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The Ark cast and crew discuss the challenges of returning to space for season 2
By Dan Girolamo   July 20, 2024

The Ark’s Ryan Adams & Stacey Read Tell What Their Characters Are ‘Desperate’ for in Season 2
Brittany Frederick   Published 1 day ago

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THE ARK: Creator Dean Devlin and Showrunner Jonathan Glassner give the scoop on Season 2 – Exclusive Interview
By ABBIE BERNSTEIN   July 24th, 2024


What kinds of reactions were viewers having? Devlin thinks that people may wrongly believe the audience feedback is about specific ways they want to story to go. “It’s never something like that. But you could always tell what they wanted to feel. And what they really seemed to be responding to is what was the most important thing to us, which is, we wanted to do a show about the human spirit. And every time we leaned into it, the audience loved it. That was the thing that they wanted. They wanted that uplifting feeling.

“We live in a time where most shows are really dark, really edgy, and suddenly, we were offering a very different menu item. And to see them embrace that inspired us to say, ‘All right, what other stories can we tell that really can illustrate that, and push our characters in directions that are surprising?’”
*  *  *
“We only go one season at a time,” says Devlin. “I’m not a believer in [planning too far ahead for] multi-seasons, because then it all becomes about your writing, and you’re missing out what the actors are bringing, and the surprises that happen on set. And it’s really one season at a time, with an idea of what we want to do in the next season, but then we wait until that season starts, we put together the writers’ room and start brainstorming.

“So, we usually start off at the beginning of the season and think about where we want to go, but then we’re very much into watching the dailies and seeing the actors, and he,” indicating Glassner, “directs a bunch of episodes.”

“We have some pretty good ideas where we’re going in Season 3,” Glassner elaborates, “if we get a Season 3.”
*  *  *
Per Devlin, “Well, I think if you liked Season 1, you’re going to love Season 2. We really step up our game in every way, and– we’re embracing some really interesting science-fiction concepts this year. The effects are bigger and better, the sets are bigger and better. In every way, we try to really lift our game.”

“Yeah,” Glassner agrees. “Last season, started off with none of the characters knew each other, and it was just disaster after disaster after disaster to get themselves going. This season, they’re already friends, they’re not bickering about anything, and they have an end goal that they intend to make. And so, it’s much more hopeful.”

The cast of Syfy's "The Ark" joins us
NWAhomepage com   Jul 22, 2024

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THE ARK Recap: (S02E02) Kill or Be Killed
Posted by Melody McCune | Jul 24, 2024 

By Tara Bennett Jul 24, 2024

By Benjamin Bullard Jul 24, 2024, 

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The Ark season 2, episode 3 review: Electricity that's alive?
By Alexandria Ingham | Aug 1, 2024

Did We Just Meet The Ark’s First Alien? Series Creators Explain That Shocking Creature
By Trent Moore Aug 1, 2024

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The Ark Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Anomaly
By: AuthorJoshua Pleming   July 31, 2024  ·  

The Ark - Episode 2.04 - The Other You - Press Release
Posted by SpoilerTV - August 04, 2024


When two realities intertwine, two theories on what could and shouldn't have been are revealed.

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From The Ark Season 2 episode guide on TV Guide site...


Episode 5
Museum Of Death

Wed, Aug 14, 2024 60 mins


A disturbing rescue mission raises questions about Eva's past.

Episode 6
Pretty Big Deal

Wed, Aug 21, 2024 60 mins


When a distress call leads to a desolate planet, what the crew finds turns everything on its head.

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More about upcoming Episode 5...

The Ark Season 2 Episode 5 Museum of Death Airs August 14 2024 on Syfy


In Season 2, Episode 5 of “The Ark,” titled “Museum of Death,” airing Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 10:00 PM on Syfy, viewers are in for a gripping and intense ride.


The episode dives into a distressing rescue mission that brings unsettling truths to light, particularly about Eva’s mysterious past.

As the crew faces a daunting and eerie situation, the mission’s complexity uncovers layers of Eva’s history that had previously been hidden. The revelations pose significant questions and challenges, raising doubts and suspicions about her background and motives. The episode’s title, “Museum of Death,” hints at a chilling environment that only adds to the tension and intrigue.

This episode is set to deepen the show’s exploration of its characters while adding a new level of suspense and drama. ...

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The Ark Enters the Multiverse! The Wild Twist That Brought Cat Back from the “Dead"
By Benjamin Bullard   Aug 8, 2024


As for Cat Brandice, not only is she alive and kicking somewhere in the vastness of the show’s alternate spacetime, she’s actually thriving as an Oxford-trained research scientist — a cool, competent brainiac who prefers to go by the much more serious-sounding name of “Catrina.” As co-showrunner and executive producer Jonathan Glassner explained on this week’s After the Ark podcast, surprising fans with an alt-reality episode that reunited them with Cat (or, should we say, Catrina) was always part of The Ark’s secret Season 2 strategy.

“What parallel universes are, is people taking different paths,” Glassner said, reflecting on how rejuvenating it was for the show’s ensemble cast to explore other sides to their familiar sci-fi characters.
*  *  *
“One of the most popular episodes last season was the ‘comet-water’ episode, where everybody is having hallucinations,” Glassner added. “We literally said, ‘We need an episode like that this season, [one] that’s fun and out there and doesn’t really have a whole lot to do with the big story arc… We knew what our actors could do, and we thought it would be fun to see them get to play different versions of themselves.”
*  *  *
“We were always planning on bringing [Cat] back,” he said. “When I told her; when I had to deliver the bad news to [Wolfe] that we were killing her character, I said, ‘We’re gonna do one more episode with you in an alternate universe — because I don’t want to say goodbye to you!

“…The other thing was, when I met Christina, she has this beautiful British accent that she was not doing on our show," Glassner continued. "So I said, ‘Let’s let her do her real accent,’ which just changes her character completely; instantly. Because she just seems so much more sophisticated with that accent!”
*  *  *
Garnet, Fleeshman added, provides a perfect example. She's "so consistently shackled by having to do the right thing; having to be the leader; having to make the right choice; having to be selfless. [But] suddenly, she’s playing this vulnerable, damsel-in-distress kind of version — and I think it was really lovely and liberating, and she [Burke] did some really beautiful work.”

As different as their alt-reality selves are, there still had to be a kernel of truth and consistency to each character's parallel-universe version in order for the episode to keep fans fascinated. “I love the way Christie played it,” said Glassner, “because she was almost this mousy, innocent woman — not the strong leader that she is in our world.”

“Even though it’s an alternate reality of Garnet,” added Burke herself, “that alternate reality still has to be based in the fact that this Garnet we know today could potentially still exist… I had so much fun!”

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The Ark Showrunner Promises Syfy's Best Series is Only Getting Started
by Dais Johnston   Aug 9, 2024


“In Season 1, it was really them trying to become leaders and trying to become the best versions of themselves,” Devlin said. “And kind of a disaster of the week. Every week was another disaster movie, right?” In Season 2, that’s only amplified.

“I think all of them have now kind of settled into their roles on the ship, and they've really become the people they wanted to be, and they've developed real relationships with each other,” he said. “But I think as a show, we really embrace some big sci-fi concepts this year.”
*  *  *
Even though he’s more than accomplished in movies, The Ark gives Devlin the room to show what can happen when a story can take time and build upon itself. According to him, Season 2 is only the start. “I called Jonathan and I said, ‘I think the end of Season 2 is the end of the pilot, and then the series begins.’”

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The Ark season 2, episode 5 review, "Museum of Death": Who is on Ark-3?
By Alexandria Ingham | Aug 14, 2024

The Ark Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Museum of Death
Joshua Pleming   August 14, 2024  

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THE ARK Recap: (S02E05) Museum of Death
Melody McCune   August 15, 2024

How The Ark Created Its Scariest Episode Yet — And What Changes with *That* Death
By Benjamin Bullard Aug 15, 2024

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No spoilers...

THE ARK: Actors Stacey Read and Ryan Adams give the scoop on Season 2 of the Syfy series – Exclusive Interview
By ABBIE BERNSTEIN   August 17, 2024 


For starters, how did they come to be involved with the series?

Adams says, “We auditioned like everyone else. Through our agents, we got sent an audition for this new sci-fi show by Dean and [showrunner] Jonathan [Glassner]. Immediately, from reading that, I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, I want to be part of this show.’ Yeah, and then we just went on an audition process and we’re the lucky ones.” He emits a triumphant laugh.

Read adds that they didn’t know much about their characters when they began, and had no idea what they’d be like by second season.

“I think when we auditioned, we got sent the first episode for Season 1, and when we started filming, we’d start getting the [scripts for upcoming] episodes as we were shooting, and I didn’t really know where the character was going, I didn’t really know where the story was going, and I think it’s the same thing that’s in Season 2. We get the episodes as we were shooting.”
*  *  *
“Alicia is still very much Alicia, and you’ll see that throughout the episodes, but I think there’s a lot less of the nervous scientific babble as she goes on, because she is becoming a more mature and confident person, but yeah, she’s still very technie, [speaks in] technobabble,” Read laughs.
*  *  *
Ark One is largely a physical construction, although there are some VFX enhancements, Read explains. “What’s really nice about this set is, a lot of it is practical. It’s built there for you, so you can interact with it, you know how to interact with it. But then, some of the things, it’s just imagination. So, suddenly, you’ll be like, ‘Oh!’ There’s this thing coming towards you, and you just have to imagine it.”

When the hull is being breached, the actors don’t have to imagine when cables are whipping off the ceiling, Read reveals. “That was all practical. That was literally right there – they got somebody to put in some sparks, there was smoke everywhere. That was real. And we just had to not get hit.”
*  *  *
“I think it was interesting to explore a different mindset entirely for both of our characters,” Adams offers. “Angus is super-different this season. And yeah, that involved me sort of going back – not stripping it all back, but going back to my prep, and thinking, ‘Okay, how can we bring an essence of who he is into the performance?’, but also, something new and something that Angus probably has seen before, but the audience hasn’t seen before, and at the end of the day, I think it all comes down to maturing and growing up, obviously, with the added element of, this poor kid going through a billion life or death situations.

“He literally should have died – to put it bluntly, Angus should be dead. So, yeah, it’s trying to deal with that as well, and the only reason I’m alive is because my worst enemy, the person I hate the most, their blood is flowing through my veins, and it’s awful, and I hate that, and I should be dead. So, yeah. It was exciting to experience a new sort of mindset for Angus, and I’m just excited to see what everyone thinks.”
*  *  *
“I was going to say, expect the unexpected,” Adams contributes. “I think just to know that there’s a lot of fun to be had as well. We talk a lot about plot twists, and twists and turns, and, ‘Oh, my God, this happened,’ and ‘Oh, my God,’ but I think there’s a lot of fun to be had in Season 2.”

He concludes, ‘There are some episodes in particular – once they air, you’ll know what I mean – where it’s just a whole roller-coaster of, ‘Oh, my God, this is crazy, this is insane, I can’t believe this is happening.’ It’s so cool.”

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Sneak peek at tonight's Episode 6...

SNEAK PEEK: Answering A Distress Call | The Ark (S2 E6) | SYFY
SYFY   Aug 20, 2024

Also, Episode 7 synopsis...



Episode 7

It Can't Be True
Wed, Aug 28, 2024
60 mins


Following an attempted murder, the group works together to discover the perpetrator before it's too late.

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The Ark Visits Its First Alien Planet - What Happened, and How Is [_______] a Clone?
By Benjamin Bullard     Aug 22, 2024


“What struck me with [Ian], as soon as he meets Lane, he seemed to be very lighthearted and very jovial,” Ritchie shared on this week’s After the Ark aftershow webcast. “…If I met a clone of myself that I didn’t know existed, would be very shocked and very heady and serious about it… [but] for Lane — I mean, Lane practically has a panic attack when he sees that Ian is there!”
*  *  *
Clones they might be, but the differences between buttoned-down Lane and chatty-and-carefree Ian couldn’t be more distinct. As writer/co-executive producer JP Nickel confided on this week's webcast, Lane “is sort of in the clone-closet,” whereas Ian is simply happy just to have a roof over his head. “It was a lot of fun as a [writers’] room, figuring out who Ian was going to be that could kind of get under Lane’s skin a little bit without really trying to,” Nickel explained.

Of course, Ritchie had to play both Ian and Lane in this week’s episode, including numerous scenes that use VFX to place both characters into the same scene all at once. “I just jumped in and just made [Ian] the complete antithesis of Lane,” Ritchie told After the Ark, adding that “it was fun to shake everything up a little bit… As long as [Ian’s] got the clothes on his back, he doesn’t really care for much. As long as he’s got food, drink and clothes, he’s cool… he’s just happy!” 

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The Ark - Episode 2.07 - It Can't Be True - Press Release
Posted by SpoilerTV - August 24, 2024


After an attempted murder, the crew work together to find who's responsible before it's too late.

The Ark - Episode 2.08 - We Don't Kill Our Own - Press Release
Posted by SpoilerTV - August 24, 2024


The ship is taken under siege and the crew must outsmart the mutineers to save themselves.

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THE ARK Recap: (S02E07) It Can’t Be True
Melody McCune   August 28, 2024

The Ark season 2, episode 7 review: Is there an Eastern Federation spy on board?
By Alexandria Ingham | Aug 28, 2024

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Eva's Huge Secret is Revealed & a Murder Plot Goes Wrong in Latest Episode of The Ark
Aug 29, 2024


“One of the things we find out in this episode is that EF [Eastern Federation] hunters, people looking for undercover EF operatives, were placed secretly on every ark, because they were afraid that EF saboteurs would end up on every ark," explained co-showrunner and executive producer Jonathan Glassner on this week's new episode of the After the Ark aftershow webcast. "…Ours were killed in the accident in the beginning of the whole series. And now we have two coming over from Maddox’s ship who are continuing their mission...and they find out some deep, dark secrets about some of our crew.”
*  *  *
“Brice and Eva are a lovely little storyline off on their own," Fleeshman shared on this week's After the Ark. "...in the sense that, because I get that different dynamic to show a different side to him. Because he’s not full of bravado when he’s with Eva; he’s a puppy dog! He’s completely head over heels. And I think, because of that, we get to see his vulnerability.”

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Richard Fleeshman and Reece Ritchie Discuss Life on “The Ark” – Interview
Jessica Wolff   August 29, 2024 


The Geekiary: What can you tell us about the season’s remaining episodes, and what are you most excited for fans to see?

Reece Ritchie: Our hands are most definitely tied there. We’re not allowed to tell you anything about the remaining episodes of the season, unfortunately. Richard, you can pick up the second part of that question.

Richard Fleeshman: I am looking forward to the fans seeing what we’ve known for quite a while, because obviously we filmed this series quite substantially ahead of time. We wrapped in February of this year. So we’ve had a lots of these secrets now, and anyone we know that is watching the show is like, “Go on, go on, tell me.” I, on a personal note, am quite excited because there are major twists and turns coming up over the next few weeks. It will be a great relief, to all of us, when that is out in the world, and we can no longer be held responsible if it was to be leaked. I’m excited for them to see it because they’ll love it and they’ll be shocked. And they’ll hopefully enjoy how it’s done. On a personal note, I’m just glad I won’t be getting into trouble because it’ll be out in the world.
*  *  *
TG: What has been your favorite episode and/or sequence to film so far?

Fleeshman: Just picking up on what Reece said in that previous moment, my favorite episode, just speaking for myself, was episode four because I got the opportunity to almost be the audience within the show. Brice, as his normal incarnation of Brice, got put into this entirely different situation, and then I had all of my Serbian family, as they have now become, all the people I work with on a day-to-day basis, bringing new characters to meet me. When we turn up to set, usually as Reece was saying, I know what Lane might be like, I know what Garnet might be like, I know what all of the other characters might do, and suddenly there’s this whole new surprise. That was kind of a delight, because we’ve been doing it for two years now. It was lovely, and also just to watch people get to flex that muscle and to go create a different version of themselves. It was brilliant.

Ritchie: I loved episode six because I got to bring Ian to life. And also, then we had the technical challenge of filming Lane and Ian together, which was something that I had never done before and that was really interesting. I’m a bit of a techno geek as well. I like the technical side of it all, and that really fascinated me. So that was a lot of fun. Seeing everyone’s reactions as well, their shock, it was good.

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It’s a Coup on The Ark! Who's Taking Over the Ship (And Why?)
By Benjamin Bullard   Sep 5, 2024


"Alicia and I are like, running around the ship, kicking booty and saving people!" Glassner shared during an inside-the-episode chat on this week's After the Ark aftershow webcast. Even amid the violence and mayhem, it's a bonding moment for Kelly, whose ice-cold upbringing has left her little opportunity to make real connections with the rest of the crew. "I loved that for Kelly, that she’s starting to. like, get to know new characters and build new relationships," Glassner explained. "I want her and Alicia to become friends so bad!”
*  *  *
Thanks to some super-deft (and super-stabby) knife work from Garnet, Milos appears to meet his final demise as the ship falls back under the crew's full control. But even if his actions were wicked, Milos at least had his heart in the right place — sort of. After all, he and the rest of the rescued clones have seen some pretty sick stuff during their stifled lives of captivity at the hands of the GSA. He's "a character with a lot of PTSD as to what happened to these guys when they were created in the labs," Mortell explained to After the Ark of Milos' misguided motivations. "He’s coming into their world ready to fight. The gloves are off. Let’s go, let’s get some revenge!”

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THE ARK Recap: (S02E09) Cycle of Violence
Melody McCune   September 11, 2024

The Ark season 2, episode 9 review, "Cycle of Violence": What to do about Eva
By Alexandria Ingham | Sep 11, 2024

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Shocking, Heartbreaking Death in Latest Episode of SYFY's The Ark - What Happened?
By Benjamin Bullard Sep 12, 2024


Chatting on this week's After the Ark aftershow webcast, Ritchie said that playing Lane has meant channeling his more caustic actor's side at times — though Lane's standoffish nature, he confessed, comes with a certain straightforward appeal.

"I’ve been quite lucky with the writers, because they have very slowly and incrementally peeled back the layers on him," said Ritchie. "… A lot of the nicest people I’ve ever met, who I’ve got to know, have been the most abrasive when I first met them. And I always love that in people — I love honesty in people. And when someone’s willing to show you who they truly are early on [like Lane], it sort of puts me at ease, where others might kind of stand back. I lean in."
*  *  *
“We were setting up a very complex storyline from the beginning,” co-showrunner and executive producer Jonathan Glassner explained of Lane’s well-planned exit this week on the After the Ark aftershow. “The one thing he [Lane] hated in Season 1 were clones. He finds out he’s a clone — that sends him spiraling. We find out that his type of clone were made to be organ donors… And, we wanted to give Reece the chance to play a different character. And so now he’s Ian for the rest of series… presumably!”

Though Lane himself is really, truly gone, Reece Ritchie — the actor who plays him — doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, and that’s definitely a huge relief. Ritchie’s distinctively different portrayal of Ian as a cast-aside clone with a survivor’s undefeated optimism has been one of the unexpected highlights of Season 2 so far… and now that Ian’s carrying the emotional weight of both the living and the dead, his story can only get more interesting from this point forward. 

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Synopses for upcoming Episodes 11 and 12... 



Episode 11

It Will Be Over Soon
Wed, Sep 25, 2024 60 mins


Strickland is presented with an impossible choice.

*  *  *
Episode 12

Wed, Oct 2, 2024 60 mins


The crew arrives somewhere that seems too good to be true, and it just might be.

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A Funeral, a Wedding (?!) and a New Captain on the Latest The Ark
By Benjamin Bullard   Sep 19, 2024


“Your brain says it was only a few hours… and your heart says it was all those years,” showrunner and executive producer Jonathan Glassner posited on this week’s After the Ark aftershow webcast. “Which one wins? We know which way Ian goes, but Garnet’s having a hard time with it. I want them to be together — but I’m not the viewer. I’m the writer!"
*  *  *
Garnet ends the episode crying over a photo of Lane, quietly confessing “It should have been you,” as she grieves beyond his recent death and — perhaps — the memories she retains of spending an entire dream-lifetime happily married to his clone. Burke confided to After the Ark that this week’s episode is by far her favorite across both seasons: “We all just went into it being like, ‘Let’s just make something really beautiful!”

“…All of us kind of tapped into something, I think, that was quite personal in terms of losing things, and how you heal from death and grief — and that love really is the way through,” Burke explained. “It means a lot to me. I can’t believe I got to do that on SYFY and that Madeline [writer/producer Madeline Hendricks Lewen] wrote such an incredible episode... and then I got to be 80 — and that was weird!"

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