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Small Talk: The Library

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Thanks for vibes; pain is a funny thing. There's always a new basement, you know? Just when you think you've hit the bottom, nope. More bottom!

I'm completely useless at packing and sorting right now, so I started bingeing OITNB (the first season, not caught up yet). I'd be curious to know if Kate Mulgrew is doing a good accent or not (I...have doubts, but what do I know?)

I am the same way with all the little icons: okay, I know FB, I know Twitter, I know Reddit, but what are some of these other squiggles? No idea. Pee-interest is one, I gather? Seems like a really specialized niche. ;) (Truthfully, I still don't quite get the point of Pinterest. Except copyright infringement; it seems to be perfectly designed for that particular use.)

Edited by AnnieF
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Fuck MS. Fuck death and all his friends. Fuck pain and misery.



Well said. So sorry you're discovering more bottom, @AnnieF . (That sounds dirty.)


I'm not digging the "no formatting option on the iPad" thing.


I hear that.


 (Truthfully, I still don't quite get the point of Pinterest. Except copyright infringement; it seems to be perfectly designed for that particular use.)


I run hot and cold on Pinterest. I used to browse it quite a bit, now I just use it to pin stuff -- mostly recipes -- I want to remember. Incredibly handy for that.


So sorry for your loss, @buffyjunkie .


Big work shindig tonight. And there was much rejoicing. I worked on the recognition Powerpoint presentation, which, despite the format being approved weeks ago, I had to change at the last minute because it was too . . . orange. (I tried explaining that it was the new black, to no avail.) So I was pissed about that. Then once that was done, my boss informed me that I'd also won an award and said, "I know you're sick of editing it, so I'll leave it up to you whether to put it in." Uh, hells yeah it's going in!

Edited by LittleVoice
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Hey all, FYI I've been reading and vibing but seem to have become a bit of a lurker, dunno why, nothing much going on here, I guess.


If they ask you to push an elevator button that magically appears - don't do it. Hopefully things will work out for you.

Doesn't this just bring you back to where you started?


I run hot and cold on Pinterest. I used to browse it quite a bit, now I just use it to pin stuff -- mostly recipes -- I want to remember. Incredibly handy for that.

Exactly, me too, @LittleVoice. I like to browse it late at night and look at pretty clothes, yummy foods, and inspiring crafts. I don't follow any of those "inspirational quotes" or wedding pages or anything.


Condolences to you and the family, @buffyjunkie. Sorry to hear of your pain, @AnnieF, hope you start climbing out of that basement soon. Gentle hugs to you.


Darn, I don't think I can do Chicago/Toronto in August; anyone doing anything in/near Washington DC this year? I'd love to make a trip out there. And here in California of course, always up for that.

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Some of us are always in/near Washington, DC. Just sayin'.....


I am spending a lot of time lurking, because my life is effing insane I can't process, but I also can't deal. (It's complicated)


So sorry about the new pain lows Annie.

Edited by Barphe
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Thank you all so much; I complain here because I know you all are sympathetic, and it helps. Thank you.

I am spending a lot of time lurking, because my life is effing insane I can't process, but I also can't deal. (It's complicated)

This sounds sucky. I'm sorry, @Barphe.

despite the format being approved weeks ago, I had to change at the last minute because it was too . . . orange

No such thing! (I like orange. Go Giants! ;) )
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Netflix released the entire season last night so we can binge if we want to (and if you don't binge, well you're no friends of mine).



As Erratic once said after a late night of binge-watching, "The awesome thing about Orange is the New Black is that when one episode is over, you can just watch the next one right away. But the terrible thing about Orange is the New Black is that when one episode is over, you can just watch the next one right away."


I'm probably only going to be able to watch an ep or two in once sitting this time, so if anyone spoils any of it for me, I'm going to throw my pie at you.

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Very sorry to hear of your new pain, AnnieF


Kudos to Little Voice on your award. Hope you dig the shindig. 


Barphe, keep your head up and don't forget to breathe.


Vibes to all, whether you need them or not; and everyone and anyone, have a great weekend.

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Then once that was done, my boss informed me that I'd also won an award and said, "I know you're sick of editing it, so I'll leave it up to you whether to put it in." Uh, hells yeah it's going in!


Woot!  Congratulations Ms. Voice!


Fuck MS.  And Cancer.  But tonight, especially MS. Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou


cko, glad to see you hear in these parts.


New pictures monday- then I can eat again (or eat more)- which means pizza monday night and french toast tuesday morning. Yay!  I might even take photos.


Happy Healthy Healing vibes for all.

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Hope things improve for you soon, Barphe.

The work shindig was fun but we stayed way longer than we would have liked. I normally leave soon after dinner (if I go at all) but we had a good band and I wanted to hear at least some of it. Add to that the fact that it was waaaay across town, and we had to pick my sister up at the airport at 11, so it really wasn't worth going home. Then her flight got delayed, so we were there to the bitter end and beyond. I hope to never see the end of the shindig again. A party animal I ain't.

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Sorry about the pain, Annie. Go away, pain. Go find someone else to harass. Someone who hates puppies and kitties.


I'd also won an award

Congratulations! I hope it's a sparkly umbrella.


Erratic, we don't have Netflix here, I can't binge. Or can I? I'm gonna have to look into the shady underground of the interwebs.


Hang in there, Barphe.

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@AnnieF, I'm sorry to hear that you're in such pain. I hope you are feeling better soon.


Congrats on the award @LittleVoice - I'm not a fan of work functions either. I don't have to go to many but a few times a year I have to go to client functions. The main goal of which is to mingle. I absolutely dread that. I'm not a mingler or a small talker (which is funny considering the thread I'm in). I do ok, but I'm soooo uncomfortable. Some people are naturally good at that but I do think it's a skill. I wish I could figure out how to improve in this area.

@Barphe, I hope things get better soon for you.

I hope your pics come out good @KittenPokerCheater and enjoy the pizza and french toast.

Yesterday morning my mom fell in the shower. She's ok. Much of my day was spent in the emergency room. This is the first time something like this has happened and I think I'm more stressed and worried than she is. She's incredibly lucky that she was not injured. I have not noticed any balance or dizziness/lightheaded issues. I'm hoping she just slipped and there is not a new set of issues surfacing.

Vibes to all who need them and a calm and enjoyable weekend to all.

Edited by Endeavour
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Congratulations! I hope it's a sparkly umbrella.


Erratic, we don't have Netflix here, I can't binge. Or can I? I'm gonna have to look into the shady underground of the interwebs.



I think I get to pick out a gift from a catalog. If there's a sparkly umbrella, the choice will be much easier. 


Trudi-tru, not sure where you are, but there are shady ways to do this. Mr. Voice knows; I'll ask him and get back to you. Remind me if I don't because we're getting ready to head out of town and my brain will probably be elsewhere before I even finish this post.


Congrats on the award @LittleVoice - I'm not a fan of work functions either. I don't have to go to many but a few times a year I have to go to client functions. The main goal of which is to mingle. I absolutely dread that. I'm not a mingler or a small talker (which is funny considering the thread I'm in). I do ok, but I'm soooo uncomfortable. Some people are naturally good at that but I do think it's a skill. I wish I could figure out how to improve in this area.



I've gotten slightly better at this recently. One thing I had to overcome was the belief that I'm so forgettable that people who I've been in meetings with in the past would have no idea who I was if I started talking to them. I'm sure some of them don't, but try not to let that stop me.


Glad to hear your mom seems to be okay after her tumble, Endeavour. Scary thing to go through. 

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Aye-yai-yai endeavour, so sorry you had to spend so much time in the er.  Would your Mom object to putting a grab bar in the shower?  Or at least those cute duckie things that offer the feet more grip?  My Mom has one (a grab bar) and while she says she never uses it for support, my sister and I are pretty sure she does.


Belmont Stakes today.  I'm interested because this might be another triple crown.  I never thought I'd see one.  I'm keeping my expectations low, though.


I hope everyone's weekend is a chill, happy one with nary a stress demon in sight (or if so, that it's the size of gachnar and easily stomped).

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I'm glad your mom wasn't hurt in the fall, Endeavor


And pain-free vibes to AnnieF


I admit that I have no interest in the Belmont Stakes. I remember the last two Triple Crown winners (although I was too young to really know about Secretariat when that horse won in '73). Instead, I'll be watching the Rangers play tonight. Big game. Crucial game. Which means I'll be DVR'ing Orphan Black. But, have no fear, despite Erratic's comment, I do plan on giving an OB countdown for those jonesing to watch live. 

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LittleVoice, I'm in Italy. Thanks for the interest.


How old is you Mom, Endevour? Falling in shower is not uncommon, even for younger people, so I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm glad she's ok.


Lo, if you skip this week's countdown, I'll be very disappointed.

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As a horse person I'm officially not a fan of the racing industry, but as a horse person I can't help but get wrapped up in the pageantry of the Triple Crown. I hope California Chrome has what it takes. And that everybody crosses the finish line safe and sound. Headed to a friends house for dinner and Belmont fun. I hope everyone's enjoying as beautiful Saturday as it is here.

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As a horse person I'm officially not a fan of the racing industry, but as a horse person I can't help but get wrapped up in the pageantry of the Triple Crown. I hope California Chrome has what it takes. And that everybody crosses the finish line safe and sound. Headed to a friends house for dinner and Belmont fun. I hope everyone's enjoying as beautiful Saturday as it is here.


Amen (said the heathen).  


California Chrome is shiny and beautiful, with some awesome-looking shoulders.  And going back in his lineage, he's got some big names --  AP Indy, Seattle Slew, Secretariat, Mr. Prospector, Northern Dancer, Danzig -- so he may be able to pull this off. 

Annie F, I hope the pain eases. 


Endeavour, i hope your mom's fall was just a random slip. 

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Thanks everyone - I appreciate it.

@trudi-tru - she's 76 but in the early-mid stages of Alzheimer's. I truly hope it was a random slip. We were very lucky that she wasn't hurt.


Would your Mom object to putting a grab bar in the shower?  Or at least those cute duckie things that offer the feet more grip?  My Mom has one (a grab bar) and while she says she never uses it for support, my sister and I are pretty sure she does.


Belmont Stakes today.  I'm interested because this might be another triple crown.  I never thought I'd see one.  I'm keeping my expectations low, though.

She already had a mat, but the first thing I did today was get a grab bar that will give support getting in and out of the tub/shower and a larger mat. I'm going to have some stronger grab bars installed too. I'm not crazy about the bath mat so I'm going to look into something else for that. Thankfully, she's very cooperative. She said it makes her feel old, and I do feel bad about that but her safety comes first.

I wasn't following all the hype about the race, but I did watch. One of the horses - I forget which one - looked very stressed going into to the race. Didn't like seeing that. California Chrome's owner was none too pleased in his interview after the race.

Edited by Endeavour
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I do feel bad about that but her safety comes first.


Yes Yes.  And it's so hard when it's your parent you're looking out for.  I can already tell that my Mom is going to be an ornery handful in a few years (she's ornery right now, but more in a I'm victimized by those who don't but should appreciate me 24/7 kind of way).  It sounds like you have a much better mother, and you're an awesome daughter to be so great.  tosses confetti


Fuck Alzheimer's.  Like, to the other side of the universe and back.


The race was pretty meh to me (the coverage, as always was pretty bad).  None of the horses were injured, though, so that's good.  Sorry there wasn't a triple crown though.  


I don't know why I bothered to lose weight- I've had a stomach flu for two days, so someone tell me why I've gone low-no carb/food for the last week?  I wouldn't have bothered if I knew I was going to be sick.


Whoa, when LnB sees Orphan Black, his mind is going to be blown.  Is the Stanley Cup really > Orphan Black? I spent a good chunk of tonight's episode with my jaw on the floor.  Thunk.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Feel better @KittenPokerCheater - stomach bugs are the worst.


I can already tell that my Mom is going to be an ornery handful in a few years (she's ornery right now, but more in a I'm victimized by those who don't but should appreciate me 24/7 kind of way).


That's difficult to deal with. Hopefully her attitude doesn't impact you too much. Maybe she'll surprise you and mellow out?


I haven't seen last night's ep of Orphan Black yet. Probably not til later tonight. I'm really curious now.

Edited by Endeavour
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KPC, in the end, it would have been better if I watched OB live. But, I did watch it. At the very beginning, I was a little disappointed, but, once the show let me know where it was going, I was floored as usual by Tatiana Malany's acting. 


Endeavor, I feel your pain. My mom is on the dementia scale and has been sleeping the entire day this whole week. She hasn't been answering the phone until 6 or 7 PM. My brother and I went over on Monday to check to make sure all was OK. She tells me that she will "try harder" to answer the phone. Which gets me gritting my teeth since the phone is next to her bed and she is physically capable of lifting the receiver. I keep telling her that there is no trying, only doing. Yes, I've become Yoda when dealing with her. Yesterday, we were supposed to go to our weekly brunch date (when I also go through her mail and pick up her bills), but she forgot about it and didn't get up until 6. I'm going to try again today. We'll see what happens. Wow, sorry for turning your mom's fall to all about me.


I hope you're feeling better, KPC. If you're not feeling up to coming to my softball game tomorrow night, I release you from your obligation. 


Fuck Alzheimer's, dementia, and MS.

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Random(ish) question(s). I have to attend a conference in Toronto at the end of October. A) are any of the MM'ers (or I guess now virtual Library tea party-ers) from around there? and 2) What are the must-do's in Toronto?  Obv. I've never been. It may be that I fly in to the conference and leave as soon as I can, but just in case....

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Superflyse would be best to ask since she lived there for a while. It's a shame you won't be there during the summer as you could have gone to see a Blue Jays game. There is the CN Tower if you're not afraid of heights. I really haven't spent time in Toronto, so that's about the extent of my tourist knowledge. 

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It's a shame you won't be there during the summer as you could have gone to see a Blue Jays game.

There is also a small hockey team there...

I have been sick all weekend too. It would normally suck more but I got to binge watch season 2 of OITNB guilt-free. Because my parents are still with me (!), I suffered through a short walk this morning, but am back to feeling shitty now.

Hey, @Hostile16 I turn 42 on Tuesday, so I reckon that a book version 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' quiz would be appropriate, please and thank you, most awesome one :)

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Gaymo is in Toronto now, I think. But she hasn't been around these parts in quite a while.


As for "must-do" in Toronto it really depends on what interests you. CN Tower if you're into views from great heights. I like the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Royal Ontario Museum, personally. But that's where my interests lie; when I'm in NYC, I always visit the Museum of Natural History and the Met. The Ontario Science Center is a really impressive science center, but primarily kid-oriented.


Visit Casa Loma if you're into castles. If you like markets/market districts, Kensington Market is pretty cool, and St. Lawrence Market is a good indoor farmer's market. If you're a sports fan, there's a hockey museum (I've never been). And there's a shoe museum if footwear is your thing (also never been).

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Who knew a resounding round of fuck offs could lift my spirits so much? It did and thanks.

@Loandbehold - were you able to go to brunch? I hope you're mom is doing ok and I hope you are also doing ok. The situation requires so much patience which I am not at all known for, but thankfully I seem to have enough when it comes to this.

Feel better @Erratic - I don't want to be spoiled because I'm only up to ep 3, and rumor has it pie will be thrown, but were you happy with the 2nd season overall?

Edited by Endeavour
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I have been sick all weekend too. It would normally suck more but I got to binge watch season 2 of OITNB guilt-free

How convenient. You may have fooled your husband and your parents, but you don't fool us. Now get the thermometer off the heater!


My candy thief has struck again.

You either need to lock it up or take it home with you. Or you could sneak in some of those laxative chocolates.

Edited by trudi-tru
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Or you could sneak in some of those laxative chocolates.

That'd learn the thief.


Endeavor, no brunch was had. She didn't answer the phone until around 7 PM. My brother and I have to put our heads together (which, ow) and figure out what our next move(s) should be.

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Candy Thieves suck.  I hate to ask this (but it happened at my old office), are the folks that came to tidy up the place after hours perhaps helping themselves.  Once we figured it out, we let it go (because how can we begrudge the woman who cleans our toilets candy).  But if it's one of your coworkers...time to put mousetraps into your candy jar when you're not there.


The rain has ruined my shoot, so it's been put off until thursday.  I've had such a miserable stomach weekend, and now this.  I know it's emotion eating food, but I have ordered a small pizza.  Seriously, I am SO upset.  I've been working for this day for weeks, and now this.  I keep saying to myself, "it's all good," but right now I am having trouble believing it.


Sorry about the bad weekend everyone has had- and LnB, I intend to make your game next monday.  Damn rain.

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Stop it, candy thieves. Jeez, be a grown-up. Buy your own damn candy.

@Loandbehold, I hope you and your brother can figure something out. That situation sounds extremely difficult.

(I did have another thing for you. Neener neener? :P)

I'm sorry about the rain and the anxiety and the blaaaaaaaaaarghhhhh, @KPC. :(

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(I did have another thing for you. Neener neener? :P)

I know not to what that picture could possibly refer. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Besides, I already owe cko and her sister libations as a result of the "friendly" wager I was coerced into agreeing. Although, to be fair to them, I did spit on my hand before the (virtual) shaking to seal the bet.

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Yikes. Vibes to one and all.


So, today I decided to prune some shrubbery around my house. I hate gardening, I'm bad at it, and I get no joy from it--still the crazy messy holly bushes and azaleas are blocking the light... Long story short(er). I fell off the ladder. I'm fine, just bruised and sore and pissed off. I've decided that no matter how bad the bushes get, I'm done with it. Mr. Barphe can do it himself or hire someone. I'm out.


In other (and much more fun) news. I started going through my old cassettes to see which (if any) are worth converting to digital. I spent last night re-living the 1980's; mixed tapes (what a lost art!!), Air Supply (shush!), Simply Red and Yaz from my trip to England in 1987 and so much more. Most of the cassettes are warped or crap at best, but what a fun romp!

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My brother and I have to put our heads together (which, ow) and figure out what our next move(s) should be.


Good luck @Loandbehold - These are not easy decisions. I also hope you and your brother generally agree, because that can make an already difficult situation much more so. (Not that I know that from experience or anything.)


I'm sorry the shoot got cancelled @KittenPokerCheater - Hang in there. I'm sure it will all work out.


And sorry to hear about the fall @Barphe - I'm glad you're ok. I recently went through a bunch of my old albums. What a blast that was. I still like a lot of 80s music though. Some of it was just fun.


I'm very curious about the candy thief. Someone at work just bought a little wireless camera that works with a cell phone. It wasn't expensive at all. I say put one of those in your office, Earl.  Hell, you can even return it after you solve the mystery.

How did the inspections go @AnnieF?

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Barphe, the only reason I laughed when I read your post is because I read a book a few years ago (called the street of five moons) where the lead character writes: "I landed in a clump of azaleas.  If you think azaleas aren't prickly, try landing in one.  Before I could start swearing..."  So in my head, you were having a Vicky Bliss adventure in Italy and had leapt out a building to save yourself from the bad art thieves.


I am glad you are okay.  Don't garden alone if you're going to be playing with ladders, pretty please?


Only you, Yaz, only you.  Loved that song.


LnB, I am so sorry things are getting so complicated.  It's wonderful that you and your brother are mostly on the same page (it sounds).  Many many vibes to you and your family.


Barphe, how have the house inspections gone?


Hope tonight is a good, entertaining hockey game.

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@Endeavour, inspections went well, thanks for asking. A few little things, which always is the case, but overall things looked very good. Fingers crossed that the septic is fine (they couldn't do that one today) and if so, we're good to go.

I'm glad you're okay, @Barphe. I concur with your decision to not do any of that crap any more. ;)

Only you, Yaz, only you. Loved that song.

The Yaz that always pops into my head is "Situation." "Don't mess around, you bring me down, how you get about, don't make a sound just move out..." God I love Alison Moyet's voice.
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Only you, Yaz, only you.  Loved that song.



My BFF and I listening to almost nothing but Yaz for about a year in high school. And yet I had pretty much forgotten about them until "Only You" turned up in a heartbreaking scene on Fringe, so I immediately went to iTunes and bought me a whole bunch of Yaz.

Edited by Chyna
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The vomit-flavored ones are truly nasty.

They are indeed.


I fell off the ladder.


Ouch! Hire a gardener, it'll be money well spent.


Lo, I hope you and your brother can work something out with the Mom situation. Sounds rough.


I have no idea who Yaz is.


Happy birthday, Erratic!!!

Edited by trudi-tru
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Happy birthday @Erratic!


I have no idea who Yaz is.

I thought I recognized the name but none of the song lyrics sounded familiar. Then I realized I was probably mixing the name up with birth control and that's why I thought I knew it. Probably if I hear one of the songs, I'll recognize it.

Glad the inspections are going well @AnnieF and I hope you're feeling better.

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