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S01.E07: Catch & Release

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I know these are teenagers, but Nabil is THAT devoted to Cassie when they'd only been dating three months before the accident?

One thing that has been driving me crazy is Monique's habit of dropping random French into conversation. None of my ballet teachers ever did that, but maybe I just didn't attend a pretentious enough ballet school.

When Monique told June that she was going to make her Bette's understudy, all I could think was uhhh, does Ramon know this? I loved how obviously mad Bette was when she found out.

Hahaha, I loved that Shane's alibi for where he was when Cassie fell was "oh, just sneaking into Bette's room to delete an email that Cassie sent about how I've been blowing Oren."

I can't decide if Bette telling Delia that Ramon tried to seduce her into a threesome is genius or just Bette being a shitty person again. On the one hand, we know it's a total lie. On the other hand, Bette knows that her sister refuses to dump him even though he was hooking up with Cassie AN UNDERAGE STUDENT so maybe she's just trying to goad Delia into breaking up with her lying cheating boyfriend.

Ramon's weak ass defense when Delia confronted him about it just made me roll my eyes. It was okay because it was summer and they were in France? JFC. Now that Delia has nothing left to lose, I hope she tells Bette to leak the picture of Cassie and Ramon. He's a gross predator.

Speaking of predators, poor Paige. It's disgusting that Monique is pimping out her students (and without their knowledge).

Caleb is delusional if he thinks that Nabil going on tour with Sienna's band for THREE WHOLE WEEKS is going to make Nabil rich. As for the exposure, sure, lots of people will see him but that doesn't necessarily translate to more Instagram followers, getting hired by a company, or anything tangible. But I did think his insight into Nabil and Cassie's relationship was worth at least considering. If she hadn't fallen, what are the chances that they would have broken up by now? Nabil said earlier in the season that she was different at school than she had been in Paris so things were not great between them, but now that she's in a coma he's devoted to her cheating ass?

For a show about teenagers who are naked in the steam room, having sex constantly, and often wearing only leotards, the show has done an okay job not being too leering about the dancers' bodies but then we got an out of the blue ass shot of Bette walking up Matteo's driveway. Where did that come from? I guess because she was wearing regular/non-dance clothes, they had to find a way to objectify her body?

I usually don't pay much attention to the voiceovers but the ones about muscle memory made me smile because it's so true. There are routines I practiced so many times in high school that I can still do them now.

I still don't like Monique, but I laughed and laughed when it was revealed that she'd delegated "send vaguely threatening texts" to Selena. Also hilarious that she knew she didn't even have to be specific about what Ramon had done because he's such a shady asshole.

June's sting operation on the Michi Club was really dangerous. That guy could have hurt her before Neveah busted in with a frying pan. But obviously he's an idiot since he just kept answering all of June's super obvious questions. No surprise that Monique was getting donations in exchange for prostituting her students. As soon as she gave June an NDA, I was like Molly, girl, you in danger!

Oh, Shane. You have more to offer than sex. First you need to start meeting guys who want more than hooking up.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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On 1/4/2021 at 10:00 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Oh, Shane. You have more to offer than sex. First you need to start meeting guys who want more than hooking up.

I found that scene very touching. How often has Shane referred to himself as trailer trash? And now he’s saying that he’s only good for sex? Oh, Shane. I want him to find love. He’s my favorite character.

Oren is supposed to be overweight? When he was shirtless in the steam room, he looked thin but muscular to me. 

My favorite scene of the episode was Nabil’s dream when he and Cassie were dancing. The actress/dancer who plays Cassie is an amazing ballerina. I totally get why Cassie used to land all of the lead roles. She’s head and shoulders above everyone else. 

Monique is doing so much shady crap—the arrangement with the club, being involved with an underage dancer (or several, so it seems)—when the school gets exposed, she’s going down. 



This show has very little basis in reality.  Cassie's parents have been MIA for months while their kid's been in a coma, but they fly in just to "pull the plug"?  And Jesus, I know Nabil was being kind of thick there, but who would use that term to refer to their own daughter?  Cops administer Bette a roadside urine drug test?  OK, let's just say that's a thing; they still wouldn't say "Oh, yeah, just go over there in the bushes with your sister and let us know when you're done, mmkay?"  

And yet...in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.  Only 3 more episodes of this shite.

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So Cassie does have parents, I've been wondering where they were and why they didn't both visiting their comatose daughter. Just in time to pull that plug, clearly very caring parents. Neveah spends more time with her, and they've never even met. 

I am starting to suspect Monique pushed Cassie after Cassie found out about the sketchy stuff she was up to, pimping out her ballerinas, sleeping with her underage student, its clear she doesn't exactly have a lot of morals. 

Poor Shane, I hope that he finds a decent love interest soon, his self esteem is so crushingly low. 

That sting was really dangerous they were lucky it didn't go even worse. June is really not the person to go to for undercover work. 

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