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S01.E10: Bridesmaid

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I finished it; I really liked it.  

The actor who played Izzy - I actually was wondering if it was Heather Matarazzo at first, the actor who starred in "Welcome to the Dollhouse" long ago.  That would have been cool.  

Kat Dennings, Shay Mitchell, and Brenda Song are impossibly beautiful.  

The character of Kat's ex-boyfriend was soooooooooooooooo annoying.  He was so manipulative.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I wasn't sure I'd be able to get through this show due to my intense dislike of Kat Dennings' voice but I powered through and I'm glad I did. There were some things I had to handwave (like Madison, Stella, and Izzy managing to not only find Jules in Mexico but to walk right into her hotel room) but overall it was a fun show to watch.

Beth Grant was fun as the Cat Lady. I've seen her in so many things that I knew it was her even with the cat head. Until the last scene of this episode, I assumed that Jules always saw her during fantasy sequences but now the other girls can see her too. I'll be interested to see how that plays out next season.

Izzy was a less hipster but still neurotic version of Maya on CXG. She was a bit much at the beginning of the season but she grew on me (and it helped that they toned her down).

Damn it, Dr. Luka, you were too good to be true. I'm just glad that Madison has finally accepted the truth. Hopefully Jules won't lose her job. That was the most fucks I've ever heard in a wedding toast (okay, technically it was more of a roast than a toast and it probably isn't considered a wedding toast since it wasn't addressed toward the bride or the groom, but still).

Did Ramona ask Jules to be a bridesmaid because she wanted to include her brother's serious long term girlfriend in her wedding or because she had the right hair color?

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This show has some definite flaws, like engaging in a certain amount of stereotyping and some of the fantasy sequences seemed pretty pointless, but I ended up liking the show a lot. It had a lot of funny jokes and sequences (brunch church was a favorite) and the chemistry between the ladies was really solid throughout. Its always fun to see all of those actresses, and you can tell they were having a blast making this. 

Well that was certainly a memorable wedding toast! There were many fucks thrown, and yet none were given! Maybe dont steal a car next time though girls! So now they can ALL see the fantasy sequences?! Well that could sure get interesting in season two! 

I do appreciate that Jeremy isnt a totally obvious asshole who we have no idea why Jules would have been with. He isnt a totally bad guy, and I can see why he would be "boyfriend material" especially to someone like Jules, but he also had a really selfish manipulative side as well, and maybe more important, Jules just didnt like the person she became with him.

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Loved this show, but I felt they bungled the Madison/Celeste/Dr. Luka issue.  Madison kept on claiming Celeste was lying to Jules about being in a happy marriage.  But Jules saw/heard it straight from Colin.  There was no "But Madison, I was there, I saw them together, I heard him talking to her."  I would have been fine if there was, and Madison was all "no, I don't believe you, you must have misheard, blah blah blah..."  But for Madison to just keep going out about
"Celeste's lying" made no sense. 

Also, I sort of don't get the whole Wes thing.  They were barely dating, let alone exclusive.  I understand Jules being a bit upset, but Wes made it sound like "call me - just to pick up Turtle" meant that they never would be a thing.  So, was he semi-cheating on an existing girlfriend?  Why end things so bluntly?

One final nit to pick... why was Celeste at the wedding?  And why didn't Jules know about it in advance.  Ramona knows Jules works for Celeste, so that would be sort of natural to say, hey, I know your boss and she's invited to the wedding, too.  Or did I miss something and Jules knew about this all along?

If there's a season 2, I hope they let Jules keep her job.  I like the Allisons, and even Celeste to some degree.  Will Stella really leave?  Someone commented above about the actress being pregnant while shooting, which was obvious in some scenes.  (I appreciate them being creative with outfits, but not having her hide behind plants and large handbags.)  But I hope that's not the reason they were giving her an easy exit. 

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