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S06.E13: Victory Lap

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As they prepare for their wedding day, Layla admits to Jordan that she's missing her mother's presence; Spencer shifts his focus from the NFL draft to Layla and Jordan's big day; Patience is conflicted after receiving an unexpected opportunity.

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I think they should left this as the series finale it was a great ending. Instead of adding another couple episodes plus season. 

I loved Layla's dress. 

The ship names was funny and the cracks during the start of the wedding. Made no JJ stand out.  Spencer's opening speech was good and the photo montage. 

Spencer sure went from lowest to highest fast. 2nd round getting drafted by Asher's friend.  To Superbowl winner and MVP, proposing on field months later. 

I admit Spencer being #22 as his NFL number to honor Billy and proposing on 22nd yard line was perfect. And the song was too. 

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Because they had ordered the two extra episodes, I was anticipating that there would be a bunch of cliffhangers or loose ends in what was supposed to be the season finale.  But they obviously thought they might not get another chance and wanted to wrap things up. 

I had thought that the episode was mostly just going to be the wedding so I wasn't super-excited, but I liked things like the group photos (glad Dillon didn't act creepy at the actual wedding) and the speeches.  When they asked Jordan at the reception how it felt to be married, I made a snarky comment--and at the same time, they put an ad for Homecoming on the screen.  It didn't have his ex-wife's picture or anything and was probably a coincidence, but that still seemed shady and made me laugh.

Coop of course was being insecure and selfish with her initial reaction to Patience's offer, but she wasn't wrong that it's strange for a Broadway musical to offer someone a role even though she had no acting experience and was still suffering from stagefright.  I don't know that this had even been a dream of Patience's, but as Layla said, it can help with her music career too.  I'm glad that Coop apologized and they worked things out instead of a permanent separation or something.

It's nice that Olivia and Jordan like Luke, but maybe they didn't need to pressure her to bring a guy she knew a month to her son's wedding.  No one bothered to ask if this was what she really wanted.  I didn't hear quite what G.W. said about Wendy not being able to make it.  I just heard it as "We didn't want to pay for Jaclyn Smith in what probably would have been a very small part in this one."

I liked how Spencer handled the possibility of not being drafted and was willing to move forward, and of course it was great when it finally happened.  The writers didn't have to bother to write a conclusion to Asher's speech, ha.

When they came back from commercial and it was suddenly ten months later at the Super Bowl (funny that they can say "Super Bowl," which there are a lot of rules about, when they can't have real NFL teams represented), I kept thinking it was a dream sequence.  I didn't think they would go to the trouble of filming all that football for nothing, but I wasn't completely convinced until the logo came on the screen at the end.  Spencer playing for New York, though a made-up team, is still a nod to the real Spencer, so hey, it really IS based on a true story.  I guess that it's too expensive to film football at night now the way they used to, so we got a daytime Super Bowl (which some who complain about the length of the game would probably enjoy).  With everything that happened in the end, it seems more like the next two episodes are the "victory lap" even though that was the name of this episode.  I'm okay with them having more episodes just to have Spencer and Olivia's wedding and other happy things, because I'll gladly take it after suffering through some shows that ended with cliffhangers and misery (looking at you, Star). 

One thing I actually thought of a few episodes ago was that aren't Spencer and Dillon supposed to have a stepsister?  I'm pretty sure that D'Angelo was a widowed single father of a girl around Dillon's age, and that seeing him in this role was one thing that first started to win over Grace.  Maybe she just stays in Oakland all the time, though I think she's just completely forgotten since they don't mention her ever.

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So true about the use of "Super Bowl."  The logo on the scoreboard had "Football Championship."  The re-imagined L.A. Coliseum was really well done.  

I was struck at the casual attire all the guys wore at the wedding.  Not one tie.  At least one attendee didn't have a coat/jacket.  The ladies, of course, dressed to the nines.

I was mystified about the Draft as the ep unfolded.  It would have been unpossible that the agent would not have been constantly updating Spence as to the situation.  Yet, the entire first half of the ep never once mentioned that the Draft was continuing on the wedding day.  Spencer said it's OK he went "undrafted" and that he just hoped he would get picked up as a free agent.  Puhlease.  There was no way he was gonna be a UFA (Undrafted Free Agent).  There were only like, 200 more picks to be made.  Unnecessary misdirection by all concerned.  So, Spence is a millionaire and he will now reap many millions more representing major commercial entities.  I'm glad.

Loved that shewhomustnotbenamed was not prominent in the AAH trailer.

So, a 100% bump from a dozen or two sold (if that) meant the book would take off.  I wanna live in that universe!  Super Olivia continued through what was to be the end.  Yay.  Now, it's time for her to crash, right (No pun of her father's demise intended)?

Somehow, I think the "list" Coop would have been on was not a good one.

Now for the biggest WTF?! of the ep.  The reception wasn't at Layla's club???????  Ocean, smotion.  Speaking of...Greta was drop-dead gorgeous in that simple dress and accessories.  Less is almost always more and TV loves to ignore this fact.  

Has Vegas set the odds on the parlay of Asher and Patience moving to New York as they pursue budding careers?  It would be entirely plausible for Coach Montes to find a spot/advocate for Asher as an analyst.  Senor James would be all over it.




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The show has to move to New York right?  They already set the stage with Spencer and Patience.

New York Bobcats is ridiculous for a “NFL” team, but they could at least have had them be red, white and blue.

D’Angelo did have a daughter, maybe in this universe she’s already 27 years old.

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It would be interesting and shake things up to see the show set in New York, but I think the network is way too cheap to do that now.  It might be more like "Spencer and Patience aren't on the show because they're in New York" and maybe Olivia too.  I watched the rerun of this episode tonight, and I'd forgotten that Spencer and Dillon mentioned the possibility of renting out the house (even though that would be Grace's decision), so they'll probably have some new characters living in that house next season (but the house will make it seem like it's the same show!).

It's funny that Dillon wasn't at the "Super Bowl," and I don't think he was even among those congratulating Spencer at the reception about being drafted.  They probably would have had to pay Jalyn more if he showed up in any more scenes.  (Even G.W. still got to show up sitting at a table nearby as everyone hugged.)

But besides Spencer going to New York, Spencer Paysinger's Super Bowl win was also in his rookie year, so two instances of the show being historically accurate!

I hadn't noticed before that quick flashback of Spencer looking at Olivia in high school, probably after winning State with Beverly.  I wonder if there will be flashbacks in the last two episodes (maybe a montage or something).

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