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S01.E03: Escape


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I like Hank, decent character. Not hard to root for him.

One of the issues with his character is that he is a schlub. He is verbally and physically abused in almost every scene and it has become acceptible for everyone, including his students to abuse him and bully him. He just schrugs and walks away.

An example of this is the storage company dumping that bin right in front of his garage. Why do that? Hank argues for a minute then accepts it. Why? There was room to put the bin another 6 feet away from the entrance. Why not call the company and have them move it. Oh, because he is a schlub. A lovable loser. This has been what this show basically is about. The life a lovable loser.

I have some sympathy for him, but to have so many unpleasant characters around him doesn't make me like him more. The male mouthy student in his class can go away now.

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I don't think that Hank could have done anything to get the pod-deliverer to move the pod, other than to give him a hundred bucks.

I think the only person I like is Lily. Hank frustrates me. I don't think I'd call him a schlub. He's passive or in limbo. He doesn't like it there -- or says he doesn't -- but he won't do anything about it. He reacts to things but doesn't act.

I can't stand his daughter or son-in-law. I can't stand any of the students. And why isn't Jason, the student who peed and has been violent, been expelled or even suspended? As far as the urine goes, make him clean it up. I really hated that whole bit. And then the janitor saying he doesn't do urine or poop. Argh. And THEN the principal not reimbursing Lily for the cleaning supplies because she didn't get his approval ahead of time. 

I'm still going to watch this show, but I can't say it's all that enjoyable. 

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not sure i like this show

him repeatedly backing up into the pod and then into the front of the garage........who would do that? stupid

and, yeah, the kid that peed needs to clean it up and get suspended or sent for a psych eval

he was drinking hard with the barkeep and looking pretty lit but then he drives her home and is seemingly sober when he gets home to his wife

not familiar with any of these characters from any other shows, and there are way too many of them to keep track of

will watch another episode or 2 but not enjoying this schmuck's unhappy existence

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Maybe I'm in the minority here for not exactly liking Hank - he's a massive jerk to everyone - but still enjoying the show and sympathizing with his character.  His relationship with his father is *complicated*, and, sure, the crate full of belongings blocking his driveway is dealt with in a slapstick manner, but that definitely seems to fit with the tone of the show so far, and the juxtaposition of his famous father and his rather mediocre life.  The dynamics with the bartending adjunct professor, his daughter and son-in-law are also very complicated.  Urinegate seemed downright absurdist, but not completely unbelievable as his wife seems to be the only functional adult in the entire show, so of course she'd end up having to deal with it.

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