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Small Talk: The Library

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people like me who don't understand tennis.

What is there to understand? You hit the yellow ball with the raquet and the person on the other side of the court hits it back. Not that complicated :-)


I don't like Ashe Stadium. It's just too big and makes me feel like I'm watching two ants play.

Whenever I watch a tennis match held in those huge stadiums, I ask myself what people sitting in the higher seats actually see.


Has anyone seen Gillian Anderson's show "Crisis"? It's starting soon and I was wondering if it was worth checking out. 


KPC - Did you get caught up on Doctor Who? What did you think? Anyone else watching?

I've seen the first two episodes. It's always a little rough adjusting to a new doctor. I liked Peter Capaldi in season 2 of The Hour, so I hope he grows on me. I'm still not thrilled with the companion and can't even recall her name, so that's how much of a good impression she's made on me.


It's work venting time. I am, once again, on intake today. When I got in this morning, there was an e-mail. It seems that a written intake came in on February 5. That's right, 7 months ago. I happened to be on intake that day (surprise, surprise), but the complaint was never given to me. Since then, the attorney who wrote the complaint on behalf of his client, has written again. Rather than give the matter to the attorney who was on intake that day (for once, not me), it was decided that it should go to me. Now, if it was the other way aroundm, they would have given it to me and said that since the other attorney did not get it, they might as well give it to the attorney on intake that day. In other words, no matter when the intake came on, I was going to end up with it. So, I have to write this attorney, saying btw that our office cannot help and provding him with the office and number of the proper agency, and it looks like I sat on this for 7 months. Total bullshit. I then get a call from an elderly woman saying that she's not being treated nicely by a senior citizen center. She doesn't work at the center, therefore, this is not an issue for the LABOR bureau. Still, I have to listen to her complaints, even though I've told her several times that there is nothing this bureau can do for her. Intake is like my Niagara Falls. Slowly I turn, step by step ...

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I'm still not thrilled with the companion and can't even recall her name, so that's how much of a good impression she's made on me.



I blame the writers for that one. The whole "But who is she REALLY?" business has kept us from getting to know her. I was never crazy about Matt Smith, but Amy and Rory kept me going, so the Clara seasons have dragged for me. But I have high hopes for Capaldi--even though the premiere wasn't great story-wise, I liked him in it, and I like the dynamic they're setting up with Clara.

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It's always a little rough adjusting to a new doctor.


It is, but by the end of the first ep, I saw him as the Doctor. I like him a lot. Now I'm not thrilled with some of the writing and direction the show has taken over the past couple of years and there were things I definitely didn't like in the first 2 eps, but I won't go into detail here. I'd like to see what a new showrunner could do with the series.

That kind of sucks LnB. 7 months? I'm sorry but I did laugh a little at the senior citizen story. Any way of finding out who she should contact? If she calls again, you'll be ready.

I'm hoping this week doesn't feel extra long at work. Seems like when it's a shortened week, it drags.

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I think val might be my best bet.

A-ha! And you would be wrong there trudi_tru. I don't watch Doctor Who, nor do I want to. (stop looking at me that way, you Doc fans!) 


Did it feel good to get that vent out Loandbehold? I hope so.


I could use some traveling vibes tonight.  I'm supposed to pick up my sister tonight at Kennedy airport and it's the first time I'm going there. I basically know how to get there,it's just the layout I'm not familiar with, I know LaGuardia really well since she always uses that airport. I went on line to check out the layout(she'll be at Terminal 8) but it's still different when you've never been there before. As long as there are big ol' signs, hopefully I won't find myself driving around trapped in a loop.

Edited by Valny
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stop looking at me that way, you Doc fans!


You can sense that can't you? It's a fun show. You should give it a chance sometime. Throw it in the Netflix queue and try it from the beginning of the 2005 reboot.


But trudi-tru was asking about the Gillian Anderson show - Crisis.


I'm in total procrastination mode today. I'm rarely online during the day.

Edited by Endeavour

Good traveling vibes Valny! I have very little sense of direction and am always a bit nervous when traveling somewhere I haven't been before. I had to take a short trip for work a couple of years ago. It was only about a 4-hour drive, but I took a back-up GPS in case mine broke.


Have you watched classic Who Erratic? I haven't watched more than an ep or two. I guess the age difference between the Doctor and companions was larger back then.

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Happy traveling vibes valny.  I hope all the road signs are super easy to understand.


Keep venting as long as you need to LnB, it sucks when annoying things like that happen.  Although the older lady who called to complain about the other woman is kind of funny.


As for Doc Who, it is a rough transition for me.  He doesn't need to be a cuddly wuddly doctor, but I'm not really relating to him at all.  And I thought he was a jerk to Blue.  I hope he will unbend a little.  The acting, of course, is great- I am not complaining about PC.  And I like Clara, but she's a little too perfect, I think.


Trudi, I didn't watch Crisis when it aired here.  I don't think it got very good ratings.  If you watch it, let us know what you think.

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Happy traveling vibes valny.  I hope all the road signs are super easy to understand.


Keep venting as long as you need to LnB, it sucks when annoying things like that happen.  Although the older lady who called to complain about the other woman is kind of funny.


As for Doc Who, it is a rough transition for me.  He doesn't need to be a cuddly wuddly doctor, but I'm not really relating to him at all.  And I thought he was a jerk to Blue.  I hope he will unbend a little.  The acting, of course, is great- I am not complaining about PC.  And I like Clara, but she's a little too perfect, I think.


Trudi, I didn't watch Crisis when it aired here.  I don't think it got very good ratings.  If you watch it, let us know what you think.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater

Have you watched classic Who Erratic? I haven't watched more than an ep or two. I guess the age difference between the Doctor and companions was larger back then.

I grew up on Dr. Who! Most of my childhood night terrors are caused by Dr. Who (and 'Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang')!

The first doctor was the grandfather of his companion (and her boyfriend/husband), after that the Doctors were mostly in their 30's and 40's, with the possible exception of Sylvester McCoy who was the reason for the death of Classic Dr. who, being as he was awful and overly quirky, and was probably mid to late 40's, but sexless. Tom Baker was probably the eldest of the rest of them, but still had awesome chemistry with Sarah Jane.

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Still, I have to listen to her complaints, even though I've told her several times that there is nothing this bureau can do for her.

This happens to me all the time. I tell people that my office doesn't deal with the sort of issue they calling or writing about, and they still feel the need to fill you in on every detail. People just do not listen.


I'm sorry about the intake situation, Lo.


I read that it was canceled mid-season but the remaining eps were aired.

That doesn't sound good. Why do we buy cancelled shows? Like there aren't enough to choose from.


Did you make it out of JFK, val?


I have never watched a single episode of Doctor Who. There.

  • Love 1

When I was little my sister and I would sometimes watch the classic Doctor Who episodes with our aunt (I think they aired them on PBS in the late 70s/early 80s?), and I just remember thinking it was funny, with its fake-looking special effects and an old man with an enormous scarf.  Other than that I can't say I've ever watched any either.  I don't know why it doesn't appeal to me, especially now. 


I hope your sister pick-up went well valny, and that you're not still circling the airport as we type.


Calming-work-vibes to you today Endeavour


Our hot water heater died on Tuesday.  Mr. Earl and the landlord spent yesterday replacing it, but apparently more parts are needed before it will be functional.  Which meant a 5:30 AM wake up to take care of the (once again visiting) dog and make it to my parents' house to shower.  I hope this does not go on for very much longer. 

My problem with Eccleston has nothing to do with his stint as the Doctor. (He was fabulous) However, he is seared into my brain from the movie "28 Days" and I can't, can't, can't break that association. **Shudder** [he was also the bad guy in Thor: The Dark World, but we'll just forget that movie was ever made....]


On the funny side of Doctor Who fandom: 

My daughter (5th grade) has a new Math teacher, just arrived from England, he's in his 30's, wears a suit, and is David Tennant's honest-to-god doppelgänger. When I took her to "meet the teachers" day, I almost died. For her, David Tennant is Barty Crouch, Jr. so the similarity was neither strong nor particularly looked for. She has had me swear on anything and everything I hold holy to not mention the Doctor Who thing to the teacher, her friends, her friends parents, her frenemies, in fact anyone. I told her that some of my friends needed to hear this story, and she acquiesced, albeit grudgingly.


(unrelated aside -- when I said hello to him on meet the teacher's day, I mentioned that I was impressed he was saying "math" and not "maths." He was a bit taken aback, and then cracked a huge grin and said, "I still get it wrong a lot, after all  it IS mathematics.")

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I just remember thinking it was funny, with its fake-looking special effects


I'm hoping when I watch that I find that part of the charm. Similar to the original Dark Shadows. That was recorded live so there are a lot of mistakes and you can even see the string holding the bat in some scenes. Back in the day, I was somewhat obsessed with that show.


Speedy hot water heater repair vibes to Earl. Hopefully the parts are readily available.


until they did what they did to Donna


That was brutal. I was unhappy with that but it didn't anger me to the point that I stopped watching. I was more sad than anything. I actually prefer some of those stories to the new ones because there were actual consequences.


That story is too funny, Barphe. Maybe you could just mumble an Allons-y the next time he's around and see if there's any reaction.


Thanks for the vibes. Today is going a bit better. I even managed to break away for lunch.

  • Love 2

On the funny side of Doctor Who fandom:

My daughter (5th grade) has a new Math teacher, just arrived from England, he's in his 30's, wears a suit, and is David Tennant's honest-to-god doppelgänger. When I took her to "meet the teachers" day, I almost died.

Was there a pocket watch on the mantelpiece? Maybe he *is* David Tennant but has forgotten!
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The guy WALKS like Tenant. I swear I'm hallucinating.


I've been trying to figure out why I'm not as outraged over what they did to Donna as I could be, and I think it is because I fell really behind my Doctor Who watching at some point before the shit hit the fan, and by the time I got back to it I knew from the general mood that I wasn't going to be happy, so while not happy I wasn't blindsided, so ergo not gobsmacked, just deflated.

  • Love 1
My daughter (5th grade) has a new Math teacher, just arrived from England, he's in his 30's, wears a suit, and is David Tennant's honest-to-god doppelgänger.





I didn't like what happened to Donna, but that, combined with the subplot with her grandfather, made me SOB. I wasn't angry so much as heartbrokwn (which is how a lot of the best episodes make me feel).

  • Love 1
My daughter (5th grade) has a new Math teacher, just arrived from England, he's in his 30's, wears a suit, and is David Tennant's honest-to-god doppelgänger.


When my dad was briefly hospitalized a couple years back, my sister and I were both floored that one of his nurses, Jeremy, was a dead ringer for David Tennant. We briefly discussed asking him for a picture, but couldn't work out how to do it in a non-creepy-weird way.

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We briefly discussed asking him for a picture, but couldn't work out how to do it in a non-creepy-weird way.

Yeah, I'm going to have to wait for a "natural" occurrence -- which since he is a teacher at an elementary school will happen on the school website sooner or later. When it does....LINKY time!!


I'm about to go get my dog "chipped." With all the people bustling about the house, the construction next door, the imminent move etc. etc. If he runs away or gets lost, I want all my bases covered. (Is it legal/possible to chip kids?)

  • Love 2

I was so heartbroken for Donna (and then her Granddad) that it was hard for me to watch Doctor Who for awhile.  But I don't know how they could have written her off. I miss them both.


Barphe, if he leaves the room and you hear a the whoosh whoosh of the Tardis, then we know.  And you will send him in my direction so I can date him.  Thank your daughter for letting you shared this with us.


Oh, Mr, Tennant, the only thing you can't do well is an american accent.


Given how small children race around grocery stores and shopping malls, I think that chipping them might not be such a bad idea.  With animals, I know more than one person who has been thankful that they chipped them.

  • Love 1

That was probably very distracting buffyjunkie at a difficult time no less.


Oh, Mr, Tennant, the only thing you can't do well is an american accent.

Yes, but that won't be enough to keep me from watching Gracepoint. I already watched Broadchurch and had no intention of watching the US version until I found out that he was in it.

Happy Friday and weekend to all!

Edited by Endeavour
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Watch 'Broadchurch' NOW!!!!

And have tissues ready.

So... You are right, non karaoke mud-sliding Tardises guessers. We are early in the process, but we have bribed our references well (sister who has adopted twice, cop, and nurse who deals with dying people). We are looking to adopt (and teach mad karaoke skills) to one or a pair of siblings, 3-6 yrs old, special needs probably... Will know by November how it's going.

It's a little stressful, a little exciting, a lot scary. And fun.

Hopefully things go well. If not, at least we tried. Right?

Edited by Erratic
  • Love 7

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That's exciting! Many many vibes to Erratic and K!


(Your plan to adopt slightly older kids reminds me of a conversation I recently had with Tiny C: She likes babies, but she has always said that she's not going to have kids when she grows up. Never explained why. Then I mentioned that one of my friends was adopted when she was 3, and Tiny C was like, "You can adopt kids who are already potty trained? [All of her adopted friends were infants.] Huh. Well, I might do that then." So apparently the issue for her is diapers.)

  • Love 5

Adoption vibes for Erratic! Wonderful news! You are gonna be awesome parents.


I was in with newWho until they did what they did to Donna. Then I was out.


I was so heartbroken for Donna (and then her Granddad) that it was hard for me to watch Doctor Who for awhile.



Too soon?

Edited by Darkpool
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