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Posts posted by slensam

  1. 4 minutes ago, novhappy said:

    I know this has been a crazy year and an even crazier couple of weeks but Christ on a cracker CNN- cover all the national news  you have 24 hours a day ...politics, Trump , national policy is not your complete raison d'etre  Cover news and you'll get ratings  

    Yes, there is more news than just politics and Trump. News is news.

    • Love 2
  2. I just saw the end of the commercial for the Cruz v Sanders thing and they seem to be presenting this as Debate Night in America. What that tells me once again is that CNN can not give up the ghost on this election season. They have that in common with Trump I guess. Also they've chosen the most independent characters in both parties for this "debate".

  3. 24 minutes ago, car54 said:

    I wonder if Christie is back now because the court ruled he is not going to be charged in the Bridgegate thing--I think I heard something about that earlier this week.

    Yesterday one of the afternoon shows had Greta on as a legal expert because of the court nomination.  I hope they don't start using her for that--I much prefer Ari Melber to be their expert on those things.

    I will change the channel if I see her on as a "legal expert".

    • Love 7
  4. 7 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

    Mission fucking accomplished.

    Like all upthread, I've been appalled by the lack of coverage. I got home last night eager to see "Breaking News" not Dateline. And this white bread wave the flag approach to what they consider news is beyond troubling.

    I was thrilled to hear RevAl this morning. 

    Most of us find other sources but people tuning in for LockUp  won't know anything is happening!!! Even if they cared.

    If they dismantle the evening lineup ... ... my had just spun.

    If they dismantle the evening lineup then this network is dead to me, complete and total. 

    • Love 12
  5. 4 minutes ago, oakville said:

    He likes going back and forth on Trump. On some days he rips into Trump because he knows that Trump watches his show. It's kind of funny.

    Are they trying to appeal to Fox viewers?

    If they are, it still makes no sense. It's like new Coke, there's only one original. And I don't think there are any moderate Foxers out there.

    • Love 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, maraleia said:

    Important to note that Joy Reid's contract is set to expire soon and she didn't get the spot Greta took. This is deliberate. Also, remember that NBC brass didn't back Al Roker up when he called out Ryan Lochte during the Rio Olympics. Also, never forget how they treated Melissa Harris-Perry.

    One more thing. Have you noticed that they don't highlight LGBTQ issues across the shows the way they used to do. That's deliberate too.

    All I know is that I'm not going to watch any of their right-wing crap. Their programing decisions make no sense. Greta and Megyn? Get the fuck outta here!

    • Love 4
  7. 2 hours ago, madfortv said:

    I used to be able to find TV ratings online but haven't had any luck lately.  How are the MSNBC ratings so far in 2017? I stopped watching Greta completely since her show over the weekend.  She was clearly pushing an agenda and I didn't buy it.

    Because her show is on so early, I get interested in other things and miss the shows that follow.  It doesn't matter much as they repeat a lot of what happened during the day.  The gossip level is too high for me.  I would like to see more in depth discussions on topics such as the possible impact of the executive orders. Get KAC and others like her off the screen. I'm sure there are knowledgeable republicans and democrats who can speak to the issues and stay on topic.  These fast-talking guests add nothing to the conversation and bring up the same old tired stories over and over and over again. 

    I actually like hearing from people like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. 

    The anti-Trump Republicans have surprised me so far. In some ways there stronger than the Democrats. Maybe this will finally fulfill Obama's dream of bringing Republicans and Democrats together! Wish it hadn't taken this though. And I don't know what in the hell Greta is doing on this network. She convincing anybody of anything?

    • Love 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, lovinbob said:


    My husband and I recently gave up cable, and I haven't been missing it that much because I haven't been wanting to watch the news since the election. But we were staying in a hotel in Virginia (to be in DC for the march) and when we got back to our hotel I immediately turned on MSNBC. It was so heartening to see the Cal Perry segment. It seems like MSNBC had laid out a strategy in advance: OK, how are we going to handle it when Trump lies about the inauguration and march crowds? And they didn't back down. But the thing that BUGGED me to no end was Brian Williams asking where all the marchers were on Nov. 8? Um ... Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes. We were there. And so frustrating that, at least while I was watching, no one gave him that answer.

    Yeah, they don't seem to realize that she got a great chunk of votes. A majority. They act like she got creamed.

    • Love 10
  9. 2 hours ago, Padma said:

    Kellyanne just defined another of the Trumpers key concepts.  Re: Spicer's lies (4 Pinocchios at WasPost) they're rationalizing them as  "alternative facts", apparently prepared to use it to describe any lie that Trump needs to believe in for his itty bitty ego..  I hope Tapper, Cooper et al will be prepared the next time she lies to them.

    It is not a "post fact world". Lies are not "alternative facts". Real journalism is not "fake news" just because you don't like what they're saying.

    I'm disgusted that CNN keeps giving people who are paid to rationalize LYING (Lord et al--and he was still on doing it today at 4 in the morning) a public platform.  Yes, they challenge the lies, but why have them? Or at least, why have TWO of them on the same panel?  That is not necessary or justified in any way whatsoever.

    CNN needs to understand that it is not the election anymore. Move the hell on. The president doesn't need any personal defense attorneys on air. In real life he will; most definitely.

    • Love 9
  10. 11 minutes ago, Kemper said:

    CNN had on Woodward and Bernstein this morning!  I was really looking forward to it after the advertising.  First, when they have on a guest/guests that they know will spark interest and maybe viewers, why do they allot them so little time?  "We'll have to leave it at that" is a phrase I have come to hate.  I would have loved to have heard maybe a half hour or maybe a LITTLE less on what they had to say.  

    And I may be in the minority, but whenever I see Bob Woodward's face nowadays, I get the urge to slap him.  I think he does not want to offend anyone in case he needs to be in their good graces for an upcoming book.  And you know there will be one, and it will probably not be critical of anyone in power.  At least not very critical.

    His books are like oatmeal and forgettable. I no longer link the two of them together in my mind.

    • Love 6
  11. 55 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

    I thought Greta was a lot more partisan today than she was last week.  I'm proud of Katy Tur for holding her own when Greta asked her the stupid question if Trump would be an "appeaser" after he was sworn in.  Katy gave her a straight and detailed answer about how Trump has not changed from his campaign persona and has not brought the country together like he said he would.  And she said there's no indication that he's going to change. I think Katy Tur is the best of the road reporters they had during the campaigns.  

    Smellyanne was master manipulator and liar as usual.  Greta couldn't get a work in after her initial question if Trump was going to try to repair the relationship with Congressman Lewis.  Smellyanne turned the whole thing into some bullshit about Martin Luther King the 3rd being at Trump Tower today and that went a long way toward mending fences and they would welcome a call from Congressman Lewis.  I don't know why I watched that segment.  I should have been like madfortv and just turned her off.  She is disgusting.

    "Appeasers"? Does she think she's still with Fox?

    • Love 5
  12. 2 minutes ago, Tosia said:

    So the way I see MSN becoming FauxNews is for ratings, i.e., $. 

    They are listening to the twisted explanation as to why the orange pig won (aside from the Electoral College and Hillary's 2 million more votes), which is that disenchanted blue collar America was not being heard,  needed jobs, tired of libersl elitism, movie stars, plus  racism and misogyny, etc.  Nevermind that those folks are without health care now.  

    So MSN is trying to appeal to those folks, as well as tamping down the liberal logic that folks like Rachel presented.

    It's a new world,  albeit one with lies, lies, and more damned lies. I hate KAC with the white hot heat of a thousand suns, but the broadcasting companies have to play nice with them, or they will be shut out of further "news", from the White House, and smeared publicly, and these stations have bills to pay and ratings to get to stay in business. It's horribly disgusting. ..manipulation of the media, no ethics, morons and swindlers wielding power.   Yuck. 

    It's going to be a long 4 years. 

    I still think they would get more viewers by presenting the other side. They were probably most popular during the Keith days.The rebels are the opposition. Go with the rebels.

    • Love 6
  13. 19 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    I feel like I am living in an "upside down" topsy-turvy world!   We have a President to be who is making the most insane statements & yet the "Press" feels like they have to be "Fair" and non-partisan and act like it is all "Normal" when they should be shouting from the rafters "This guy is NUTS"!

    I continuously  see this on CNN and they disgrace themselves by doing this. And by doing this they miss the story that history will recognize; that during this period of American History we were ruled by Caligula.

    • Love 6
  14. 57 minutes ago, Padma said:

    I hope that Rachel got a big raise as the new shill for the right. The ad showing her handshake with Nicole Wallace and some corny caption like, "Together" was...okay, but kind of syrupy. Whatever.

    But then she spent a huge amount of time with Greta van Susteren pimping promoting her new show (and their friendship). Okay...but then they turned THAT into an ad with Rachel extensively telling the audience how thrilled she is that Greta--so wonderful--is now on MSNBC.  I'm a little less impressed by that commercial. Seems so OTT--then again, I've tried to watch Greta twice and haven't lasted 2 minutes so...perhaps not the best judge. I find her annoying. (And while I was willing to see her interview with Pelosi, hearing she also had the I-can't-get-away-from-her-everywhere-I-look hideous Kellyanne Conway, meant ... nope! No can do.

    Now I see that Rachel's interview with KAC is ALSO an MSNBC ad.  Rachel again telling us (to the camera) how she's so glad that KAC can come on her show and they can "have a civil exchange"--then a friendly handoff--smiles, laughter, handshakes...

    Just. No. Because imo, KAC is one of those demons they keep telling us are out there. She is despicable. Every word is a lie or disinformation or just mindless blather until she can think of a lie. I'd watch Trump for an hour rather than watch KAC for five minutes.  

    So Rachel now is on 3 MSNBC ads promoting Greta, Nicole and KAC and the great friendliness that crosses party lines. (Yes, I know, Nicole's okay. But it's the combination--and the "friendship" vibe with all of them---that's just ind of gross.)

    Very disappointed in her about all of this. I'm not feeling the kumbaya vibe with these people; especially Conway. Do they think liberals are this stupid? What are they trying to accomplish with this stuff? Pissing on my head and telling me it's rain.

    • Love 7
  15. 7 minutes ago, Padma said:

    I didn't see the interview, but Cooper shouldn't have let her make him defend Buzzfeed. He should have made HER answer for the CNN report.

    Trump freezing out CNN as fake news is pretty bizarre to me, given how they helped him throughout the campaign. (Even let his $20k/month "strategist" get double paid as a CNN commentator).  It's like everyone and everything needs to be shadowed at CNN by a Trump surrogate.

    Even today, after the press conference, there was Rick Santorum spinning on CNN for Trump.  These people could be asked a question or two and then reporters and genuine analysts should move on. Giving them the chance to monopolize the airtime with their worthless spin (in this case, for Trump) is irritating.  When did this become a thing? Was it all because of the 2015 election?

    Funny to hear Trump gushing over NYT today. Just wait until THEY publish a negative story about him. Then they'll be back in the "lying media" too.

    It's all about Trump.  I hope Putin never turns on him or we could have WWIII (or a lot of juicy reading materials for a week).

    Yeah, the election is over. I hope they don't cover this administration like its just an extension of that damned campaign.

    • Love 3
  16. 30 minutes ago, navelgazer said:

    Yeah, I got to the point where he was pontificating about how the Democratic Party was going to have to reconstitute itself, like we didn't get nearly 3M more popular votes than Twitler did, before I switched off the replay in frustration.  Brokenjaw certainly didn't comment that the RePiglickins didn't cheat with rampant voter suppression and Russian hacking either.  

    The thing that gets me about Brokaw is that they bring him on for sort of historical knowledge and he brings nothing insightful to the the table. He's no sage, he's a hack. He speaks like Obama was some sort of wrecking ball to the Democratic Party when historically this is nothing unusual. Where were the Republicans after eight years of Eisenhower, the Democrats after eight years of Clinton, and again the Republicans after eight years of W. Bush? Same position the Democrats are in now. Two terms of Executive power exhausts a Party.  But according to Brokaw, Obama shot the Democratic donkey in the head. And still, through all the bullshit. the Democrats received more votes on the presidential and congressional ballot. Obama...what a loser.

    • Love 15
  17. 7 minutes ago, maraleia said:

    Evan is bisexual. This isn't a phase (not trying to come off in a condescending way here or anything, wanted to make it clear as a fellow queer person myself- lesbian here). Here's an article where she talks about how Ellen Page inspired her to come out. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/07/20/evan-rachel-wood-on-her-bisexuality-and-our-divided-world-listen-to-your-opponent.html

    As for Isabelle Huppert- go watch her in The Piano Teacher or the 130 other things she's done over the years.

    The Chabrol movies.

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