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Hi everyone! I just found this show and tuned in-holy shit! This is some good stuff here! I burned thru season 1 in about 4 days now I am in season 2 and yikes!!!I am lovin this shit- I am going to have to dial it back since I wont get the next season until mid-January but anyone who would like to share my enthusiasm please do.

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On 1/3/2022 at 2:44 PM, Maisiesmom said:

Now I have seen both seasons-so ready for the next!! This show turned out to be much better than I thought it would be- might have to binge when the new shows get closer.

It airs this Sunday (season 3) on EPIX (Which is Xfinity/comcast) at ... ??? 9pm EST/8pm CST << I think? I saw it advertised when I was doing a re-watch last week.

On 1/4/2022 at 1:59 PM, Maisiesmom said:

I loved that bunny! But I missed how he got the golden bow off his lap. It seemed he was pinned down by the weight or something. Did he shoot the wrong god?

That other old druid dude showed up (Quane -- he is played by the actor who played Walder Frey on Game of Thrones) - David Bradley)) he scolded Divis for fucking up and blew some sort of drug up his nose that sent Divis falling through time (it was dog moss/badger heart and powdered time) and Divis and the golden bow ended up in that dream place that Veran and the dead man were fighting with that special sword. Divis shot the golden arrow through the dead man's eye and made him -- well a dead man.

And then when Veran blew some sort of dust into the wind -- voila! - Divis and Veran were back to reality. And now Divis is known as -- Veran's arrow ---- (Quane called him the Guardian) 

  • Love 1

Watched a little last night to refresh my memory-am curious if they will use another Donovan song for the intro. When I watched the very first show my mind traveled back to when I was a very young teen. I babysat for some folks that were into Donovan and used to play his music all the time. When "Hurdy Gurdy Man" started to play I thought "holy shit I haven't heard that song in over 50 years!" (Yes, I am old) But that and The Season of the Witch really fit the show. Hurry up Sunday-I am ready!

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, Maisiesmom said:

Watched a little last night to refresh my memory-am curious if they will use another Donovan song for the intro. When I watched the very first show my mind traveled back to when I was a very young teen. I babysat for some folks that were into Donovan and used to play his music all the time. When "Hurdy Gurdy Man" started to play I thought "holy shit I haven't heard that song in over 50 years!" (Yes, I am old) But that and The Season of the Witch really fit the show. Hurry up Sunday-I am ready!

The music is one of the best aspects of this show! It's so groovy! like far out man! (Yes I am old too! I remember Hurdy Gurdy man!)

Ok wow! 

Aulus is really in the death cult now! He not only sacrificed his only son (child) he drank his blood and ate his flesh! Dude! He is dedicated. But he did make some funny/worried faces at his little wifey showing up. She is one piece of work! Like a hound dog she sniffs that shit out! haha! I actually laughed out loud when she was sniffing the bed sheets and crawling on the floor sniffing Aulus's crotch!  Good times.

Phelan/Rolf/Quant (haha! I agree! it's hilarious!) is totally tripping me out! He's like on acid dude. He can't see any of the herbs that Divis wanted him to pick but he has a whole philosophical discussion about gods with a caterpillar and then he's the one who finds Cait. And he's so chill -- just feeding his kid some dinner like la dee da nothing to see here!

Speaking of Cait! You go girl! She just stuck the shiv right in the Veran's neck! She is obviously going to become a force to be reckoned with.

Nice set up for the new season.

This show is a trip from the music to the cannibalisms. and the gods and the magic and all the stuff inbetween.

3 hours ago, rhygirl720 said:

If Cait kills the Veran doesn't she become the veran?

 Aulus oh my. Seems weak compared to his wife.


I know! I thought the looks Aulus was shooting toward his very intimidating wife were hilarious! He tries to come across as a hard badass but seeing him with ... Hemple? changed my perspective. He is in too deep to get out. Hell -- he killed his son for the cult she seems to be the head witch of.

I think one has to be chosen to be The Veran -- and then trained for years to deal with all those drugs he smokes on a daily basis. 

Cait is the Chosen One -- but chosen for some other prophecy -- like she will topple the gods of Rome  or chase the Romans back across the sea -- or whatever it says. ( I am thinking Christianity?<<because historically Christianity did kill all the gods of Rome. ;)


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I spit my food out when they showed Divis again - He was going to kill you right? 

Does anyone know the theme song? 

I really enjoy how the show is keeping up with all the absurdity - Phelan is less than thrilled of being renamed Quant, and Divis is not pleased about teaching him even less. Every scene with Divis is gold. Veran's Arrow. 

On 1/17/2022 at 2:10 PM, taanja said:

I think one has to be chosen to be The Veran -- and then trained for years to deal with all those drugs he smokes on a daily basis. 

Cait is the Chosen One -- but chosen for some other prophecy -- like she will topple the gods of Rome  or chase the Romans back across the sea -- or whatever it says. ( I am thinking Christianity?<<because historically Christianity did kill all the gods of Rome. ;)

iirc from last season, ancient druids or the last Veran came and chose the two new ones and took them away as kids. So I would assume they're chosen. Cait was seen by Aulus and Divis, and I think Divis knew Aulus was there, in the vision when they traveled through the underworld. She was standing next to the sigil of Rome on a pole or something like that. It was the druid underworld; I don't think it was a Christian prophecy, but the new religion could be the vehicle of it.

If the Veran was thinking the prophecy means that Cait leads the druids to beat the romans, that's not going to be it either. It looks like he might not be thinking anything at all anymore. I'm not sure he's really dead though. He wasn't when she ran from the room, but I think we all know how tv works. 

I'm still confused at the sacrifice. Last season I thought Aulus thought he was actually Lokka. Didn't he say something like "I am rising" or some such? Is he being possessed?

I did like Quant ruminating about the gods. That was a good monologue on religion and basically it is what you say it is. 

This show is bonkers enough then to have Sophie Okonedo roll on in as some character that literally ate your son. I mean. Looks like she's going to be gnawing at the scenery down to the bone. Is she supposed to be high? Everytime she talks Aulus is like 'oh no, now what?' Sophie sure knows what show she is on. We're not going for subtle ancient Briton politics. 

Not for anything though, Aulus is correct in the problem regarding the Druids. You think you can do better?

Last season was 'the season of the witch?!' All they did was smoke a lot! 


Edited by DoctorAtomic
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I spit my food out when they showed Divis again - He was going to kill you right? 

Does anyone know the theme song? 

I really enjoy how the show is keeping up with all the absurdity - Phelan is less than thrilled of being renamed Quant, and Divis is not pleased about teaching him even less. Every scene with Divis is gold. Veran's Arrow. 

iirc from last season, ancient druids or the last Veran came and chose the two new ones and took them away as kids. So I would assume they're chosen. Cait was seen by Aulus and Divis, and I think Divis knew Aulus was there, in the vision when they traveled through the underworld. She was standing next to the sigil of Rome on a pole or something like that. It was the druid underworld; I don't think it was a Christian prophecy, but the new religion could be the vehicle of it.

If the Veran was thinking the prophecy means that Cait leads the druids to beat the romans, that's not going to be it either. It looks like he might not be thinking anything at all anymore. I'm not sure he's really dead though. He wasn't when she ran from the room, but I think we all know how tv works. 

I'm still confused at the sacrifice. Last season I thought Aulus thought he was actually Lokka. Didn't he say something like "I am rising" or some such? Is he being possessed?

I did like Quant ruminating about the gods. That was a good monologue on religion and basically it is what you say it is. 

This show is bonkers enough then to have Sophie Okonedo roll on in as some character that literally ate your son. I mean. Looks like she's going to be gnawing at the scenery down to the bone. Is she supposed to be high? Everytime she talks Aulus is like 'oh no, now what?' Sophie sure knows what show she is on. We're not going for subtle ancient Briton politics. 

Not for anything though, Aulus is correct in the problem regarding the Druids. You think you can do better?

Last season was 'the season of the witch?!' All they did was smoke a lot! 


Oh? So you don't think The Veran is dead? I just assumed since Cait slit his throat -- it looked vicious -- but with this show? Who Knows???

^^That actress made an impression!  The looks Aulus was giving her were just too funny! Oh no! What now indeed!

I'm saying simply from someone who watches tv that when Cait left the tent, the Veran was gurgling in his own blood. No way am I believing he's dead unless we see him burning on a funeral pyre, and even then. They'll probably just make him unable to speak anymore, and somehow Divis is the only person who can understand him, and he'll complain about it all the time. 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Does anyone know the theme song? 

Children of the Revolution

Well that was wild and did not disappoint.  Aulus is truly damned. 

Phelan/Quant (or is it Kwunt?) made me laugh.  "Not now, Daddy's getting runes carved onto his forehead" + his disbelief at this Druid name, lol.

I thought last season that someone could challenge to be Veran; wasn't there a ceremony where the current Veran was challenged and won (by cheating); cutting off the other guy's head?  Either way, Cait seems to OVER all of this shit.

Hemple is a very interesting addition.  I did feel badly for the guy that Amena blackmailed and who is now dinner.  Yikes.

Still loving everything Divis.  "Do the Veran's will, Veran's arrow".  hee.

  • Love 1

I came into late so will re-watch tomorrow. I guess the Veran isn't dead (yet) and Divis continues to crack me up. The old queen really worked some magic on that grubby inbred family and now runs into Cait. Hmmm. The General was making me laugh trying to lay down some rules with his scary wife who really doesn't care-she wants the girl. Will post again after the re-watch. 

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Took me a while to get here.

That was a trip = as usual! I loved when Aulus wakes up - puking and hung over as shit (are they all just drinking or are there drugs involved -- cuz everyone seems awfully wasted!) anyway - he points to all the craziness all around - 'that" and "that and then points to the eaten body Vitus and goes .. Oh! and that! Haha! Good beginning!

I want all the girls to join together and WIN! Queen Antidia and Amena and Cait and even that witchy poo Willa - To defeat Rome! (but historically that doesn't happen)

So The Veran is alive! Ha ha! and swimming in that pool of iniquity. Ugh! it looked nasty. (I felt sorry for the actor having to lay in that!) Phelan/Rolf/Quant is cracking me up and Divis too. Those two together are comedy gold.

I go into this show completely unspoiled so every ep is a pleasant though super crazy surprise! I mean -- it GOES there! 


Edited by taanja

So glad I did a re-watch-totally missed the post-cannibalistic orgy wake-up. They were all shagged out and hung over LOL! It seems the Veran might make it even though he was bleeding through his sutures. That Blaine guy is creepy but kind of hot-loved his comment to the Queen about her bum-"yummy bum" we know what he wants to do to her bum LOL! Glad Cait got some new shoes-she was pretty funny how she played that guy with the chicken. I wonder what it was Lucius (sp?) wanted to give her that was important. She bugged out of there in a hurry, that's for sure. Liked the Steve Winwood song too-haven't heard that one in a while. Now Cait has met up with the old queen Antedia oh boy what will they do?  We know the old gal is capable of damn near anything-she cremated those people in their hovel-(not that they didn't deserve it tee hee) and she's got it in for the General. Bummed the episode was only 45 min.-it just flew by.  Can't wait until next week! Did anyone catch the commercial for their new show "FROM"? Looks like maybe vampires or a cult? I'll check it out when it comes on. Might be fun.

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If last season was the Season of the Witch, and we had Veran v Veran; then I'm hoping the Children of the Revolution is going to be BAMF!Cait. Who hypnotized a guy to kiss a chicken. 

I do hate it when I wake up and a raven attacks me in my bedroom though. So annoying. 

I thought the old queen was killed after she was captured last season? I don't remember what actually happened. I also don't remember when Cait got runes on her face. Did Divis do that? 

And we all knew the Veran wasn't dead. I like how Qwan was like, 'whelp, I guess let's not bother with the prophecies anymore.' 

And I don't think anyone here thought 'moon flowers' were going to make weasel stew taste like swan. I'm surprised she spared the younger one. 

I guess since since Sophie O has the coveted 'and' position in the credits she's going to gnaw the scenery to shreds. I mean, you have to make a rule about not eating people without permission.

I forgot Lucius allegedly killed Jesus.

On 1/17/2022 at 2:10 PM, taanja said:

I am thinking Christianity?<<because historically Christianity did kill all the gods of Rome.

It can't be no accident that Cait had the vision of the flaming spear prior to meeting him. 

I don't feel that bad for Aulus, but to be fair, it's been less than 2 years. It's not like he can just go stomping around to find Cait whenever. None of the Romans had any idea all the factions and politics going on. It's fairly impressive he's been able to keep them divided and weakened.   

2 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

I wonder what it was Lucius (sp?) wanted to give her that was important.

I'm guessing it's the spear. I don't know if Aulus told him who Cait was when he saw her in the underworld vision. 



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I think the old queen spared the younger one because he was nice to her-giving her water and taking her out of the well. Yes! No eating people without my permission LOL! If it was the spear that killed Christ that would be a powerful weapon! Never thought of that-too bad she didn't take it. This show continues to amaze and delight me. So glad I found it.

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I'm just surprised she had that much mercy in her. 

The show kind of hedged because the guy from the middle east that was a convert to christianity brought Lucius the spear, and I don't think they showed that in the previews. That's the only thing he would have to give. And if the druids are going on about the dead gods and no more prophecy, it would seem that the new religion would be why. 

1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I'm just surprised she had that much mercy in her. 

The show kind of hedged because the guy from the middle east that was a convert to christianity brought Lucius the spear, and I don't think they showed that in the previews. That's the only thing he would have to give. And if the druids are going on about the dead gods and no more prophecy, it would seem that the new religion would be why. 

No. Lucius brought the spear with him. He hid it under a rock on the beach where the Romans landed.  Josephus (the name of the dude who came searching) sort of reminded him that he is a part of the story. That the fact that he -- Lucius -- was the one who put the spear into Jesus's side made him very important to the whole story.

After Lucius accidentally killed Josephus (he knock him over and dude fell and cracked his head open) we see Lucius go to the beach and dig under a rock and pull out the spear.

Next time we see the spear -- Lucius is in the forest making a long handle for it. (out a a sapling tree trunk) and Vitus comes along and mentions that the spear looks very old. That's the scene where instead of Vitus taking Lucius prisoner for desertion -- he lets him go.

On 1/26/2022 at 11:18 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

Well, I knew he had it on him. It has to be the only thing he'd want to give to Cait. I can't figure if he knows she's the 'girl' everyone is looking for. 

He talked to Cait's dad and he told Lucius the story of Cait being the "chosen one" and driving the Romans back into the sea. He seemed to know who she was. 

18 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I did like how Lucius said back then they were 'all messiahs popping up all over the place.' Very Life of Brian. 

If he thinks Cait is going to convert, he's going to be waiting awhile. 

Life of Brian! (My family sets up 2 nativity sets at Christmas -- the "big fancy one" that has baby Jesus and the smaller poorer one "down the road" that has baby Brian!) < Seriously

Divis also seems to think that Cait won't abandon the Druids -- but she seems pretty pissed at them right now! 

Someone above asked where/when Cait got the runes tattooed on her forehead -- that was way back in season one. She was kidnapped (I think by Hella?) and brought to Veran who carved them into her forehead and then left her in the middle of the stone circle.  Divis came and got her. That's when he initially started to train her.

So Antedia is going go up against Aulus—here’s hoping she and Cait are about to team up. I usually like David Morrissey, but Aulus is so horrible I’m #TeamAntedia. Seriously, he let his wife kill his son so they could eat him?! And this was part of their wedding?

The “morning” music (that sounded like it belonged in a nursery scene with a sweet little baby waking up) was absolutely hilarious in the morning-after-orgy scene!

I hope that was a dummy in the water (or whatever that liquid was supposed to be) rather than the actor playing the Veran.

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Well! The Queen is hardcore isn't she? Downright ruthless in her revenge quest. And she has Cait to help her pull off these scams. Cait has learned a lot from the old lady. And what about the Veran? They buried him but is he really dead? He was in the Underworld with the General but at the end he's knocking to get let out of his tomb?? Hoo boy-this show is pretty twisted LOL!

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

Well! The Queen is hardcore isn't she? Downright ruthless in her revenge quest. And she has Cait to help her pull off these scams. Cait has learned a lot from the old lady. And what about the Veran? They buried him but is he really dead? He was in the Underworld with the General but at the end he's knocking to get let out of his tomb?? Hoo boy-this show is pretty twisted LOL!

Right! Knock! knock! knock! hello? I'm not dead! Don't bury me yet! haha ! 

So yeah The Veran was in that death vision with Aulus and they both saw Lucius hand the spear to Cait and then - whoa! Trippiness ensues!

The Veran looked enlightened when he saw the floating lights but Aulus looked pissed! Lucius now has a bullseye right on his back. Auluis is going to hunt him down!

I enjoyed the Cait and Antedia show. The queen is out for vengeance! Haha! and I loved Cait praying to the star -- all is good all is right I think I found someone I can trust ... and then BOOM! Crazy Lady drives the burning turnip truck right into the party! haha! 

Edited by taanja

Cait and Antedia are a big grifters now. Great song when they were hustling the oil lamp guy.

I can't say I was a fan of Antedia in the first season. She was kind of arrogant and thought she knew it all. Yes, she was betrayed by Aulus, but she's more mad that he beat her to it, and she's really made about her son dying.

I had no doubt the Veran wasn't going to be dead. Frustrated Divis is always funny, but I can appreciate his concern. 

Why can't people just look in the lake or river to see what runes are written on their face anyway? 

I'm guessing the giant fire cross Underwold!Cait is supposed to be the new religion. I'm just not seeing her as a convert. I suppose if it's a means to an end, but christianity never made it all the way to Britain in the 40 AD. They haven't even written the bible yet. It's interesting that the Veran saw it too because I do think this is spelling the end of the druids. 

All the music was great.


  • Love 1
14 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Cait and Antedia are a big grifters now. Great song when they were hustling the oil lamp guy.

I can't say I was a fan of Antedia in the first season. She was kind of arrogant and thought she knew it all. Yes, she was betrayed by Aulus, but she's more mad that he beat her to it, and she's really made about her son dying.

I had no doubt the Veran wasn't going to be dead. Frustrated Divis is always funny, but I can appreciate his concern. 

Why can't people just look in the lake or river to see what runes are written on their face anyway? 

I'm guessing the giant fire cross Underwold!Cait is supposed to be the new religion. I'm just not seeing her as a convert. I suppose if it's a means to an end, but christianity never made it all the way to Britain in the 40 AD. They haven't even written the bible yet. It's interesting that the Veran saw it too because I do think this is spelling the end of the druids. 

All the music was great.


The music is always awesome.

The spear that killed Jesus and the blazing cross-like shining light seems Christian to me. Or the beginnings of anyway. The bible doesn't get written (or put together anyway) until like 400 years after the crucifixion) -- but word of the new religion began to spread immediately.

Yeah I don't see Cait being a believer but I do see her embracing being "the chosen one" whatever that means -- like becoming a warrior.

Does anyone think Willa (the witch working for Aulus) is playing the long game? Like she is just biding her time until the opportunity to kill Aulus and his wife? or is she truly enthralled with "the high priestess" ?


No, I think she's enthralled. Cannibal!Sophie is quite the larger than life figure, and she's a lot sexier than Aulus. 

I meant what we know as the New Testament wasn't written until about 70; letters of Paul, Mark, etc. Yes, this new religion was spreading word of mouth, and there were various sects writing about the life of Jesus, but spreading this far to Britain this fast (it's not even a decade since the crucifixion) is really, really fast. 

Of course, Lucius being the stand-in for 'Longinus' sort of provides a short cut. I just wouldn't buy Cait all of a sudden preaching peace and Jesus. I suppose it's possible she gets to that point, but it would take a miracle. Which isn't outside of possibility for the show. The Veran, I could believe would adopt a new religion if it kept the druid way of life alive and forced out the Romans. Technically, that's what the missionaries did in the first place. 

  • Love 1

That was a great opening with the music kicking in as Cait runs into her dad. 

You all knew the Veran wasn't dead. Too easy. 

It looks like this Spear of the Silver Dawn and Lucius' spear are the same thing? We've collectively been saying christianity probably is key to booting out the Romans. I still can't see how they're actually going to just up and leave. It's the peak of the Empire. 

Maybe Cait will go BAMF and demolish the Romans, and whomever remains will be absorbed as some pagan-christian Britons. The Veran said the old gods were fading, and they were talking about old gods being replaced before. Looks like from her outfit she's BAMF-in-waiting. No one puts on eye makeup like that unless they're bringing it.  

I was simultaneously revolted and laughing at the playful banter about eating people.  

I thought the dirty witch girl was setting up Amena with the poison (that it wasn't poison); not the other way around. She's way scrawny to eat! How is Aulus going to get into the underworld if they carve her totally up?  

What are they going to do? Just saunter around and look for the spear? Antedia said Lucius knows where it is. Go spring him. Unless this hunt for the spear is the progenitor for the holy grail. Oh - Cait's gathering her chosen knights; it's a pre-myth King Arthur. She unites the tribes and levels the Romans. Arthur united the kingdoms and leveled the Saxons.

On 2/7/2022 at 6:09 AM, Maisiesmom said:

Cait finds her sister!

No, that's a plot from the Aulus side of things. She's still dead That's part of the plan to go to the underworld was to release the sister to get Cait back to the Druids, and then Hemple planted the tracker-black-butterfly on the lady druid, so now they can pick up their trail. 


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Wow-even if Cait finding her sister was something the General cooked up at least it brought Cait some peace about losing her dad. And telling her the Veran wasn't in the Underworld also spurred her on to go see him again, I think. She's surely going to be a bad-ass now! She's got to find that spear and Lucius is the only one who knows where it is. She's got to find him first-before he gets eaten LOL! Speaking of eating, do these followers of the Priestess ever eat like, cow or pig? Is it exclusivley human flesh? Poor witchie. And were the 2 prisoners in the Roman wagon the same 2 guys that gave the soldiers the magic mushrooms? I couldn't tell because their faces looked different. Glad the Queen came along for the ride-she really brings the snark. And why did the General see his son at the end? The plot thickens!

48 minutes ago, Maisiesmom said:

She's got to find him first-before he gets eaten LOL!

Oh, no; I forgot that would be a possible outcome. It sounded like Cait and the Round Table were just going to randomly go around looking for the spear, but it makes more sense if they're going to try to head off the company that's bringing back Lucius to Aulus. It's not like Lucius doesn't want to give her the spear from before so he could just tell them even if they can't spring him. I don't think he's going to die on the grill any time soon though; the actor is a heavy hitter and he's the only link to christianity. If, I assume, he's preaching the 'new god' to the druids and the Britons to unite them under Cait. I would assume he'd be Galahad then. 

The vision of the son at the end might have been Lokka taunting Aulus. The general hasn't been the most devout follower on his British adventure. He's probably too valuable to be replaced but doesn't meant he can't be trolled. 



God! I love this show!!!!!

Ok so the prophecy says that "The Chosen One" -- aka Cait -- will get the silver spear and drive the demon from the land (<paraphrasing) the demon being Lokka. and isn't Lokka inside Aulus? Since Aulus is both seeing and speaking to the child he murdered and freaking ATE! maybe that all ties together with the spear of Jesus and forgiveness of sins - in other words - I feel like christian lore is going to play a part in all this.

Loved Cait's new outfit and makeup! Girlfriend is looking the part! Also Queen Andidia! Ha! I am loving her more and more! Also Phalen. He is becoming so Zen dude! Oh how the wheel turns.

Yes -- those two guys in the cart that recognized Lucius were the dude's that were doing the mushrooms. (Remember one of them was the guy that went all hara kiri and murdered his regiment and the other ran away and beat himself up to look like he had fought.) but he actually deserted.

Oh and I almost forgot about poor witchie-poo - Willa -- I mean she doesn't have much fat on those bones--she ain't gonna last long! and what power does Aulus have over her that she can't leave? Why didn't she just slice his throat when he was in the underworld?

Edited by taanja

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