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Everything posted by oakville

  1. Nick's theft of the morphine was horrible. No wonder he was so laid back swimming in the pool earlier in the show. This episode was good at moving the story along. It seems that the military is trying to contain the virus by fencing off their neighborhood. They are lucky. Anyone who gets sick gets transferred to the hospital. If they die then they could be examined to see how they turn etc. Madison cutting a hole in the fence could come back to ite them!. Travis is the most delusional social worker in the ZA. I can't believe he is so oblivious to the situation. The entire city looks deserted & he isn't asking more questions. It's surprising that there was little discussion among the characters about missing friends or family.
  2. Day 9 of the ZA & Nick is relaxing by the pool!. Travis & Maddie are bickering. I did not expect that.
  3. This should be a good episode. Does the Army have a logical plan to take back LA or is it a rogue unit that kills civilians for no reason & is lead by a megalomaniac? . I hope its the former.
  4. Agreed. If she is smart enough to get into Berkeley , then she should be able to handle the situation. She nearly got bit by Susan.
  5. I rewatched the show & noticed a few things I didn't catch the first time I saw the show. 1) When Madison, Nick & Alicia are playing Monopoly, Madison hears shots being fired & pauses. Alicia doesn't say anything & Nick says Mom after about 10 seconds. It seems that Madison & Nick didn't want to alert Alicia to the problem, but wouldn't Alicia hear the shots & wonder what is going on? I would be scared if I heard shots being fired outside my house. 2) When Travis & Chris are in the Truck approaching the hospital, you can hear on the radio that officials have declared a state of emergency in upwards of 11 states. There were also a Doctor Walker shambling on the grass. 3) When Ophelia was talking to her dad she mentioned that all their relatives were buried in El Salvador, so the "cousin" didn't really exist. Daniel confirmed this by sayng he was planning to go find a Doctor in the morning after travis left the house. It was odd that would let them stay at their house once they had left for the desert. 4)After killing their neighbour, the power went back on at the house, yet no one was watching TV or listening to the radio for news. It's unlikely that the TV networks or radio would have stopped broadcasting any info so quickly given that the radio was working in Travis's truck a few hours earlier. 5) I couldn't figure out why Nick,Madison & Alicia didn't run out of the front of house to alert Travis about someone going into their house. 6) How did Susan get into the backyard so quickly to chase after Alicia went back to get the shells?
  6. If Obama doesn't help Hillary get out of the email crisis, then her chances of winning the nomination are reduced. On today's show, Joe said Hillary is behaving like Rick Perry 2012. Steve Schmidt was mocking Hillary by saying she was acting like a parody of herself on an SNL skit. Mika wouldn't defend her speech on women's issues. They showed extended clips of Trump's speech in Dallas. He was yelling at everyone. Cackles family & friends now support Trump. I don't believe her. I liked the segment with the Trump hats. I am shocked that no one on the panel has discussed how the delegates are selected in each state. I think many states have proportional representation, so if Trump won 40% of the vote, he would only get 40% of the delegates. Wouldn't the GOP have enough anti Trump voters to ensure he doesn't get 50% of the delegates?
  7. Agreed. I think that Obama is more popular than Hillary or Biden so if he decided to endorse Biden over Hillary, wouldn't Hillary have to withdraw from the race? On the other hand, if Obama came out & said that he would pardon Hillary for any email scandal, wouldn't she have a good chance of winning the nomination?
  8. We haven't seen any dogs on the show yet. Perhaps a dog alerts the Clarks to an intruder to the house? I am looking forward to tonight's episode.
  9. I am tired of Cackles on the show. She's a 1 trick pony when it comes to Sarah Palin. Frankly, I don't she is much brighter than Sarah Palin. She had her chance to denounce Sarah Palin & resign from the campaign in 2008 when she found out that she was unqualified to be VP. A few months ago, she denounced Trump as a clown & a buffoon & now she is much more supportive of him & said her dad loves him etc.. She is an opportunist. Heileman must be fed up with Joe's constant attacks on Hillary's email scandal.
  10. Here's the transcript of the fight between Joe & Mika on Schumer being controlled by the Jewish Lobby. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/mark-finkelstein/2015/09/10/scarborough-rips-mika-suggesting-schumer-controlled-jewish I think has given up fighting Joe. She rolls her eyes more now. What happened to her 30 minute girl power segment at the end of the show.?
  11. Cackles was back today. She had fun with Sarah Palin talking about Unicorns. Trump & Carson continue to rise. Sanders ahead of Hillary in Iowa. Martin O Malley was on. He wants more debates. Debbie Wasserman is opposed to that . Joe is opposed to the Iran deal. The Ayatollah of Iran said Israel won't exist in 25 years. Joe went on about people becoming smug about the Jewish Lobby. Joe said people should be concerned about Israel's existence. Mika said Joe was repeating himself about Shumer. Mika made faces while Joe was talking. Mika said there were no other viable options because other countries will sign the deal. Ratner has charts!. Hillary has 70% chance of winning the nomination. Bush has a 35% chance of winning. Democrats have a 57% chance of winning the election.
  12. It seems to easy to have the Cure spread by people hugging & touching each other. I think people would be reluctant to get close to strangers offering to hug them. The injectable dose looks more reputable. They have a base in St Louis. They can start distributing it throughout the nation. Another thing that doesn't make sense is everyone in the country having fully charged cellphones that are ready to watch Presidential or Immune broadcasts.
  13. I enjoyed the episode. I have a strong feeling that it was filmed before they found out the show being renewed for Season 3. It felt like a Series Finale. I enjoyed the Inauguration Celebration & the toast to all the fallen shipmates. The cliff hanger felt tacked on. I am sure the Doctor will be OK. I was surprised that St Louis had electricity & a functioning hotel. The Nathan James is being repaired in St Louis? I thought the naval base was in Norfolk Virginia.? I don't like the spreading of the cure by hugging & touching. It makes more sense to inject them with the dose of the "Cure". A better cliff hanger would have been the President double crossing the Nathan James crew or the Cure having side effects . This is a good show. I like the actors. I am looking forward to its return next year.
  14. I like Nick. He is my second favourite character after Tobias. If he didn't have a drug problem, people would take him seriously about having seen 2 people come back from the dead. The "no one believes a drug addict's hallucinations" was a clever move by the writer's. It delays the other characters from taking him at his word. I also believe that it was very clever by the writer's to use the recent riots in St Louis & Baltimore as a plot device. Seeing police shoot apparently innocent civilians is a current topic. No one in the show would believe that the dead could reanimate, so having the police shoot people who appear to be alive would create chaos. I hope the show gives us a few scenes in future episodes of police or medical personnel dealing with patients turning into walkers . I think Madison has had a tough time figuring out what to do. It's not OK for her to break into the school contraband drug cabinet to help her son get drugs to help him with his withdrawal symptoms. It's not OK to give back the knife to Tobias. It's not OK to kill her "dead" friend, Artie the principal with a fire extinguisher. It's not OK to watch her son run over his friend/dealer Cal in the previous episode. She must be concerned about the consequence on her career .
  15. I re watched the episode & enjoyed it. The tension is palpable. Throughout the episode, you can hear the sound of the helicopters overhead. I bet that police are busy responding to numerous calls of suspicious attacks on people. Nick did try & get information on the radio. There was a snippet of a broadcaster urging people to stay inside. I think we have to cut the characters some slack. Thy don't believe that civilization is coming to an end. At worst, they believe they may have to go to the desert for a few weeks until order is restored.
  16. Morning Trump today . The first hour focused on all the great things going on for the Trump campaign. Trump would renegotiate parts of the Iran deal. Joe agreed with Trump position on America not working. Joe said he didn't like the airport at LAX. Carson is gaining ground on Trump. Joe said he didn't know much about him. The panelist from Urban League said there was TV movie about him & it was very impressive. Cokie Roberts was skeptical of Trump. Trump signed the pledge to not run as a 3rd party candidate. It's too difficult to get on the ballot & if he wins, it goes to the House of Representatives which would vote for someone else. This is disappointing for Hillary because they have a better chance of winning the election with Trump as a 3rd party candidate. The big joke today was how Trump & Eugene Robinson are friendly with each other. The panel thought that Joe Biden probably won't run for President Andrea Mitchell was excited to interview Hillary.
  17. More Morning Joe ! 1 extra hour. Jose Diaz Belart out at MSNBC!. This is shocking. I bet they will just repeat the second hour of Morning Joe like they do from 8-8:30. It's sad that MSNBC cancelled Al Sharpton's show & now Jose Diaz Belart who had a unique perspective on immigration issues. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/exclusive-msnbc-to-expand-morning-joe-one-more-hour-kate-snow-gets-afternoon-role/
  18. Morning Hillary email & Trump today. Joe was shocked that some of Hillary's staff are pleading the 5th because they don't want to incriminate themselves over her emails. Hillary's popularity down to 45-53 unfavourable. Hillary remains popular among democrats. 80-18. Mika hopes Joe Biden runs for President. They showed a clip of Elizabeth Warren not denyting she spoke to Biden about a joint ticket for 2016. Joe was happy that Jeb Bush speaks Spanish fluently. Joe said Trump was mad at Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail. Joe said it shows respect for Latinos. Joe said Hillary uses a Southern accent when campaigning in the South. Joe said the Ky clerk should follow the Supreme Court & issue the marriage license. Huckabee said the forms don't have forms for females only marriages. Joe said the Supreme Court rulings should be followed even if you don't agree with them.
  19. I like Nick but he should have told Alicia what was going on. She is clueless. This is a horrible time for him to be going through withdrawal.
  20. I enjoyed the episode. There is so much tension now. I thought Principal Walker would bite Tobias. It's baffling that they wouldn't take the supplies with them. Madison is weakest link on the show. She won't tell her daughter what happened. Maybe she is shock over everything that has happened, but she should at least start to pack some supplies etc. I love the scene of the cop packing his car with water & the EMT's coming out with haz mat suits. I think police knew what was going on & figured it would just alarm people if they were told that there were walkers everywhere. Still is shocking that the media wouldn't try & show more video of the walkers. I like the barber & his family.
  21. . Joe is the patron saint of Republican Governor's who commit wrongdoing. The Governor's of South Carolina(Sanford), Virginia(ODonnell) & New Jersey( Christie) were all personal friends of Joe. Joe backed them up even after they were convicted. Christie wasn't convicted but I think one of his staffers admitted guilt over Bridgegate. It will be fun to watch Brian Williams on Morning Joe next month.
  22. Mika & Joe were very excited about Al Sharpton's new Sunday show. Conservative websites are mocking Joe for being happy about all the MSNBC shows being cancelled earlier this week. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-meyer/2015/08/28/scarborough-sharptons-new-show-strong-lead-meet-press Joe must be mad that he hasn't been invited back to MTP since he was made Senior Political analyst when Chuck Todd took over the show.
  23. I do. I think Willie is upset that NBC chose to renew Matt Lauer's contract. Willie was supposed to be a top candidate to replace Matt. Willie is stuck on Morning Joe & the third hour ? on the Today Show.
  24. Morning Trump continued today. Trump wants to ban teleprompters. Trump & Jorge Ramos got into a big argument over immigration & building walls etc. He got thrown out of the press conference by security. Kasie Hunt spoke up in favor of Jorge , so they allowed Mr Ramos back into the room. Joe got mad at Kasie for not agreeing with him. He said Ramos was not a reporter & was rude to Trump by interrupting him. Kasie said Ramos has his own style of asking questions. Trump called John Kerry a Shmuck for riding a bicycle & breaking a leg. He said the Iranians were laughing at Kerry. Mika & Joe have a vested interest in staying on Trump's good side. He is great for ratings. Willie made fun of Joe's green jacket.
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