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S03.E04: In Sheep’s Clothing

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Raq is going to lose her son for real playing these games to manipulate him back into her life/house. Yes of course she is his mother she can order him home, but that stunt could’ve backfired on her. (And I think it will)

Ronnie creeps me out. 

If Lou really wants out of the game he needs to stop doing business with his family. 

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Now we have Snaps and Pops. Who and where is Crackle?

Sexy Ass Urkel/prison muscles/Strong Silent?!! Pops has no shame around Snaps. They must be in an open relationship.

I guess the writers wanted something flashy to start the show. I don't get the opening scene. A wild police chase. Jevon had to act like a clown on the road before the delivery and got caught. So, the police didn't follow up on the map, beeper and weed? He didn't snitch on Kanan/Paul but he still should be fired for not being trusted making deliveries. I'm surprised his legs weren't damaged form the crash.

Paul will be killed or removed from the deal soon if he keeps going to Kanan with complaints.

Gerald cleaned up really quickly for a junkie that was strung out for several days. Marvin grabbing his head was funny.

Marvin and Gerald forming a support group. How nice. Not sure where this is going. I am sure Marvin can use the Village Voice to promote Club Vous. 

Raq was wrong to set up Kanan that way. That plan could have gone left if Howard did do his part. 

The NYPD must get a 1,000 calls a day and Howard just happened to be there to intercept Kanan's issue for Raq. 

Famous has to be a dead man now when Kanan finds out he let Raq in, planted the gun and took the money (like a good hoe). Him screaming "Miss Raq" was funny.

So, no Feds surveilling Raq's house to take pics of her and Howard meeting outside?

Raq didn't spot the surveillance van by Kanan's apartment like she did last week?

Detective Ogden looked worried about Howard during the FBI agent's and Howard's talk. I think the FBI is on to Howard.  

Now the thought of cheating is in Pernessa's head about Unique. Thanks Ronnie!

Who let Ronnie in to play Bingo and why didn't those people get up move away for him for a new table. I would have loved to see the scene of him entering the Bingo Hall.

Bye Deen! I thought Ronnie was going to take out Grandma too. Damn! No more Vanilla/Strawberry Ensure, hearing aid supplies and Bingo for her.

When did Unique start doing business with Juliana and Joaquin? Of course, Ronnie knew where to go to meet them.

Juliana was giving Ronnie a long look. Maybe she wants a piece of Sexy Urkel too or use him to get revenge on Unique and Raq. I still don't know why she has a grudge against Raq.

Wow. Juliana and Joaquin are in a scene other than sitting at the restaurant.

Juke really expected Marvin to get up and answer the door while he is eating his cup of noodles.

"Butta with an A"! There are so many jokes with that name. I guess the Focus group didn't really think through. But it's the 90s.

N'Kiyah talked tough to girls in the studio but she was really nervous in Juke's neighborhood. She got out of the house without Marvin making a move on her?

A diva, girl next door and tomboy. Seems like a successful formula. I guess when she said "boyfriends", Juke's being gay will be the downfall of the group or Juke's exit and they will find a replacement for her.

Poor Shirley! Club Vous will be destroyed very soon by the Thomas family. Her retirement will come early.

Get a maid service Lou. His place is a mess. Marvin can get on him about his "drunk tank" smell but not the foul odor from the apartment.

Relator Stuart has a big mouth. He ran to Officers Roland and/or Buckley after Raq made the offer.  Either they will be dead soon or on Raq's payroll.

I thought Ronnie was going to kill Unique in his sleep or when he was showering after being told "He ain't shit".

Raq, Deen/ Grandma, Unique all have a lot of fruit in their places, but they are never eating it. They prefer to eat pizza, a sandwich, drink Ensure and take-out food.

That's a nice room and bed Raq set up Kanan. He shouldn't complain.

There are so many product placements on this show. I don't think the other Books have that many.

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Of course Raq is opening a check-cashing place. Basically a license to print (or launder) money and it's not illegal. And of course the local patrol cops immediately put the touch on her for their protection racket.

Weird to see Wendell Pierce playing a lowlife. His roles are usually lawyers or judges or cops (oh my!).

Famous is worthless. Why would he not let Kanan know Raq planted that gun in Kanan's backpack?

Marvin and Lou owning a bar together. What could possibly not go wrong? You'd think they'd know better.

Ronnie going to Unique's drug connect was a bold move.

Joining a girl group seemed like indentured servitude. I don't know why someone would put themselves through that. And "Butta"? Cue up the "buttaface" jokes.

Deen learned his lesson the hard, permanent way. Right in his poor grandma's kitchen. Ronnie is ice cold.


There are so many product placements on this show. I don't think the other Books have that many.

Yes but they're from 30 years ago. Most of those products have changed a lot since then.

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