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Posts posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. I am liking the season so far. Seems more directed then Coven, at least, but it might be too early to tell.


    I must say, I find the clown just creepy and "what is going on?" more then scary. I guess I am more scared by psychological/thriller elements, rather then slasher. Also; never been afraid of clowns and personally don't understand that fear, but YMMV on that, I guess. I was surprised by Dandy pairing up with him, though. That will be a interesting story-line.


    I must say, when Meep was put into the jail cell and seeing the little guy all frightened, helpless and threatened... That might be the most visceral reaction I have ever had to anything I have ever seen on AHS.

    • Love 4
  2. I liked this episode. Thought the stuff with Emma and Elsa was awesome. It really makes sense those two would connect. I am looking forward to seeing their interactions going forward.


    Loved the Hook and Charming stuff. I remember thinking they played well off each other in Good Form and felt the same here. Also; loved Hook's desperate attempts to save Emma by hacking at the ice with his hook. You could tell he was terrified of losing her.


    Practically laughed out loud when Little Bo Peep showed up. Who would hear Little Bo Peep and think "dangerous evil-doer?" I am still not exactly sure what he was doing. Does she just go around and make people pay money to her so she doesn't harm them? Did Charming and his mom have some sort of business agreement with her? If they explained it, I missed it.

    • Love 2
  3. Three, if you count Skye.


    Perhaps by the end of the season, we will discover that everyone in the group was a mole and Fitz only hallucinated that any of them were still working for the good guys.



    Four, since May was secretly reporting to Fury over Coulson's head...

    Was May technically a mole since she was still working for SHIELD and Fury? That being said, it is true the team has had their share of secrets and betrayals of trust... I guess I meant a mole for Hydra.

  4. If you have a look at the song lyrics, it actually provides a ton of insight into what she's doing.  Well, not a ton, but enough to potentially conclude that she's playing at being a Hydra agent and is doing it all for Fitz. That was a purposefully chosen song if I ever did hear one.

    Interesting. I didn't really catch what was being said in the song. I seriously hope you are right about her doing it for Fitz... I don't think the poor guy could survive that. Also; what would it do for the team to learn they have had TWO moles? Would anybody trust anyone anymore if that happened?

  5. Speaking of actors, Harry Shearer was the only Simpsons VO to not be involved here. That's why we never really saw say, Skinner, Dr. Hibbert, Smithers, Mr. Burns, or even Otto say or word or do much of anything.

    But Lenny, voiced by HS spoke, right? To Quagmire in the courthouse. Did someone else voice him then?

  6. The Frozen stuff was good. It is a logical place for it to go from where the movie ended. The only thing I had a complaint about is Elsa thinking her parents thought she was monster. Do we ever see that from them? In fact, ELSA is the one who doesn't want them to touch her. I read them as doing what they thought was best for Elsa, however misguided.


    Regina is just childish and spiteful. I understand your hurt, but grow-up. Stuff happens. What would she do if Robin got killed somehow? I appreciate shades of grey as much as the next person, but to just forsake 3 seasons of supposed  character development?


    About the hat; what if Rumple was the apprentice?

    • Love 1
  7. I enjoyed it! I may or may not have cheered when Carter and Co. turned up... Can't wait for Agent Carter to be a weekly fixture on my TV!


    Ward was really creepy. On an unrelated note... For some reason I couldn't shake that he, with the beard, reminded me or Noah Wyle on ER.


    When Coulson talked about Simmons leaving I was confused, until it was revealed he was imagining her. Then I was just heartbroken... Poor Fitz! :(

    • Love 2
  8. I liked it. Was looking forward to seeing Sheldon as a teacher, as I have found it funny in the past when he has been in front of a class(The KMN class anyone?). Loved the interaction between him and Howard. After rewatching last seasons episode with them in Texas this week, the scenes between them can be good. The two can play well off each other.

    Also; you know you are a germaphobe when the spitball in someone's mouth makes you cringe. I did love Howard's "Oh God! What have I done?' reaction afterwards though.

    • Love 1
  9. It was also a better Star Wars movie than any of the prequels.


    The movie was just pure fun, and that might be an understatement.  It's between this and Winter Soldier as to what the best Marvel movie is, yeah I'd put it ahead of The Avengers.  The Star-Lord name being the nickname his mother gave him reveal was great.


    Hey Warner Brothers, you see how people are praising this, and it's been a bigger hit than expected?  A big reason is that it's a fun superhero movie.  People want fun superhero movies, so take the message, dark works for Batman, not for everyone.  Fun is good, they're called superheroes, they should be fun and give people hope.

    Amen! Testify! I hate how since The Dark Knight came out, superheros have to be "dark" and "conflicted." While some, like Batman, are suited by that, not all are (looking at you Man of Steel). Being fun doesn't mean you are silly and childish and can't be serious or complex. There is a medium between something like DK or Watchmen and the 60's Batman. Guardians, and the Marvel movies in general, seem to strike a good balance.

    • Love 2
  10. Loved this movie! An excellent blend of comedy, action and drama. Wasn't totally out there by being too silly or dark and broody like too many superhero movies (what I call "Dark Knight Syndrome"). It is funny remembering all the articles saying this will be the MCU's first flop and am glad they were proven wrong. Can't wait for the sequel to see more of the characters and if they team up with The Avengers that would be amazing.


    I was wondering though, would these characters work in standalone movies, or is what makes them work the team element? I was wondering about the possibilities of this, but I just can't see a Drax the Destroyer movie doing well...

  11. I thought it was a good movie, but stunk as a filling out of the original Disney movie. I mean, the trailers set it up as such. Didn't one of the trailers show scenes from both side by side in comparison? If it was promoted as more of a retelling, or new take on the story, but this seemed to be intended as "what really happened" or "what was going on with this character." If that is the case, shouldn't it follow the main plot points of the original film, such as how Maleficent finds the baby (or more like the girl since it takes her 16 years in the first film!), the final battle and that she is killed in the end?

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