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Small Talk: The Library

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. Then I mentioned that one of my friends was adopted when she was 3, and Tiny C was like, "You can adopt kids who are already potty trained? [All of her adopted friends were infants.] Huh. Well, I might do that then." So apparently the issue for her is diapers.)

Tiny C is smart!

Full disclosure: I have known for at least 20 years that I wanted to adopt but the arctic and other life shit got in the way, then we realized that the arctic finished [mostly] 6 years ago, so wtf!

Edited by Erratic
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That t-shirt is hilarious.


Erratic, you and K are going to be awesome parents.  I was wondering if maybe your kids might come from the Arctic.  The paperwork must be astonishingly huge, and just shows how committed and amazing you are.


I can't wait to hear how the process goes along (if you choose to share with us).


tosses confetti

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That's fantastic Erratic! I humbly offer my services as a traveling notary.* I did this for two sets of my friends that adopted (from Guatemala and Russia, respectively). As a traveling notary, you just need to pay all my expenses, which I promise to keep "relatively" reasonable. You know, cross-continent first class ticket, five-star hotel, three course meals. The usual. 


As for Dr. Who, if you haven't heard about tonight's episode, 

there was a scene cut b/c it involved a decapitation. In light of the recent events w/ ISIS it was believed it would not be appropriate to show this. Reminds me of Earshot being delayed due to Columbine.


* There are many documents that need to be notarized for an adoption. Countries require that each notary's signature be verified. So, many people try to limit the number of notaries used, so they don't have to go to each jurisdiction where the notary was licensed. 

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Countries require that each notary's signature be verified. So, many people try to limit the number of notaries used, so they don't have to go to each jurisdiction where the notary was licensed.

That's interesting.

We're having terrible thunderstorms and have lost power several times. I hope it doesn't get in the way of watching Doctor Who tonight. Just put a bazillion fresh D batteries in the lanterns.


..refusing to click the tempting spoiler button..

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FANTASTIC, Erratic! This would not have been my guess (mine had to do with a new job involving hockey), but it makes me so happy. You two are so wonderful (well, I assume Kory is, I know you are, and he looks cool in photos). What a wonderful gift you have to give, and get.


My husband's grandfather's doctor in the ICU looked like Doogie Hauser.  It was not comforting.




Loved seeing all the comments a ways back about the generational issues, since I feel so squarely and so solidly identified with my particular generation, but it makes sense that most do not, especially given the more rapid pace of change.


So, my plan to get on the Doctor Who train was to just start this season, and not become overwhelmed by the past gazillion seasons to catch up on. Verdict? I'm really enjoying it, and there is certainly nothing else like it that I watch. Fun, corny, bombastic, creative, cheesy, and I can't understand a lot of what is being said. Sometimes the references fly so fast you barely catch them, sometimes the scenes are shot so slowly you think they'll never get to the end of the corridor. All in all, very refreshing. I admire that they seem to be shooting rather high with the whole concept, so if they miss from time to time, it doesn't irritate me as much as something that hits a fairly low mark consistently, if you know what I mean.


I'm sticking with it.

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Thanks all. Thanks for the support. Right now we are in a slow part of the process, in October we have 24 hours of training to squeeze into two weekends, so that's the next big part.

I spent the day yesterday doing a completely random and out of every order rematch of the River Song episodes (Dr. Who) - it was delicious, decadent and lazy. It was also a great way to spend a day off.

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it was delicious, decadent and lazy. It was also a great way to spend a day off.

Sounds wonderful.


On a shallow note, does anyone remember posting here or in the other place about a dark nail color that was really cool?  I seem to remember it was sort of purple-black, maybe some speckles, maybe the word plaid or kilt in its name?  Or not.  I dunno.  Losing my mind.

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Hello, people, am back in Bangalore. And my beloved Mac. 


I was in Mexico City last couple of weeks - 25 Aug to 5 Sep, and had a very weird itinerary designed by our travel desk - Bangalore to Abu Dhabi to Sao Paolo to Mexico City and same (well, reversed) way back. Everyone there was laughing at me, and I can only conclude that I killed their mothers in a past life. Or maybe in this life. 


But, that and lost luggage for 2 days aside, the trip itself was great - people are so lovely and warm. And I love Mexican food (which is not a surprise I'm sure). 



Thanks all. Thanks for the support. Right now we are in a slow part of the process, in October we have 24 hours of training to squeeze into two weekends, so that's the next big part.

I spent the day yesterday doing a completely random and out of every order rematch of the River Song episodes (Dr. Who) - it was delicious, decadent and lazy. It was also a great way to spend a day off.

I'd say enjoy this while it lasts. And hope they stop very soon ;o) I had a baby related feeling, but wouldn't have guess adoption. I'm excited for you. 


Also, guys, thanks for letting me know Who is back, and for not being spoilery. Nice gift to get back to. 

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From reading around, I feel like I'm the only one who liked the last who episode.  I liked all the call-backs/homages.


Glad you are home romantic idiot and so glad you had a good time. I can only imagine the frequent flyer miles you have just accumulated. Are you fluent in spanish too?


I hope everyone got to have a lazy and happy weekend- I went to the beach.

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As my parents would tell you, Erratic, adoptees make the best kids. They're like rescue dogs -- just grateful to have a bed and a few million hot meals. And maybe an expensive uni education.

My problem with Eccleston has nothing to do with his stint as the Doctor. (He was fabulous) However, he is seared into my brain from the movie "28 Days" and I can't, can't, can't break that association. **Shudder**

I first saw him in Cracker, in which his departure was so upsetting -- there were kittens, people -- that I just want to protect him or give him a warm cookie.
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From reading around, I feel like I'm the only one who liked the last who episode.  I liked all the call-backs/homages


You're not alone!


I first saw him in Cracker


I started but never finished watching that series. He's currently in The Leftovers. I've only seen the first two eps and so far he hasn't had much of a part.


Of the movies mentioned, I've only seen Ordinary People. Now I'm curious about Truly, Madly, Deeply.

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Big snotty tears*!

But there is a satisfying ending.

*As portrayed by Juliet Stevenson, the lead female. Fun fact: the first time I ever saw her in anything was in 1984 or 1985 when she was Juliet to Sean Bean's Romeo at the Royal Shakespeare Company - my first ever Shakespeare play, and one that put me into a depression for a week or so afterwards.

Spoiler alert: Sean Bean died.

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Having read Jude the Obscure, there was no way in hell I was going to see the movie.  Thomas Hardy wrote the saddest, most pessimistic novels ever.


I loved truly madly deeply- made me cry but was a beautiful movie and I didn't find it sad at the end.  But certainly deeply moving.


Anne, are you okay?  The footage of all the floods is scary.


I need to work i the worst way.  I have a booking for the 11th, but nothing else- could use some serious continual work vibes, if any has any to spare.

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could use some serious continual work vibes, if any has any to spare.

You got it KPC!


Today was one of those never leave your desk except for those two times when you absolutely had to use the restroom kind of days.  Based on KPC's comment, I'll just be grateful I have a job.


So the hubby grabbed Joss Whedon's biography from the library.  Do I read it or would I rather not know?

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Whoa. Space out for a couple of days and....


Erratic, I am so excited for you and now sending very specific vibes your way. So wonderful!

KPC work vibes wending their way to you, big time!

Good vibes and well wishes to one and all.


Today was a bathing day (my in-laws don't/won't everyday). The aide comes at 10am, but my mother-in-law hopped in the shower by herself at 9am (a violation of about a thousand things she's not to do alone, including, but not limited to: stairs by herself, bathing by herself (hello! most dangerous place for old people is the bathroom!!), walking around naked --omg this is horrible-- and more). Anyway, our housekeeper/babysitter called me at the gym to rat her out so I ran home and found her drying off. I had to put her BACK in the shower because she hadn't washed her hair, hadn't used soap, hadn't gotten her back....So I did all of the above. I had a 10am meeting I was supposed to get to, which I did, but barely, and not in the best of moods. Great start to the day.


Done bitching. Made a from my brain receipe of ground turkey shepherds pie for dinner. Wish me luck!! (It's still in in the oven).

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Major work vibes to KPC. Safe vibes to Anne. Continuing good luck vibes to Erratic. Stress free and good shepherds pie vibes to Barphe.


I checked Netflix and Truly, Madly, Deeply is not available on instant. I no longer have the dvd plan, so I am putting it on the list of things to get to. I'll have to check around. When I do get to see it, I'll be sure to have a box of tissues handy and probably watch in private so as not to embarrass myself.


So the hubby grabbed Joss Whedon's biography from the library.  Do I read it or would I rather not know?


I heard them talk a little about the book on EHG. I think they said it was ok, but certain things weren't covered that people might want to know about. I'm not certain but I think some of the issues with Charisma Carpenter, etc. From what I've heard there isn't a lot of new information.

Are you all settled into the new place, AnnieF? Is your old house sold or is there still work to be done there?

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Done bitching. Made a from my brain recipe of ground turkey shepherds pie for dinner. Wish me luck!! (It's still in in the oven).



I had to read that a few times to get it. Vibes to you, Barphe. I know how difficult my dad is these days, and he's quite independent and "all there." And still.

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I really do feel for you, Barphe. You are a wonderful person.


I need to work i the worst way.

Have you considered adult entertainment? *Kidding*.

Major work vibes for KPC.


What's with the floods in Arizona? Isn't it in the desert? Anyway, stay dry Ace!

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I need to work i the worst way.


Have you considered adult entertainment?


Well, that would certainly qualify as "working in the worst way." Or damned close, anyway.


Employment vibes to KPC, and serenity vibes to Barphe.

Edited by Darkpool
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I haven't the requisite surgery for the adult entertainment market- even if I could stomach it, which I would never be able to.


Barphe you are a true hero.  I'm deeply sorry that you are under all this stress, especially with the latest watery developments.  


How goes the new home annief?  And one of your Fs- the one who is walking to school- are you less stressed about that?


Huge massive serenity vibes for all.  

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Trully Madly Deeply had the most realistic depiction of grief this side of The Body. I rented it at my local video store a very long time ago, it was in the romantic comedy section. When I returned it I demanded they move it to drama.


After my daughter refused to speak to him, my ex made good on his threat to stop paying child support, I called the state but because she is going to be 18 in a couple of months they said that there is nothing they can do. I emailled him and explained to him that what he is doing is the same as tossing his kid out of the house and expecting someone else to take her in. To the surprises of no one he has not replied. He didn't pay a lot but trying to make up $500 a month is not easy, I have been taking all the overtime available but I don't think I can continue to work 6 day 50 hour weeks indefinately without killing myself.


Barphe, I am so sorry you are going through all of this, make sure to take care of yourself in anyway you can.


Work vibes for KPC.


Take care everyone, I am thinking about you.

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dusky, I forget all the phrases used here to describe your ex, but none of them fully captured his suckitude. I'm sorry that you and your daughter are forced to go through this and the state won't assist you. I wish I had some advice to offer, but short of going to court and getting a judgment, which you would then have to find a way to get enforced (likely costing you more money than you would be able to get from him), I have no ideas. I will send vibes, for whatever that's worth.

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dusky, I forget all the phrases used here to describe your ex, but none of them fully captured his suckitude.

Ain't that the truth. What an asshole. Fucker doesn't deserve a relationship with his daughter. I'm sorry about the child support. That fucker.

Are you all settled into the new place, AnnieF? Is your old house sold or is there still work to be done there?

We're fairly well settled in at this point. Still need to hang some pictures. The old house has been looked at by a general contractor, who has brought over a couple of subcontractors to get bids for carpet and cabinets. That was a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't heard anything back, but knowing that long periods of silence followed by a flurry of activity is The Way of The Contractor, I'm not worried. It'll all get done eventually. I'm able to be super zen about it because it's not my money, heh. I'm very, very grateful to my father, who has made it possible for us to move this way. At this point my involvement with the old house is basically "sure, let's paint it that color," which is a pretty relaxed place to be. And I am really happy with the new house, so it's all good. :)

And one of your Fs- the one who is walking to school- are you less stressed about that?

Yep, that's working out great, thanks for checking in. :) The F-ster gets dropped off at the high school, takes his speech and debate class (which so far he's really enjoying), then walks 20 minutes to the other school, which is mostly computer labs. It's going really well. He gets some exercise, he's working on stuff because there are fewer distractions than at home, so it's working. Phew. ;) Edited by AnnieF
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Vibes are worth alot, thank you.


I forgot Erratic and her wonderous news. I have  friends who are currently fostering 2 brothers with the hope of adopting them. It has been quite the journey for them. I always say that parenting is the most manic depressive endovour on planet, it is worse than sales.

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I'm glad everything is going well with both houses and the F-ster, AnnieF.


dusky - I'm sorry that your ex is being that way. Please take care of yourself. There was a time when I was working those types of hours and that type of prolonged situation can run you into the ground.

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Dusky, at least, small victory, the douche is out of your life now. No more need to communicate with him or acknowledge his crappy existence.

Financially, it sucks, but mentally it has to feel somewhat relieving?

I have taken a few days, but I like Peter Capaldi's Who. And I can't wait to see him with River Song[/denial?].

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I have taken a few days, but I like Peter Capaldi's Who. And I can't wait to see him with River Song.


I read the first sentence, and I said yay! Then I continued reading and said nooooo! I know a lot of people really like the character, but I've had my fill.


Anyone have any opinions about this?


I'm not sure what I think at this point. I'm very curious to see how it sells. I don't think there's any need for it, but I also thought that of the iPad and practically everyone I know owns one of those or some type of tablet.

ETA: I apparently need to spend some time in the test zone, because no matter how hard I try, I can't link to a single word. I even went back and looked at what you guys told me to do a few pages ago.

ETA Again - Finally!

Edited by Endeavour
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My apologies to The Good Wife because Season 5 is gangbusters. Kudos to any show that can produce its best work half a decade in.

Thomas Hardy wrote the saddest, most pessimistic novels ever.

But so visual! If he were alive today, I'm convinced he'd be an incredible screenwriter.
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