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Posts posted by BooBear

  1. Sorry but this show does not deserve my full attention. I'm looking at Pinterest, checking Facebook and so on. Do they really think I'm going to look up and to read these ridiculous hand written notes?


    This. And if they hope to capture my attention can they make the notes more readable? I cannot get what they say on those little notepads.  But it is just silly. The GR can't talk but they can write the little notes as much as they want... seriously? Why has Meg not left by now? Why is she even there? 


    With regard to Nora being in a fog and knocking the coffee on the floor -- its been THREE YEARS! Seriously I cannot buy people still being in this kind of state three years after. I was watching a story on the local news last night about a hit and run that happened 2 years ago. That family doesn't know what happened. Their loved one is gone, they don't know why... they will probably never know... they are not part of a cult... they are moving on with their lives.

  2. "DO we look that stupid?"   Looks around at the others.   "Guess we are."  


    That was funny. Though this wasn't my favorite episode ... porthos angst ugh... it did have some tidbits. I enjoyed the story of Arthos and his wife but boy will it be awkward when he finds out D'Artagnan slept with her.  I generally like Constance and D'artagnan but I do find it amazingly weird that she is just so completely open about wanting D'Artagnan. Kind of makes me feel bad for her husband.

  3. I just saw Frozen last night, & I was a little confused about Kristoff & Anna too. I didn't get that they loved each other, I thought Kristoff was firmly in the friendzone.

    Well then why was he running to her at the end (presumably to kiss her as her true love). At that point it did seem like he got friendzoned but before that it seemed like they were implying that he loved her. It confused me.

  4. From my one and only viewing, it seemed the woman in the opening was going through a hotwater heater leak/breakdown (ever live through one of those? If you haven't, count your blessings!) so she was frantic, at the Laundromat trying to do  laundry, trying to schedule a plumber to her house,


    I thought it was the washer that broke and spilled water all over but... I guess what I thought most was why did they choose to open it that way when the very fact of the situation did make the mom seem much less sympathetic. When I saw the ads for this I didn't the opening scene going this way.  Mom did annoy me.

  5.  it's taking more time to warm up to Burke. I also think he looks better in period clothing from the 20th century than the 17th but I might just be swayed by the superior personal hygiene of more recent times.



    I haven't seen him in anything else but I am disliking him more than anyone else. I think it is just that he is the resident grumpy puss with nothing else happening for him -- at the moment.

  6. I enjoyed Frozen, but I also thought Tangled was a better movie--editing, character, story, music and lyrics--just a better movie. Let it Go just makes me grind my teeth with the flurries and the fractals. Because, I GET IT. You're so effing clever. Ugh.


    I just saw this recently and I was disappointed. Tangled is way better. From the story to the love story to the songs - Tangled is superior. I was most confused as to why exactly Kristoff and Anna were in love. And actually it is rather a joke that she knew her "true love" there for just about a day. Just like the bad guy she wanted to marry before.  But I couldn't see any love there, just two people who met. It isn't love if you don't want someone to die. That is called being human.  For a moment I thought Hans was going to turn out to be Elsa's love, but am kind of happy they didn't go there. Anna was a horrible bossy brat. It scares me how hype can really take on a life of its own.

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    Telling us that nobody knows anything after 3 years is not realistic, but like I said, maybe we'll be getting that information in upcoming shows.


    Something that struck me too is that in real life... no one ever has the guts to say "I don't know." Typically they come up the faux science to explain it or a theory is struck that everyone likes and they adopt. It is a way of dealing with things. I think it is obvious in health studies today... many  of them are faux science and they give people hope where they might not be any. Or people come up with their own theories on the internet and cling to them and write books about them with no evidence. So I do find it hard to believe that everyone would just be... we don't know.  Perhaps that will come up in the future.  But I found that another thing that seemed to strike me as not consistant with human behavior. I know one theory is the Rapture but I feel like it was strange that the normal people didn't seem to have their own theories that made it easier for them to go about daily life.

  8. You know I love dogs more than most people (in both senses of the phrase), and I anthropomorphise with the best of them, but even if a dog was staring at it's master when he disappeared, the dog would not become psychologically damaged, revert to a feral state, and secretly rampage on other living creatures.  Play peak a boo with a dog - they don't care.  The dog would have been distracted by something else and moved on.  Now if the premise is that when the humans disappeared, something horrific was seen, I could buy it.


    This. If eventually the show does provide an explanation that something supernatural caused these things... fine, but in a lot of the making of specials they said they didn't want to focus on what happened but rather how people act after something like this happens. At the moment, however, I find most of the reactions to be unbelievable. Dogs just do not act this way. So to have it be such a massive part of the pilot was simply distracting.  I even feel like three years should have been long enough for a lot of the reactions to have been less.. as if this should have taken place 6 months after the vanishing.  Perhaps it is just me but every major disaster I have ever been subjected to... from the challenger to my own parents dying .. the thing that most shocks me is how life just goes on ... how everyone just adjusts... and forgets.  So the show takes a premise I just don't buy and asks me to wallow in it.


    And I didn't appreciate the animal carnage in every second of this show. 

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  9. I don't know. I was looking forward to this show, but I was really disappointed. It reminded me of Under the Dome, only not quite as bad. There is no real center to the show yet.


    I also didn't like it. But I saw a few people comment they were confused... I was too but I think it was because I just found the reactions of the characters as something that wouldn't happnen. Since we just had a real life type thing in 911 (but I would argue worse) I found most of the reactions to be lame and something I just couldn't buy after seeing what happens in real life.  What happened after 911 is that most of humanity was stunned and for the most part, became kind to their fellow humans. I remember in the weeks afterwards how many times some stunned soul just let me have their train seat. What happened in terms of getting on with out lives...well that too, we are totally back on with our lives and I was back to work the next day then. For months afterwards there were scares that it could happen again with nucular bombs or chemical weapons and yet, as far as I remember, there wasn't an epedemic of hedonism among teenagers.  So to have such extreme reactions to the entire main character's family.. confuses me. Especially when we haven't seen that his family lost anyone.


    Something else that confuses me... no one seems to be thinking they could return. Unlike 911 no one knows if they are dead. I would think there would be a substantial group that would be waiting for their loved ones to return.


    I don't know if I am up for any more of this.

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  10. Ahh I didn't really love this one. D'Artagnan really seemed like an unlikely person to pick for this mission. The entire story meant to fool the baddy was weak and hastily put together. Wouldn't really fool anyone.. but I enjoyed Arthos being more normal and happy and enjoyed Cassandra and D'Artagnan.  Though he really doesn't have one splick of concern for her husband... he just walks up and kisses her whenever he wants.

  11. I can't speak for Athena, but you may have misunderstood me. I was saying that it is refreshing to see a series attempt to come close to the level of dirt you would find for the time in a period piece.


    Woops yes I did. Well I will give you that but now that we established it, can we clean them up a little. :)

    Athos didn't really work for me. Typically tortured hero is something I love but here... I don't know... he kind of had a death wish. Too much. I don't particularly find the actor attractive either. Oh well.

  12. I get what you're saying, Athena, both about being persnickety and about the dirt factor. I'm not crazy about the actor they have as D'A either, but it looks like they're playing up his youth next to the established Musketeers.

    Not crazy about the dirt either but I think D Artagnan is really hot here and he is my big draw. I don't find any of the others that hot.  I also really like his clearly spanish look -- as someone upthread mentioned it could be plausable how close they were to Spain. Athos at the moment doesn't seem all that attractive and his moodyness leaves me a bit cold.

  13. I liked it. I admit I am a Musketeers virgin only seeing parts of the 1993 one. I turned in thinking that there wouldn't be much of a role for women and Constance knocked my socks off on that. She was great. There was so much pretty among the Musketeers. I would watch for that. But I did find some of the fighting sort of confusing. I hope the scenes are done a bit better in the future.

  14. My problem with the romance/angst is that its horribly written and featured prominent in every episode despite the producers trying to say romance isn't the focus. If romance isn't the focus why did they force the love triangle all season? And they so wanted to say their love triangle was different that they took out alot of the emotion in it.


    I hope this is all the CWs doing. It does seem like we have a good show that is constantly interrupted by the "romance" channel. I hope that is taken back a bit now that the show seems to be a ratings hit. However, I do want a little smart intelligent romance.  I think Clarke and Bellamy have a strong friendship that would be interesting to explore if they both started feeling more - but they both don't strike me as "romance" people. I want to see Raven get someone who thinks she is awsome too. And Octavia needs to settle a little bit and stay with one guy. If that is Lincoln... fine, I think the idea of a grounder / 100 relationship is interesting and allows for all kinds of plot possibilities.


    The one I think the show could fumble is Kane and Abby and I am sort of dreading that.

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  15. This show has some funny lines and I enjoy it but I admit I kept switching to other things last night.  I think they failed with Marisol as a character this year. She was too smart last year to ever be in this situation and the situation itself makes me think less of her.  I wanted to scream at her last night when she was saying if she didn't marry Nicholas she might lose him. Give me a break you are a professor and author... Not to mention that I don't give a flying flip about "the secret". I am a little annoyed with Evelyn and Adrian too... the genius of them last year wasn't that they were the "loves" of their lives but they were more two of a kind.. plus last year wasn't Adrian sleeping with other people and videotaping it? Now he is all shocked that she would dare step out with Tony? As if they are "in love" geeze. I actually like Carmen's storyline and I find Spence's nephew and Ethan a much needed new blood to the story. But if I had my way I would get rid of Spence, Nicholas, Opal, and Rosie's new family.  The best parts of this show are Zola and Geneveve... Carmen, Odessa, the old Evelyn and Adrian and smart Marisol. I think most of what was introduced this year was a failure.

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    hey had that moment where things got a little awkward for Bellamy when he was touching Clarke's shoulder and teaching her how to shoot a gun, and this last episode, we had Bellamy saying he was glad when Clarke responded that she was feeling better.


    I am starting to think that the "shake it off" moment where Bellamy was teaching Clarke was due to the nuts and the fact that Bellamy was starting to feel the effects of them. Not any "sexual feeling" with regard to Clarke. Seems to me they are keeping these two pretty platonic for this year.... next year... maybe not.  I think Bellamy thinks a lot of Clarke and she is a looker but at the moment he seems to have friendzoned her. Though I kind of beg him to save the audience from Clarke / Finn.

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