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Posts posted by slensam

  1. 1 hour ago, jenrising said:

    Ugh, the commercials are so terrible. Especially recently. This morning I caught the one with Rachel praising Greta and the one with her chuckling with Kelly Ann Conway like they're best buddies. One of the reasons I had to leave DC was how many people treated serious political issues like a game. "La la la, we're like coworkers. Isn't it cute how you spread lies and bigotry? I'll be indignant and then we can go have cupcakes."

    Barely watching anymore and every single time I do, one of the commercials remind me why. 

    The commercials are terrible. It's not only that it is a game but that they're all in the same high school clique. Don't know who they're trying to get to watch with these commercials. Washington insiders seem to be a small group. I have to hope at same point things are going to change back a little to the the way they were. There's got to be an alternative to the Trump regime. He's not that interesting. I still watch Lawrence as he's the only one to give it to the GOP hard like they deserve at this time.

    • Love 5
  2. I hope this is not off-topic but I don't think you can really wash the Fox out of these people enough for me. Maybe if they hired Shepard Smith who seems like a bit of a straight shooter but these other people...no. Rachel being all enthusiastic is not going to do it. Really couldn't watch that and don't care how good friends she is with her.

    • Love 7
  3. 2 hours ago, potatoradio said:


    Just caught an MSNBC promo. The tag line was "all sides need to be held accountable." 

    No, MSNBC. No. Stop it. You are not "fair and balanced" with a slight lefty flavor. Go sit in a corner and think about what you did.

    Also, I will not, no matter how much you try to trap me, watch Rachel Maddow try to interview Dementor Conway. Stop replaying the interview and stop playing clips of it when Melber subs. 

    *small voice, really embarrassing confessions moment* - I hate their politics lead in music and am glad it's gone, but, um...uh....I kinda sorta like the music for "the 11th hour." I'm a sucker for melodrama. I never watch the actual show, but I've kept the teevee on long enough to enjoy the theme song. *crawls away to private shame room*

    Yeah, and I think they're using Green Day in one of their commercials but not "American Idiot" which would be more appropriate for this moment. And Morning Joe is not the "rebels" or the "disrupters" they're the fucking establishment. They need to get out of here with that nonsense.

    • Love 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Oh, that was unpleasant & nauseating.  Rach knows her style & what to expect & was prepared . . . and yet Cryptkeeper still did what she always does.  Avoid, deny, dodge, deflect & outright lie -- all while smiling ever so creepy.  The woman gives me chills.  But now she's first-man-baby-in-chief-sitter.  Congrats on the wonderful gig, hun.

    Trying to look to some bright side (when I know there isn't one & won't be one for 4 years), at least I don't have to look at that awful, wormy Lewandowski character anymore.  Please don't interview (er, suck up to) him, Rachel.

    A whole hour with Cryptkeeper, Rach?  Really? Was it an hour?  It felt like an eternity & you pretty much accomplished nothing.  If she's back again, I'll skip it.  I would rather Rach have shown Ivanka's horrified mug when one of the little people actually told her to her face what a nightmare her con-artist father is.

    I didn't watch this but thought this was going to be a segment. When I flipped back and  forth and saw that it was an hour it was annoying as all hell. Conway doesn't deserve a whole hour. Who the hell is she? She's just a mouthpiece. Disappointing to be the last show before the holidays.

    • Love 4
  5. 4 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    No extra challenge. And they got $500 to go to Mood. 

    I wish they would have made this an hour long instead of two hours with a million commercials and looky-loo's at Project Runway  Junior. 

    Lots of commercials....geezus!

    • Love 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Ari Melber?  Meh & ew.  Why not get Joy Reid to sub for ya, Rachel?  She's awesome.  Look, I need some reason & a helluva lotta motivation to watch MSNBC now.  Otherwise it's just more reports of daily horrible Trump news.  And I really don't need to look at Ari Melber's mug & his snotty delivery.

    Snotty and mug...smug. It fits.

    • Love 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Maizie131 said:

    I actually kinda liked Who the Bleep did I Marry because of the gal who narrated it -- she had a sing-songy voice dripping with sarcasm that I thought was amusing and appropriate to the situation.  (Am I thinking of the right show?  I get so confused! ha!)

    Yes, don't think this is going to be as good.

    • Love 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Maizie131 said:

    So we've got at least 3 new shows on I.D. -- Grave Secrets, Married with Secrets and Dead Silent.  Who the hell names these shows? I'm sure all 3 will feature crimes we've never heard of before (not). 

    Married with Secrets sounds like a definite ripoff of Who the Bleep did I Marry.

    • Love 4
  9. 7 hours ago, Cyranetta said:



    One unfortunate thing that seems to be happening - or maybe it's just me - the contestants' "vocal fry" seems to be reinforcing each others' to the point that I'm half-tempted to mute the episode. Why can't Laurence's beautifully modulated tones become the next vocal "in thing"?!!

    That's the thing that's standing out for me. What the hell is going on here? It's like a room of croaking frogs. I feel like I need to drink tea with honey and lemon after each episode.

    • Love 1
  10. 56 minutes ago, millennium said:


    I dislike Urkel (Cornelius) even more but IMHO he should have won.   The objective was to create a transformative garment and he did that as effectively as the designer from a couple seasons back whose dress turned colors when wet.  Problem is, the judges have already ordained Erin the winner.   I get his dissatisfaction and sniping after the judging.   It must be difficult to come so close, then have your work brushed aside because the judges are moonstruck by the Harvard-educated white girl.

    This is the thing that bothers me. They've picked Erin as their pet this year. Like an Anya or Gretchen. I don't even think her backstory is even all that interesting.  Cornelius should've won. I hate emojis but that seemed the challenge. Erin's was boring. She was going for slutty not ethereal or angelic. Bullshit! Years of it...

    • Love 1
  11. The re-enactments on these shows so often suck its beyond belief. There was one show on last night where the "actor" had dark hair and a built physique and then the real person had gray hair and a beer gut.  And then one of the detectives looked like he should be in a boy band. They also love to build up to the final re-enactment of the murder with blood splatter flying everywhere. Frustrated horror movie directors. The one good thing about all the Jon Benet stuff is no silly unnecessarily ultra-violent re-enactments.

    • Love 4
  12. 49 minutes ago, maraleia said:

    I find it laughable the way the media, including this network, is reacting to Hillary's pneumonia diagnosis when FDR had polio and JFK had Addison's Disease the entire time they were president. That's why there was a rocking chair in the Oval Office during JFK's presidency because it helped him when he had to sit for long periods of time. This is so stupid.

    FDR was literally dying in his last year running for office in 1944. His photos look awful from that time period. And he did die only three months after being inaugurated in 1945. Reagan looked lost in his debates in 1984. Early Alzheimers, no doubt.

  13. 11 hours ago, gaPeach said:


    Tired of the sexy red underwear seductress shows and the ones that almost show people actually screwing.  It's pretty steamy for daytime reruns.


    I have to comment on this. I saw a show,"Perfect Murder", a few weeks ago and I couldn't believe what was depicted. The guy was straight between her legs, pumping and thrusting, and she was moaning like she was trying out for a remake of "Debbie Does Dallas". And then afterwards she was tweaking his nipple. I have nothing against porn but at 9 p.m. about a true event where people get hurt and murdered? I understand the evolving or devolving standards of the time. I follow politics. But, wow. I guess in a few years they'll be re-enacting blowjobs. Or maybe not "re-enacting" them.

    • Love 11
  14. 5 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    I have been watching The Eighties, and I can honestly say I will be happy the rest of my life if I never have to hear Tom Hanks offering his opinion on anything again.  I get that he was an Executive Producer, so they probably gave him carte blanche to comment on anything he wanted, but seriously, I do not care if he heard a sonic boom from the space shuttle returning.  That doesn't somehow make his bland insights interesting or informative.   

    Also, I want to know what sorceresses has enchanted Nancy Wilson, as she looks incredible. 

    If you didn't like him in The Eighties wait until The Nineties. That's when he won both of his Oscars.  Can't wait to hear his opinion on grunge rock.

    • Love 2
  15. 6 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

    Last night I watched the first ep. of The Coroner and was disappointed.  I was hoping it would be a similar format to Dr. G: Medical Examiner, and it wasn't even close.  The re-enactments were awful, as usual for ID.  I'll give it another chance next week.  (sigh)

    I don't know why this network is so wedded to their re-enactments. They stink and cheapen the real stories. Over-the-top and unintentionally laughable.

    • Love 7
  16. 4 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

    Other than the "babbling irrationally" part, I'm not sure Mika's too off the reservation on this one. It would be great if elected officials and candidates did a half-hour every few weeks or so on a show like this.

    Please, any show but this one.

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