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S02.E18: The Exchange


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Russia really needs to change its detainment laws, because there's no way that Derek should've been detained without at least having his side of the story being told first.  I hope that Russia's not really like that.

Was this the first time we've seen Rose's place?  Very nice apartment she has!

Whoa.  Alec already knew that Simon and Phoebe are dating?!

Kylie doesn't want to take the secret agent job?  Surprised about that.

Marisa wants to get out of her current house?  Because of the memory of Jace's murder?  Makes sense.

Didn't see it coming that that guy's house was going to explode like that!  Glad that Alec and Marisa were okay!

I didn't see it coming that it'd be Yulia until they mentioned this Balakin guy cheating on his wife, and that it was with a woman important to the deal, because she was the only female party in on the deal.  I was just surprised that Alec found her so fast.

But I LOVED that many of the "passengers" were agents waiting to arrest Yulia!

Alec's going to keep his scars, after all?  The reason he gave makes sense, I guess.

Please, TPTB at this show.  Please promote Karen to regular status!  Please!  Now that she's starting her own agency, there's no reason for her not to stay with the show full-time!

On the whole, enjoyable season finale.  But I'm eager for next season to see who's been following Alec!  Great end-of-season cliffhanger!

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Thought this was an good A-plot; but I don't think they needed that extra twist at the end with the blonde Russian agent.I wish these writers would learn to flesh out the A-plots, and have only one minor B-plot instead of two. It'd be great if they could occasionally connect the two, as well. The writing has never been great here. ::sigh::

Ooh... Rose's "husband" is cute! He can stop by anytime.

I skipped Marissa's subplot, and I'm sure I didn't miss much.

So they're going to make Kylie a field agent? Looking back at the season, they really didn't seem to know what to do with her. Although, she did have a few interesting side plots. Instead of an FBI agent, I'd rather they have her go back to being a super hacker and work with Rose at her new business. --Assuming that next season they make Rose a full regular character.

Surprised Alec isn't getting the scars removed; I thought that's what they were trying to build toward throughout the season. It's not really something that affects the show much now, but I was thinking that Jesse would eventually get tired of having to get the makeup for that.

Again, looking back at the season, adding another research assistant really didn't add much, if anything. So Phoebe has a love interest now -- nobody was asking for that.

Yeah; I'm ignoring that tiny cliffhanger at the end.

Edited by Trini
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On 3/25/2025 at 8:00 PM, Rodney said:

I hope that Russia's not really like that.

Plot requirements, that's all.

On 3/25/2025 at 8:00 PM, Rodney said:

Didn't see it coming that that guy's house was going to explode like that! 

What kind of damn fool stays inside a house that is obviously filling up with gas?

I want that hat that Yulia was wearing.

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24 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

What kind of damn fool stays inside a house that is obviously filling up with gas?

A TV fool, because the script demands it.  Remember all criminals on this show act "irrationality".  How else would they be caught.  Now if the criminal acted rationality, then the FBI would have to actually do leg work to catch the criminal.



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