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Everything posted by oakville

  1. Joe admitted he watched the NFL games yesterday. I thought he was boycotting the NFL until Goodell resigned. Cramer came on to discuss the US economy.& said free trade with mexico was affecting us wages. Mika said she didn't watch tv but wanted to see season 3 of House of cards. I am surprised the USA didn't send VP Biden to the rally in Paris.
  2. Dr Z comes under fire from a conservative website for his comments on Friday's show. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelstein/2015/01/09/radical-islam-zbigniew-brzezinski-argues-appeasement I watched yesterday's show & found the discussions interesting. I also watched the France 2 coverage & found them to be more accepting of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons than Dr Z. They also had better info than NBC. I suppose it helps to be the local broadcaster with better sources. The magazine makes fun of all religions but I agree with Dr Z that its pretty vulgar . I agree that Joe should have not been on the set when he was coughing. It was distracting.
  3. Joe has been relatively well behaved during the past two shows. Good panelists who seem to know more about the issue than Joe. Joe exploded at Moyhadin when he tried to defend the turkish govt. Joe is mad at Turkey for arresting journalists. Mika has been pronoucing the french cities correctly. Joe is wearing his navy blue sweater . C'mon Joe wear a suit. It won't kill you.
  4. I wonder if this new segment of eating on set will be repeated.? Mika seemed to really enjoy the hamburgers but kept looking for the nutrition information on the package before she felt comfortable eating the rest of the food. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/heres-five-minutes-of-morning-joe-eating-white-castle/ Joe was mad at Deblasio during the election campaign. He was worried that DeBlasio would let NY go back to the days of Dinkins who was the mayor before Rudy Guiliani. Joe frequently complains about NY in the pre Giuliani days. He said it was crime ridden & he was scared to walk the streets. Joe was a big supporter of Bloomberg's stop & frisk. I think Deblasio is opposed to this.
  5. A new segment on today's show had Mika, Joe & Willie eating White Castle veggie burgers. Mika said they tasted good so they can't be healthy for you. Joe then started blathering about college football with Willie. Mika was bored with the topic so she started flipping through the newspaper. She asked for a second hamburger. Joe is still wearing his navy blue sweater. Mika found the people under 30 to be annoying. There was atribute to the late Stuart Scott from ESPN who died of cancer. Joe also talked about the funeral of the NYC police officer who was killed. Joe said he understood why the police were upset at Mayor DiBlasio.
  6. We are watching Season 4 now & can't believe Carlton's rude behavior on the show. Her attacks on Kyle were vicious especially at Ken & Mauricio's birthday party. Carlton said she dreamed that Kyle was talking about her & then got mad at her. She threatened to cast a spell on Joyce & then got upset at Joyce after she told her that her husband got sick that evening. I am surprised her nanny didn't sue her for sexual harassment. I am glad she isn't on the current season.
  7. Joe will be upset that Alabama lost the game last night.
  8. I am a new viewer of RHOBH & trying to catch up with the previous seasons. On the season 4 premiere, Kyle hires Lisa V to cater a party at her house. The staff from SUR which appear on Vanderpump rules helped cater the party. Near the end of the party, Lisa leaves & Kyle asks the staff to cleanup & make sure that the house is back in its original shape. The staff seem to be shocked at having to cleanup. I find this bizarre. Why wouldn't Lisa tell the staff what cleanup is needed before they leave? Why was Kyle left to try & explain to Lisa's employees what work needed to be done?. If I had hired caterers , I would be upset at being abandoned by Lisa V.
  9. On today's show , they showed parts of their best interviews over the year. I enjoyed the interview of President Carter. Mika showed pictures of her & her family during the years her dad was the National Security Advisor. Dr Z said Mika & Amy Carter drove a golf cart at Camp David without permission. Mika hit the Prime Minister of Israel , Menachem Begin in the shins. Dr Z said they came close to running him over which would have had severe implications for the Middle East. He said that a secret service agent had to jump on the cart to prevent Mika & Amy from injuring any other world leaders & diplomats. Mika almost became an assassin at age 9! Mika also interviewed Ian Ziering from Sharnado 2. Mika wanted to know how they could keep a straight face while interacting with fake sharks. He was a good guest. Martin Short is a regular Morning Joe watcher. There was a segment of Joe playing guitar with Mr Nash of Crosby Stills Nash. I wonder if the show will have more music segments next year. It could become a variety show.!
  10. Today's show was pre taped. There was a Winners & Losers for 2014 segment. Joe had a pre taped morning rant. Last year Mika & Joe had a pajama party on set. None today. Happy Holidays everyone ! Let the snark continue on this board for 2015:))
  11. Very good point. Joe blasted the NFL players, Congressmen & others that supported Mike Brown . The video of the Garner arrest made it impossible for Joe to support the police, so he stayed quiet.
  12. The truth comes out.! Joe wanted to be the host of Meet The Press. He had a temper tantrum when Savannah Guthrie was picked to guest host for one week. Joe pouted until he got to lead the round table. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/yeah-joe-scarborough-totally-wanted-to-be-host-of-meet-the-press/
  13. Joe went on a scripted rant today blaming the protesters for the two police officers killed. Does Joe realize how obnoxous he sounds? Joe is comparing this to Vietnam. I don't get it. Why is William Kristol on the show? Why was Halperin on? They have no expertise in these matters. Why was Joe wearing a dark suit today from his undisclosed studio? The show is getting too weird.
  14. Mika got into an argument with Roland Martin over a reality show featuring African American sororities. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/mika-brzezinski-and-roland-martin-shout-at-each-other-over-black-reality-show/
  15. Joe of all people decided to criticize Megyn Kelly for her choice of dress on Jimmy Kimmel. Joe is the worst dressed host on cable. http://www.mediaite.com/online/concha-scarborough-snark-on-megyn-kellys-fashion-way-out-of-bounds-heres-why/ Joe was ranting against North Korea today & blasting Obama for opening diplomatic relations with Cuba. He's seems to be going though the motions & not even bothering to defend his opinions. Mika tried to cheer him up by cooing at him during the first hour but with little success. I can't believe the show's guest list has fallen so much over the past year. Sheri Sheppard?
  16. Agreed!. Joe is ridiculous to take that position. I believe there were several witnesses that said testified that Brown had his hands up. Joe pays lip service that there are two justice systems in the USA. In the Brown case, the prosecutor went out of his way to help the police officer.
  17. Cackles is very upset about releasing the CIA report. Joe said he wished Charles Barkley was playing in the NBA so he could wear "looting is bad T shirts" during warmups. Governor Dean supports drones. It's battle of the sweaters today. Dean's beige v neck vs Joe's navy blue sweater. Joe likes Dean's sweater. Joe is taunting Dean.
  18. Mika ran off the set this morning. She was shocked about "furry" conventions. Joe said his young son started watching Raider of the Lost Ark. Mika didn't know anything about the movie. Joe wants MSNC to cover the Chris Christie exoneration on Bridgegate. The panel covered the UVA- Rolling Stone scandal. Heileman said Hillary is still very popular.
  19. I was amused by Joe's band. Who are they? Why didn't Joe get Mika to play the tambourine or another instrument? Mika said Joe has written several songs so perhaps this will be a new weekly addition to the show?
  20. I think Al Sharpton should be on Morning Joe more often. Joe was well behaved today. It's telling that Joe only said that he disagreed with Al & Eugene over the Michael Brown killing, without getting into specifics. Joe aid on numerous occasions that he agreed with Al & Eugene Robinson 95% of the time. Really Joe? I think that it's possible hat this is a ratings driven stunt by Joe. The daily rants only started last month or so.
  21. I can't wait to see how Joe explains no charges against the police officer who killed Mr. Garner in NY. Will Joe call MrGarner a "thug" for selling cigarettes?
  22. Why does MSNBC allow Joe to continue to spew these hateful remarks. ? Perhaps Al Sharpton should go on Morning Joe to defend Michael Brown against Joe's rants?
  23. Joe needs some time off. His rant at 7 15 am against Mika & Dorian was uncalled for. He was outraged that police would frisk a white guy in the Bronx because the data showed the black guy was more likely to commit a crime. Joe bashed MSNBC prime time shows for trying to move forward on race. Joe continued to blame African americans for crime in NY. Mika wants equal stop & frisking for whites & blacks. Joe is the patron saint of African American businessmen.
  24. Here is another version of the story. Poor Jeremy Peters. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/morning-joe-guest-is-on-for-an-hour-without-speaking-eventually-leaves/ Joe's making a mockery of the death of Michael Brown. If Joe was so concerned about Ferguson, why hasn't he shown up since August?
  25. Agreed. I am shocked that there will be no trial . Joe has little credibility in these matters. Mika looked like she wanted to leave the desk after Joe's rant. She said she didn't want to go there & was almost mute during Joe's tirade. I dare Joe to do his rant on front of Eugene Robinson or Al Sharpton or Jonathan Capehart. I forgot to add that Donnie tried to take control of the show at 6 am, when Mika & Joe were off set. I almost switched it off because I don't like Donnie s a co host. Joe said he had several guests over for Thanksgiving. I wonder If they are part of Joe's secret insiders! Mika was happy that her daughters get along for the weekend. I found it strange that Mika was upset that the GOP staffer criticized the Obama girls yet she has criticized her oldest daughters routinely last summer for her mistakes when she was an NBC intern. Mika should not criticize her kids in public.
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