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Posts posted by BooBear

  1. What was up with Dave Annabel's voice this episode? It was like he just had dental work and was struggling to talk.  I am not sure that I understood Leo's melt down. Surely someone that experienced would know the only reason they wouldn't take the leg was actually a worse situation for Jordy

  2. What I like about this show is that it is charming.  So I am willing to let the other not so great parts go. I think the deaths should happen like every three episodes and serve the plot...  I like that Jo is relatively platonic at the moment.  I enjoy Abe being and older kid and I even enjoy the rip off of Unbreakable. But they need to not throw everything in at once. Pace the subplots! It will be I think hard to keep his secret from Jo if he keeps hanging out with her and going on rogue missions.

    • Love 1
  3. We've also seen that he does kind of like her too. So that's probably part of it. He's told her flat out that he thinks she's hiding something, and he knows she's 'seen battle'. That's weird enough to keep her nearby for me.

    Yes, I think he took her because he likes her (though probably lying to himself) and other reasons like not allowing her to get the ear of his brother. I don't for a second think he did it for her healer abilities.  Perhaps another reason he feels badly about putting her in the sites of BJR, because she didn't need to be there but for his desire to have him with her.


    But for me the BJR thing bugs because if you have ever known a psychopath you know that they NEVER let something go -- especially if someone outsmarted them.  I would see BJR quietly seething and investigating every bit of it. That "woman" and "scott" didn't get the best of HIM and if he found out they did... he would make sure to get revenge.  So to me this plan seems like an excellent plan to put a red sheet in front of a bull.  But in no way keeps Claire safe. As I have mentioned BJR could easily trump up evidence against Claire and who would stop him? It would take but one or two nights in jail for her to be flogged or worse and he would get his revenge.


    I think a better plan might have been for Claire to marry Lt Foster. 

    • Love 1
  4. So it sounds like Randall knows who Claire married (Colum's nephew), so how come the Mackenzie's aren't in trouble for harboring a fugitive? Why isn't Randall demanding Dougal hand over the bridegroom? I'm confused...

    Yes this is a gaping plot hole to me. It really bugs.  There may be an explanation in the book but the show needs to be more complete.

    • Love 1
  5. I thought they did address that. After they do the deed Claire voice overs that she is a bigamist and an adulteress and that she liked it. They could have had her agonizing over "Ugh, I had to do it! I had no other choice!" but she doesn't take that easy way out. She admits to her willingness with the sex.

    I still thought it came off like "she had to do it" but turned out she liked sleeping with Jamie passively. 


    Where, my point is that she chose to have sex with Jamie and she didn't have to do the act at all. I also find it interesting that she didn't tell Jamie the truth. Jamie might have refused had he known.

  6. I'm surprised she didn't bring this up. It's a reasonable excuse. I actually thought they were going to fake the consummation and just tell everyone they did it. I was really surprised how Claire just went for it.


    I still have to say I don't understand this. Even from the episode there was no way the witnesses could actually tell if the deed was done.  Clearly if Claire didn't want to do it, she could have avoided doing so. She wanted to do it.  I wish that the show would be honest about that.  Tomorrow Claire could end up back at the stones (she has no idea) and back to Frank. If I were her, fairness to Jamie or not, I would not give in so easily.  In fact I would have thought that she would have told Jamie the truth.

  7. Very sexy love scenes but I found the ep as a whole kind of boring.  I'm disappointed to say that. 

    I haven't read the books but are we supposed to feel that these characters are falling in love?   I wish I felt that more in this ep but I didn't. 


    Oh dear, I kind of agree. There were parts of it I found useless and boring and felt annoyed that the conversation between Clarie and Jame getting to know each other was fast forwarded. I didn't find it as hot as I thought I was going to.  The problem I think with Jamie falling for Clarie is that she is hiding herself from him. He doesn't really know her. She never tells him much. But on a positive note. I enjoyed the first round of sex as being realistic and a good portrayal of how it would likely go. I also thought Jamie looked amazing in his wedding garb. Most of the time he is a mess on the show, it is nice to see him cleaned up.  I think this should have been the "bottle episode".


    Dougal, well I have thought for a bit that he wants Claire. I feel like he keeps throwing obstacles in his way to try to slow his desire and it isn't working. First making her out to be a spy and then marrying her to Jamie.   But I do think that is where they are going with it.

    • Love 2
  8. As unrealistic as the show is (and I agree with everyone that it is extremely unrealistic), I enjoyed the pilot. As others mentioned, it felt like The Breakfast Club in a hospital setting. That works for me. I'm not that interested in yet another medical drama so I wasn't planning on tuning in but I'm glad I did.

    This lack of realism might bother me in the future, I also balked at the coma kid being there... I enjoyed the show a lot. When I was a kid I spend 10 years traipsing into a  hospital every three months for tests and doctors appointments on a specialized wing and it reminded me of that.  I even thought Dave Annabell seemed a little young to be the big doctor that was so well known. He must have gone to medical school in his teens. Must be nice that Jordi just cut the line in front off like 100s of other people who were probably waiting for the doctor. 


    I will give it a few more episodes.

  9. They went off to find the Scottish raiding party that killed a couple of soldiers and injured the man who had to be amputated. On a side note, there was a lot of conversation about what Lieutenant Foster was doing in the Scottish village where they first met him.  Seeing how nice he was (again) in this episode and how disposed to believing that the Scots treated Claire well made me think that maybe he's got a lassie in that village...

    Given how persistant Foster was in looking after her before, I feel like he wouldn't have just not really been sure what happened to her.

  10. It's not the outcome anyone has a problem with, it's that the romance-tropey setup required to get there is kind of like being able to see the man behind the curtain, so it breaks suspension of disbelief a little. The author had to build a framework where it was 'okay' for a married woman to go back in time and almost immediately have sex with a hot guy, and the framework is just a little too visible. 

    Don't get me wrong, I'm still watching, I just can't unsee the scaffolding.


    Exactly. And I am going only off the tv show. I think it comes off awkward. A way of fixing it for me would be that they would get married Claire would put him off completely intending on returning to Frank. But when she was unable to get back there, fell more and more for Jamie, and felt sort of badly about putting him off... she would decide to consumate the marriage. I suppose there could be something in the next episode that would convince me but given that as far as I have seen --on the show-- she allegedly is concentrated on getting back to Frank... the whole thing seems at odds.


    One question on this episode that I didn't understand. Where did the English General and Lutenant Foster run off to after Claire went to help the injured red coat. Did I miss that part? I find it hard to believe that Lutenant Foster - at least - wouldn't want to find out what happened to her.

    • Love 1
  11. All of these .  So.  Fine.  Poor Claire, she'll just have to marry Jamie.  Oh, the humanity!


    Not only that she just has to consumate the marriage -- though I can't see any reason they can't just all agree the marrage was consumated.  It is just a romance novel cliche'. Hey it is what it is, but if that is all this show has to offer, and from looking at spoilers ...well, seems like they have quite the light fluff here that they are trying superhard to make into something important and serious.

    • Love 2
  12. And if Randall insists on seeing an actual contract, and even if his superiors allow him to keep wasting time on it, and if he's given one with Jamie's actual real name on it, people seem to be forgetting the second part of Dougal's explanation to Claire - even if there's proof a crime has been committed, a Scottish citizen cannot be taken from clan lands without the permission of the laird involved.  Who in this case is Jamie's uncle.  Good luck with that, Randall.



    But... but.. I pointed this out earlier.. isn't Jamie a fugitive? If his name is on that contract then they are admitting they know where Jamie is -- isn't that a crime?  Not to mention that given BJR's psycho status, would she really be safe from trumped up evidence of a crime? Dirty cops do that today.

    • Love 2
  13. In the book he forces a soldier to hold Claire for him while he punches her in the gut, but it's a one and done thing.While some of the gore on the show is excessive, the two scenes -- Gordy's death and Jamie's flogging -- where it took center stage, I didn't find it to be gratuitous. I think simply showing blood and guts for the "hell yeah!" moment is one thing. Outlander chooses to linger on it past the point of comfort, because these are things that shouldn't be easy to watch.


    I have to say I am not so much bothered by the gore.  I watch GOT. The thing is, everyone says it is unnecessary but I would say "boring".  I feel like I have seen Jamie's back and whatever did that has to be messed up. Not to mention that BJR saw Clarie out in the woods and immediately went to rape her. Clearly that is a seriously dangerous sexual predator. Not even a moment to consider if she was important / lost - plus she had a British Accent. He just didn't care at all.  So to see him here waxing on about it didn't seem to advance much... it felt like a rehash. I truely felt like it was unreasonable for Claire to hold out hope that he had a good bone in his body at all...   I kind of thought for a second there it was BJR's way of testing her as no one who was savvy or a spy would have been so foolish to buy what he was selling -- but she did, so maybe, she isn't a spy.


    I feel sick to death of Jamie and his scars. Got it from the second episode.   Then I got to see them dragged out every 3 minutes last episode.


    On the amputation... that also seemed like a rehash and unnecessary.  I really don't see what it did to advance the plot. It could have been another medical issue just as easily and did we really need to see it in such *look I am on pay cable* detail?  Yes Claire is a medical person.. got it.. lets move on. 

    • Love 2
  14. So, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer but I think this series will not be something I stick with for too much longer. I haven't read the book purposefully to just be TV only, but so far, the tv show isn't really grabbing me.  Now I will be around for next few weeks because that seems awsome, but, I think after that a lot of people might leave.


    First, I just dislike Claire.  I don't find her very smart. She continually gets tipsy in a world where people are constantly trying to rape her (and where pregnancy is downright scary); she is "opinionated" but I think smart "opinionated" keeps her mouth shut in this particular enviornment.  She just seemed really stupid to be so open about her healer abilities it seemed obvious that such a skill anyone would want to keep and not let her go. I do have a hard time getting that she really loves or misses Frank.  I just can't relate to her. I can't tell if it is the way it is acted or there on the script. 


    I am not feeling it with Jamie. Perhaps it was the virgin thing but he strikes me as all kinds of immature, and the whole, he is in love with her seems shallow. He doesn't know her at all. They just met. Now he wants her but I don't see any sort of long term link or similarity.  He is like a puppy.


    I find the pace  slow and I can't help but think that is because there just isn't that much there. There is never an episode of Game of Thrones where I am not uterally engrossed but this...  I am not.


    I have looked at some of the spoilers and from what I know of what is to come either they are going to have to change the storyline from the book, likely angering book fans, or use the material and I am not exactly up for that.

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  15. Finally, am I the only one surprised that Jamie is a virgin?  Yes, I get why no father would want to marry a daughter to him.  However, he's very good-looking and strong, so I'd expect lots of women to be attracted to him.  Also, no one seems to think anything bad about the men (Rupert, Angus, Dougal) sleeping around.  Even if Jamie did not want to dishonor a woman, there seem to be "whores" around that would be acceptable for him to visit.  I don't get it.  Is it just wishful thinking fantasy for female fans?  Is he embarrassed for people to see his back?  What gives?


    Not knowing anything about the books, I was surpised but also I thought, all of the above.  I get the feeling also he probably has been dealing with a lot in the last few years, being on the run, dealing with his life, being mostly with men ... how slutty were women during this time period anyway? It honestly seems like he only sees a lot of Claire because her medical skills give her access to places typically men only.

    • Love 1
  16. I also wanted to say I cracked up with the brits said they didn't understand whtat Doogle said, after all the problems I have had understaning what has been said, I thought it was funny to make such a big deal of out it. Yes Kings English indeed.

    I envy you getting to see the reaction of an unsullied viewer.

    I was unsullied too and I actually am so jaded I didn't think he said what he said. It wasn't until I came here that I confirmed he did say that.

    • Love 3
  17. Wow, I won't be rewatching that either.  Quite brutal. I loved Dougal the entire episode. The first episodes I loved him but as we went on he seemed to morph from protective father figure (to both Jamie and Claire) to jerk.  Tonight he was back in fine form.  I loved the Claire so quickly said that she was a guest of the MacKenzie clan.  Is it me or does anyone else mourn the loss of Lutenant Foster. He seemed a pretty decent sort of guy.  I was screaming at Claire to shut up. I just didn't really buy that she would be so talky. If I am going to fanwank it I maybe could think that she was doing it to try to get at Black Jack, perhaps feeling she was in the cat birds seat after being so beloved by the General. 


    Jamie and Claire are super hot, and he is so obviously head over heels for her but I guess my confusion is in the choice for him to marry her. Isn't he a fugitive? If she marries him won't they be admitting that they are harboring a fugitive? This confuses me.  

    • Love 1
  18. I really enjoyed this. I think it was that the Guilty Remnant so got what they deserved. It was so crazy but I think appropriate.  I admit, I laughed.  I did think the first half dragged and I didn't think that we really needed the Kevin dream, but, still made me laugh.  So was Wayne really a fraud? Clearly Nora was not cured and if Kevin made a wish to get his family back, I don't think that happened.  I enjoyed that the mayor said Kevin was right.


    Co signed that it was a prefect series ending -not season.

    • Love 1
  19. In order to get out of a BBQ invite where I live, I decided to go see this yesterday. It seemed like it could be bad but the cast seemed solid. Ugh. At one point I considered leaving. It was based on a YA book and I suppose it lifted the material as high as it could have lifted it but it was all pathetic teen angst.


    - the main character falls in *love* with the rebel rock band lead singer. Really?

    - Said rebel rock band lead singer falls for her because she plays classical. And he doesn't. see?

    - Good girl has a chance at Jullard and this tears them apart because they would be far from each other.

    - Good girl gets in a car accident that kills her entire family and puts her in a coma and her only choice then is if she should give up her fight and just be with them or if she should wake up to be with Adam and go to Julliard.


    The whole thing irked me. I don't understand the decision she is supposed to be making. Obviously she should fight to live but not for Adam or Juliard... but because she will die eventually so it isn't like she won't see her family again. So why not fight for life - something her family would want for her. And spare me the cliche'd love story. Sweety I hate to tell you, but teenage love isn't love.  That fact is set up by the constant angst over her going to college in New York. If it is true love, what is 4 years apart? Seems obvious that they both are upset because they realize their "love" will only last if they are in the same place.

  20. Idon't think Dougal was about to rape Claire - he was clearly drunk and ordered her to run once their kiss was over. Claire only knocked him out because he was about to see her Escape-the-Leoch-Kit.


    Yeh I don't think he would have gone through with it. I think that explains why Claire was relatively relaxed with him later. I happen to like Dougal and have thought from the start that he likes Claire... in sort of -- if I were 20 years younger -- way. I think he is sort of "jealous" of Jamie.  But over all a decent guy.  I thought this episode was boring and I really didn't need to see so much intestines.

    • Love 1
  21. I liked it mostly for John Cho but even while watching it I kept wondering how they were going to sustain the show. Also the secondary characters are terrible.  They add almost nothing to the show.  I will probably watch it if nothing else is on.

    • Love 1
  22. I confess, that all I kept looking at in the beginning scenes was the huge bulge in Kevin's sweatpants during the jogging scenes.  It's like the more I tried not to look, the more I did look.  Jennifer Aniston is one lucky woman...


    Seriously.  It was like a new character. I also had trouble with the orange color on Kevin in some of the scenes. Make up people take note.


    I guess I really don't understand how losing the baby could shatter Laurie like that. First, people lose babies all the time (in much worse circumstances -- D&C anyone?) and she didn't seem to want it anyway. I just do not get it.  I think that was a fail. But I do think cheating on your wife and then having that person depart could really mess someone up. He probably couldn't tell anyone about it. I guess that means it wans't the rapture because someone having sex with a married man is not exactly good. If only Matt knew he would have her on a poster.


    It was nice to see Gladys again under better circumstances.

    • Love 1
  23. Poor Edgar!  He suffers from guilt the entire show, only to succumb to his own happiness at Gretchen and Jimmy snuggling.  LOL.  I love that he called some kind of weird sex talk radio show for advice. I can't say enough how much I love the complete and utter lack of slut shaming on this show.  Any other sitcom, Gretchen's character would have been in tears, etc, etc, feeling guilty, ashamed of having sex when she has "feelings" for someone else.  That alone makes this an amazingly groundbreaking sitcom.


    I love this entire show. Gives me hope at the way the relationship is portrayed and I actually think they are perfect for each other. But I heart Edgar so much. He needs a gf.

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