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Posts posted by BooBear

  1. 6 hours ago, lala2 said:

    This was worse, IMO, than the original ending. I'll just erase this from my memory and leave Dexter as a lonely lumberjack! 

    And I would never watch a spin-off with horrible Harrison. I hated him and him killing Dexter didn't change that! LOL! 

    I just can't get over Harrison last week calling Dexter a hero for saving thousands and within seconds deciding to kill him -- KILL HIM -- KILL HIS DAD - because his dad killed Coach without any idea of the circumstances. 

    I mean Harrison was longing to be with his dad from the start of this series and now they are close and wammo.. Harrison is happy to shoot his dad in a matter of minutes?

    Nope not buying that.

    For me the only way to save this is to have the parts with Logan's death and after all be a "waking dream" that we have seen Dexter have before -like when he imagined Deb shooting him - but I am guessing Michael Hall is done.

    • Love 11
  2. This was a terrible ending and also, very sloppy series. Every week the smart people of the internet would point out all the failures. I suspect the Clyde just wrote the ending and left it up to some woke kiddies to write the rest.

    And the ending was done so that Michael C Hall wouldn't have to come back. I am sure that was his reason for doing it. 

    This thing was very poorly written and ultimately several subplots just meant nothing.. Olson, Kurt, nothing. 

    Showtime, fool me once... well. 

    • Love 10
  3. If we are going with the "it was all a dream" why have only this season be the dream. Have Dexter wake up in Rita's arms at the end of season 1. 

    - Dokes is still alive;

    - Deb is still alive;

    - Harrison never born

    DO OVER.

    I am wondering what this Monday morning surprise is. If it is more seasons I will be disappointed.   I can do without yet another season where Dexter "just happens" to stumble on another serial killer and everyone in Dexter's sphere is in danger or dead. Seen  it, bored with it. Dexter is starting to head into "the terminator" plot line of just not being able to go past a certain point in the story and just keep doing the same story over and over again. 

    I haven't seen anyone bring it up but how old is Dexter now? Isn't one of the biggest reasons that serial killers hang it up is because they are getting older and either don't have the urge as much (less testosterone) or can't do it? And Dexter isn't someone who kills people weaker than him, women or children.  How long can he really be a serial killer realistically? Is he going to be lifting and dragging men in his 60s?

  4. 4 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

    Kurt embalms the bodies, which slows decomposition. Maybe the containers he put them in are refrigerated?

    I don’t want Dexter to die either, so I hope the theory I posted above is wrong.

    Slows.. but within a month things would be nasty. This show is sloppy.  We don't know how Molly was offed... we don't know why, people say it was because she was on to Kurt but she TOTALLY wasn't and they never set up any reason for him to think that.  Especially to take the chance on bringing media and national authorities to town. 

    It is bad enough that every single small town and country in the USA seems to have an exotic serial killer.. I could buy some of that in Miami but.. it is becoming laughable. 

    I want Dexter to be caught and go on trial (and be found not guilty by jury nullification). Perhaps we can see that storyline play out beside Harrison's first steps into Dexter II. 

    One thing that really irritated me about this show was Dexter always magically got away with it. I could perhaps fanwank that Dexter was smart but this whole season he has made so many mistakes. If he gets away scott free again... I don't see how that is any different than the end of season 8.  Magic lucky Dexter. 

    I can't see Dexter dying because I think that would make the audience unlikely to care too much about a "new dexter"- I don't think people like a show about a serial killer, I think they like Dexter and the characters established in the original series. I want to see their reaction to finding out what Dexter is. I honestly don't see the point of this new series with out that. It isn't like we haven't seen Dexter kill a zillion times. It isn't interesting anymore. I don't want to see Harrison do the same thing. 

    • Love 4
  5. I was irritated with this episode. 

    1. Why did Kurt Kill Molly? She didn't fit the MO. She is not a runaway? She is not in need of help.

    2. Kurt had no idea that Dexter was a serial killer and had no idea that the confrontation would end in Kurt's death... soo...

    3. What was he thinking killing Molly? She is a national presence.  The moment she goes missing the FBI will descend on this town.

    4. Assuming Kurt's plan had worked on smoking Dexter out.. what was his plan with that one? The Police Chief's boyfriend goes missing after a fire? Way to draw attention and ramp up the investigation. Even if Angela didn't suspect Kurt she probably would call in the Feds. 

    I am glad I didn't pay for this series... this was sold as a way to apologize for the end of the main series but I think this one has been just as bad. No one can figure out what is going on because the writers cheat by stalling on Harrison until the end so they can go anyway they want and by killing Molly off outside the show it is cheap and makes no sense. 

    • Love 4
  6. 37 minutes ago, Starchild said:

    Most interesting thing I learned from the episode is that it is NOT illegal to fake your own death. I imagine then that they get you for something else, like tax evasion.

    Not sure that is true. Fraud is a crime and "Jim" had to engage in Fraud to be living the life he is.

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Zonk said:

    We've seen Kurt embalm the women. So that should explain the lack of decomp.

    She said she needs "Dexter Morgan the forensics expert", not coroner and that he was. Maybe the obit didn't mention that his speciality was blood splatter? (which btw. is a made up science, so this is always funny to me in this show, when Dex can read it like a book)

    I am wondering if they are going to throw us something else going on. For instance Kurt killing the runaways but that is entirely different from whatever is going on in the caves and that is something else happening with regard to the indigenous women. 


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  8. 44 minutes ago, aghst said:

    Kurt tries to settle for Molly, whom Dexter feared would find him out.  Yet she had no idea Kurt was luring him into a kill room until she was inside the building, while Dexter's spidey sense was going off the hook.  So much for true crime podcasters being savvy.

    To me it seemed like Molly was on to him as well. Perhaps she was ready with some weapon or something.  She presents herself as a weak little lamb but I would imagine her podcasting can put her in danger and what a scoop she would get if she actually solved something.

    What shocked me was Kurt. Yah Kurt, you think there is a police interest right now? Have a national podcaster go missing ... the FBI and a million Lundys will decend on your town. I thought that was crazy of him to depart from the runaways to try to get Molly. 

    ETA: This makes me wonder if Kurt is required to get these bodies for someone - so that Kurt is absolutely desperate to to provide a perfect body - asap. He doesn't have time to worry about the consequences.

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  9. On 12/8/2021 at 9:37 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Molly Park knows exactly who Dexter Morgan is…


    Another nutty thought…

    What if this “not Harrison” is actually in cahoots with Molly the podcaster to expose Dexter. 😱

    My nutty theory Harrison is an under cover police officer. With Molly's and her fan's help the cops are on to Dexter and trying to get him to implicate himself. 

  10. 8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    There seems to be an epidemic with poor writing  in television.  I’m not sure what the problem is, because an average person with modest skills would realize some of these stories/scripts are crazy.  It would just take a little while to think it through….do some brain storming….and you know, be clever.  Certainly, there are clever writers out there.  They just don’t seem to be writing for NBC, CBS, AppleTV, or Showtime right now.  Lol The pay must be really lousy.  

    I am starting to think it is a communist plot to destroy joy. Because even writers that were good previously are now only blah.

    • LOL 2
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  11. 7 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    I know this show has a limited run, but it seems they're always trying to cram too much, too fast into each episode, i.e. Angel, meet Angela and immediately spill the beans about Harrison and so about Dexter too. Makes you wonder how many lies Dex has told to Angela about his former life.


    I am frustrated with show because I find it suffers from what the later Dexter series did, stupidity. They audience is much smarter than the show. The Angel discussion was painful and I always thought it was dangerous and unlikely for Dexter to be dating a cop.  It is also pushing my disbelief regarding serial killers everyplace that Dexter goes. 

    Based on the first 5 episodes I am expecting this to wrap as stupidly as the series. I only hope Dexter is caught at the end.


    • Love 6
  12. I got Hulu to watch this series, I enjoyed season 1 but season 2 imho was just too dragged out. I feel also like the final episodes of the season jumped the shark with a crazy plot twist which seemed insane.

    Too much Peter.

  13. 4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    The original show was overwhelmingly white; was there a reason for that?

    The population of America is overwelmingly white.  So if this show had a main cast of Indian people it would raise eyebrows as well. Besides I think it is some sort of allegation within the show that everyone in Detroit is black.

  14. On 11/1/2021 at 9:56 PM, mythoughtis said:

    As to the show - having recently watched the original 4400, this one didn’t sit well with me. The haphazard return, one at a time, bouncing over each other.  The sloppy way they are just shoved in a room and ignored.   The over zealous guard ( it’s 2021 and there are cameras everywhere ).  Did some group get together and create a checklist of required diversity: same sex  relationship, check, interracial relationship, check,  domestic violence survivor, check.  Can we please just have a show that entertains us? 


    I thought it was horrible. The acting was some of the worst I have ever seen and there better be a good reason for why the entire show is african american people.  Is it because it is in Detroit?  The lead actress has one acting range, angry. 

    The over zealous guard was insane and the entire thing didn't seem to make sense. Why would they have them, at what appeared to be a hotel, but like not give them hotel rooms?  They should have been at a secure facility. You know the gov't has them.

    Why was a probation officer / social worker examining them?  

    As people have pointed out above the lead was pulled out of her car in the middle of the street, why would the husband ever think she left voluntarily? 

    I was lost as to why none of the returnees questioned the masks everyplace.

    Something that irked me was that there was just no compassion for these people with their "captors" which I think is silly.  Not to mention the captors appeared to have a staff of 3. 

    This whole thing reeeked of a script that I was written in a day and never edited.



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  15. On 9/29/2021 at 6:13 PM, iMonrey said:

    The good news is that the premise is fairly straight-forward. Aside from the government bigwigs setting up tents and not telling us much, there isn't really a whole LOT of mystery around the event itself, I guess. 

    That said, this was pretty bad. The writing, especially in regards to the dialogue, was just terrible. I know there tends to be a lot of hand-waving with pilots because they have to cram a lot of character establishment and premise into 40+ minutes, but let's face it. We've all seen good first episodes of various series, so it's possible to do it well.

    I think it may speak to the fact that network TV is just not up to speed yet with streaming and basic cable, and still falls back on schlock because it's really hard to get networks to pick up shows unless the pilots really grab them. But network TV in general just does not have good luck with these types of genre shows. The only reason they keep trying them is because everyone is still looking for the next Lost.

    The cast is largely unmemorable, the animal CGI was noticeably cheap looking, and the exposition was cringe-worthy. It checked off every trope on the list. Hopefully it can only get better. Tuesdays are a good night for it though. Not much else on.

    I thought this was horrible. The acting was painful.  And ultimately I can tell it is a "stall show" the writers don't have any idea what is going on and won't come up with anything until 2024.  The biggest mystery? How they all survived the fall?

    • Love 2
  16. I really enjoyed this episode. I think Tyler H. really nails both Superman and Clark Kent but I was thrilled that in this version Lois saw Clark for the geeky hot guy that he is. Not to mention they work closely together and are respected reporters.. (having something in common).  I remember being so irked when Lois and Clark aired that Lois wasn't mature enough to see "Clark".  And they were consistent with her character. Lois is an investigative reporter. Some god shows up she isn't starstruck, she is suspicious. 

    Lois is my new hero. This is the Lois I always imagined... though I thought the stun gun was a bit much. But it was a nice touch that she wouldn't go out there unprepared. 

    These people are just soo normal.

    I am kind of blah on the Morgan Edge plot. Reminds me too much of Superman II and Zod. 

    I do hope there is a smart Lois and smart Clark had a conversation about this kind of scenario (especially with the warning they got about this from John Henry.)


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  17. 10 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    Evil Kryptonian is here! I also wonder if she is from Luthors world. New Krypton/Argo does exist but I doubt that they'd bring that up. 

    This is where I think the show might have lost me. It is a very CW thing to have the evil people with powers. (similar thing happened in Supergirl season 1).  I was looking for a more grounded show about Superman. Also stupid bad guy to let Superman know they are out there. And it kind of takes Lois' story away and puts it squarely in Superman's territory.  I wanted to see them both doing what they do best and in their own ways making the world a better place.  I am not sure the superpower people are related to Morgan Edge. I hope that isn't the case. IMHO they seemed to be trying to draw Superman out by going after his favorite reporter.  They were really obnoxious about it. 

    I was geeked out for Superman explaining to his kids about what he does, but it does make me wonder, what happens to the world while he sleeps? I mean 1/2 the world is day time so....

    Jordan continues to come off very badly.  He seems particularly selfish (especially since if he messed up dad could be exposed) and Jonathan continues to be a little too indulgent of his brother.   I also thought it was dumb as they gave Jordan's character as an introvert who does hate sports. 

    Happy that Lana's daughter ditched her unreasonable boyfriend but I find, unless we get something amazing happening there, it is rather a boring story. Anyone wonder if her dad will turn out to be one of these superpowered people? Just something about the parents sleeping in different rooms made me think perhaps that was for Lana's protection.  They also make a point of saying the daughter had her issues about a year ago, perhaps Kyle turned to Edge out of despair. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    A solid second episode. I like that Lois got a lot more to do than I was expecting. Her journalism story about Morgan Edge was well done. It sets up a conflict with her and one of the antagonists that will actually be interesting to see play out.

    I enjoy seeing Lois as a mature intelligent adult who also happens to be a good journalist. I also like that not everything is an "avengers level event" somethings need a reporter... somethings need Superman. 

    Something I was wondering if they were going to touch on because (and maybe I just haven't read the comics) what does it mean if Supes is "infecting" humanity with Kryptonian DNA? That is an interesting question.  Probably more interesting than Supes just coming here in the first place.   If found out that probably could really be an upset. 

    Perhaps the AI was like the Oricle from the Matrix and told Jordan he didn't have powers because maybe that was what it thought was best for the teen to hear. 

    Love all the relationships on the show. Lois and Clark act like a real husband and wife and even thought the kids might not act like that I sure wish it was how all siblings were with each other. 

    One thing that is really bothering me... why isn't Lana's daughter not giving her boyfriend the boot. That character seems problematic and is in danger of falling into a trope. 

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  19. 49 minutes ago, ctlady said:


    But Jonathan displayed the strength at a young age when he threw the football as a toddler and it went right through the house. 

    That was superman. Jonathan just broke a rope.

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  20. Loved this:

    1. Loved Lois. I think often times her character is stuck in male writer hell. They don't know how to write a mature woman. This was a mature woman who grew past her 1978 -- reporter character.  I take it here she is around 42 to 44. Family comes first. Plus, in this world, being a journalist has changed radically.

    2. Jordan was perhaps oddly done. I could see him as a bad guy some day. He was just too... weird? Too angry.

    3. Loved there wasn't a hint of the arrow verse. I like this show on its own and since there was not one motion of any of the rest of it, I wonder if we will eventually find out this Superman and Lois are in another universe.

    Weird stuff. It seemed like some parts might have been cut. 

    Lois and Jonathan were super chill about giving up their lives and moving to Smallville. There should have been a scene where someone sat John down and told him to do it for Jordan. Perhaps there was on the cutting room floor.

    Clark's reaction to the twins finding out seemed cut back and not to make a ton of sense. He should have just old them he was scared to tell them his secret.  It seemed odd also for them to honestly have no idea. I mean Lois' claim to fame is her "in" with Superman. They never would have noticed that dad looks like Superman? It is very hard to accept. 

    • Love 4
  21. I didn't like this episode because it introduced a lot that confused me.

    1. It seemed like the deed just showed up on Wanda's car. Luring her to Westview (next to Agatha's house) It seems to me maybe that deed is a fake and Agatha wanted to Lure Wanda for some reason (thus the Agatha all along) but then Wanda went all Hex crazy. It affected everyone but Agatha who simply played along to try to find out what the heck happened.  (and maybe how she could use it).

    2. I know Heywood is supposed to be a baddy but I have zero problems with him. Wanda has an entire town basically being tortured. It isn't right, and if we just were being presented from a different point of view... the Director would be a hero. It is his job to stop her and free those people my any means necessary and no, I don't see him as a bad guy for experimenting with a lifeless corpse. He was perfectly nice to bring Wanda back and show her Vision knowing she could flip out. She didn't hurt him because she knew she wasn't mad with him. Her vision was gone. It wasn't his fault. The worse imho thing you can say about him is that he lied about Wanda taking Vision's body. Not sure why he would do that but imho still doesn't make him a baddy.  

    3. I Kind of have a problem with Wanda being aware that she is hurting / controlling all those innocents in Westview and not doing anything about it. This is much different than Steve or Tony. So if she doesn't get her happy ever after I think it will be due to that.  She will presumably get the kids.

    4. Not really sure how they are going to end it. I hope they don't just make this show an introduction to a movie. I want a real ending which might then lead into a movie from an end credit scene.


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  22. I just got done with season 2 and I really loved it. I was watching it on the train into work and had to stifle a few laughs. 

    My only complaint is that sometimes I felt Patti was getting lost in her own story. I wouldn't be so miserable if next season the show got back to mostly Bob and her. 

    I still don't think Patti is a murderer though. Unless i missed it almost everyone she killed was trying to kill her. 

    I see this as 3 seasons because Patti I think now has to be unmasked as a killer and then there is the fallout. 

    I think they can backtrack on the tag to the season but I kind of think Regina deserves to die. Anyone else? 

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