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S07.E06: Wizard Of Wonderland

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Finally got to see this VOD and I was so disappointed with the Cowardly Lion outcome. As soon as they announced that as one of the characters, I started thinking, "Oh, I know! He fell through the rabbit hole and the Red Queen made him into her favorite pet! And he could have a big curly mane, like in the movie, but in bright red . . . and the tuft at the end of his tail could be a bright red heart shape, and  . . . a big grin! Like the Cheshire Cat!"  I thought it was the best one to choose and was so disappointed at what that unfortunate team did with the concept. Regardless of her personality issues, or the greater politics of male/female communication, Sasha was handed a perfect opening to take over the design. After Mr. Westmore flat out said the concept sucked and there was none of the required whimsy in the design, Jason basically turned to her and asked her what to do and she just sulked at him. I thought she was really unprofessional through the whole thing, but especially when she went out of her way to  blame herself in front of the judges for not fighting hard enough for her concept. It was such a backhanded way to emphasize that Jason was to blame for the design and she had nothing at all to do with it.  Pretty nasty, I thought.

Edited by Ketzel
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egardless of her personality issues, or the greater politics of male/female communication, Sasha was handed a perfect opening to take over the design. After Mr. Westmore flat out said the concept sucked and there was none of the required whimsy in the design, Jason basically turned to her and asked her what to do and she just sulked at him.



BINGO.  Mr. Westmore was practically waving a banner saying "Let Sasha Work on the Face," and nobody picked up on that.  Some corrections to the face, and a more creative approach to the color scheme, a fun detail here or they,  and they MIGHT have been able to salvage the whole thing, but instead of fixing things, Sasha just pouted.  It was especially telling because when other teams ran into trouble, they *did* have the sense to switch off and let someone else have a go at sculpting for a bit and it worked. Sasha might go far this season but I can't see her winning it all unless she finds some backbone damn it.  


 Still Jason was even more deserving of elimination; anyone who ignores the parameters of the assignment by going horror when they specifically ask for whimsical AND then ignores Michael (always ALWAYS gives good advice) Westmore's suggestions too has GOT to go. 


I know why the flying monkey won-it was extraordinary work-but I really did like the Tin Woodsman as a character.  




SO looking forward to next week-should be VERY interesting to see how the judges perform under those circumstances, it will be nice to catch up with some old favorite contestants from previous seasons, AND Mr. Westmore will be judging!?!  My cup runneth complete.  

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Speaking of which..................... Every time I see on the screen that Rachael is 24 y/o, I think that must be a typo.  She looks like she's at least 40 to me and I can't see a woman that young in her no matter how hard I stare at her. 


I've been told I have an old soul.... I hope my face isn't before it's time too! XD

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I really enjoyed this challenge. I've been finding it hard to find contestants to root for and I think this challenge let them really show off what they can do. I was so impressed with the concepts of the jester monkey and the tin man executioner. The witch was great but I think it was a mistake to skip the hair. As for the two bottom looks, they weren't terrible. I'm not sure if we've just eliminated all the weak links or if they've hit their groove but I think whimsical works. Sadly we're going right back to horror next week.

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