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S01.E03: New Angels of Promise

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This show resonates with me on an emotional level. Especially the freaking out order how quantum fusion would cause a LOT of chaos before it saves the world. Loved the scenes between Justin and her dad. 

The Prime Directive is not a thing here.

Please tell me I'm not the only person watching this show!

One super-interesting theme is how people react to good news, breakthroughs, and what we could call "Miricles" Josiah is happy that his body has been "re-aligned" to make him mobile and pain-free. Justin is guarded, wondering how long this will last and wondering what the catch is. Hatch sees the introduction of quantum fusion as something that would destroy the world rather than save it.

Speaking of Hatch, I am very suprised at how much I like this character. He is introduced as a rich a##hole, and he is that, yet he is also sympathetic and more than a little desperate.

Edited by marinw
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Still loving the show, but they seem to be moving slowly. It's been three episodes and Faraday is still acting like a complete alien. Isn't he learning anything about how to avoid scrutiny and comport himself in a semi-human manner? There are only seven episodes between the guy floating in a pool in a three-piece suit, and drinking water by the gallon, and the suave, sophisticated man we saw at the beginning of Episode #1, talking to the world from his stage. They had better get a move on.

And they have so much to do. Is this a multi-series narrative? Or do we have the dreaded time-jump to look forward, where the show jumps forward a decade, from early beginnings to complete finale all in a flash?

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