Gramto6 February 7 Share February 7 4,609 steps yesterday. Took it really easy as weather forecast yesterday said more snow overnight and today. And it was right! Only about 1" new snow now, but 2-4" more expected during the day today. This shoveling is taking a toll, my knee is still buckling, (but not as much from the rest), my left shoulder is really sore and my hands just don't like it at all. Besides the shoveling, I am going to take it really easy the rest of the day today. Steps will just be what they are... 2 3 Link to comment
ginger90 February 7 Share February 7 We had a snow, sleet and ice storm the other day. An appointment one my daughters had made quite a while ago ended up being canceled. It was at 8am on Thursday, and rescheduled for noon, but that was then canceled. The next available is August! Another snow and ice storm is supposed to start tomorrow afternoon. Ugh. 1 Link to comment
Absolom February 7 Share February 7 22 minutes ago, Gramto6 said: Took it really easy as weather forecast yesterday said more snow overnight and today. And it was right! Only about 1" new snow now, but 2-4" more expected during the day today. When does the snow usually stop in the spring? 2 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 8 Share February 8 6 hours ago, Absolom said: When does the snow usually stop in the spring? Hard question to answer because it can vary so much! Typically snow season lasts from November to March with the heaviest snow in January and February. However, snow can fall as early as October and as late as April. One year, since I moved here in 2004, it snowed in June! This year January was really unusual with hardly any snow, but February is coming in strong!! 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 8 Share February 8 5,487 steps yesterday. Only about 2-3" new snow and I only did a little shoveling yesterday. My rt knee was pretty sore during the day but I could walk fairly well. In the evening it got so bad I could hardly stand on it and needed to use my walker for a bit, then I could get by with the cane after sitting a while. Then by bedtime I could walk very gingerly without aid. This morning it is stiff, but for now getting by w/out aid. But I haven't been out to feed the cats yet. The ice is what worries me a bit. But I will be very careful. At least no new snow overnight and just a few flurries for the morning... 2 3 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 9 Share February 9 Well, a rousing 3,303 steps yesterday. The bare minimum of walking just to get the cats and myself fed basically. Still used the cane a lot durning the day, but today I'm getting around a bit better w/out it. Can't use it outside as too slippery, but going very slowly out. there gets me around OK. Today's forecast is 28°F/5°F and cloudy with maybe a few slight flurries of snow. Then the next three days a cold front is moving in with highs only in the teens and overnights ranging from -5°F to -16°F!! At least not much snow with it, just possible flurries on Monday, so no shoveling. I have a dentist appt up in town Tues. that I am going to cancel. Bad/icy roads and a sore knee on driving leg are not a mix I want to try! 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 10 Share February 10 3,989 steps yesterday. The resting has definitely paid off, knee is much better today. Unfortunately I have errands to run today. I need to take the garbage up to the road, go to the Country Store and get a new heated outside water bowl for the cats (especially with the minus overnights coming), then go to PO and grocery store. My driveway looks like I can get out, so better go now while I can. After I run my errands will tell the tale how my knee is feeling. I cancelled dentist and will call to get new appt later. The plan is to stay on rest schedule after errand run today and see how the knee recovers. I am so not going to push it in any way, especially this time of year when the weather can be a huge obstacle to "resting"! 2 2 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 11 Share February 11 (edited) 5,231 steps yesterday. As I expected the errands added steps, but also didn't help my knee. For a while before I went out to do my errands my knee felt pretty good and I was thinking it was finally healing. But not there yet, so will take it easy again today. As I feared, the errand run did make my knee sorer by the time all was done. I did find a great new pair of boots, DryShod, waterproof insulated and yet breathable. They are high calf but the upper part of the boot can be rolled down as needed. Pricey but a really good boot with a great sole that really grips the ground, much needed! Really lessens my fear of slipping and falling outside. -7°F when I went out to feed and water the cats, by the time I got in, it was -10°F. Today's forecast is 14°F/-5°F. This arctic front will be in place the next few days so my plan is to stay put here in the house and only go out as cats need attention. Edited February 11 by Gramto6 typo 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 12 Share February 12 4,520 steps yesterday. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day, just too cold!! Did some tiding in the kitty house and refreshed one of the box shelters they sit on in front of the garage when it is sunny. And they were there yesterday. Not much walking around as knee is not 100% yet, but is improving. -19°F when I went out to feed the cats at 7:30AM today!! I was late, and only 5 were in their house waiting. As I finished the feeding, and moved to the front porch water bowls, more started coming out of where they were hiding to go eat. Today is the last of the dry/sunny days. Looks like snow, rain/snow mix and cloudy days for the next 7 days, the up side is the temps will go up into the 30's for daytime and teens and 20's for overnights. But it sounds like it will be wet snow this time around, which is hard shoveling! Today I will definitely be taking it easy! 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 13 Share February 13 (edited) 5,353 steps yesterday Knee is getting better, as long as I don't do too much. Yesterday I did laundry so that added extra steps. And I did some culling through clothes to donate. I probably walked more than I should have because today my knee is definitely aching more than yesterday. So back to purposely taking it easy again. This morning I took this picture of the moonset/sunrise when I was feeding the cats, it isn't very clear, guess the camera didn't like the -20° temp much. But I wanted to capture it! Edited February 13 by Gramto6 added on to post 6 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 14 Share February 14 4,774 steps yesterday. Taking it easy on the walking has helped my knee feel much better. A little over 2" new snow overnight, looking out at it, it looks like light snow. I got up early today (just before 6AM) outside temp then was 10°. 30 degrees warmer than yesterday, yet still cold! Today will be a challenge with the new snow, but I'm going to do it in short bursts rather than one big job to get it done so that should help. I get antsy to do more walking but I know right away when I try to do too much as the knee starts to hurt and buckle again. So slow and easy is still the plan... 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 15 Share February 15 6,049 steps yesterday. Force of habit, pacing when talking on phone. Had 2 very long phone calls where I paced and one in the evening which I had the good sense to sit while I talked! The shoveling and pacing added a lot of steps, but it also set back my knee. It is pretty sore today and I'm beginning to think it isn't going to get truly better until the snow stops and I don't have that stressor. Several days now in forecast with various amounts of snow, then a few clear ones. So more shoveling/clearing in near future. At least it should be clear for my podiatrist appt next Fri. 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 16 Share February 16 4,231 steps yesterday. Yesterday I did do some clearing away ice from the front deck and path clearing but mostly rested. Good thing, as today looks like it will be lightly snowing all day. So I will be clearing several times today so the snow doesn't get ahead of me. The rest of the day will be taking it easy as much as possible. 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 17 Share February 17 5,193 steps yesterday. Cleared paths a couple times as the snow kept falling throughout the day yesterday. It was light, but so much easier to deal with if cleared soon after falling. Tried to walk as little as possible inside as knee was hurting more yesterday than it had been. Looks like today will be about the same weather-wise so another day of clear/rest ahead. The only thing I need to do today is take the garbage up to the road. 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 18 Share February 18 (edited) Late to post... 4,759 steps yesterday. Practically the same day as the day before yesterday, except for the drive up the road to put the garbage in the can. Even though the shoveling is lighter, my knee and now shoulders are really feeling it. Resting today as much as possible while still staying ahead of any big accumulations of snow is all I plan for today, except maybe a load of laundry. Edited February 18 by Gramto6 3 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 19 Share February 19 4,206 steps yesterday. I can't do much more than that at this point. I tried a few times over the past couple of days, but my knee hurt more for it so I am just going to listen to it. I'll stick with doing what I can and resting it as much as possible. 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 20 Share February 20 5,013 steps yesterday. Took it easy yesterday. I did a load of laundry which always seems to add steps, then I got started clearing out a cabinet in my office which again added steps, but no "just for walking" steps again. I am going to see if i can get in to see my pcp today to get a shot in my knee. She did one once a year or so ago that really helped so maybe one now will too. I'm hoping I can get in, it will make the drive to dr easier tomorrow. It is a 70mi round trip so a lot more driving than I have been doing lately. 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 21 Share February 21 4,372 steps yesterday. Quiet day yesterday and my knee feels pretty good this morning for it. I decided to see if total rest for a day would help, then do the drive to dr today and see how that goes. If I need to after that, I'll call my pcp about a shot. Will see if that was a good idea tonight! 😸 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 22 Share February 22 6,130 steps yesterday. The grocery shopping and browsing in the local department store before and after dr appt yesterday added a lot of steps. The drive was OK and actually today my knee feels the best it has in days. I wonder if the milder weather has anything to do with it feeling better? I'll still baby it some, but hopefully it is finally really on the mend. With the sudden warming and rain that is coming, the snow will be melting quicker than it normally would. Now we are under a Flood Watch. I think Spring may be making an early appearance. The little birds that nest in the bird house under the eaves at the peak of the garage roof are already back, plus yesterday and the day before several flocks of snow geese flew overhead. They must know something! Can't say that would make me sad!! 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 23 Share February 23 4,520 steps yesterday. I was exhausted all day yesterday, and dozed off in recliner several times. Probably good I got that rest given what is ahead of me today! Already have spent almost 2 hours shoveling the top 3" layer of snow off the 2" of ice on the garage pad. The melt water is already seeping into the car side of the garage so after the snow, I have to now go back out, and chip the ice away. I have things stored in that side that shouldn't get wet. I'm already aching from the snow, so I guess the ice is going to be worse! The warm up came just too soon!! 1 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 24 Share February 24 5,888 steps yesterday. Plus my five or so hours shoveling snow and clearing ice. I think I got my quota for the day! Surprisingly, I don't feel too bad for it. My back, shoulders, and arms do remind me to not do much more, but knees both held up pretty well. With that in mind, all I plan for today is garbage to the road, grocery store/PO/pharmacy and maybe a couple times of sweeping water away. Otherwise rest, rest and rest!! Going out as early as possible as the road is still semi frozen. The later in the day it gets, the muddier it is going to be. Will do all my. errands now and then I won't have to go out again for at least a week. I hope. The little birds are chirping outside this morning, a sweet sound of maybe an early Spring... 🤞 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 25 Share February 25 5,570 steps yesterday. My errands added steps which always helps! Made an appointment with an attorney to get a Power of Attorney for my son so he can handle my side of house sale in inheritance proceedings, and start my own estate planning. So that entailed me gathering all sorts documents just in case I needed them, thus more extra steps. Today's appt is all I have, an unplanned trip out. The rest of the day will be quiet time resting my body from all the snow/ice work from the other day. Fortunately the 10 day forecast has all sunny with some cloudy days, in the 40's and 50's, I'll take that happily! 4 Link to comment
ginger90 February 26 Share February 26 8 hours ago, Gramto6 said: Made an appointment with an attorney to get a Power of Attorney for my son so he can handle my side of house sale in inheritance proceeding Great choice. 1 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 27 Share February 27 Forgot to post yesterday. 5,062 steps Tuesday. Feeling better for not having snow to shovel every day. Yesterday was driving and a lot of sitting at lawyer's office. Nothing really planned for today so will try to get a little more walking in. A load of laundry will add some steps, it always seems to. Will just see what I can do at this point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4,540 steps Wednesday. Frustrating after how well I was doing recently. Hopefully ,I can gradually as my body allows, start walking more. One day at a time.... 2 Link to comment
Gramto6 February 28 Share February 28 3,834 steps yesterday. Well, that was a day of rest! I kept dozing off in the recliner every time I'd sit down for a while. I did manage to get started doing my taxes but that was sitting too. I'm hoping now the good weather will get me moving outside more. I'm still nursing an aching back and knee from all the previous snow shoveling so I guess the resting is still needed, so I won't push. The mind is ready, the body, not so much for now. 2 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 1 Share March 1 4,906 steps yesterday. All I did yesterday was light chores in the house. It was the first day in almost a week that I didn't keep falling asleep in the recliner. I guess that is a good sign that I am healing more and getting back to more of a normal day. Hopefully today will follow suit. 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 2 Share March 2 4,450 steps yesterday. I really though I did more...oh well. I obviously did all I could! Did spend a lot of time sitting and sorting out all the inheritance documents, Mom's and bother's so I could keep track of each step in this process. Today's project is putting together some flats of crystals for crystal lady's Monday meeting. Also need to drag old cardboard boxes off front deck in prep for breaking them down for garbage day. Then setting up a couple new ones. That may be premature as I know we'll have more snow/rain, but II have lots of boxes so no loss.... 2 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 3 Share March 3 6,276 steps yesterday. Actually felt pretty good, will see how today goes... Yesterday was lots of reorganizing in office and pulling things for the crystal lady's visit today. Then that got me going through things in kitchen and a closet, ending up with another box for Goodwill. I like the feeling of finally getting rid of things I haven't touched in years. Can't wait until the weather is better and I can get into the car side of the garage! Today, I have to take the garbage to the road, go out and deposit any check from the crystal lady. Then I have some cleaning chores I need to do in the house, but it depends on how long crystal lady stays and how my knee and back feel by the time I'd get to them, whether they happen or not. 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 4 Share March 4 6,833 steps yesterday. Gradually getting more steps in with no new pain next day. Yesterday's plan went out the window when crystal lady didn't show up. Then later in day my friend dropped by and we visited an hour or so. I either have to drive down to town south of me today or just to my PO to mail jury duty papers, beyond that I'm not going to "plan" on anything as lately things just are coming up unexpectedly, so I'm just going with the flow for today. 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 5 Share March 5 (edited) 6,279 steps yesterday. So far I a not having any adverse reaction from slowly increasing my walking. I'm not going to push for any number but will try to get a few more steps in each day. I didn't have to drive to the Court House yesterday, thank goodness, so just a trip to PO. I do have to spend a fair amount of time today going through paperwork in prep for lawyer appointment so that will be a lot of sitting. But I also have some clean up of old shelter boxes on the front deck and sweep up all the stray straw that is inside them. Some Spring tiding up. My lawn is covered with downed leaves that have been under the snow. Raking them up will be another Spring chore I'll tackle in a bit after they have a chance to dry up a bit. Edited March 5 by Gramto6 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 7 Share March 7 5,689 steps yesterday. Still feeling OK with the steps. The chores I am working on right now are not involving a lot of steps though. Lots of lifting and moving though, so still good exercise. It is also a good distraction from all the stress around the inheritance issues. 2 1 Link to comment
Absolom March 7 Share March 7 Do you have an idea of how long it will take to resolve the house issue? 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 8 Share March 8 (edited) On 3/7/2025 at 10:26 AM, Absolom said: Do you have an idea of how long it will take to resolve the house issue? Several things still have to happen, first my Mother's Trust has to be ended by the new Trustee (son has applied for that position), which divides the ownership of the house to 25% me and 75% to the inheritance of my brother, then an Executor has to be assigned for the will of my brother. Then his estate (which does not include me) goes to probate. The probate hearing is scheduled for Mar 21. Then whatever happens there...I guess looking at assets to be divided. I am not clear on the timing as my 25% is not going to probate as it already has with my mom's will, so my name just goes on the deed as 25% owner of the home. I guess the house will go on the market at that point (as soon as it's presentable). When sold, the 75% is added to brother's assets (and that goes through probate), I am cut a check for my 25%. So it seems to me, it is going to be a while, probably a long while, before I actually see my inheritance. ( I may have some of these steps out of sequence but they are the basics as I understand them.) At least at this point I have done all the legal paperwork I need to do, signed everything and given my son & daughter Power of Attorney to handle any issues with the trust for me. The PoA makes it easier for things to be done quickly. Sorry if this is too much information..... but it did sort of help me put it all together in my head which has been just spinning with "information" lately!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Posts got combined 6,706 steps yesterday. I did a lot more work out side than I originally planned. Again not a lot of steps but lots of lifting, carrying and sweeping/raking. I also cleaned out the kitty house and the litter boxes inside it. I think I pushed the envelope a bit too much as I do feel it today in my knee. So I am going to back off a bit today. I do want to finish the front deck. But that will be it for outside work today. Edited March 8 by Gramto6 6 Link to comment
Absolom March 8 Share March 8 Thank you for replying. It does sound like what I'd expect of the process and great for you letting your kids handle it since they're closer and they should help you out when they can anyway. I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible and that you get your 25% without a lot of fuss. I'm so happy for you that it's turning out to be easier than it might have been. I track my steps, too, as you know although I rarely post them. I was rechecking for articles on how many steps a day would yield the biggest benefit and found a chart showing the heart benefit results and now instead of a set number, they were recommending in the 6000 to 8000 range per day average for our age group. The benefits are mostly gained by getting to 4000 steps a day and there isn't that much of a difference going from 6000 to 8000. I've found increased pain in my knees, hips, and feet if I average 7000 and above so for a few weeks at least I'm going to try to stay around 6200 for a week long average and see how that feels. 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 8 Share March 8 1 hour ago, Absolom said: I track my steps, too, as you know although I rarely post them. I was rechecking for articles on how many steps a day would yield the biggest benefit and found a chart showing the heart benefit results and now instead of a set number, they were recommending in the 6000 to 8000 range per day average for our age group. The benefits are mostly gained by getting to 4000 steps a day and there isn't that much of a difference going from 6000 to 8000. I've found increased pain in my knees, hips, and feet if I average 7000 and above so for a few weeks at least I'm going to try to stay around 6200 for a week long average and see how that feels. Yeah, I think I read somewhere way back when step counting first got really popular, that the 10,000 step/day number was just made up. Not based on any actual studies or anything ... it was just a number. I do agree with what you have read and I stuck around 7-8,000 for a long time until that unexpected spurt hit me a while back and I was doing around 10-12,000 steps. It lasted a while, but the body rebelled and I had to cut way back, just now starting to get back in the 6,000-7,000 step range. That is where I feel best and don't have sore knees/back/hips the next day. And I think that is a pretty good goal for someone who is long past being a spring chicken!! 😸 4 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 9 Share March 9 6,178 steps yesterday. I got most of my exercise yesterday moving things around in the car/storage side of the garage to get a cat out of there. It may not have added a lot of steps but it sure got to my back and knees, from the bending and lifting. Which is good exercise too, I suppose. I do feel it more today, so am not going to do much heavy lifting today and just take it a little easy. I'm happy in the 6,000 step range for now. Added benefit was I got some unplanned organizing done in the garage! 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 10 Share March 10 Late to post. The "crystal lady" showed up unexpectedly this morning and wanted to see more crystals. Then I took off to run my errands. 6,659 steps yesterday. Took it easier on the heavy lifting, stuck to just lighter chores inside and this morning I don't have as many aches, so taking it easier helped. Garbage up the road and a couple of errands were all that was on the schedule activity-wise. I had a bunch of phone calls to make and paperwork to sort, but that part got interrupted by my visitor. The wind was blowing at 7:40AM and it continued most of the day, with some rain showers thrown in. I hate the wind! 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 11 Share March 11 6,260 steps yesterday. Yesterday didn't go as planned, but I managed to take care of everything I needed to. Just not in the order and times I had originally planned. It is drizzly this morning and day will be cloudy and gloomy. I think I am going to just take it easy and watch the video DD sent me of her daughter's performance in Mary Poppins the school put on. Granddaughter sings the part of the Busker and from the practice clips I've seen she has quite the voice (didn't inherit that from me!). From what I've seen of the practices, it looks like a very professional performance for a Jr High School. I'm sure plenty of other things are going to come up in the day to keep me busy! 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 12 Share March 12 6,697 steps yesterday. Still not feeling any bad reactions the next day to each day's steps so I'll keep this pace and be happy with it!! Saw the first robin this morning. Spring is here, in spurts anyway ,for us here in MT. But at least there are quite a few really nice days among the not so nice ones now! 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 13 Share March 13 6,679 steps yesterday. Ran my errands yesterday and when I picked up my mail I found more of the new category of junk mail I have been entered in due to the inheritance. "We can get you your money faster! Don't wait months or years for your inheritance! We can get it for you NOW!!" or "We see you have an inherited property at XXXX XXXX Ave, we can help you liquidate it fast and get your money right away!" Sheesh, I have gotten at least 5 of each type in the past few weeks. These leeches go through public records/filings and pick their suckers! Pretty easy to see through them and basically just annoying trash. But my son says my niece has had some of the "Realtors?" actually come out to give her quotes. Whoaaa way out of line! All I have on my agenda today is laundry and go through some paperwork and make copies for my kids. Looks to be a good day to stay inside. 4 1 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 14 Share March 14 6,264 steps yesterday. Still doing OK with no bad aches from the steps. Each morning as I get up I wonder if I'm going to find some new aches from the previous day's activities and so far so good! Doing laundry helped yesterday's steps, not much on agenda for today to add too many so I'll just see what the day brings. 6 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 15 Share March 15 6,750 steps yesterday. Most of the day was spent on small chores inside and outside. Lately I've been on a clean it/clear it out binge. It seems everywhere I look, I see something to go through and let go of. At least it keeps me busy... 6 Link to comment
precious pupp March 15 Share March 15 5 minutes ago, Gramto6 said: 6,750 steps yesterday. Most of the day was spent on small chores inside and outside. Lately I've been on a clean it/clear it out binge. It seems everywhere I look, I see something to go through and let go of. At least it keeps me busy... Send some of that cleaning/clearing out energy my way! I blame my inertia on the time change! 😀 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 16 Share March 16 (edited) 6,422 steps yesterday. Still in comfortable range. I haven't changed goal in my step counter, maybe I'll get back to the 7,000 range eventually. But for now the steps are what they are! 22 hours ago, precious pupp said: Send some of that cleaning/clearing out energy my way! I blame my inertia on the time change! 😀 I would if I could.....but you might not want it! I think some of my drive comes from the stresses related to my brother's death and the inheritance/Trustee issues related to it. It is a big mess! That got me thinking, I want things as neat and clean and simple for my kids when my time comes. So I've been to a lawyer and got all financial things in order so no probate will be necessary, and now I am getting my house in order too. I don't want them to have to go through all this "stuff" when I can do it now! Edited March 16 by Gramto6 typo 1 4 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 17 Share March 17 6,220 steps yesterday. It was a dark, damp, drizzly day so I just stayed inside. Today looks to be better for some outside activity, though things are pretty wet still for much clean up outside. Today the crystal lady comes in the morning. Then garbage up to the road and a quick run to the PO too pay my box fee for the year. Once I am done with that, I think I will go back to shredding for a while, so much stuff I kept way too long as tax records... but I still need to check for identifying info before I just trash it. 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 18 Share March 18 6,880 steps yesterday. Still feeling OK at this level. We ran the gamut of weather yesterday, from foggy then sunny, then light snow, then rain, later hail and sun again. Springtime in MT!! Today's forecast is 40°/24° partly cloudy, with periods of light snow. The week is going to be mixed weather with a nice day, then an unsettled day. Crystal lady was a no show again. I messaged her and she said she had a family emergency. We'll try Thursday... Ran a few local errands and then just more cleaning/clearing out inside house. Today a dentist appt. up in town and some shopping there. But the driving takes away walking time.... 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 20 Share March 20 Whelp! I forgot to hit submit I guess.... here is this morning's post: 6,841 steps yesterday. Despite the time spent driving, I managed to rack up a fair number of steps shopping!! With good weather in forecast today, I am going to do some yard work and enjoy the sun while it is out! 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 20 Share March 20 7,080 steps yesterday. With the nice weather yesterday, I worked in the yard. Hauled branches and old wet Chewy box shelters to a burn pile. I'm not going to burn, but my friend will pick it up in her truck and they will burn it in their burn pit. They have a lot more land than I do and have a dedicated burn pit that is pretty big. I'm not comfortable burning on my own. Or paying the fire department $200+ to come and burn for me. Today's weather is more conducive to working inside, laundry being the first thing on the list. 5 Link to comment
Gramto6 March 23 Share March 23 Did anyone else get the weird someone was attacking the site so Chrome wouldn't open the site? Something about a certificate error?? I just now finally was able to get online here..... 6,949 steps yesterday. Yesterday was a busy day and I ticked a couple big things off my To Do list so all in all it was a good day. Started off today with a bloody nose. Haven't had one in a long time. It took me a good (bad) 20 minutes to get it stopped enough to go out to feed the cats. An hour later, it was still not completely stopped. Sure hope this is not going to start up again on a regular basis. First one completely stopped by mid morning and then a couple hours ago (about 4:30PM) I got another one! It stopped quickly, thank goodness. Today is a quiet day and that is OK. It was snowing and blowing outside at 9AM, so I had a good reason to just stay in and do what ever the day brought with no set plans. Just trying not to have yet another bloody nose!! 5 3 Link to comment
Gramto6 Sunday at 03:11 PM Share Sunday at 03:11 PM 5,871 steps yesterday. Took it really easy, but daily chores do result in steps. Did some minor chores outside, the cold actually felt good breathing. Maybe help slow the flow some. The morning bleed took a long time to completely stop. I still feel tired this morning so I'm just going to take it really easy again today. Tomorrow the crystal lady is coming and Tuesday I have a consultation with the Oral Surgeon. I want to be really rested for that appt. so taking it easy until then will be the plan. 5 Link to comment
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