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Small Talk: The Library

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How does one go about getting themselves nominated for a freaking Nobel Peace Prize? The fact that I didn't strangle anyone today should guarantee me the award. 


Congrats on the Shakespeare tix, KPC. I'm sure you'll have a tremendous time.


Vibes to all in need.

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Yes, end of an era sums it up well for me. I wasn't posting as much in recent years, but I still visited daily. The announcement did make me redelurk. It did feel a bit prolonged as Earl said, but reading all the posts on the 31st and the loss of all those years of posts was sad. I'm still not on facebook so maybe that has something to do with it as well. It was my internet home I guess. Having PTV to come to with everyone certainly helped though.


Enjoy the play KPC. Sounds like it will be great. By the way, how's the smell in your apartment? Were you able to get that resolved?

Bleu, I'm sorry your worried about all the kittens and Bunny. I'm sure they will all adjust fine in a little time.

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I married a Steve Martin-y looking person, so it's fitting.



I must respectfully disagree. Steve Martin is nice-enough looking, but SilverFox is way hotter.

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Oh, Bleu.  I hope Bunny adjusts quickly.  If only we could just tell critters things - well, a lot of us do, but if only we could know they understand.  And sometimes you just have to have faith the kittens will be fine in their new digs.  

Edited by harrie
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I...once dated a guy dressed like Steve Martin. From Halloween to All Saint's Day. He was cute (I think) but I agree that SF is super handsome and lovely-nice too.


I'm letting go of TWoP. I mean, not like I have a choice, but I'm with Bol. You are here, so am I, it's good.


Good heavens, people are thinking about Secret Santa already?


And have we said this here yet? When is the next meet up?

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@Loandbehold I've had those days - vibes to you.


@Bleu you're sweet to take such good care and also worry so much about your kittens' futures.  I'm sure Bunny will adjust as she is lucky to have you too.


@Boliver - yep, that's me.  Thanks for asking.  It's such a strange environment to work in - some days are crappy and others are just plain loony because the rumor mill can get pretty creative.  It's also evident that the senior partners have very little clue what they're doing.  Our last layoff was at the end of April (~40 people).  Literally the very next week we were told production is ramping UP for the summer in order to meet a specific product demand.  Mandatory overtime - 24/7 operations.  "It's very important to the company!  We know you guys can do it!"  Oh, and then afterwards the next round of layoffs will be in September.  Fuh?  Also on the table is the potential of being bought by another company instead of being closed.  Obviously no one knows or can tell us very many details about if/when that might happen and how it affects things so the future is a constant question mark. My plan is to just keep showing up until they tell me not to anymore. 

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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the senior partners

Those are some scary guys. Be careful.


I'm sorry the future is so uncertain. Are you looking for something else in the meantime?


When is the next meet up?

We are discussing it on FB. More precisely, Chicago and Toronto, because that's where I'll be.

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When is the next meet up?


We are discussing it on FB. More precisely, Chicago and Toronto, because that's where I'll be.

I've got to head back there. I've applied for passport renewal, so I might be able to make Toronto (assuming I get the passport in time and work permits).


Earl is Dead, I'm sorry to hear about the job uncertaintiness and general suckiness caused by the Senior Partners. If they ask you to push an elevator button that magically appears - don't do it. Hopefully things will work out for you.

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Thanks for the sympathies.  Today has been a little better than usual.  People seem to be leaving me alone to hide in my office.  My favorite thing! 

I'm sorry the future is so uncertain. Are you looking for something else in the meantime?

Right now I think it's in my best interest to wait it out and receive the package they've promised us.  That could change of course, but for now since I don't have a mortgage or kids to put through college, I'm hoping the money can go towards a house once I move on to my next job. 


I used to refer to them as our Corporate Overlords until it dawned on me that Senior Partners was so much more appropriate. 

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"The Senior Partners...will be watching you." Yeah, that's not creepy at all. ;)

Vibes to all. I'm in a pain place, it's sucky. But it'll pass. Inspections on house #2 happen on Monday. I have a better feeling about this one, but my fingers will be crossed anyway.

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Pain Free Vibes to you Annief.  Pain sucks.  


Pain should report to the Senior Partners, as it were.


MacBeth was AWESOME.  Some sound problems, but it's pretty damn amazing.  I ended up chatting with one of the actors afterwards at a bar and it was awesome.  Sorry he's not on Facebook (I looked).  He just seemed like the nicest guy- had a wife and two  kids, and has performed Shakespeare all over the world.  He is the kind of actor I want to work with.  


It got all dark and stormy here but....no storm.  I feel cheated.


Extra vibes to you earlisdead, and to everyone else who needs them.

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Steve Martin is nice-enough looking, but SilverFox is way hotter.

Concur.  And way up there (17 at least) on the charisma roll.



How does one go about getting themselves nominated for a freaking Nobel Peace Prize?

I was going to ask if anyone can anyone get in touch with Michael Aris, Aung San Suu Kyi's husband, but then I remembered the poor man passed away.  Hang in there Loandbehold.



We are discussing it on FB. More precisely, Chicago and Toronto, because that's where I'll be.

Yup, I've already put in for vacation time.  JHeaton and I will drive together.  Loandbehold, I can understand Toronto being easier but it sure would be fun to have everyone together again but in Chicago this time.


Sounds like a lot of transitions going around.  AnnieF on the homefront, Earl is Dead on the jobfront, KPC on the emotionally-unattainable boyfriend front (although truthfully I only remember the frog and the other loser), and Bleu on the kitty-caring front.  Here's wishing good fortune to all.


My FIL passed away last month as many of you could probably guess by my extended absence.  I feel like I've been on autopilot a bit (a/k/a "going through the motions....")   He was a good man - the kind of person who made the world a little bit better by being in it.  I've had a lot of bad but also much good in my life, and he was definitely in the good column.  The memorial service is coming up.


Otherwise...I did have an opportunity to hear Neko Case in concert.  Such a big voice in such a compact body.  Other than that, I finished off True Detective like it was crack.  And I'm loving Orphan Black.  Not much else new around here except our seasons going from 0 to 60 mph from winter to summer.  I weeded the yard for an hour and managed to get sunburned.  Yikes.

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Sorry for your loss, buffyjunkie.


In about 5 years remind of that time when I screwed up dinner so bad, my father in law threw up during dinner. Until such time, someone please find me a deep, dark cave to hide in. I'm mortified.

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So sorry Buffyjunkie.  It sounds like you are going through a lot- hugs.


Barphe, if your Fil is the only one who tossed his cookies, then you didn't screw up dinner-  some other germ had already gotten to him first.  So I'm offering you a blanket and comforting hugs and early grey lavender tea while you hang out in your cave.

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Oh, KPC, would that your words were true... It was me and my cooking. On the plus side this is the FIRST time I've messed up this bad in re food, on the minus side, it was my FIL!! 

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I'm so sorry for your family's loss @buffyjunkie.

And @barphe try not to feel bad. If you didn't do it on purpose that's just bad things happening to good people. I'm sorry for your bad night too.

Grr. Argh. I absolutely positively cannot get the @ tags to work. Not from my work computer, not for here on my phone. I fail @ tags. I quit you.

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My condolences on your loss buffyjunkie. Whether Toronto or Chicago, it will still depend on how work looks. If I can make it, I will. It was a real blast last year in Rice-a-Roni land.


My question for you, Barphe, is, if nobody else got ill, and you like you FiL, then who was the poisoned meal meant for?

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I absolutely positively cannot get the @ tags to work. Not from my work computer, not for here on my phone. I fail @ tags. I quit you.


It's not just you, there's a bug and they're turned off at the moment. If you keep using them eventually all the prior ones will work. 

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I'm sorry for your loss, buffyjunkie.


I hope things don't get too stressful, Earl. That's a difficult environment to walk into every day.


I hope you're feeling better soon, AnnieF. Also hoping all inspections go well.


Try not to feel too bad, Barphe. I've also food poisoned a relative in my past. I know what you're going through, but you will all laugh at it eventually.


The get together sounds fun. Is it something you do once a year or just when everyone can?

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My condolences to buffyjunkie and family.


Also: pain-free vibes to AnnieF, job vibes to Earl Is Dead, family comfort vibes to Barphe, kitty comfort vibes to Bleu and Bunny, and general vibes to everyone who needs them.


Remind me: when will folks be in Chicago?

Edited by Darkpool
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Thank you for all the vibes for me and the cats. I will convey them to Bunny with extra petting.


Best wishes for your work life, Earl Is Dead, and for AnnieF's pain management.


Barphe, I agree with Endeavour in that it'll make a funny story one day. All the good ones are born from accidents like this.


Condolences, buffyjunkie.


I'd never heard of Neko Case until recently, but it sounds like I should check that music out.

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I'm sorry about your Father in Law, buffyjunkie. Hugs to you and your family.


NoMorePain vibes for Annie. Finger crossed the new house passes all the tests.


Barphe, if you screwed up the meal, how come only your FiL got sick?

Don't feel too bad, it'll be very funny by this time next year.


Does he know your internet moniker?

Ha! See? Funny already.


Remind me: when will folks be in Chicago?

I'll be there between the 13th and 16th of August.

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Fuck MS. Fuck death and all his friends. Fuck pain and misery.

Yay to meet-ups and Shakespeare and new houses and to poisoning FiLs that you will laugh at in five years or so!

And yay! To YME who despite being brilliant in every way, might be winning her first Daily Trivia ever today (-we should probably do a kids TV show quiz too, I have a feeling she might ace that too!)

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I'm suddenly feeling a little older than usual. I was reading one of the articles on Fargo on the main site and saw a row of icons underneath. There's facebook, tumbler, twitter. While I've never used those (see old), I at least know what they are. There's also upvote and stumble? I have no idea what those are. Sigh. I'll have to look some of this stuff up.

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buffyjunkie, I am sorry for your loss. But it's nice that in the plus/minus columns of things in  your life, he lands on the "plus" side.  And I love Neko Case - even more after hearing her bit on Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me a few years ago..


AnnieF, more anti-pain vibes heading your way.


It's my week to cook, and I made blueberry pancakes with bacon last night.  This morning the husband asked how my stomach was feeling, which means his wasn't doing so well.  This afternoon, he e-mailed me to ask if I wanted to go out for dinner tonight.  So barphe, if you play your cards right, it's possible you may never have to cook again*. 


Job security and anti-stress vibes to Earl Is Dead.  




*Disclaimer: I am usually a decent cook, often enjoy it, and know that others may like to cook all the time.  Just making a joke.  

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harrie, did you get to hear Neko Case be one of the Wait, Wait panelists in the past year? She did great!

buffyjunkie, my love to your family. It feels like there are too few awesome dads and moms and I'm glad you guys had him.

I'm not digging the "no formatting option on the iPad" thing.

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The site and mobile version are supposed to be updated soonish I think. I use the "full version" of the site from my phone but there still aren't any formatting features. I've given up trying to format with tags from the phone.

I love Wait Wait... I've got a backlog of those podcasts to catch up with.

Edited by Endeavour
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harrie, did you get to hear Neko Case be one of the Wait, Wait panelists in the past year? She did great!



Boliver, I first wrote that she was on last year; then I checked back and saw she did "Not My Job" back in 2009 (and then I felt old....)  Thanks for reminding me she was indeed on last year, as a panelist.  Ms. Case is smart and fun. And she can sing, of course. 

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harrie - you and the husband take turns cooking week to week?  That's an interesting way to handle it that I hadn't thought of - how does it work for you? 


I've never heard of upvote or stumble either, and I just recently found out what "redit AMA" means.  I've given up on trying to be hip.


Good food and pain-free vibes to all.  I'm happy that it's almost the weekend.  We spent a small fortune on a big, new, sleep number bed that will arrive Monday.  I have many friends who give them good reviews so *fingers crossed* it will be worth the sticker-shock inducing price. 

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Earl Is Dead, We've been doing it since we moved in together (and our 26th wedding anniversary is coming up so it's been a long-term thing), and it works for us.  We both work full time, and we both like to cook (he's far and away the better cook, though).  It's not hard and fast; if one of us is having a horrendous week or day, the other will tag in. (And we have an excellent pizza place down the street.)  Also, there are certain things that we don't trade off, ie I always make the clam chowder, he always makes the paella, etc.  I can see where it wouldn't work for everyone, like if there are odd work hours, or one person hates to or can't cook.


If it's not too much trouble, a review of the sleep number bed would be appreciated.  People I know have liked it, but I've been hesitant to investigate it much, partly because it can be difficult to politely tell some salespeople you're just.looking.right.now.  


Count me in on the upvote and stumble ignorance. The other day my husband was looking for recipes on the computer and asked about this Pee-Interest site, but I was able to explain that one. 

Edited by harrie
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Ooh ohh ooh ooh!!!!!!

Guess what, you guys? Guess what!!!

Better than the weekly 'Orphan Black' countdown, tonight we have the: 'one hour and forty seven minutes until a whole fresh new season of 'Orange is the New Black' on Netflix' announcement!!!!

*flails arms Kermit-style and exits stage right*


Edited by Erratic
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One of the Jezebel writers got screeners of the first 6 eps, and she said "Our beloved Orange Is the New Black returns to Netflix tomorrow (!!!) and I was able to get my greedy little hands on screeners for the first six episodes, and let me tell you, this shiz is about to be SO GOOD." Yay!


And then she said something about minor spoilers ahead so I stopped reading because I don't want even minor spoilers. 

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I've given up on trying to be hip.


More than that, I don't understand how people have the time for all that stuff.


Good luck with the bed, Earl. Yesterday I had a shiny new appliances delivered. Mine were very old and it was long overdue. The dishwasher broke some time ago but it's not something I used often, so I didn't rush to replace it. It will be nice to have that again. The fridge was starting to go, so it was time. There was a good sale so I think I did ok in that regard. I need to start looking for a stove next.


I'm interested to see where they go with Orange is the New Black. I hope they have a recap of last season because I'm sure I forgot a bunch.


Happy Friday!

Edited by Endeavour
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Yay for Fridays, for shiny new appliances, and for returning shows.  I must sheepishly admit I haven't yet tried OITNB.  I do have Netflix (I'm not that unhip yet), but I rarely use it unless I'm traveling.


our 26th wedding anniversary is coming up

Seconding the congratulations, harrie.  I will definitely give a review of the new bed.  You're absolutely right about the salesmen in that store - he had his scripted shtick down COLD.  If we hadn't mostly already decided to get one there would have been smoke coming out of my ears.  I can't deal with pushy salespeople at all.  I've even trained Mr. Earl to run interference for me so that I don't end up in prison.


Adding extra pain-free vibes to AnnieF.  Hope you've gotten some relief.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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So Erratic, are going to take care of the weekly OITNB countdown?

No need to, my friend. Netflix released the entire season last night so we can binge if we want to (and if you don't binge, well you're no friends of mine).
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