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Season 3 Discussion


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S03•E01 - Widow

Malta is a beautiful backdrop!

Julia is about to unleash Operation Invisible Sword to terrorize innocent UK citizens in order to reshape global balance of power in Scorpia’s favor. The part where she triggers a heart attack in that banker lady with just a push of a button is a bit unclear though. A bio/chemical weapon?

Max questions Julia about hurting children. Could he be the one helping Alex down the road?

First look at Julia Rothman, I wouldn’t call her charismatic but she is one crafty widow. She’s aware of Alex presence in Malta, what’s their connection? 

Kyra snooping around the garden villa alone, not waiting for Alex because she got bored is plain stupid.

Tom’s plan to crash a private event at Valletta Museum is unbelievably silly. 😂

Alex has escaped Nile by climbing up to the rooftop in the dark, windy night with no proper gear etc? 👀

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S03•E02 - Lab

Scorpia has demanded Britain to abandon their claim to foreign debt. Madam Secretary thinks the threat isn’t credible because they reveal nothing about their secret super weapon and its technology. Is she for real? 🤦🏻‍♀️

We can tell from the beginning that Pritchard is in danger, the clues are all there. Am glad they eliminate this character in her first episode. Her role feels redundant to Smithers.

Alex falls into Julia’s trap so easily. Her Consanto bait works like a charm and leads him straight to Dr. Kovacic’s secret mobile lab. Nile offers to take Alex to Julia if he wants to learn more about Scorpia and his past. Alex really needs to be extra cautious and plays his cards right with scheming Julia. Hope he finds a way to let Tom and Kyra know that he survives the blast.

It’s sad to hear that Mrs. Jone is planning to leave the department and this is her last case. Bummer.


S03•E03 - Enemy

Madam Secretary is screwed. 👍🏻

Should the stadium’s parking lot be that empty on a game day?

The selective killings via Invisible Sword is still mysterious for now.

“See? Told you we can do spy stuff too.”

Yeah Tom, obviously. 😂 I love seeing Tom and Kyra sharing more screen time this season. Kyra has more chemistry with Tom than Alex.

Despite the handwritten letters and hi-res footage of John Rider being shot by the Department, Julia’s narratives aren’t that convincing.

“I’ll join Scorpia.”

“We’re gonna train you, Alex. Make you the best. Starting right now. I want you to meet your tutor.”


For the first time, am excited to see Yassen Gregorovitch. No idea why. 😅


Edited by Snazzy Daisy
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S03•E04 - Recruit

Syl, Oleg, Alyona and Mateo are truly one-dimensional characters. Nile’s violent streak makes him less interesting.

Alex needs to calm down wrt asking questions. People will start to notice and doubt his intention.

Tom and Kyra need to stay off-grid in Valletta. With limited connection and resources, can they pull it off? When are they going to update Jack on everything?

Disappointed in the lack of Jack Starbright in the first half of season 3. 😣

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S03•E05 - Revenge

This is a revelatory episode. Love it.

It’s revealed that Mrs. Jones was the one who gave the order to shoot John Rider during the prisoners exchange. Is she now a villain and a target?

Autopsies show trace amounts of gold in the bloodstream of the dead athletes. Smithers comes out with a solid theory on how the Invisible Sword works - the technique and the technology.

The motorbike-banter between Tom and Kyra is adorable. 😆

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S03•E06 - Target

That confrontation is so intense! A compelling, heartfelt performance by Otto Farrant. 👏🏻

So, Mrs. Jones and the Department are Scorpia’s real targets. As what Max said, Scorpia has gone personal and they have weaponized Alex Rider.

Based on the footage that Alex saw in previous episode, his dad was shot on 06/01/2005. But the year of death engraved on John’s gravestone is 2006. Am confused, why the gap? 🤔

S03•E07 - The Shot

Mrs. Jones is so compassionate and empathetic towards Alex after everything. 🥺

The look on Yassen’s face when Julia tells him that Alex has been exposed to the cyanide nanoparticles. She doses him with the vapor, disguised as pain relief. Evil bitch.

Alan Blunt finally tells Alex the whole truth. John Rider was a British agent all along. He infiltrated Scorpia for 3 years but needed an extraction once he found out that his wife was pregnant. It took Julia 6 months to track the Riders, then planted a bomb on their plane.

“They need my help.”

“To do what?”

“Destroy Scorpia.”

“I’m proud of you. You go burn them to the ground. But make sure you come home.”

I love Jack Starbright! 😘

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S03•E08 - Invisible Sword

Yassen Gregorovitch has saved Alex once again. A dependable, mysterious mercenary.

One question - the cyanide nanoparticles have been protein-coated to bond specifically with cardiac tissue. How long that nanoparticles will stay in the body?


OVERALL - Season 3 is thrilling, bold and personal with a satisfying ending. We can see some growths in Alex this season. Facing his greatest enemy, he has shown more emotions and vulnerability. Otto Farrant has a lot more to work with this season and he excels. He has demonstrated that he can lead a show. 👏🏻

Some minor nitpicks - not a fan of Sofia Helin’s portrayal of Julia Rothman. A miscast. And I wish for more scenes between Alex & Mrs. Jones.

Bye bye teenage spy boy.

Hello young adult secret agent. 😉

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Episode 1:

A good start! A good intro to the main villain/s, and the threat they pose.

It's good that Alex has an objective; and isn't really falling into something by accident. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I still would really like to know more about Alex's uncle, parents (to a lesser degree), and his upbringing that supposedly made him a teen 'superspy'.

Sooo ... how does Alex even have enough money to be doing all this traveling? And I assume it's summer break? That's why no school?

Edited by Trini

Episode 2:

Ugh - I hate when shows introduce a cool new character and then kill them off immediately -- like, WHY? It's just a waste of time. And the way Pritchard died was just dumb too; not because she touched the bomb, but she didn't even need to be on that mission in the first place.

Anyway, I don't like the feeling that Alex is going to get played by The Widow.

Thought we'd get at least a little more info on Invisible Sword. Is it something that can be carried by objects?

Tom's brother seems cool; I hope Tom takes him up on his job offer eventually.

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So the previous episode did kinda feel like ‘table setting’, and this one did move the plots forward. Mostly the Alex/Widow/Scorpia plot.

Alex is just a kid, but he's supposed to be smart; so I really hope he’s not buying everything Scorpia is selling him. Even if Alex's father was with Scorpia, I doubt it was The Department who killed him. From what little we know of Scorpia, I think they would definitely kill one of their own.

Okay so Scorpia wants Alex to join them — can he at least finish high school first? I know this is a fantasy TV show, but it still seems silly to me that these secret organizations are directly recruiting teens.

I hope they don’t wait until the end to give us actual info on Invisible Sword. We already knew it was deadly to specific targets.

They really don’t know what to do with Jack. I expect she’s not going to do much for the rest of the season as well.


Edited by Trini

Episode 4:

Assassin school. I feel like we kinda saw this already in Season 1? Anyway, seems like, besides being an orphan, you need to be a heartless jerk to work for Scorpia. But I assume at least one (maybe more?) of the other trainees will be redeemed.

So the Widow definitely dosed Alex with something, right? The antidote for Invisible Sword? Something else?

Still not sure how to feel about Alex's father being part of Scorpia. It might have helped if we knew more about him before this season. Either way, Alex never knew him, so I feel like he should have stronger feelings about Uncle Ian than him. (And we still don't know much about Ian - and probably never will.)

So Jack got a discreet warning from Ms. Jones; I'm guessing Jack will be in Malta soon.

I'm afraid for Tom and Kyra; but I assume the Widow probably wants to keep them alive (for now) for Alex's sake.

Episode 5:

Yay! Good news is that we finally know what Invisible Sword is... Bad news is that Alex got dosed with it -- nooo!

Well, now I'm interested in the Widow's backstory, and why she apparently wants revenge. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her whole body, so I wonder what exactly she wants Alex for? I feel like she wouldn't need him to take down the Department.

I know this show is filled with unbelievable things, but the one that stood out for me here was Tom and Kyra being completely undetected by Scorpia when they got so close to Alex. But I am glad they were able to find him, though.

Again, this show never really gave us much backstory/info on Alex's Father, Ian, or Ms. Jones, so the new info that she gave the kill order (assuming that video is the truth, which it may not be anyway) is not an impactful reveal to me.

... But it was for Alex; not really looking forward to Darth Rider, though.

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I wonder if we'll ever learn about the rest of the leaders of Scorpia?

Okay, so everyone's back in London now. Thought for sure they'd make Jack travel. I did like seeing more of her her; glad that Alex reached out to her; and that she still believes in him.

Not sure what they what me to do with Kyra supposedly being in love with Alex; because I really don't see anything romantic between any of the main characters. Friend love at best. If they wanted to go in that direction for Alex/Kyra, they should have done a better job setting that up.

Wow, Yassen really isn't doing a good job of promoting Scorpia as a good place to work! Does anyone really think Alex could really become an assassin? Not me, so I wonder what twist they're going to pull with Jones.

So the Widow is making things personal -- I hope we get the whole story soon. (But probably not until the finale.)


On 4/7/2024 at 12:33 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

Based on the footage that Alex saw in previous episode, his dad was shot on 06/01/2005. But the year of death engraved on John’s gravestone is 2006. Am confused, why the gap? 🤔

It could be a production mistake? But also they said that they used the plane crash as an excuse for his death, so the dates wouldn't match up anyway.

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Episode 7:

I have a couple of quibbles, but I really liked this one!

Yay! Revelations! Wish we'd learned some of this a little sooner, though. We're not going to get the details, I'm sure; but I'm curious as to how Scorpia was previously "dismantled".

So Yassen is still a Bad Guy, but at least he's not Alex's enemy. I just don't think I can put him in the category of 'friend'.

I do wonder how the rest of Scorpia are feel about The Widow's vendetta?

Eh - I'm not feeling anything about Alex/Kyra and that kiss. I don't hate it, but I'm not seeing any romantic chemistry there either. Romance is not this show's strength.

Kinda hate how this show saved the implementation of the Evil Plan AND the foiling of the Evil Plan for the same (final) episode. Similar to last season.

I wonder if those Scorpia assassin interns will come into play again?

On 6/11/2024 at 1:17 PM, Trini said:

I wonder if those Scorpia assassin interns will come into play again?

Well, if they ever revive this, maybe this is something they can come back to.

Good series finale. I didn't get everything I wanted, but I did like how this season had a very focused story.

But yeah, I do hope they find some way to cure/deactivate/whatever those nanoparticles at some point.

Not a lot of hype here, but was this more popular in the UK?

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