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Posts posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Really enjoyed this episode. Very suspenseful. I was getting very nervous watching the lead-up to whether Emma would fall for Rumples deception.When Ingrid was trying to get Emma to not go, I actually shouted at the TV for her to listen to her. I was also all sorts of nervous in the Hook and Rumple scenes. I loved Hook getting all worked up in the Gold's store, and was just waiting for Rumple to come out after hearing Hook's confession and mess him up. It is because of Hook I am hoping for Ingrid to mess Rumple up before her defeat.

  2. What immediately came to mind to me was the Seinfeld episode where George's girlfriend's mother keeps seeing him in situations that make him look like a bum.

    That must be it...

    • Love 2
  3. Are crossovers back in vogue now? I have seen three now this season, two in the last week. I wasn't even sure I would watch this as I have never seen anything from either of the Chicagos and I found myself underwhelmed by The Simpsons/Futurama crossover as I have never seen Futurama. For example, there would be things I am sure were references to Futurama, but didn't understand.

    That said, I felt it was well done as a crossover. There were not a lot of things people who didn't watch the other shows would get. I did find myself wonder what "family life" Lindsay and her brother had that was hinted at, and why her Sargent would know her brother.

    • Love 1
  4. So funny! Really well done all around. Loved the kids especially. Also thought Bow with the neighbor was hilarious. I swear I have seen something like that, where Neighbors thought a family was having hard times, done on another show, because this was better. Am I crazy in thinking that?

  5. I liked this episode. Don't know anything about Inhumans so will have to take others at their word that is what the show is setting up. Seems to have people excited, though, if that is where they are going so I am excited to see that play out. I am starting to see the breadcrumbs for future movies. Now that they announced an Inhuman movie, will Skye and her father be in it if that is what they are, like I have heard people speculate?

    What was Ward doing at the end? Trying to infiltrate his brothers security? He seemed dressed like a bodyguard to me...

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  6. It was a good one. Good set-up for the crossover in having something done that the future characters would have to fix. I have never watched anything more then a clip or two of Futurama, so I kinda feel I didn't get as much out of it as I could. Did they even give names for most of the Futurama characters?

  7. Ugh, Snow! Just ugh...  I get being scared by something you don't quite understand, but you grew up in a world with magic and should know enough not to blame Emma when something is obviously not right and she is obviously not in control. You have know Emma for a while now and know this is an isolated incident. When stuff like this keeps happening consistently, then we'll talk... Maybe we will get a Smallville-style power switch and SNOW will have to see what it is like having powers you don't understand(I wouldn't put it past the show) Was happy when Elsa spoke about her experience with her family. The Captain Swan shipper in me did love how Hook was trying to comfort her and was still trying when she ran off.


    I enjoyed the flashback and have to say this is the first villain I have actually felt sorry for. I also liked we found out why Elsa has powers; all magic comes with a price. That ending scene with Elsa and Anna's mom confused me though. Does SHE remember the incident, or is her memory wiped as well, because I was thinking how her experience with her sister colored her parenting of Elsa, but if she didn't remember her sisters... Also; am I the only one who thought she looked SO MUCH like Anna in that last scene with Grand Pabbie?

    • Love 4
  8. That was the episode where the guys were camping and Howard first told the story of lodging his virginity to his cousin.

    Also a callback to the episode with Howard and Bernadettes first date when the said how one lost it in a Camary and the other in a Corolla (sp?)......Nice that the writers remembered that and had Debbie mention they were in the car.

    Oh, right! I had remembered about the cousin but forgotten that was the episode it came from... Thanks!
  9. Loved the call back to my favorite episode, The Adhesive Duck Deficiency."

    I love that episode! What was the callback? I missed it.

    Anyway, really enjoyed this episode all around. Especially loved Leonard and Penny and Sheldon and Amy.

    My only issue would be that Emily's fascination with creepy and bizarre, while fun here could easily be overdone.

    • Love 1
  10. The people that magic belonged to are likely somewhere in a whole different world (as someone said the hat probably spits them out) after their magic has been taken. 

    Didn't Rumple, when talking to the Snow Queen in her ice palace, mention "becoming part of the tapestry" of the hat? That, and the fact we see a star added to the hat when the apprentice is sucked in, makes me feel that you are stuck in the hat, becoming part of the magic of it...

  11. I thought it was an okay episode. So, I guess both of those older girls are crazy... The ending made me wonder if they actually believed the Glasgowman story or if it was just a front for killing Zoe; making it seem like they were crazy and not all there.


    Loved Carisi this episode. Thought he was good with the crazy woods guy (forgot his name) and his realization about the girls at the end.

    • Love 3
  12. I don't really know how you can have the finale planned so long in advance, but in the case of HIMYM (and I didn't watch the show but read about how pissed everyone was), it might have been a case of the series lasted 9 years. 

    That was not it for me. I thought it was the fact that it seemed forced. A lot of retconning and forcing to make it fit the ending they wanted, with no thought to what we had seen throughout the seasons. For example 

    They kept showing, time and time (and time and time and time and time) again what a bad fit Robin and Ted were only to show them going back to each other.

    They also 

    spent SO MUCH time on Barney and Robin, making their freaking wedding the focal point of the final season, only to have them divorced about 15 min into the finale.


    Can you tell I am still bitter about how the show ended? That said, I would think many shows have an idea where they want to end up, even having the last scene planned. That is just good storytelling. I think where it becomes a problem is if there is inflexibility and refusal to change if the story evolves to a point where that no longer makes sense. For example, if A&E want the ending to be the characters enjoying their happily ever afters, that would be a satisfying ending to a story about fairy tales and flexible to make it fit wherever the story ends up.

    • Love 2
  13. I was just glad to see Lily in a confessional, even if it was with Mitchell.  Other than this one and her solo one last season (when she expressed relief that Joe could walk now and that she could blame more of her misbehavior on him), has she had any others?  Honestly asking here.

    One with Cam in the episode, I think "Party Crasher" from season 4, where Cam keeps accidentally hurting Lily. He talks about how silly he was being and they engage in playful shoving ("You're silly""No, you're silly") until he accidentally pushes her off her chair.

    • Love 2
  14. Was the helmet Leonard was wearing from Battlefield Earth? And Sheldon's was Magneto's, right?

    It was Professor X's Cerebro helmet. I didn't make the connection until after seeing Sheldon wearing the Magneto one. Sheldon WOULD be Magneto, wouldn't he. Loved the room as a whole. Especially loved the Mars Attacks alien. Had nightmares about that movie as a kid. Why my parents let a 9 yr old see that movie is beyond me.

    Really liked where they were going with the Amy and Bernadette plot, but it was totally underdeveloped.

    Loved the guys with the Dr. Especially how they didn't care about getting out of the basement at the end.

    • Love 3
  15. I read the io9 episode review this morning and it was like whiplash when you spend most of your Once related time over here. Are we all watching the same show?

    What did I just read? Really? I.... Words fail me.. To quote from Seinfeld, "I am speechless. I am without speech."
    • Love 1
  16. Am I the only one who wanted to be petting those puppies like Luke was? So adorable! I thought the Awesomeland fit goofy, silly, childish Phil more then going all out on a creepy scary Halloween.

    As someone who used to love Where's Waldo and went as him for Halloween when I was about her age loved that costume. I actually enjoyed Lily this episode. I thought she was better and more realistic then snarky, quippy Lily (who can grate on me).

    • Love 2
  17. Like a lot of people here, I am so over the Regina fanfiction. The way Regina's actions are being framed in the show is beyond a joke. There is not only a lack of self-awareness from Regina, but from the writers as well. I won't say anymore though as it has been said many times over much more eloquently by other posters. I also felt that while there was clearly a parallel meant to be drawn between Lily/Emma and Regina/Emma, I felt that the two situations were by no means comparable.


    Also, how much of a joke is the Sherriff's office? Apparently break and enter will get you an indefinite visit in the lock-up, but kidnapping and false imprisonment (Rumple, Regina), murder (Rumple, Regina), and assault (Rumple, Hook) will allow you to roam free! (And I'm referring only to their SB crimes.)

    Maybe they figure it would be pointless to imprison Rumple or Regina since they have magic and could easily escape or do stuff from the cell? Why bother if someone can poof away or curse and shoot fireballs at you from the cell?


    Could there be any thing to the Harry Potter and Lilly reference?

    I don't know. Maybe the unloved orphan part? I could see them connecting to that part of Harry's story. Maybe Lily had magic, and was born into a family of "muggles" like HP Lily and THAT is why she was given up, or abandoned, and felt isolated from her adoptive family. That wouldn't work, though, unless she came from another realm, since they have made a point of saying our world is one without magic.

  18. Ugh. I felt like I was watching Smallville 2.0.


    Metahumans=Meteor Freaks

    Lab guy and girl=Pete and Chloe

    Even having old Flash guy as Barry's dad is very Smallville-y.

    This so much! Glad I am not the only one to notice this! Enjoyed it, but it was like watching Smallville again. I can even see the wheelchair scientist (banking on his name) being like Lex Luthor. Someone the hero is friends with eventually but eventually becomes a villain.

    Overall, thought it was promising and a great start. Enjoyable.

  19. One of the highlights for me this episode were the moments between Emma and Hook, both at the beginning and end of the episode. Loved them going through the stuff at the end. It was nice to see them being a normal couple outside of all the craziness they have to deal with. I would like to see more of these quiet moments.


    Loved the Snow Queen. She is being portrayed perfectly. While the big, flamboyant villains can be great, I feel the more understated ones can often be more effective. Liked the reveal of the tape and Emma and Hooks responses, even if I did guess we would be seeing her as soon as it went to the footage from the home.


    Also thought Charming and Snow's story was good. Loved the scene between Snow and Will Scarlet. Also loved Charming when he was talking about finding Will together and how it would be like old times. Josh, to me at least, looked so excited saying that, and it was adorable.


    Liked Sydney betraying Regina. Did not see that coming. May be nitpicking, but HOW did he plot with the Snow Queen? Could he just pop up in one of her mirrors? Can he only appear for Regina?


    My only thing I did not like was the Regina and Emma stuff. Regina needs to grow up, and, while I can her see wanting to make up and put it behind them, come on, Emma. You did nothing wrong and you know it.

    • Love 5
  20. I loved the Hans scene too and I also like Hans. But that's cause he's allowed to remain, well douchebag Hans.


    As for the moral ambiguity they pretty much have 2 strategies. For Rumple, I feel it's true blue moral ambiguity. He does bad things but he didn't start out that way and his evil deeds are for a pretty good purpose, reuniting with his kid. Even then no one besides dim bulb Belle is patting him on the back for it. Not even Neal, the only one who matters to him.


    The other strategy which I find distasteful is to tear down the good guys and make them seem evil and victimized the other party and the "villain's" misdeeds are whitewashed and they pretend it never happened. Basically I don't believe Woegina discussion would ever fall under the topic of villainy because A&E clearly don't see her as a villain. She's the heroine of their piece. Their Twilight Bella if you will. And anything surrounding her also gets distorted, see Cora and Eva and Cora and Snow. I'm still mad about Cora by the way. They ruined a perfectly good villain.


    But yes I agree with you, A&E love to pat themselves on the back for how creative and edgy and complicated their material and characters are. It's all hogwash. They tout complex and grey but that's not really true.


    If this show really did moral ambiguity, it'd be a good show, not a shitty crack habit we can't break from.

    They do like to make villains out of the heroes, don't they? 

  21. Once takes it to a whole new level though. It's not really the woobifying of villains that I have problems with, although it does make them less interesting when they do it all the damn time. It's the "villain Sue experience the most pain evah!" and the good guys are life ruiners and victimizers that is just fucked up. New Maleficent didn't villainize Aurora nor did WIcked turn Dorothy into a dark hearted life ruiner. We can't say the same for Snow. I mean if A&E had their way, Elsa and/or Anna would probably be the ones bullying Hans and made the poor sweet guy evil.


    I'm hoping DQ strikes the perfect medium between villain with a decent reason but yet is still totally psychotic. EM straddles that line well and we all know Disney isn't letting them touch Frozen characters.


    Moral ambiguity is fine and yet that's not what Once does. They're strictly black and white like all the heroes don't kill stuff. They don't allow for any shading or presenting 2 sides of the story. There's only one side that's ever presented, that of Victim Sue. They also love to claim black is white and white is black. Except for Frozen. If there's any villain killing going on, I hope it's Anna or Elsa and they rightfully get hailed as heroes.

    LOL I can just see Hans being all "It wasn't my fault! My brothers teased me!" I did love the scenes with him and his brothers.


    Yeah, moral ambiguity isn't what Once does, but does it seem like they try to present it that way? I read the way they present characters like Regina and Rumple as being like, "Look! Everything isn't black and white!" It is kinda fractured.

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