Does anyone know when it is coming back?

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While watching BBC America tonight, I saw a commercial saying Orphan Black is coming soon. Can that be? It seems rather quick. Does anyone know when it is coming back?

Not really soon. It will either be in April or June.


Thanks for the good wishes. I plan on using today to just collapse. It's going to be the last weekend day I'll be able to for the next 4-7 weeks.

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Not really soon. It will either be in April or June.

They were telling us it will be Spring 2015. So I'm thinking April.

So, I finally got around to watching 'Frozen'. Maybe it was overhyped for me. It was cute and all, but it fell into the 'every other Disney movie' category for me. So, good-ish, but not 'The Little Mermaid' good.

And most of the songs were crap.

Edited by Erratic
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I was relieved to be able to skip "Frozen." I can't stand that kind of singing. "Let it Go" might even be a good song, but I couldn't say, because the way it is sung makes me want to rip my ears off. Similar to Broadway-style singing (oh god make it stop) which is also a rip-my-ears-off noise.

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Talk about your false advertising. April or June? Thanks, BBCA, for getting my hopes up.


Enjoy your day, LnB! Try to schedule another couple of days to relax in there somewhere. That's a long stretch.


I hope your day improves after work romantic idiot.


I just saw Frozen a couple of weeks ago. I didn't exactly stay awake through the whole thing and I was watching it in the afternoon. I do think it being overhyped might have something to do with it. I also thought there were some similarities to Tangled which I think I liked better. It was good but not to the level I keep hearing about.

Edited by Endeavour
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There's no way Frozen can live up to the hype at this point. But I saw it before the hype, with few expectations, and I absolutely loved it. As someone who was raised (as most of us here were) on the prince-saving-the-helpless-princess trope, I thought this was a breath of fresh air. Not only did they avoid a lot of the princess movie tropes, they overtly made fun of them: Everyone telling Anna she was crazy for wanting to marry someone she just met just delighted me.


And I'll admit it--as the mother of two daughters, the "act of true love" at the end made me verklempt.

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Yes to all that Chyna just said. The comparison to Tangled stands, though it's probably more of a same heads thinking similarly type of deal, but I do like Frozen because of the love that the sisters have for each other, and because the girls did take charge of their destiny. 


Plus with Jon Groff, Idina Menzel and KB, I was probably going to like it even if it were terrible. 


There have been better Disney songs than Let it go though. 

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I liked Frozen just fine, but didn't care for the songs. Including Let it Go, which I find incredibly overrated. And I like that kind of song/singing.

The Oscar for best song was a little too much.


Everyone telling Anna she was crazy for wanting to marry someone she just met just delighted me.

Yes, major points for that.

Though I have to say, Disney has been pretty good with female characters lately.


While watching BBC America tonight, I saw a commercial saying Orphan Black is coming soon.

They have a broader definition of *soon* than most people.


Stay strong, Lo. You're halfway there.

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Has anyone here ever been to a chiropractor? My back and neck seem to be getting into a fight with the rest of my body. I have a chiropractic benefit with my health insurance and I am wondering if I should look into it.

Vibes to you all.

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Hey Dusky, I have several friends who swear by their chiropractor, but definitely get a recommendation from someone as you need a 'good' one.

Personally, I have never been as I hate the idea of trusting someone to crack my spine without killing me.

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There's no way chiropractic could keep you from getting colds, but some people do swear by it for muscle/skeletal problems. The thing is, you have to be really, really careful when finding a good practitioner, because while the good ones are pretty much a type of physical therapist, the bad ones promote woo and try to sell you herbal crap. The more like an actual medical practioner they are, the better.

I would never go to a chiro, myself, to be honest. Find a physical therapist. Less risk that way.

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I went a few times after being rear-ended (I stupidly stopped at a red light, only to have someone plow into me three seconds later). It didn't do much, but I do know others who swear by them. Acupuncture is another option. I used that for my knee and while I didn't get much relief on that front, I did get a cold knocked out before it became severe. Again, some people swear by that method. Best to get a good recommendation and give it a try. If you don't feel better after a few sessions, stop going.

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I had some lower back problems and was practically dragged by the hair kicking and screaming to my friend's chiropractor because I was sure I'd get broken and have to see doctors forever and/or need back surgery.  One of the first things he said to me was,  "I want to make it so you DON'T have to come see me."  My insurance covered it, and after about 5 months I was back to new- and now I go in once a year for a check up, and also because he's such a great guy.  He also taught me to travel with a tennis ball, which has been awesome.


But that's just me.  If you go, make sure you go to someone with a personal experience with the doctor.


You can ALSO just get a swedish massage (or something harder), which might be just what you need.


LnB, I'm sorry you are so exhausted, and that you have so much to do still, but I am glad your Mom is in her new place.   I know it has been a tough year for you- hugs.


When I try to clean the messy corners, it feels like they get cluttered almost immediately.  But oh, the satisfaction when it's all clean and shiny (however temporarily).


Practically every small girl  I saw on Halloween was Anna or Elsa.  I felt like they should have all gotten together for a flash mob singalong.

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Pretty much what everyone else said about the chiros Dusky.  The thing of it is, they can rearrange your bones but if your muscles and ligaments aren't treated they will just pull things back out of whack. 


Loandbehold, you have my complete and utter empathy.  After having done the "move and help clean out a house" three times for various family members, I am completely and utterly baked.  That is why in part this last few days clearing out my own basement has been so traumatic for me.  Most of the stuff is the husband's and the thought of having to deal with it if something were to happen to him had me close to tears.



Practically every small girl  I saw on Halloween was Anna or Elsa.  I felt like they should have all gotten together for a flash mob singalong.

That would be cool!

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dusky, my chiropractor literally changed the quality of my life. I was getting debilitating migraines at least once a month, and I just figured it was in my DNA (which it probably is, since many of the women in my family get migraines). I went to a chiro for a sore shoulder, mainly because chiro was covered by insurance and massage was not. In the process of helping me with the shoulder, he realized that my neck and back were out of whack--which is why the shoulder hurt, but was also the cause of the migraines. Once we got my vertebrae back where they're supposed to be, he helped me identify the early signs that a migraine may be coming on and gave me stretches and exercises I can do to keep them from happening. I saw him once a week for a few months, but now I only see him a few times a year. 


Maybe my chiro is just particularly awesome, but he's made me a proselytizer for chiropractic because I saw a neurologist, a physical therapist, a massage therapist, and a gyn (because the migraines were believed to be hormonal at one point) and all they did was treat the pain--they didn't try to find the source. Now, with five minutes of stretching I can prevent 2 days of debilitating head pain.


All that being said, talk to your friends to get recommendations for good chiros. There are still some out there who will tell you that chiropractic can cure cancer and that you need herbal treatments and crystals 'n' shit--those people are screwing things up for the good ones. But if you find one who takes a more medical approach and tells you that they fix musculoskeletal problems, they can be invaluable. Also, a lot of chiros also include massage as part of the treatment, because if your muscles are tight, they're not going to be able to adjust your bones and joints properly (and thus, the massage ends up being covered by your insurance benefit).

Edited by Chyna
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Yeah, it's winter here too. Stupid winter.

We put the snow tires on the car, and then Kiry flew back to the Arctic leaving me with three good tires and one leaky bastard. So now I am driving a work truck and my car has three wheels whilst the tire shop is backed up with idiots who didn't put their snow tires on until a week of snow forced their hands. And the work truck has the worst summer tires ever, so I am sliding all over the road. Fun.

I plan to move somewhere warm.

Oh, update: the health and safety inspector agreed that our fridge is cold and we have hot water, so we are one step closer to being approved as a foster to adopt home.

Next step is the class on Nov. 28. Then the home study the week after that. Then the home visits with, hopefully, our newly assigned caseworker.

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the health and safety inspector agreed that our fridge is cold and we have hot water, so we are one step closer to being approved as a foster to adopt home.

Good. Now you can go back to use salt to preserve food and bathe in the river.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it were colder here. It's way too hot for November.

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For me, it wasn't the red light that killed the thread but a bakery fire. There's a large factory bakery just down the road from us, which is usually great because it always smells like baking bread in the mornings. But on Tuesday, in their truck parking lot, someone opened an empty propane tank that wasn't as empty as they thought and blew up the truck repair building. It took more than 10 hours for the fire dept to get the ire out completely (I guess chemical fires are tougher than regular ones).


In the process, power was cut to most of the neighborhood for a few hours (not too big a deal--we just spent the evening at my dad's) and the fiber optic cables giving us internet service were MELTED. Comcast apparently arrived on the scene before AT&T, so they got firsties in replacing their cables. So most of the neighborhood lost internet service starting at 2 pm Tuesday, and some folks got theirs back this afternoon, but I am not one of them.


I don't want to complain too much, since the explosion sent four people to the hospital (shockingly, no one was killed--I saw the remains of the building and it is pretty much a metal frame and a pile of bricks) but not having internet makes my work life very inconvenient.

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Snerk.  Trudi have you considered a life in political comedy?  Like your own Colbert show?  You all rock. 


Good heavens Chyna.  What a commotion.  I'm grateful no one was hurt.


Yeah, it's winter here too and I just want to crawl in to bed and not come out until April. 

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Whoa, that sounds like a heckuva fire. Glad no-one was killed. But yes, no internet and other amenities is worth a complaint or two!


I'm loving your adventure, Erratic. Will be so excited for you when you have that super-lucky kid with you.


It's not winter here, still Fall. A little cool and rainy (yay, rain) but it's kind of weirding me out to see people posting snow pics on FB, I'm just not ready for "winter"!

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It's cold here too. So much so that my fan is switched off!!

Your "cold" is not like anyone else's, is it?


Trudi have you considered a life in political comedy?  Like your own Colbert show?

Heh. I could try. Lord knows there is much much worse on tv.


Yikes, Chyna. I'm glad everyone made it out alive.

I guess the lesson of the day is "check if the propane tank is actually empty before opening it."

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Continuing good luck to you, Erratic.


Glad there were no fatalities and hope the people who went to the hospital are doing ok.


Hope the internet comes back for you soon, Chyna. At least the power is back.


We're definitely moving into the colder weather here. This morning was the first time I saw a good amount of frost on the ground and houses. Can't say I'm looking forward to a lot of snow. I'll miss all the fall colors on the trees. Although, I do think snow can also look pretty and it's perfect for relaxing by the fire.


Happy Friday!

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Eek.  Glad it wasn't worse, Chyna.  Hope you get up and running again soon.


First snow of the season here last night.  The weather people are getting a jump start on being wrong this year, first having told us it would stay rain, then that if it did change to snow it wouldn't stick, then if it did stick it'd only be on grassy surfaces.  Wrong, wrong, and wrong. 

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Internet came back late last night! Whee!

It's a Friday miracle!


My favorite weather forecaster story is when I was growing up in Rockaway Beach in the late 70s, before cable, three of the weather people told us that we would have a dusting of snow from flurries. The fourth one said a "dusting to an inch." We got 10 inches. The next day, fourth network was trumpeting about how their weather person was the only one who "got it right." 

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Whee, dusky's back! And Chyna can internet! Yay!

There was talk of an el niño, but now not so much, so we are still looking at drought. Blergh. Send precipitation out west, y'all. We're dying over here. ;)

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We were threatened with 3 to 6 inches of snow yesterday, but we got only a light dusting of sleet. After hearing "winter storm warning" and all kinds of "stay home if you can" and emergency preparation messages for a couple of days, it was quite anticlimactic.

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