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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I wasn't suggesting that Reggie Jackson was involved in the Baby Ruth lawsuit, @The Wild Sow, just that he was another "candy-adjacent" athlete (I love that phrase!), per @ClareWalks's post:
  2. She and Reza are looking more and more like fraternal twins! Whatever else you might want to say about MJ and Tommy, he's managed to pull off a true miracle--get Veda to like him (maybe even love him?). Obviously she just needed someone to refuse to take her bullshit and to let her know that she wouldn't be welcome around them or their potential children if she continued to be abusive. MJ couldn't get herself out from under Veda's heel, but Tommy seems to be doing it for her, with a combination of firmness and good old NY humor. Maybe MJ will be someone I'll be able to like once she's her own person. Stranger things have happened. I hope they have a happy life together.
  3. There was skepticism in our house, too. I think the candy company made up that story about Grover Cleveland's daughter to capitalize on Babe Ruth's name without paying him any endorsement fees. She died seventeen years before the candy bar appeared. Wikipedia seems to agree , although there are several layers of different stories (chocolate, nougat, peanuts . . .) The dates just don't make sense.
  4. There was also the Reggie! bar, named for Reggie Jackson. I was present when he hit his 400th home run. Supposedly the candy bars were handed out to fans entering Yankee Stadium, who then threw them onto the field when he hit a homer. I never got one, but a candy bar would have to taste pretty bad for me to waste it like that. Oh, yeah, and I know another bit of trivia about Philo T. Farnsworth. He was born in Beaver, Utah. I know this because that's where our car broke down driving across the country. We had to stay there for about a week, which is how long it took to get the repair done. The Saturday-night show at the movie house was canceled because we were the only people who came to see it. I understand why Philo left.
  5. My whole family moved to south Florida when I was done with college (they said it wasn't to get away from me, but I'm still suspicious), and every car they owned had a bra to protect against the woefully misnamed love bugs. Supposedly they make invisible ones these days--car bras, not love bugs. They seemed pretty essential down there.
  6. What?! I couldn't hear you. Something about a cat with the clap??? No, seriously, thanks so much for the hat, @CarpeDiem54. It's very fetching. You don't often find something both fashionable and utilitarian in one elegant chapeau. I'll have my majordomo dust it off daily.
  7. Oh, cripes, shoot me now. No, never mind, I'll just wait till my ears finish bleeding out. I got a good laugh out of picturing Al Capone and his majordomo, though. And I thought the "brand" that makes Swiss Army Knives was Victorinox. Or maybe I misheard, what with my timpanic membranes hemorrhaging and all.
  8. Nolan Gould is also reportedly a very smart kid. He's a member of Mensa, he got his GED at age thirteen. Planning on going to film school and learn documentary filmmaking to focus on issues of conservation and the environment. I've been having fun watching him. He doesn't strike me as the typical full-of-himself child actor at all.
  9. She creeped me out. Something's not right with Michelle, and the show seemed to go out of its way to avoid addressing it.
  10. No, no, I didn't mean that as a correction! Mulva was one of his ridiculous guesses, but Dolores was her actual name. And even that relies on mispronouncing the body part he thought it rhymed with.
  11. And if I recall correctly, her name turned out to be Dolores. Work backwards.
  12. So funny. I read Hawaii when I was a teenager (don't do the math!), and this was what I loved about the book. Talk about giving the full background!
  13. This Saturday, apparently! I thought the real question wasn't when or where, but if. Go figure.
  14. Apparently I just awakened a sleeping monster. ;o)
  15. I assume only one of them slept in it. I don't think they were that kind of close. Another yay for Hannah here! I really love seeing female players betting to win. That's a big change from the past. Used to drive me crazy to see someone lose for wagering timidly. RIP, Mrs. Bush.
  16. The Two Fat Ladies say Worcester sauce here. (If I haven't linked it right, it's at about 9:38.) I think it's one of those words you can pronounce any number of ways and not be wrong. One of the happiest moments of my life happened when I switched on the TV and saw the TFL sitting on a stone wall in a place that looked very familiar to me. It turned out that they were staying at--and cooking in the kitchen of--the same B&B we'd bumbled onto in a drive through the Lake District. This was the episode where they'd gone to some kind of motorcycle rally. The thought that I might've slept in the same bed as either Jennifer or Clarissa still makes me smile. Sorry to interrupt the recipe exchange. Proceed. I'm going to watch another episode of the college tournament, Lord knows why.
  17. Pumpkin pie. It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore.
  18. My issue isn't so much with showing other people your 40,000 photos a year. It's with taking them in the first place. When do you get a chance to actually experience your life if you're constantly buffering yourself from it through the lens of your phone? It scares me to see all these kids never looking up at the world. I guess that's how they all wandered onto my lawn.
  19. Well, he's a kid. It goes with the territory. And I didn't think he was, but obviously eye of the beholder and all that.
  20. Blood face creams make me think of Elizabeth Báthory, aka "the Blood Countess." Except instead of her own blood, she used the blood of virgins. And bathed in it. Don't get into the hot tub with Carole, innocent maidens. ;o)
  21. No one was unbearably obnoxious. Which is an improvement over last season. So there's that.
  22. I was just coming here to wonder about the same thing, @tabloidlover. They don't cook themselves, they ate a few tiny bites, she didn't like about half of what she tasted, I think one of them stirred a pot for a couple seconds, and that was it. It made me laugh that the producers made them part of Sunny's segment, of all people--two vegetarians and self-proclaimed fat lover Sunny. That was a match made in heaven. I'd kill for that woman's hair, though. (Except if I had it, I wouldn't be touching it three times a minute the way she did.)
  23. Hmmm . . . well, I know a Yiddish word that rhymes with it, but I assume we're sticking with English. I'm sure some genius here who's not on deadline will deliver.
  24. He might stop doing it if he realized it was code for "Our writers are really lazy and pick either one from Column A or one from Column B in any given topic." Ninety percent of the time anyway. Speaking of people who work at Jeopardy!, if I were the contestant coordinator, I'd be seriously worried about job security after this year in general and this tournament in particular. That octopus who picked the World Cup winners could've done better than this crop.
  25. ^^^ This is what I meant to say, if I hadn't gotten all snarled up in the economics. If we ever start viewing education exclusively as a dollar-for-dollar proposition, we're hopelessly lost. No more artists, no more writers, no more thinkers. Just a bunch of drudges with their eye on some bottom line. And nothing in life comes with a guarantee, so you might as well do what you love while you can. Rebecca has such a broad range of knowledge, I bet she'll be a great curator.
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