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Baltimore Betty

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Posts posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. 35 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

    The way she jumped in to cut Crystal off and announce she didn't want to hear any stories about racial stereotypes because she's been a "victim" too seemed way too natural for her. 

    Maybe Sutton didn't want to have to defend herself when there was no reason to have to, at that moment they were chatting about a different situation the Crystal says she has been stereotyped, etc...Sutton has not offended her in anyway up to that point then it seemed that Crystal wanted an apology from Sutton for things that Crystal had to deal with...it was misplaced anger toward Sutton and she tried to shut it down.

    I have had my share of bias, nasty comments, and exclusion but I am not picking a fight or demand that someone that had nothing to do with it apologize.  

    The racial issues are real but I want to see the real estate porn, the jewelry, clothes, cars, all the trappings that I don't deal with on a daily basis, the news is full of horrific things, can't we all have just one nice thing without having to deal with real reality?


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  2. 48 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Luis obviously is there for the fame, the cameras, the obvious financial benefits he will reap. Teresa is so stupid...he's playing you girl...bigly.

    There is something there, it pings my intuition, they have been together for a relative short time and they bought an investment property together...I would have thought maybe they would buy a beach house, you know,  they could rent seasonally, something that would bring in money but if it was the modern house Tre looked at with the realtor (we saw on a previous episode), what is the investment?  Also, from what I have been told he has a butt load of money so why would he need Tre's money to invest in that property?

    2 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

    He looks like a player and a phony.  He knows she has money and is on the show.  Easy, breezy.  I don’t trust him for some reason.  He put it on too fast and thick.  Plus, she’s gullible.

    This is Brooks /Crooks of RHOC territory,  the constant affirmations of love and devotion Hallmark cards should be heading Tre's way any moment now.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Anosmia said:

    and June's disoriented, shell-shocked wonder in the grocery store.

    When June was trying to collect herself at the market she was sitting under a giant sign with eggs on it, kind of ironic since her worth in Gilead was placed on her eggs/fertility.

    I thought June was heading for a potato chip melt down like Robin Williams did in a coffee aisle in some movie where he played a Russian musician who was seeking asylum in the US.


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  4. 2 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

    While we were cheering her on for her rage at Serena, it was that rage that fueled the sex with Luke.  I don't find that empowering. 

    I did not either.  June's rage is misdirected because she has bottled up all the crap that has happened to her in Gilead and Luke was stupid for stopping the debriefing...she needs to talk about all of it, yes she got the kids and Martha's out on a plane but there was so much more and plus she has knowledge of the inner workings of Gilead, it makes me rage that she is not more forthcoming with all of that info!


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  5. I think Jackie and her husband missed a golden opportunity to play up the cheating rumor, he could have been on his phone ala Juicy Joe and come on stage saying "Aw shit, I gotta go sit behind my c*nt wife."  Just to watch Tre's reaction would have been worth having to sit thru this whole season.

    BTW, at the reunion Tre's legs were 10 shades darker than the rest of her.

    Margaret continues to look like a different person in every scene, I would love to have that ability.


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  6. 12 hours ago, chaifan said:

    I really liked this episode.  I think they did a great job showing June in absolute wonder at all the "normal" stuff that she's missed.  I loved the bit about what happened to the potato chips. 

    I think the scene with June and Serena was perfectly done.  Serena getting down on her knees was totally unexpected for me.  It truly shows her desperation.  As for whether Serena believes all this "redemption" stuff...  part of me says yes, because of the scene in the chapel where she was alone.  OK, it's possible she assumes (or knows) the chapel is bugged, so she's putting on an act there as well.  But I assumed she wasn't.  But... that final scene with Fred makes me wonder.  She's obviously playing him.  And if she's playing Fred, is she playing everyone???

    I also really liked the end scene with Truello and June, and her telling him how Serena can suck you in and to run away.  Again, I'm not sure whether Truello is truly getting sucked in by Serena and/or falling for her, or if he's simply playing it that way to get what he needs against both her and Fred.  But I did love June saying it out loud - she's a sociopath, a psycho, a manipulator, and don't fall for her. 

    I was confused by the final scene with Luke & June.  Was there a time jump?  Did it snow overnight?  How'd we go from seemingly late fall weather to enough snow for a snowman?  Yeah, it's Toronto, but did I miss something here?

    Did anyone else expect June to crack a line about the hotel bathrobe being red?  Seriously, when she came out in the robe I was thinking, oh dear god, will this woman ever be able to wear anything but red??? 

    And for what it's worth, I did not see the Luke & June sex scene as rape or anything involving less than full consent by Luke.  I think his initial hesitation was for June's sake, not his, that he wasn't sure if she was ready for this.  (She probably wasn't.)  But when she put her hand over his mouth (in my mind the non verbal "dude, just shut up and fuck me") he was like, ok, this is what she wants so ok then.  I like @The Mighty Peanut's analysis of this, above.  YMMV, I'm not going to argue this with anyone, this is just my viewpoint. 



    I thought the same thing about the red hotel robe, usually they are white terry cloth robes but I guess the producers thought the red would be more WTF for us to watch.

    My take on June and Luke's sex was she needed to connect with him, she needed to get the first one out of the way in order for her to feel somewhat normal again.  June was on top and in charge, something that did not happen as a handmaid.

    Serena was totally playing Fred when she visited him at the end of the episode, she referred to June as OfFred just like he did even though she was trying to redeem herself of her prior Gilead sins, she has a plan with her teaming up with Fred.

    The weather in Canada has been like winter year round, snows enough for a snowman, the skies are always ominous, I know for a fact Canada has four seasons why don't the producers know about that? LOL.

    June should be debriefed, you would think she would be ready to scream about it from the roof tops about the torture and oppression the women in Gilead have experience.  Also, her visit to Serena did not sit right with me, it should have been from behind a glass partition and a phone same with all of Serena's meetings with Fred, monitored and with a barrier in between them.  Also, I am not sure why F&S's cells are nice, shouldn't they be more uncomfortable?

    The supermarket could have just been with Moira, no Luke or baby, there was no reason to bring them.  The potato chip aisle had Lay's but I guess she would not see thru to the next aisle if she took the bag closer to the floor, btw, in my local market there is no way to see in to the next aisle by taking an item off the shelf.

    I was hopeful that once June got to Canada she would talk a bit faster, there would be better lit scenes and not so many closeups on June's face but no, it did not happen.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Hangin Out said:

    Answering the last post.  As we all know, Ebony is very accomplished.  Wondering why she lowered herself to be with some of these disgusting morons, especially speaking the way they do.  I would think she’s above this.

    Or she is aligning herself with Leah to keep out of Leah's crosshairs.  Eboni seems like she has some strategy game with the ladies.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, AnnMarie17 said:

    I am so disappointed in RHONY (not mad...just, disappointed...which we all know is worse).  This was, hands down, my favorite franchise of HW and it is now utterly awful.  I turned it off last night.  I will read here for the snark, but I won't be watching anymore; it's unwatchable for me and, trust and believe, I watch a LOT of trashy TV.  

    I saw a "news" report that they are already casting for next season.  I hope it's true and I hope they get a MAJOR cast makeover. I want property porn, fashion, vacations, jewels, and subtle, witty shade...not dive apartments, rubber dresses, backyard hoe-downs (written as intended), Zales cubic zirconia, and ass-eating convos at dinner.  I'm out.

    I have a feeling that Andy really likes Leah and what raunchy stuff she brings to the table, he sees it as controversial, edgy, etc...sadly, I do not see her leaving the show.

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  9. Serena's pregnancy...I keep wondering when she and Fred have sex because they had been in separate quarters since they had been taken in to custody, right? I just don't remember them being together in custody.

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  10. 46 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

    Good for you going natural, I really admire and respect you for that!! Since the pandemic, so many women are going with their natural grey and most of them look absolutely beautiful, and I bet that you will too!

    My husband married me because he wanted a younger woman- I am12 years younger than he is-because he never wanted a wife to look as old as he was. But it never stopped there. I also can't even own a pair of comfy sweats, no flannel night gowns, have to keep my hair from showing any grey, and must try to wear make-up for him every day. A few years ago, he told me that I was getting 'round' looking, so I lost the weight quickly for him. And of course I listened and got those damn implants for him. I have been with him for 41 years now. He is practically all bald, with grey being the predominant color of what hair is left, tons of wrinkles on his face and has a big pot belly. But I guess that's okay for him as long as I don't age gracefully. I keep trying to leave but he controls all of the money, plus I am disabled now, so who would ever want me? I would give anything to let my hair go grey, remove the implants and wear sweats while I eat whatever the hell I want to eat and not worry about gaining a pound! But like my late Mom always told me-'You made your bed, you sleep in it.' At least with him I have a roof over my head, the bills are paid and I don't go hungry, things could always be worse:)

    Glad the Swiffer comment gave you a giggle, every time I use the thing, I think of Angela's hair!

    Wow, I feel for you and I am sorry your husband is treating you this way.

    As far as my grey hair, the time and money I put in to keeping the grey away is just not worth it anymore, I am worried what coloring my hair all these years is really doing to my health and the time sitting around has become annoying to me, implants could cause trouble in some people, your husband seems to be more impressed with packaging rather your actual health and that is a shame.  Perhaps couples therapy could help you two, you are in a tough spot.

    No matter what happens in your life, never compare any part of you or your life to Angela!

    Sometimes men suck.

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  11. 10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    That dessert "experience" may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this show.

    Beyond stupid. I was embarrassed for Natasha, again.

    Her lick the dessert off of butcher paper reminded me of those candy dots on a paper strip that I used to love, I always wound up eating more paper than a person should, lol.

    JL and his chafed member, it's a relief that it was not a STD, again.

    If I were to charter a yacht or sailing yacht the last thing I would want to have is the crew dress up and clown around, I would get no enjoyment out of it, it always seems so ingratiating and forced.  Also, having to pack a costume that would be worn once would annoy me, I like to pack light.

    Beach picnic is synonymous with failure and having to walk over the large rocks to get to my chair does not look like fun.  Why can't these head stews make a check list so they effing stop forgetting things or fail to bring enough of what ever?  

    The guests were the worst, that one with the vocal fry and unfounded confidence, omg how did none of her group throat punch her? 

    Glenn finally woke up to his crew's failures, finally!

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  12. 9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    LOL, no. I went to my 40th, against my will, my bestie insisted and paid for my ticket. True to my low energy and mediocre class and the tacky spirit of my hometown, it was a shoddy affair, greasy Chinese food in the basement of a bottom tier function venue.  I did reconnect with a couple of old friends but it was mostly very meh. I'm still in touch with all my original gang from HS anyway. 

    I went to my 40th, most of the women there looked like they were on a Target run, they could not be bothered to dress to impress or at least look like they wanted to be seen in public.  It was a nice event on the water, I made sure I was looking good as an FU to all the cool girls (that peaked in HS, lol) and all the guys that ignored me back in the day.

    Nothing finer than a '79er!

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  13. 6 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

    And both of these 'sissies' should not be bleaching their hair! Both of their skin tones do not support being blonde, they both should got to a reputable salon and have a good hair stylist find a better color for them. I have always wanted to try being blonde, but my hair stylist has told me that my skin tone would not support it and I would look pale and washed out-like Angela and Jojo look! Just putting any darker color on Angela's bleached out frizz mop-her hair reminds me of my Swiffer duster!-would coat the hair shaft and make her hair appear so much healthier. Such a bleached out mess!

    I agree 100%, the damage Angela has done to her hair will be a long road to recovery.  BTW, I am on my way to my hair person with the hopes to begin to strip my color to let me go grey, fingers crossed, tired of spending the money to cover the grey.

    Swiffer duster comparison made me giggle, it's funny 'cause it's true!

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  14. On 5/22/2021 at 5:13 AM, mamadrama said:

    I'm right there with you ladies. My youngest son died in his sleep in 2010. Something had been off with him for a week and at one point I thought it looked like a seizure. His pediatrician said, "Well that's concerning. If he does it again then we'll send him to a neurologist." He died 6 days later. I put a seemingly healthy child to bed and woke up to a dead one. And I know the guilt. If I'd taken him to a different doctor, demanded tests, etc. Or maybe if I'd checked on him as soon as I woke up. Instead, I was happy for the quiet house and, thinking that he must've been with my husband, I took a long shower and put on makeup. It felt nice. The state ME said he'd died several hours before I woke up, but there will always be a "what if." The worst part is that nothing clued me in on that morning. No mother's intuition. In the movies and books they're always going on about that, but I was literally putting on lipstick while my child lay dead in the other room and I didn't feel a thing. It sucks.

    I am so sorry, words fail me when this sort of thing happens, why does the universe let these things happen? What sense does it make?  Sadly I know two people that lost children this way, it is the sort of thing you would never wish on any parent.  Maybe some day we will know why these bright lights in our lives have to leave so soon.  I am truly sorry for your loss.


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  15. On 5/23/2021 at 11:17 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    On a shallow note, Mike's mom and Angela both could REALLY use a good haircut.  Brandon's mom, too.  I am sure there are more I can't think too hard on a Sunday morning.

    The checker I had at the grocery store this morning has Mother Mike's hair style, it is just so unfortunate.


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  16. 44 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    And that house? I live in a very open (no walls) loft kind of home and all those tchotchkes and all that clutter makes me feel nervous and suffocated. Just saying.

    I had a reaction to her house similar to anxiety which is crazy because it was on TV so that is how bad that house is.  Seriously, the hodgepodge of stuff, the outdoor dining furniture in the living room, the odd wood things all over the walls, the uncomfortable lighting, etc...I would have probably felt like Natalie did and I hate defending her.  The pig population did not bother me as much as the all the other clutter and strange furniture placement, the house had such a cold atmosphere.

    The "Mommy" thing, ugh.  The bithday cake segment looked so awkward.

    I would be clawing at the door to get out of that house.

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  17. 36 minutes ago, IllLitShips said:

    It was wrong of the doctor to remove more breast tissue than he had told Angela originally. I think it's sad Angela only sees her worth based off her commodities such as a "green card", her fertility, her breasts, and her money. She doesn't think Michael can love her for who she is.

    The doctor could only estimate how much tissue he would remove pre surgery, he would have removed more based on the actual look during the surgery, making breasts higher, firmer and what is suitable for her body type, that said, I have a friend that had a reduction and with her beefy shoulders and thick waist, in my opinion the doctor made them too small.

    Let's be real, Mah-kul would not have given Angela a second look if she was not an American citizen with the ability to get him a green card. The abusive behavior, controlling his every move, yelling at him for not picking up her call on the first ring, smashing a cake in his face, screaming about a girl on a boat, etc...that is messed up, none of that could be called love.

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