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Saved By The Barn - General Discussion

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I’m really enjoying this series. I wanted to hug Mike the blind bull and Strauss the former fighting cock. Love that Mike can stay out in the pasture with the other cows. He’s a champ.

Wynter is a beautiful dog. I wish Dan had taken that feral cat, too, to be a barn cat. OMG, those bunnies! 😍That grey one had the most gorgeous long hair!


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That woman said those goats were like her children. Really? 🙄 I seriously hope, if she had children, she didn’t neglect them the way she did those poor goats. Thank God Dan and his refuge took them.

The twins are so funny (and hot)! 

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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

Hug therapy for roosters? Why don't they try the same kind of positive conditioning they use with other animals, via clicker and food?

There's an astonishing lack of cats on this farm.


That’s why I wanted them to adopt a feral cat or two at the Chicago shelter.

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Barn cat sightings this week!

KJ the baby goat was absolutely adorbs! I can’t believe all she needed was a splint. Those other vets wanted to put her down without doing anything. 😡 She was gamboling like nobody’s business at the end. 
Roy the rooster is a jerk. 😆

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I think Roy seemed much more mellow this time. Dude was way too scared of him, and needs to calm down. He should wear eye protection, though, just in case.

I wish there was something they could do about the flies... I don't really know what, but that looked brutal.

Also, does anyone know if there's a reason they couldn't use a squeeze chute to make donkey exams safer?

KJ healing so easily blew my mind, after the other person said multiple vets had said there was nothing they could do. I thought it was going to be a big deal, but all she needed was a splint? Seriously? For just a couple of weeks?????

The turkeys are gorgeous. I like it when we see them, even just in passing.

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Re: turkeys, When I lived in Memphis, the city botanic gardens had a pen of turkeys in a corner of the park. I used to love watching the males puff up and strut around. It was so cool! 🦃 

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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think Roy seemed much more mellow this time. Dude was way too scared of him, and needs to calm down. He should wear eye protection, though, just in case.

Wearing goggles would make me less afraid of the roosters and turkeys. Maybe Dan and Chris should get some. 

Donnalee was the owner of Hugo and Emmy. I'm surprised she agreed to be filmed since her neglect of these goats was shameful. Emmy almost died. I'm so glad Dan went the extra mile to save Emmy. 

I probably love every animal they have shown. Mike, the blind cow (I hope he's not totally blind). Beulah and Blossom, donkeys are smarter and more caring than I thought. Cool. The turkeys, goats, cows, pigs, etc. It's all good.

I LOVED little KJ jumping around like she was wearing springs. Dan said he could watch that all day, I totally agree. Super cute. I too was surprised about the reports saying to put her down when it was such an easy fix to save her life. I don't know if the owner lied about that or the vets were horribly incompetent.

I wish this show had a live animal cam. I'd watch the goats jumping. The donkeys out playing. I'd even watch the cows scratching themselves on those roller brushes. It was so cute seeing them take turns scratching. In the future they might want to mount a roller brush horizontally so the cows can go under it and scratch their back. 

There are plants that deter flies that aren't poisonous to animals. They could also try the "Ranch Fly Trap" which hangs up and is very affordable. It's specifically made to place around barns and barnyard. 

I love this show. More episodes please. I even went to their website to find out how Ginger the sheep is doing. 

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KJ is still just the cutest thing! I love watching her bounce around. I think she and Charlie will be good buddies. I have a blind cat, Aemon Targaryen, who will pace around in circles sometimes. Now I know why.

I kept waiting for Dan or his dad to call the new pig barn “Hog Heaven.” 😏

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OMG, those teeny potbellied piglets were adorbs!😍Too bad they don’t stay small.

That white calf was gorgeous. I’m glad the calf who had facial surgery now has a buddy. Great to see Hugo (the unicorn) and Emmy all healthy. Their prior owner should have been charged with neglect.

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I'm disappointed there was only one episode last night. Animal Planet runs hours of The Zoo. So why only one of this show?

Whitney the cow is a sweetie. Joey needs a friend. I hope the two of them get along well.

The goats will be happy having platforms to jump on. I think they should have done more research into what to build for their goats. The ramp going to the top is too narrow and there's too much height difference between platforms. Looks like an accident waiting to happen. 


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Yes! I love Dwight the cow, too. I'm so glad they got him that therapy. It was so sad seeing him alone in the field with no friends. Now his leg is stronger and he's able to mingle with the herd. I loved how Dwight liked to ride up front in the van. Dan and everyone at Barn Sanctuary treat their animals like pets and you can tell the animals respond to it. Love it! 

I wish Lola was doing better. The last time she was shown, she was starting to get used to her prosthetics. It was disappointing to hear she had gone backwards in progress. She always seems to be alone, like Dwight was. If they put Lola with some other easy going animals maybe Lola would feel like getting up and walking around more with her friends. 

It's good to know that many of the animal rescue places help each other out and Howard is able to move forward with his family. I worried a bit about his pigs, but that man said he's a pig guy and lets his pigs in his house. Dan's a cow guy. 

Now they've got peacocks. COOL!

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I also worried about the pigs. I wished they'd shown us where they were going.

I also wanted to know where the white calf Dan liked but didn't take wound up. She was so friendly!

I agree Lola seems unhappy. I don't want to project my thoughts after seeing just a few moments of her life, but... she just didn't seem like a happy goat. I agree it would be nice if she had friends to spend time with. 

It's a tough situation. I'm sure they get zillions of sad stories, and they can't help all of them. I wonder how they choose.

Dwight riding in the van and enjoying the view was fun. He did seem like a big dog, riding along. And all the other cows greeting him when he returned, that was a sweet moment.


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A couple of weeks ago, the Sunday Mark Trail comic strip, which always has an animal topic, was about that curly coated breed of pigs. They were so cute. I wonder why the original owner couldn’t keep at least a couple of the piglets. Did they no longer have a farm? 
Steve and his pool noodles! 😆

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Those pigs really did seem exceptionally affectionate. I wonder if it's because of their age, or how they were raised? The other pigs on the show don't seem all that social with the humans.

Steve the goat seemed hilariously relaxed, to me. He was mellow with the humans, seemed fine with being in time out, seemed perfectly fine with his pool noodles, and when he returned to the yard, that other goat ran up to greet him.

I thought it was really sad that the rooster who was "aggressive" was just in a lot of pain, but it was nice that he seemed much more comfortable once they figured out and solved his problem.

Sadie the dog was sweet, but I would not like having my mouth licked all the time by her, and also she REALLY needed to get out of the house. I hope she can run off some of her energy with Mack, and that she doesn't wear Mack out! Mack seemed much older and a puppy with an older dog was a surprising choice for their buddy system, I thought.

I love the turkeys. The one walking along with the humans was great. They are really beautiful birds, and the ones at the sanctuary seem very personable.

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Andy’s story and that memorial had me bawling.

So happy for Little Dude that he gets to be with the big pigs! I wanted to hug the pig that got attacked and scratched up by the other pig. Poor sweetie.

Herve the rooster is one handsome guy!

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Andy was a sweet little cow. The phrase at the memorial was awesome, "If love would have kept you alive, you would have lived forever." I cried so much. You'd think I'd learn to not watch the show 3 times and cry every time. I also thought Dan's ink said so much of how he loved his friend.

I was worried to see the pigs fight. I don't like that part. You just know that someone is going to get hurt. Adam will be okay but I still didn't like seeing him hurt. When Adam is back in the barn in his own pen laying down, he really seemed to be talking to that lady. I thought he was recapping what happened and said what-the-hey in pig squeal. Made me nervous for Little Dude, too. 

With the turkeys, I wish they'd put speakers in different places so the animals could be soothed with some music. It would be more peaceful and entertaining for them all. 

More chickens, YAY! 

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Andy’s story and that memorial had me bawling.

So happy for Little Dude that he gets to be with the big pigs! I wanted to hug the pig that got attacked and scratched up by the other pig. Poor sweetie.

Herve the rooster is one handsome guy!

I was crying too about Andy. That poor little soul, so much suffering. I was sad about I think Adam the pig, but animals will fight it out for the alpha position and it can difficult to not step in.


I was surprised at introducing the hens one at a time. Not the best planning there.

I loved the scenes with the turkeys. Musical instruments, then Chris (I think) got pecked in the back of the head. Hey, that hurt! 

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I love that Lola the turkey likes to sit in laps, so they go out there and sit for her.

I couldn't tell if the turkey sliked the music or if they were annoyed by it.

I can't figure out how the show works. They can't be rescuing more animals every episode, can they? At some point, they'd be full up.


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Those are really enjoyable videos. I hope the show itself shows more fun and sweet stuff like that, and not only the rescue moments of arrival and rehab, but also the daily life and love shared with the animals once they've arrived.

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

That was so sweet. Mike is adorbs.  I have a blind cat, Aemon Targaryen, and he does just fine.

I love Game of Thrones so of course your cat too! Please give him an extra snuggle from me.

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57 minutes ago, nokat said:

I love Game of Thrones so of course your cat too! Please give him an extra snuggle from me.

Sure thing! I have a Lord Baelish, too! Unlike his namesake, he is an absolute sweetheart. 😄

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3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Sure thing! I have a Lord Baelish, too! Unlike his namesake, he is an absolute sweetheart. 😄

He's a cat. Probably plotting and appropriately named. We love them anyway.

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I used to board my horse at a place with a big pasture and a lot of horses. I'd walk out to get my horse and ALL of the horses would come check me out too, as I might have treats (I frequently did). It can be intimidating being surrounded by animals who weigh over 1000 lbs and who think you're a treat machine.

I unfortunately taught my husband how to get a large animal to move. They'll always win if you pull or push, but an annoying little poke will work. Guess what he does now when we're both in the kitchen and he wants me to move?

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15 hours ago, possibilities said:

How does a cow with a broken jaw eat??

Intravenous while it recovers. 

This was a welcome show, made me laugh and smile and even a few tears. Totally was a really needed uplifting show.

Edited by Gramto6
fixed typo
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On Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 9:48 PM, LittleIggy said:

Those poor animals who had to endure that hell in NC. Makes me 😡
OMG, those newborn piglets were so prosh! ❤️ Fourteen! Poor mama needs a spa day! 😁

Just watched the episode. It was almost a hoarders with pigs. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was impressed by Chris staying overnight while the piglets were born.

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I went on their FaceBook page to look at videos and found out their last episode was Saturday. The shows I watch to help move the week along while I'm having to stay at home are now over. I looked forward to Saved by the Barn to help me get through the week. 

They haven't gotten word yet if they will be renewed for a 2nd season. I sure hope so. I've grown very fond of this show and all of the animal residents. I can practically name all of the animals when they come on screen.

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