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S01.E03: Mid-Levels

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Margaret becomes obsessed with discovering the truth behind her son’s disappearance, leading her to a person of interest. Hilary tries to keep up appearances while her marriage is falling apart. Mercy is caught up in an intense affair with a man whose trauma mirrors hers.

Premiere Date: February 2, 2024   Prime Video     

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Mercy seems to be easily overwhelmed with things - human interactions, happiness, kindness etc. Yet she opens her tiny apartment to drunken David and lets him stay there for days. He can afford to stay in a fancy hotel. Throw him out, Mercy. This trauma-bonding isn’t helping. Jack Huston’s full frontal nudity doesn’t serve any purpose to the plot.

Hilary’s dinner guests never heard of Baked Alaska??! Are these people for real? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Margaret’s comment about Hilary doesn’t understand motherhood is totally uncalled for. It has prompted Hilary to track down David at the crummy bar. Poor Sam and Puri, they’re caught in the crossfire. The expats really don’t care about the help.

Guilt-ridden Margaret is spiralling. She breaks into late Christopher’s apartment just because he had a photo of Gus and his dog in his phone.  The act of photographing her kids’ body in a meticulous way is borderline abusive. Her pain is more important, it doesn’t matter who she hurts to get to the truth. She alienates almost everybody with her extreme reactions.

Clarke is also struggling to come to term with the tragedy but his actions aren’t destructive, he doesn’t hurt his loved ones. He adopts a dog to make it less unbearable for Daisy and Philip.

Then comes the bad news. I truly hope the body they found is not Gus. But I don’t want to see Margaret and Clarke get stuck in limbo either.

On a happier note, I love the cameo from the adorable nepo fur baby, Chauncey Wang-Jenkins. Mommy makes you work on her show huh… 😆💙   


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What does David do for work?

He's spending all his time in a bar when he isn't banging Mercy and avoiding Hilary.

Someone is paying him a lot of money but he doesn't seem to be spending most of his time working.

I'm not sure what they're trying to show with Mercy eavesdropping on other people's conversations.  Trying to improve her Cantonese?

She probably wouldn't have befriended that HK girl on her own.

Margaret is now obsessing over finding her son until the grim reality seem to hit at the end.

In episode two before Gus went missing, she wanted to get out of HK, so she could resume her career, before Clark persuaded her that his new contract is too good to pass up.

In episode one, she was insisting that HK was their home to her in laws.  Did she change her mind just because she still held out hope of finding Gus?

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