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Posts posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I agree that it was nice that Zach kept his proposal private, and not surprising as they seem like a very down to earth couple.


    What does Audrey do that she would have a job offer? I read somewhere that she is a writer but that could mean many things, or nothing at all.


    I think the kids have blossomed being away from both Matt and Amy. They have had a dysfunctional relationship for a long time that can not of be pleasant for the kids to be around. I don't think either Matt or Amy is necessarily a bad parent, but I do think they present an unheathy model for how to partner in a relationship.

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  2. I disagree about not letting athletes run the Race. Everyone has some sort of skill set that, at some point, is going to give them an advantage. Mickey & Pete basically won the Race after jumping into 1st place at the rafting task. And Pete just happens to be a rafting guide. Hardly seems fair to the other teams but that's just how the Race works.

    I don't know why people keep saying that Pete is a rafting guide. He may have done that at one time in his life, but even his TARC profile lists him as a 'deck builder'. In reality he has spent the last 4 years in university studying tourism. I read somwhere that he is planning to specialize in adventure tourism, but his full time occupation is hardly as a rafting guide.


    One would think that it was hardly fair to have a hockey challenge when one team are gold metal Olympic hockey champions - if there was any blatant 'unfairness' in a task this season, that would be it. Turned out to not be an advantage, but I am sure when the task was included in a leg TPTB did not see the end result as a possiblilty.


    Many of the tasks were absolutely amazing in their difficulty, and time and time again it was a surprise as to who excelled. Alain sucked at the race car challenge which he expected to do well in; Sukhi and Jinder had never skated before and did well at the hockey challenge, as did Sukhi in the shooting challenge. Just because someone has never performed a task before doesn't mean they will suck at it, and someone who should breeze past a challenge may not.


    All three teams ended up at the final challenge together and if either of the other teams had gotten the pictures right at the first, they would have won. Just turned out that Mickey and Pete got theirs right first despite having a few missteps.

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  3. I hated this episode. And really, Alicia accepting 1.3 million dollars in cash from yet another shady client to pay for Cary's bail? Does she just take the duffel bag down to wherever bail is paid and plop it on the counter? Does she take it to the bank and deposit it, no questions asked? Really? I don't know what the laws are in the U.S. but if you were to deposit anything over $10,000 in cash in Canada you would have to fill out a form declaring where the money came from. I can't imagine what attention 1.3 MM would draw!


    I am so tired of Kalinda and her magic vagina that no mortal can resist. I would not miss her one iota if she were never to grace my screen again. Heck, I'd rather see Grace.

    • Love 3
  4. My closed captioning said that it was Dave who got bleeped. (Who is Dave? Is he the guy who injured his shoulder?) Anyway, it said that Dave said "Fockers". I think it's safe to assume he said "Fuckers", maybe he said it to himself but the mics picked it up.

    Whoever did Audrey's eyebrows needs to be fired. They didn't do her any favours.

    So was the bleeping part different depending on which coast you were watching it from? I am in B.C. and I don't watch with CC (and often find when I am somewhere where it is on even simple words are CC'd wrong). The twins brought up Rex and Bob almost being eliminated, then in the next epi u-turning (I guess the one we didn't see). It shows Rex replying, then we hear the beep when the camera is on the host and the host says "no language like that on the show". On the version I saw he doesn't say a name, but regardless there is no Dave (it was Shawn who injured his shoulder).  Since Rex was the one talking when the beep happened I would imagine he was the one who was beeped.


    It was nice to see Nutmeg with professionally applied eye makeup. Hopefully they were given a tutorial at the same time on how to avoid raccoon eyes.

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  5. I didn't realise just how much I wanted Mickey and Pete to win until I yelled "NOT THAT ONE" at the TV when they removed the wrong painting in the final task.


    Even though the placings didn't change at all from the beginning of the rafting to the final placemat it was still an incredibly tense episode; well done editors (and racers).


    It always amuses me to see the eliminated teams cheering at the end; half of whom I've forgotten, others I'm suddenly reminded why they annoyed me and then there's the rare team that coulda/shoulda/woulda (Alain/Audrey, I'm looking at you).


    Thanks Canada; your race was pretty darn amazing.

    My hubby was out of town so I watched the final with a friend. I agree that the epi was very well edited. My friend and I were yelling at the TV when Pete kept missing the toys at the Deifenbunker. And at the end, even though they showed Pete and Mickey on the steps of the Rideau Hall, when they showed an aireal view of them running to the mat my friend thought it was Nutmeg. This is the only time in the whole season that I was not annoyed that Nutmeg dressed like twins, as I knew it was Team Dude for sure -lol.


    I think my favourite shot of the other teams cheering for Team Dude as they ran to Jon was of Cormac, who was doing some strange cheering motion - rather than a fist pump he was pumping his whole body.

  6. To say I was thrilled with the final race would be an understatement. I am so happy that Team Dude won, and was touched  to see that pretty much all of their fellow racers we happy with their win as well. Says a lot to me both as to their character and their worthiness of the win.

    • Love 4
  7. I was watching some of the extended videos on the CTV site and caught an interesting comment they made. Virtually all the other teams in their post race interviews and on that mid-race After the Race show talked about how they were surprised how the constant over-the-top adrenalin affected their racing and decision making. Nat and Meg though talked about how they controlled the adrenalin - that each leg was like an important hockey game where they were super hyped going into it but once they had played their first shift they got the jitters out. That experience has, I think, helped them to remain so level headed and able to get through their tasks without freaking out unlike most of the other teams. Hope they can remain freak-out free though this last leg!


    This is exactly why, to me, they should not be in this race. If TPTB want to do a season of all pro athletes, fine. But when all of the other teams are not pro athletes,  it gives Nutmeg a big advantage and results in an uneven playing field.  I don't know if the reason for having them is as a draw for viewers, but personally I tuned in because it is a Canadian version, and my fav teams by far have been the ordinary joes (or in this case Mickey and Pete).

    • Love 2
  8. Good lord, it seems the same writer who came up with the multi-million-dollar-necklace-in-the-chandellier as a way to resolve the Jill inheritance fiasco also dreampt up (no pun intended) the Sharon-falls-asleep-in-the-middle-of-the-day-and-spills-her-secret-while-Mariah-listens drivel. And Mariah's whole hatred towards Sharon makes no sense. It might if Sharon had kept Cassie, but she didn't. So dear Mariah. even if Sharon knew she had another baby, you would have been given up as well. Maybe Grace would have tracked you down like she did Cassie. Maybe not. But to say Sharon should have known she had another baby (even though she was unconscious) is just stupid. Even for Mariah.

    • Love 4
  9. It's funny as I watched the parade epi after I read some of the comments regarding the Roloff kids eating with their mouthes open. When I remembered I watched specifically for this and can't say I saw any of the regular sized kids do that - Jake, Jeremy or Molly. Would have to watch again to catch all of the eating scenes.


    I also call bs on the whole pumpkin mislabelling fiasco. There is no way that using a few markers you could turn the r into an L and have it look exactly like the colours, shading and letters of the rest of the name.


    I found Audrey, I dunno, annoying.  There was just something about her that irks me, unlike Tori.  And please Audrey, get rid of the ruby red lipstick, it makes you look cartoonish.


    I don't remember Audrey previously being made up like a pageant contestant. She has certainly been on the show other years and did not stick out like a sore thumb. Or a cartoon, Jersey Girl aptly described her. The fact that all of the other females (Amy, Mollie and Tori) are very natural looking (even with assuming they are wearing makeup for the cameras) makes her look even more ridiculous.

  10. I don't really understand the beefs against Sukhi and Jinder. (And I am happy they are not in the final three so I am certainly not defending them because they were a fav team of mine - far from it.) They are Canadian, born and raised here. Their TARC profiles state that they have a business that expanded into Southeast Asia so it should not be a shock. I would think it would be natural that they would spend some time there, and some in Canada. Their interview stated that they flew out for a couple of weeks around when their 'naked sibs' epi aired.


    It is just as likely that Sukhi used living in Southeast Asia as an excuse for going through a red light. (And are there no red lights in Southeast Asia?). Should the show only take people who have never taken a chance to expand their horizons outside Canada? My guess would be that their initiative to do that at relatively young ages made them attractive to TPTB. Despite the fact that the sibs penchant for asking for help throughout the first few epis showed a distinct lack of leadership skills. Thank goodness (at least until this past epi) they ditched that annoying habit.

    • Love 3
  11. It's a wonder a team didn't get both the blue-yellow striped flag AND the blue-white checked flag wrong.


    From what I remember Rob and Ryan did get both of the above flags wrong.  I think it was Mickey who told them to check the flags carefully for the smallest detail. It was after that they discovered the incorrect striped flag, and then when they still didn't pass the task discovered the incorrect checkered flag. I love that Mickey (I think it was though Pete would have done the same thing) helped them with his advice.

    • Love 2
  12. I can't believe another (and final) epi aired without once again anyone getting to the bottom of Beadorgate. To me that is one of Tamra's biggest lies - unless of course Terry really did say it. Otherwise why would Heather be happy to let it go and not confront Tamra? And while I never beleived that Shannon made it up, Tamra pretty much admitted as much by saying Shannon does not have a mean bone in her body.


    I did totally enjoy the bitchface on Heather when Shannon talked about her four trips with David, and how well they are doing. Not only is Heather pissed that Shannon's marriage is not falling apart, but Shannon gets to rekindle romance with a super hot husband. Heather on the other hand is stuck with Miss Terry. Karma.

    • Love 5
  13. I will be happy with any of the final three winning as well, though I far prefer that it be Team Dude. They never cease to make me laugh, or warm my heart with their kindness. They were the only team that even acknowledged the guy on the mat with Jon - and with a hug, of course.


    I still can't tell Nutmeg apart, but I was impressed when they gave the sibs their clue sheet.


    I don't understand why Jinder didn't do the rappelling/climbing task. Did they not know when they went down that they would have to climb back up? Just seems like a no brainer that Jinder just as a matter of physiology would have more strength for the task than Sukhi. While I am glad they have been eliminated, I must say I was very impressed by them as siblings. Not a lot of sibs are that close and supportive of each other - especially in really trying circumstances. So kudos to them for that.

  14. On the TARC website none of the teams are matching either except for Nutmeg. The twins are both wearing leather jackets but not sure if it is the same jacket. Some are wearing similar colours but not the same clothing. The lesbian couple, the dudes and the female best friends aren't coloured co-ordinated at all.  So apparently it was a personal choice.  The oldest epi I still have on PVR is the 5th (Yukon) and teams were as I posted above with regards to colours. Which is why it has stood out to me for weeks now that only Nutmeg dress like twins. I don't ever recall them wearing different colours? The jackets are always red, may have black t shirts underneath if they don't have them on, and leggings are always the same. Maybe it was earlier than the 5th epi but haven't noticed any differences since then and can't say I did before. Do you remember which epi? Or do you just mean different versions of the colour red for the jacket?

  15. I beg to differ. Most of the other teams do. As others have said it's a team identification thing and makes it easier for the viewers to identify.

    Are you referring to TAR or TARC? I do not watch TAR but most teams in at least this season of TARC do not dress alike. And if the reason were an ID thing, why would it not be all, as opposed to most? Wouldn't it be a requirement of the show as opposed to a personal preference?


    Rob and Ryan never dress alike, nor do Team Dude. Rex and Bob didn't. Sukhi and Jinder don't. They sometimes both wear blue jackets but they look nothing alike - Sukhi's is a puffy baby blue jacket, Jinder's more of a sport type darker blue, and they wear different coloured t-shirts underneath. Audrey and Alain sometimes wore matching grey hoodie type jackets but different tops underneath. The twins sometimes dressed alike, other times not. The only team that ALWAYS dresses identical is Nutmeg. So as far as averages go, most teams in TARC at least this season do not dress alike - or even close to alike.

  16. When did Zach get engaged?


    I have to say I prefer all of the kids to the parents, so I don't mind epis that focus on them. Also Jake has matured so much - he is a much nicer kid than he was a year or two ago. And he and Jeremy definitely won the lottery on looks - I think they are both very handsome guys.


    Matt and Amy remind me so much of brother and sis in law. They were high school sweethearts, married after college and lasted 15 years. They have been seperated since 1991 but have never divorced. They spend holidays together, he cuts her grass and shovels her driveway. She has him over for dinner and makes his favourites. They are much better friends than they were spouses. If Matt and Amy were able to finally part I think they would end up in a similar situation.


    The tumultuous relationsip my bro and his wife had for most of their married years hasn't had a negative effect on my two nieces (one was 11 when they seperated, the other 8). Both are married to amazing men and they have very strong relationships. I wish the same for the Roloff boys (and their sister when and if she reaches that point).

    • Love 3
  17. Regarding the teams dressing alike, most of them don't. I do remember the mom and son being in blue, and possibly the sibs (would have to go back and replay even this past week but don't have time). None of the other teams do, including Alain and Audrey. They may have now and again but since there are many times they didn't I would assume that was just coincidence. In the Poobah epi he wore grey and she wore purple. And Team Dude, Rob and Ryan, even the twins - nope, they do/did not dress in similar colours.

  18. That tells me all I need to know about where the "take the Beadors down" turn of phrase originated. It came from Tamra.


    Totally agree with this. I do not see that phrase "taking down" as something that would even be in Shannon's vocabulary. She may have faults but she is a classy person. Tamra on the other hand - not so much. Or not at all.

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  19. I am certain that the leggings are Team Canada gear. (Saw olympic athlete in my town wearing them). I don't know if TPTB wanted them to wear their olympic kit, if they did, or if the canada olympic committee wanted them too. I know that national team athletes have to wear team outfits when travelling.

    Sorry, didn't mean to imply the leggings weren't Team Canada gear. They are certainly ugly enough to be. My point was the jackets are what defines them as TC - they could display some individuality and not wear matching leggings every epi as well. But then it fits in with their lack of personalities so not a surprise.

  20. I think that the reason Terry is not mad at Tamra is that he doesn't believe Shannon. He doesn't think that Tamra said it.


    I thought that might be possible that Terry didn't believe Tamra said it except that Vicki finally confirmed to everyone else at the reunion that Tamra said it to HER as well. Vicki admitted it in a TH a few epis ago when it was brought up at Lizzie's party. She said in the TH that Tamra told her that Terry had said that, but that she did not want to get into it with Tamra so she did not confront her at the party. Which I thought was a really chicken shit thing to do as it would have confirmed that Tamra was lying, not Shannon.

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  21. So after seeing this epi last night I still am not clear if Terry really made the 'taking down the Beadors' comment or not. If he didn't, why is he not furious at Tamra for making it up? But then Terry wasn't mad at Eddie for the comment Eddie made about Heather riding the bull like she rides Terry. And his reason for not being mad? Because they are friends? Really? Shouldn't that made you madder, than some guy you don't even know making a comment. What an idiot.


    I love though that the Beadors pointed out that the HiBrows never apologize for anything. What a petty, obnoxious pair they are.

    • Love 2
  22. Team Dude continues to entertain. I am a sucker for men with a sense of humour. And didn't Pete refer to Natalie and Meaghan as Nutmeg? I think I will refer to them from now on as Team Nutmeg.


    I would never have thought there would be a chance that I would prefer the Sibs to win a leg over Team Nutmeg, but that is exactly what happened tonight. I can't put my finger on why those two bug me (even more than the sibs) - whether it is dull personalities, dressing alike 24/7 or their poor sportsmanship at times. They were really cheesed off when Rob and Ryan showed up at the first of the show. Geez ladies, those two have hardly been a challenge to your status. Lighten up. Even Sukhi gave them a big hug. And whining to Jon about the sibs trying to steer you in the wrong direction was just sour grapes. No one with half a brain would have fallen for something so obvious. It would be one thing to complain to each other, or to the sibs in private but to do it on the mat when they have won so many legs and only lost this one by a hair was just poor sportsmanship.

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