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Silly Supernatural Mad Libs


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I've been wanting to do Supernatural Mad Libs ever since we tried to sort of do them in the Hangman thread. I'm in need of a distraction today, so what better time to try this out. So, for those of you not familiar with Mad Libs, it's a word game where one person will ask for types of words--noun, verb, adjective and so on--to substitute for words in a story. When complete the story is usually very silly.


Anyway, I'm not sure exactly how this should work or if anyone else even wants to play, but thought we'd just start it and work it out as we go along. So, I'm posting the story with blanks under a spoiler tag (it's usually funnier if no one sees what we're doing ahead of time). I'll ask for words and substitute them in the story and when a sentence is complete I'll reveal it as we go along. Since it should be Supernatural themed and I'm a sucky writer, I copied part of a scene from The Pilot transcript on the SupernaturalWiki.com site and then tweeked it to make it more story format rather than transcript.


And, away we go...I need a PLACE.



ETA: Nevermind about the spoiler tag, I can't get it to work. Go ahead and give me a place though and I'll still post the completed sentences as we go along.

Edited by DittyDotDot

I like to say onomatopoeia. ;)


Stull Cemetery – Dawn

Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery.  A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. 


And another NOISE?

  • Love 1



Stull Cemetery – Dawn

Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery.  A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


Now I need a VERB and a NOUN.

Good ones, catrox14...


Stull Cemetery – Dawn

Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery.  A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp. A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall.


And two more VERBS, please.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery.  A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp. A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room.


Now the fun part, lots of body parts and lots of action! Hee!  Two VERBS and one BODY PART, please.


Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery.  A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. 


Another BODY PART and another VERB.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's e away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts.


Two more verbs and another body part.

Edited by DittyDotDot

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's e away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow.


Two more verbs, please.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man.


I promise we're getting close to the end...another BODY PART please.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose.


Two more VERBS please.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose. The man skips and waits and Gabriel  blocks.


Three more BODY PARTS.

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose. The man skips and waits and Gabriel  blocks. The man knocks Gabriel down and pins him to the floor, one hip at Gabriel's toe and the other holding Gabriel's knee.


Now for something completely different, give me an animal.

::giggle snort::


Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose. The man skips and waits and Gabriel  blocks. The man knocks Gabriel down and pins him to the floor, one hip at Gabriel's toe and the other holding Gabriel's knee.


The man groans, “Whoa, easy, penguin.”


ADVERB, another CHARACTER and a NOUN, please.

Edited by DittyDotDot

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose. The man skips and waits and Gabriel  blocks. The man knocks Gabriel down and pins him to the floor, one hip at Gabriel's toe and the other holding Gabriel's knee.


The man groans, “Whoa, easy, penguin.”


Gabriel breathes lustily “Benny?” Benny laughs. “You scared the church out of me!


Okay, we can wrap this up with three more verbs and a body part.

It appears one of those verbs should have been a noun, but it amuses me, so it stays...

Stull Cemetery – Dawn


Gabriel and Bela dying in bed, asleep back to back. Bela shifts position.  A sound outside the room, like a crunch. Gabriel opens his eyes. Gabriel leaves the bedroom and looks around the Stull Cemetery. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Chirp.


A man watches past strings of watches at the far end of the hall. Gabriel  skulkes to another part of the Stull Cemetery and peers. The man enters the room. Gabriel stretches forward and wallows the man at the finger. The man knocks Gabriel's ear away and aims a strike at Gabriel, who snorts. The man laughs Gabriel's ear, swings him around, and cries him elbow. Gabriel shrieks and is blocked, then skips elbow into another room. If the man hadn't seen Gabriel's ear before, he sees it now; Gabriel gets his first glimpse of the man. The man elbows Gabriel in the ear; Gabriel kicks at his nose. The man skips and waits and Gabriel  blocks. The man knocks Gabriel down and pins him to the floor, one hip at Gabriel's toe and the other holding Gabriel's knee.


The man groans, “Whoa, easy, penguin.”


Gabriel breathes Lustily “Benny?” Benny laughs. “You scared the church out of me!


Benny quips, “That's 'cause you're out of run.” Gabriel hops Benny's hip and dives, slamming his neck into Benny's elbow and knocking Benny to the floor. “Or not.” Gabriel taps Benny twice where Gabriel is holding him. “Get off of me.”


Does someone else want to do one?

  • Love 2

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