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S07 Characters Thread

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The new season starts on 2024.07.26. Here are the couples:

Bianca and Daniel:  Bianca was badly injured by a drunk driver when she was 23. During her recovery, she decided to reach out to prisoners who had been convicted of DUI to try to understand the how and why of their actions. Sounds emotionally safe and healthy? Surprisingly she met and fell for Daniel, a tall, handsome, young man who had to have had multiple DUIs to end up in prison. 

 Hope and Arthur:  Hope is a truck driver with a strong commitment to fun hair color choices. Inmate Arthur caught her eye. Perhaps the triangle tattoo on his forehead has hypnotic powers? She "cheated" on him during his incarceration. Yes, the infamous "cheating" when you are in a relationship that is run through phone calls, facetime, and the occasional prison visit. So our hapless prisoner has trust issues. Speculation: this couple will have us on the floor if we participate in a drinking game. We already have trust issues and facial tattoos. 

Julian and Christine:  Julian is a conservative writer who was researching a book on bank robbery when he met inmate Christine who unsuccessfully robbed a bank but successfully stole his heart. [See what I did there? Did you? 😁]

Kim and Joey:  Kim is a mother of two. Yep, another candidate for mother of the year. Following in the path of every parent we have seen on the show, her children are the most important thing in her life. They always are, except when they get dropped off with folks they barely know so their parent can get some.  Adding to the fun, Kim is currently separated, as in still legally married. Her prison love is Joey. The drama has already been primed for these two since someone sent Joey an anonymous mail saying that Kim was cheating on him. More cheating accusations! More trust issues! And unfortunately children dragged into this mess. 

Latisha and Keith:  We met this pair in Love During Lockup. You  may remember Latisha from her decision to wear underwear as outerwear. The black Spanx and bra was quite the fashion choice. She also purchased a very expensive engagement ring with Keith's money. That was not in his spending plan. Due to a change in the law, he could get out any day.   

Shonta and True:  Another Love During Lockup carryover, Shonta moved across state lines so True can parole to her house. Of course, that actually meant moving across the river, so a few miles, not exactly across country. The real issue is her carrying two mortgages which she cannot afford. There are also a few other issues. The pair have never met in person. True's family told Shonta that he never dates black women. Of course, they have a dream of opening a restaurant together, but, even though True has been in a culinary arts program in prison, he expects Shonta to get the money for the business and be the cook. So many red flags. 

Zeruiah and Troy:  Zeruiah is a pastor's daughter who married young. Her husband went to prison where she met his cell neighbor, Troy. Think of him as bunkie adjacent. She divorced her husband and married Troy. Love at first sight across the visitation room? Was there a broom closet interaction? Zeruiah's family is marginally supportive of her relationship. They think for it to be successful Troy needs to join the church. 

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WTH is wrong with these women who have their small children calling men they've never met "Daddy"?

It blows my mind how much $$$ that *could* go to supporting their kids, paying their bills, etc. for convicted felons they barely know! They deserve what they get...and I hate saying that about other women. 







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