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Small Talk: The Library

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Guys! Mysterious update: the vibes are working so far. Step one, aka 'wetting the feet' is complete.

Step two, aka 'holy fuck, really!' begins next Wednesday, then, there will be a couple of months of not much talk, but, is all goes to plan, when step three is complete, (- I don't have a fancy name for that yet, so let's call it 'Intel and strategic maneuvering), I will tell you all exactly what is happening before the final stage. So, Maybe November or December. In the meantime, keep a few background vibes vibrating for me, and I will return the favour when needed :)

Yay! To Endeavour leaving the comfort zone. It's fun out here in the DANGERZOOOONE[/Archer]

KPC, rock your play like the fucking awesome star you are!

Have fun meet-ups, y'all! Just don't use recognizable usernames on EBay when selling the kidneys.

Edited by Erratic
  • Love 3

Endeavour, as you can see, it's safe to meet up with us-  see how trudi tru and darkpool and everyone are having a great time?


But as for my show, please please please keep your expectations super low.  I did NOT like how it went last night- and I am pretty much expecting a tepid review (I am, because I think I know who reviewed it).  So try to like it (and me) despite all the flaws.  And I promise to buy drinks and french fries after the show.  :)


Wishing everyone a fun fun fun weekend?

Thanks, KPC. I know it will be ok. It's me and my comfort zone issues and issues in general! I'm sorry things didn't go how you wanted them to last night. I'm sure the show will be great and it will be great meeting you and LnB. Oh, and mmmmm fries.
So, so curious Erratic. Glad the mysterious it is going well!

Edited by Endeavour

I have just returned from attending KPS's Fringe Festival play, "A 1940s Comedy of Errors." I was accompanied by Endeavor, who, as expected, maintained the meet-up tradition of being a wonderful and interesting person. Unfortunately, the restaurant where we had brunch, while busy, was neither busy enough, nor did they supply me with the best equipment to harvest an organ or two. Well, maybe we have successfully lulled her into a false sense of security. 


As for the play itself, it was very funny, one can even call it loony, and sufferin' succotash, KPC, had some great moments. I must admit that the author of the play, Mr. Will Shakspierre, seems to have never even imagined the 1940s, no less lived through it or even read about it. As a result, much of the dialog seemed like it was written by someone who died some 300 years before that decade even occurred. Yet, the actors did not let that stop them from putting on a wonderful and frenetic performance. I will give Will credit for writing the opening music. Though some would call it cartoonish, I thought it went well with the pace of the show. KPC said that the show is meant to be shown to high school students (though not exclusive to them), and I think they will enjoy it, but I wouldn't recommend bringing kids under the age of 8. One reason being that there were some eerie moments that took place at twilight in the worst zone of the city. Also, there was some attempted kissing by a french-accented cad on a reluctant young lady, le pew, and a stuttering officer who had no idea whether it was duck or rabbit season. Not the best for an officer charged with upholding the law. The play did come to a humorous stop when a catfight occurred. While I was not sure if it was part of the play, staged, or just two actors whose jealousy had boiled to a head, I can tell you that there was some hooting in the audience, and even more from the other actors. And that's all I'm going to say on that point. Except that if the Fringe Festival had allowed recording, it would have magically appeared at the other place, and youtube, and vine, and pinterest, and.... If you are able to get to see it, I highly recommend doing so. There are two more performances. The dates are listed at the other place. OK, I'm out of here. Meep, meep.

  • Love 5

I can't add anything to the review above, but will echo that the play was a lot of fun and KPC was great in it. If anyone can make it to an upcoming show, they should go for it.


It was also great meeting both KPC and LnB. Two extremely nice and funny people. I hope to meet up with them again one day and meet more of you. I was a bit nervous (hopefully I didn't appear too awkward) but will be more relaxed going forward.


Well, maybe we have successfully lulled her into a false sense of security.


You did up until that statement...but there is that hour that's a little hazy and my side has been bothering me...


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Edited by Endeavour
  • Love 5

I'm home! Hugging my babies like there's no tomorrow. Heh.


The trip was wonderful, even if a bit tiring. I packed a lot into it.


The meetup was so great! Everyone was so nice to me, it didn't feel at all like I was meeting those people for the first time. It felt more like hooking up with old friends.

buffyjunkie is a sweetheart and the boys are delightful. Thanks for showing me around Chicago.

Chyna joined us for dinner on Thursday and then brunch Saturday. She is just lovely. And I got to meet her girls too! She's got two pretty amazing kids.


it's safe to meet up with us

Actually, while no organ harvesting took place, John did try to kill us by luring us onto busy traffic on our bikes.


I'm adding my vibes for Erratic's mysterious project.

  • Love 1
Double-meetup weekend!


How cool are we?!


LnB and Endeavour were super great to come see my show, and I cannot thank them enough.  I can happily report that I am glad endeavour endeavored to come meet us.  She is great.  We had brunch (and they watched me devour french toast- it is a busy play), and I am happy to report that it was definitely my best performance so far.  Clearly they are good luck for me.


It is awesome that in Chicago, there were meet ups and pizza and mayhem (bicycle rides) and squirrels.  And now Trudi is home with her puppies- what a jet setter you are!


Mysteriously, though, I seem to has lost a piece of my spleen.  I'm not pointing fingers or anything, but Endeavour seemed a bit too happy when she left to go home....


How was everyone's weekend?  

  • Love 4

Oh, Barphe. That really sucks. Although, you could tag one of the kids in the next time it happens. I know I said I wouldn't offer any advice, but, if things like this keep happening, or something worse, you might want to look into getting someone to watch her during the day, or find a place where they can give her all the care that she might need.  

  • Love 3

@Barphe, I don't want to give advice either, but I will point you to a book that may be helpful:

It was recommended by a doctor my family visited, and I believe has tips for the exact situation you are in.
I'll keep you in my thoughts.


Anyone know how to make one of those tiny links from the huge ones?

  • Love 2

Hugs and vibes Barphe.  It must be so difficult for you (and the rest of your family).  


Fuck Dementia.  And cancer and ms.


Endeavour, I think you mean you want to not post the whole link, but a words that links to the link?  If so, it's the little slanted chain/weird google symbol above the text box that will get you started.  It's pretty self explanatory once you get going.  :)


Peace on earth everyone.  And love.  And cupcakes (the kind that are magically as nutritional as broccoli).

  • Love 3

Carp.  My sister had a stress test last week (which I just found out about) and now tomorrow they are giving her another stress test with contrast or something, which means they saw something not so good.


Could I request some heart-happy-heatlhy vibes for her, if you have any to spare?  I'd be thankful- the power of the MM is mighty to behold.

  • Love 1

More healthy heart vibes for KPC's sis.  Hope it's nothing that's not fixable.

Vibes also to Barphe in your stressful MIL times. 


I've been feeling sorry for myself with my Dad, but at least he's mostly all here.


I've been noticing my dad is forgetting more than usual lately, but nothing too bad. He works on his crossword puzzle everyday, so I at least it's keeping his mind working. He's actually pretty damn good with them, I mean, I could never do those.Way to hard for me. But I do help him on questions on movies and such...because he knows I'm good at those.


Loving hearing about the latest meet-up. Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun just being together. And...pizza!!

  • Love 2

Adding family vibes for Barphe.


It's my last night in Chicago. Having run dawn til dusk for several days straight, I mostly spent the evening napping and unwinding.


It was great to see buffyjunkie, jheaton and Chyna again, and trudi is as delightful as you would expect. Plus, trudi and I got to meet Chynette and TinyC, and they totally lived up to advance billing. There was pizza and other dining, boat tour, cycling excursion, free air show, museums, and just a great deal of fun all around. As a bonus, neighbors was able to squeeze an hour for coffee into her schedule on Sunday.


Looking forward to wherever we're meeting next.

Edited by Darkpool
  • Love 5

He works on his crossword puzzle everyday, so I at least it's keeping his mind working. He's actually pretty damn good with them, I mean, I could never do those.Way to hard for me. But I do help him on questions on movies and such...because he knows I'm good at those.


My mom does crosswords too. I help occasionally but that's usually by googling. I've never been good at crosswords. Those puzzles seem to have their own language.

  • Love 1

Major vibes to you @Barphe .  I have no advice to offer either, just hope that you have family and good friends to help support you through this difficult time. 


Heart healthy vibes to KPC's sister, and to everyone dealing with aging parents. 


In less serious news, this is a wonderful thing for taking out bees on the second story, and totally worth the price of admission in case you ever need it.  And fooie to cousins and friends on Facebook who get on my case about killing bees living in my bathroom wall.  You like them so much, you live with them. [/mini-rant]

Edited by Earl Is Dead
  • Love 3

Earlisdead, I was wondering how you solved your problem.  Hornets/jellowjackets are eeeeeeevil.


Thank you for all the vibes.  The curious, myfamilyiswack thing is that I'm not supposed to know that anything is happening at all.  So whenever I get to know the results, I will let you all know ASAP.  If the test is today, I like to think she will get the results in the next day or so (fingers crossed).  If the news is bad, I am definitely going to be there for the surgery, no matter what she says.


Vibes to all and thank you all for your continued vibes to my Sis.

  • Love 1
And fooie to cousins and friends on Facebook who get on my case about killing bees living in my bathroom wall.  You like them so much, you live with them.

Yeah, I'm very pro-life when it comes to animals, but what do you do with bees living in your wall? It's not like you can politely ask them to move somewhere else.


You could have had your own honey, though. Have you ever chewed (or ate) raw honeycomb? It's goooooood.


I hope your Sister's ok and keeps you in the loop about the results, KPC.

  • Love 2

I wanna meet Chynette and Tiny C! And Chyna, but wevs. :P I'm glad y'all got to meet up. MM meet-ups ftw.

I'm trying to get my 14-year-old high-school freshman going, argh. The F-ster is doing the district's online school, so he's at home all day. I'm working on getting him into Speech and Debate class at our zoned school, so that he has one actual class, where he will probably, hopefully, meet his peers, and get involved in an extracurricular activity out of the house. He suggested debate class himself, which fits perfectly, because this apple did not fall from the tree (Debate team was the entirety of my high-school social life). I just keep being anxious about "making" him do this activity because I did, back in the day. But I'm not; it was his idea. Blergh. I wish it were easier to get this all set up, 'cause right now I'm in the middle of email back-and-forthing. Whee.

  • Love 3

My dad has it so I can't speak to the cost, but it's a great system with the best on-screen guide I've ever seen. He also gets the NFL package so all the games are available to watch. And he lives in a very wooded area with frequent storms and (knock wood) he has never needed a service call.

The system was down for a day last winter, but that's because it took me 12 hours to check to see if a branch was blocking the receiver dish, and 12 more for the snow to have melted enough for him to trek back and cut it off.

I don't have DirecTV, but I've had DishNetwork for the past 4 years and for the most part I'm happy with it.  The price is much better than any of the cable bundle packages I used to use, and the customer service has been excellent.  Unfortunately weather and especially snow are an issue for me.  My dish is not in a place where I can reach it, so once it's ice or snow covered I'm pretty much stuck waiting until the storm passes. Thunderstorm cloud coverage is less predictable - sometimes it's an issue and other times not at all - but snow and ice are a guaranteed signal loss for me.  Really that's my only complaint though. I thought I would hate having satellite (I didn't have a choice - they never ran cable lines to the house on this property), but the service, the DVR, "the HOPPAH," the channel packages, etc., they've all made it worthwhile.

We had DirecTv for years, and liked it, but yeah, snow. If we hadn't been able to reach our dish with a long broom so that we could knock snow off, there would've been many times in the winter where we'd've been stuck without service. Being whereabouts that you are, Harvester, that'd be my question to them: can the dish be installed in a place where you can easily reach it for snow removal?

Living in the city, I'm not sure we're allowed to have a dish network.  They sound pretty nice, though.


So the power of the MM yet again wins.  My sister has to go back to her cardiologist, but the second stress test had great results.  Yay!  And Thank you.  I will let you know what the cardiologist tells her to do.  

  • Love 9

Yay for KPC-sister!  I'm here commiserating and vibing but really busy at work so pretty tired by the end of day.  Plus once I returned from the windy city I had an e-mail from a caterer that I last communicated with April 8th (at which point he never replied to my e-mail nor subsequent phone calls) asking what the head count was for this coming Saturday (surprise BD party for husband.)  I was really angry and upset and it definitely sucked away much of my post-meet-up calm.  I e-mailed back and haven't heard from him since.  I think I need another meet-up to destress!


Extra hugs for Barphe and her very stressful family situation.

  • Love 2

To distract you all: I went to see LnB's playoff softball game tonight.


They lost, but only by a few runs, and the opposing team had to work for it.  Lnb hit two singles and a double- and had some awesome second base action on the field.  (Okay, that's not meant to sound dirty).  He is a very good player, that is for sure, and he's got a great team.  The other team, however, were very very competitive.  You'd have thought they were playing for the yankees, given how uptight they seemed to be.


Hugs buffyjunkie.  I hope that caterer gets his comeuppance (but not until after the party on Saturday).


Wishing vibes for all in all the good kind of ways.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
  • Love 3
As a bonus, neighbors was able to squeeze an hour for coffee into her schedule on Sunday.



Yay neighbors!!


Glad to hear about your sister, KPC.


The other team, however, were very very competitive.  You'd have thought they were playing for the yankees, given how uptight they seemed to be.


So...no comparison to the Mets, then? Kudos to loandbehold's prowess!


Hugs to buffyjunkie. I too could use a de-stress. I'm in for the next meet-up, and I do like the idea of Portland....

Edited by cko
  • Love 2
I think I need another meet-up to destress!
I do like the idea of Portland.

Things are moving in the right direction.


Your support is awesome. In the true sense of the word, awe inspiring, above and beyond all that anyone could expect or want.

Awwww. I'm glad we can provide some serenity.



Sorry about the stupid caterer, buffyjunkie*. Happy birthday to the hubby!


So glad your Sister's ok, KPC.


*so weird calling you that now that I know you.

Edited by trudi-tru
  • Love 2

Living in the city, I'm not sure we're allowed to have a dish network.  They sound pretty nice, though.


They can't stop you. There's FCC rules about being forced to use one cable provider over another. It's annoying and you'd have to fight if they try to stop you, but legally they can't. Now, if there are large buildings blocking the signal that's another story, but the city or building management etc. cannot force you to use any cable provider. 

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